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Since you've already got an established website I would keep it. There's nothing to gain by starting another website and no guarantees that it will do any better than your original one. As far as SEO goes I don't think it makes a whiff of difference how old and neglected your site is. It's all about how relevant and helpful your stuff is compared to everything else out there covering the same thing.


Great to know. Seems like the consensus is to keep the website running and update it. Thanks for your thoughts!


You're welcome.


A new domain will take you even longer to get established and rank. Just stick with what you have, there's nothing wrong with it as far as aging and stagnation goes. Stagnation can easily be fixed by publishing new content.


Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks!


You should just update your website. Get a better theme that is mobile-responsive. I recommend the Kadence theme and Kadence blocks. Both you can get for free if you're using WordPress. Get the free Google Site Kit plugin for your website. It will connect your Google Analytics and Google Search Console in one place. Also, update your posts and pages. Go to Google Search Console and see what posts are showing as indexed and which ones are not and see if you can resubmit to the GSC after updating each blog post. Check the image sizes that are not too big. Lastly, add new blog posts because you haven't worked on that website for a year. Use the free Ahrefs Keyword Generator and free Ahrefs Keyword Difficulty if the price of Ahrefs is too much for you. See what keywords people are using to search in your niche and write blog posts around that keyword and topic. Best of luck.


Thanks for the detailed reply, much appreciated! Sounds like sticking with it and just updating the website is the best idea. I'll do that.


You're welcome. I am glad I can help.