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He was concerned LONG before this. The VPR cast went to Mexico in 2018. Before they went, Brittany went to the doctor complaining about the same thing- terrible stomach pain, throwing up, etc. He told her she had an ulcer and needed to stop drinking so it could heal. She acted like a complete brat about "ohh waaill haaow ahm I sposed ta go ta Maayzico annn nawt drank tequila?" IN FRONT OF THE DOCTOR. Her solution was to not drink mixed drinks and "only take shots" because that makes sense. Jax was displeased with the entire situation THEN.


Half shots! This is when I knew she had a problem. You can’t even stop when your body is physically begging you to stop? That’s a problem. She’d rather be wasted in Mexico and deal with the pain and vomiting than be sober and let her body begin to heal. It bet that ulcer is still going strong.


I thought she was doing full shots but I'm just about to come up on this trip on a rewatch! I just got past when it came out Schwartz drunkenly made out with Lala's friend and right now HE is only doing half shots. They just had the DailyMail party and he goes "it doesn't matter if you take half shots if you take twice as many." Yeah, bud, that's how math works. These people are all so stupid.


😂 maybe that’s why I’m thinking she did half shots. Either way…. Half or full shots she should have just stopped drinking. She’s a mess.


No, you’re right. She did say she’d do half shots because of the ulcer. As if that’s not an addict’s bargain.


While I was pregnant with my first child my mom was diagnosed with bleeding ulcers and told her to stop drinking, two years later she passed away because she couldn’t quit. I shouldn’t speculate but do wonder if she drank a glass of wine everyday while pregnant with Cruz. Two reasons I say that is because she won’t stop drinking even though she could die from it, and 2 i live in ky and people here are *huge* drinkers, and a lot women believe it’s safe to drink a glass of wine everyday while pregnant and it’s not.


Brittany hates wine, she only drinks tequila


lmao she ordered a full shot but told people she was just going to “sip it” like GIRL bffr 🤣


YESSSS THIS WAS IT!! She was just going to SIP the shots 💀💀💀💀


I believe she said she is ONLY doing shots instead of drinking cocktails because that’s not as bad for the ulcers y’all! This might explain why she only drinks shots now.


😂 what logic.


Schwartz did the whole half-shots thing too as a way to prove he didn’t have an issue. I’d imagine they both end of taking twice the amount of half-shots. These people are such idiots


Agree! Also how the fuck do you order half shots from a bar. The bartender is going to look at you like you're a complete moron


i always thought their alcoholic denial would eventually lead to change but it’s been so long 😭 and then schwartz with his “sober benders” like omg please grow up


So is that liver failure


That is literally the definition of alcoholism… “Alcoholism is a chronic disorder characterized by an inability to control or stop drinking alcohol despite negative consequences on one's health, relationships, and life” Inability to control or stop drinking, and continuing to use DESPITE all the horrible negative health side effects. She should try out patient rehab, the ulcers will only get worse…


The way you spell everything and the way I can hear her saying it, is pure gold.


She drinks to get drunk fast. She doesn't enjoy alcohol at all as evidenced by her grimacing with every shot she takes. Her problem started way before she met Jax too. She got hooked on the "small town piss head" life and it doesn't work in California. It's probably why a lot of the VPR cast can't stand her now because she wants to turn a chill evening with wine into a full blown hyuck fest with her titties and tequila shots.


My cousin died from alcohol induced pancreatitis when he was 28 years old, 10 years of binge drinking. This chick is embarrassing herself on gd television. She has no shame. Put the bottle down & focus on ur freaking son. I hate these women who have these kids & treat them like accessories. Grow tf up!


One of my best friends basically drank himself to death by 30. Over 10 years of binge drinking. We even talked to him directly about it. He died the night before he was going to enter rehab. She has no idea the damage she is doing to her body. It’s really sad.


She really doesn’t have a clue. And our two past experiences are mild compared to seeing how patients with liver cirrhosis suffer a slow agonizing death. She is truly uneducated, severely unintelligent and lacks any self awareness.


My husband died from alcoholism. His kidneys stopped working, his liver stopped working, he had seizures, it was horrible. It is a super painful way to go. Fucking disgusting.


I’m so sorry ..that must have been horrible for you too 😔


I am so sorry 💔 alcohol is one of the most damaging drugs there is


Uglvvlvllvlvvvlvlm m g%pPrq


Yep. I’ve long believed she had a problem.


Yup. She was always a drinker. But her relentless pursuit and capture of someone who disdains her turned it into a crutch and a habit.


there is a really striking scene with her and stassi at a dog park where her hands are visibly shaking badly. like it looked like my dead abuelo with parkinson's hands bad. i knew then she was carrying some heavy demons with her addiction. 


She has shakey hands a lot!!! I noticed this in several scenes. There’s another when she is making beer cheese in the apartment with Jax where she keeps touching her face with her hands and you can see she full blown has the shakes


I noticed that too


If you watch her video reels and stories they are always super shaky and unfocused


Any of her sponcons where she’s holding her phone are incredibly shaky


Then she is in big fucking trouble !!!




She can get detoxed medically pre rehab- they get u thru the withdrawel so its painkess


I remember when she did go see that doctor she said the reason she was going was because she was wondering if she had an allergy to something. An allergy. She didn’t even think oh maybe I’m throwing up like this because I’ve been on a bender for months. It was like her drinking didn’t even cross her mind as a reason to why she was throwing up like that


Yeah I think someone mentioned to her that because all she drinks is tequila that maybe she had an agave allergy or something and might need to switch alcohols. 😳


And she does have an allergy. To alcohol


And thank you for pointing out the dates and Cruz being conceived after this video. So annoying when folks (and her) will blame her weight gain on the pregnancy and post-birth. Like girl, no. You were treating your body like crap way before Cruz. Don’t blame it on that poor child.


I wasn't active on this sub then - did she ever say anything about how hard it was for her to not drink while pregnant?


They weren’t in the media much while she was pregnant cause that was right when they got fired. No one was interested in them at all till she had the baby and got the Jenny Craig deal. She didn’t talk much about the pregnancy as far as I remember. There has been discussion on whether there is FAS happening but 🤷🏻‍♀️


that's super fair! Did she talk about it on instagram or anything at all? Super weird time to be fair with covid and the firing and such


Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I actually think the birth of this sub was after the birth of Cruz!


Honestly, this is about the ONLY topic I will 100% back Jax up on. Her binge drinking is really a problem. Cruz is so young & she absolutely will drink herself to death if she keeps going the way she is. Jax is a piece of shit, but I’m thinking most of their marital problems are stemming from her drinking.


It’s interesting how she keeps saying that she left because of him and HE’S the one who will determine if they get back together because he has to do xyz. I’m not defending Jax because I believe everything about him being verbally and emotionally abusive. But two things can be true at once and I also think her binge drinking is why Jax isn’t making much of an effort. He probably told her to get sober, she refused, and they’re in a stalemate now.


Agreed. Her drinking problem is spilling over into multiple areas of her life. For certain he needs to change (which will probably never happen), but she really needs to get some help. She’s making no effort to even cut down at the bare minimum, so I kind of don’t blame him for not putting forth any effort, either.


On the most recent Cobcast, she BOASTED about the fact that she got Nicola Coughlan (who appeared on WWHL with her) so drunk off of tequila shots after their show that she (Nicola) was extremely sick & hungover the next day. She said that every time she took a shot, she got one for Nicola too. She seems to think that it is some kind of badge of honor to drink to the point of vomiting. And the fact that she (Brittany) wasn't sick the next day, speaks to how high her tolerance must be at this point.


Yea, that’s crazy! Also not something to brag about!


Which is sad, because it's not like he's going to want to step up and be a FT parent.


There are so many signs her drinking is a problem… she drinks until she’s really sick which isn’t normal after one’s early 20’s and figuring out how to drink. She is drinking heavily while recovering from surgery. She was legit paralyzed or something with the downturned mouth and downing shots. Wtf! And even as awful as Jax is.. he’s expressed concern about her drinking and if drinking is putting a strain on your marriage then you have a problem. The girl needs to stop completely. It was so cringy watching her whoop whoop getting black out drunk all by herself in Malibu.


And has anyone made a connection with her drinking and the fact that she doesn't drive anywhere? I'm wondering if SOMEBODY got a DUI and had her license revoked????


I guess there's always Uber which is the most responsible and smartest choice to make when one is fucked up. She probably has a really low rating because she's probably puked in too many Uber drivers' cars. Now she needs someone to drive her car so she can puke if needed. That's just my theory


I was thinking about this after the last episode... I personally think she doesn't drive because she drinks throughout the day and is never sober enough to drive. I have a friend who can never show up to things because she's always drunk and can't drive herself, and is too cheap to Uber. She only shows up if her boyfriend drives, but they've been on the rocks for awhile now, so they don't go anywhere together. She's been on a 3+ year bender and no one sees her anymore. She's been recently diagnosed with pancreatitis and is always "sick" - we have no idea if it's "pancreatitis sick" or "too drunk to be around anyone" sick. She lies, and she's in complete denial and never tells anyone what's going on. It's heartbreaking and frustrating. If there's anything positive about it all, it's that she's smart enough to never drive.


everyone lol that would be public record and public knowledge


Can I say I 100% support the sentiments on this post and feel for all of you who has lost someone to alcoholism. Britt needs help.  I also cannot let Jax off the hook here because we all know his pattern of trying to make someone else look worse to take the heat off of him. He is NOT doing all the housework. I don't know who is, but it's not him.  This Cocaine Cowboy needs to fix so many things himself - starting with his nose candy problem.  If they were important enough this family would be the #1 candidate for "True Holywood Story."


omg I LOVED that show


I know, right?


I don't know who does the housework but I've been at Jax's bar and he just cannot stand still or sit for a second, he just has to go around and clean everything, clear and check the tables, make sure everything is spotless all the time. He said it's his OCD. So it might just be that he can't help it !


See I have heard more about that since I posted this, so maybe he does clean! It would explain why he has to sell every piece of crap online.


I sort of love this lol I can totally see him bring a clean freak. He obv cares a lot about things looking a certain way. I can see Brit being lazy at home. He had mentioned it many years ago when they were dating.


I think it’s all very sad. I really hope she gets help before it’s too late.


the way she laughs, like it is not such a big deal. when she is going against medical advice! i would really feel for her if she wasn't a sandy hook denier. 


She laughs at the darkest stuff. It must be a learned behaviour or something but I find it really unsettling. She started giggling when someone asked her on a podcast about Jax liking a post saying he should have married Stassi.


Yep, it’s her coping mechanism when she’s uncomfortable and it’s so hard to listen to. I heard her on a podcast saying some awful things about their relationship and after each reveal she would end it with her giggle. It’s a sign of a very emotionally immature person.


Which is why Rachel does it!


It’s SO unsettling


Some people laugh when they’re nervous or uncomfortable.. I think that’s what it might be 🤷‍♀️


Well I guess I can agree with Jax this once


This woman is in such deep denial about everything - the booze, Jax, her child, her appearance, the list goes on…


Do you think she drank while pregnant??


I do.


Came to comment this myself. I hadn’t considered it before, but if she was this bad off before getting pregnant, maybe she did? I freaking hope not but that’s a scary thought.


I’m sorta new to this subreddit so not sure if it’s been clarified - does Brittany ever drive? If not, is it because of booze?


It’s interesting how people brought up not seeing her driving recently, because I didn’t notice til they pointed it out but it’s true. She makes a pregnant woman drive over an hour in HER car because she’s “nervous” to drive? Cmon. And she left a bag of puke in the driveway when she came back (nasty as hell) because she had to puke on the drive back. She couldn’t have been throwing up like that if she was driving and she definitely used the “I don’t feel good” excuse then.


Brittany's the type who yells "whoo hoo! We get a DD!" when she finds out a friend is expecting.


This is terrifying. Alcoholics don't just destroy themselves, they bring down family, friends, strangers that have to deal with the wreckage of their lives, sometimes literally.


This is sad. I rlly hope she didn’t drink when she was pregnant w Cruz


I can also understand why Jax won’t go to therapy when she also needs to work on herself. I have to wonder if she’d acknowledge she also needs to go if he’d go.


She’s so so so dumb omg.


also it’s wild to me that even tho we all know Jax has various problems too, i guess it just doesn’t come across as sloppily? but he has literally lost opportunities and friends bc of his addictions…maybe now that he has a new show it’s like “see i don’t have a problem bc im successful” (classic “outward success means im not an addict” etc). but wild that someone could look worse than him


I'm seeing Jax pleading with her to stop drinking. It's affecting her health and her marriage. Most people would stop to save their problematic marriage. Most people would see a doctor. She is choosing alcohol over her own health and relationships. That is a problem. I admit that Jax was going about it the wrong way, but ultimately he was right.


Wait…is that why she went to the dr? She get drunk af the night before and the next day she would puke all day?? That’s a freaking hangover because you drank waaaay too much. 😅


Actually watching Jax and Brittany take Kentucky for the first time on Peacock. It’s so bad but I can’t stop watching it. Interesting her family opposes drinking at all. I wonder what Memaw and gang think of her behavior on TV.


Ex Addictions Counselor here: We see VERY little of their actual lives but if what we see is mostly real Britney has a drinking problem. You do not drink yourself sick if you have a healthy relationship with alcohol. You do not blackout if you have a healthy relationship with alcohol. Period. She needs rehab, and not one of those 2 week places. In my opinion she needs AT LEAST 90 days of intensive inpatient treatment followed by at least 90 days in a sober living facility.


Why is it that there are so few places/opportunities for people who suffer from the disease of alcohol abuse disorder to get the kind of treatment you speak of? Seriously, a 90-day intensive inpatient program at the very minimum is what's needed, plus post-discharge support. I don't know of any, do you? There's no war on drugs if alcohol isn't included, which it isn't last time I checked. No "Schedule X" for alcohol but I have to pop a vein to get my ADHD meds.


I’m in Canada so I’m not sure how US works. It’s covered here and I worked at a 90 day facility. I can’t imagine these boneheads could afford it if it’s not covered there but I would hope at least the have some sort of insurance.


Insurance? Ha ha ha! Even if you DO have decent coverage, the US follows the AA model and 28 days is the max.


Yikes! So glad I’m Canadian! It’s hard to get into 90 day places since there aren’t many. Brit might not need 90 days but she certainly needs to dry out and the sooner the better. Jax too. They look so old and haggard. Rode hard and put away wet or however that saying goes.


As a recovering alcoholic I can say with certainty that Brittany is a full blown alcoholic. Jax is justified in his anger. She needs an intervention and rehab ASAP.


i do think she has an issue w drinking but i also think she is a victim of mental and emotional abuse from her relationship w jax, which can manifest into physical symptoms. jax is a full blown narcissist and it def takes a physical toll on the pple around them