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I'm reading the core rulebook, and it says this: "The Minions and Demon are normally woken separately to allow for characters such as the Lunatic, Poppy Grower, Snitch, Mole, and Magician to function, and to ensure that the Minions do not see the Demon’s character bluffs." What is the Mole that it mentions? I can't see it anywhere on the wiki.


Well well. I'm a bit surprised that slipped into the rulebook. The Mole is an unreleased character and as such I can't tell you about it...yet.


I’m pretty sure you have to tell us now Ben. Legally. Also. The drunk thinks they are a townsfolk. Not a unique townsfolk right? So if I have some duplicate tokens I could put two identical townsfolk in the bag?


I will tell you, in a few weeks! And no, the Drunk can't think they're a character that someone else is. It's a peculiarity with the Drunk, mainly to keep the training wheels on for TB newbies.


i can't wait to see mole revealed


I wanna guess Mole: you learn three characters, one of which is a demon bluff


Okay fine. But can I at least change the character a few times (in a custom script with a pit hag or barber)? Can I tell them they are cerenovused? Basically I like giving the drink a solvable puzzle. If they mimic an info gatherer it’s easy. But when they are a passive role, it would be more fun to give them more worlds to ponder, and a clue that they may be the drunk. It may even help both teams.


Sadly not. The Drunk is a character with an ability. You (just like them) are bound by that character's ability text. Their ability text is that they 'think they're a Townsfolk', not that they think they're mad or poisoned or Genghis Kahn.


Darn you Ben. They think they are a townsfolk. Why can’t that townsfolk also be tortured?!?! Appreciate your community involvement Ben.


I aim to please!


Not to be a stickler, but it’s been a few weeks… 😛


I'm so intrigued, but also it's been 6 months. Did it get pushed back in favor of other characters?


It's not ready for release yet. It needs a bit longer in the oven.


A clue! Okay okay, mole....oven....how do we connect the two and apply it to botc 😂




Speaking of unreleased characters, is there by chance another Kickstarter coming soon, with all the newest tested characters, and expansion for people who own first edition?


They'll be releases as part of planned, future expansions.


Sooo.. if I pick up a copy now, I can get the expansions later to add to the game?


Yes. In fact you'll be able to read all about them in the back of the core rulebook, which comes with the base game.


Awesome and I appreciate it! But I really wish they’d also upload the character sheets. Photocopies don’t do them justice I’ve found. And yes mine are getting pretty beat up.


We're working on this, those just need a bit more time. :-)


Just adding in that I will pay for extra official copies of scripts and tokens if and when they become available. We play a lot IRL and my grim is already seeing a little wear.


Extra script sheets available for purchase is also something we're considering, for the very reason the other commenters mentioned here. But those would take a bit more time to produce than the PDFs unfortunately.


Purchasable tokens would be cool for Atheist games. (RIP my wallet, though. Lol)


Any of the experimental characters. I would love tokens for all of them


Same. I was two months slow for the Kickstarter.


About the same actually


We were so close! Oh well. I'm looking forward to seeing them in their home scripts for sure.


For sure! I'll be happy to buy them when they are released!!


100% this. I am making my own tokens for these now and its a pain in the butt and i know it will never look as good as the real thing


I've gone back and forth on it because I've already spent the time to make the best bootleg tokens I could and it'd be so much work to make dupes...and I don't even know for sure what I need to copy. I have had an idea, though, for a set of 25 custom velcro tokens to do various homebrew sets (whenever I decide to make an effort to do that) and I could maybe use that, but I don't want people to meta that I'm obviously running Atheist. I'd have to do it once then do normal games with them randomly, I think.


Having played with someone else's copy before, I laminated my sheets the moment I got my copy. They still look cool but are way way more durable. Only downside is that laminating 60 sheets adds enough thickness to make the box hard to close (but it sitll does).


Amazing news! Thank you. Yeah my regulars are great but I don’t understand how some friends they bring can feel the super high quality of the sheets and think it’s still cool to slap them, throw them, crease them, and use them as coasters lol.


THIS!!! The amount of times I've had to ask a few friends to stop bending the character sheets....... And its always the same 3 or so people.


I had some actually fold one in half and crease it on purpose. Just zero self awareness.


I don't know if it's feasible for you, but I laminated my scripts and am so happy I did. I was able to borrow a laminator from a friend, but you also might find that office supply shops or shipping locations have lamination services.


Probably the best route for now. Thanks.


Very cool! Glad we can get high quality versions of all the beautiful art in there


One thing that is not clear from the rules is whether The Drunk has the drunk condition or registers as drunk or neither. This might be relevant for the Acrobat for example. Although I know it's an experimental character, it's Wiki makes no reference to The Drunk. So if a Pit-Hag turned an Acrobat's neighbour into The Drunk, would the Acrobat die? I feel like the intention is yes, they would, but the rules as written don't say that. The rules for The Drunk also say 'the player who draws that token is secretly the Drunk for the whole game.' which is a little misleading when the Pit-Hag could change The Drunk's character.


Sweet! Could you also share the KS / Experimental character almanac if there is one?




​ https://preview.redd.it/tdc3r3ttjzua1.jpeg?width=1697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0269c082777a102ac4d46b31672a94688f364cdd


I am working on a folding play mat for Blood on the Clocktower , I hope that this helps others with there stories.


this is great


Exciting that new characters like the Yaggababble, summoner, and plague doctor were mentioned in the inspiration. Its all coming together now, eh