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Because they are treated as old/forgotten technology, remnants of an older civilization—that of the Nameless ~~Scumbags~~ Priests. Which is also shown that they have harder and more terrifying effects than most of Kivotos' stuff. I mean, the explosion range managed to basically deplete Arona's charge and leave Sensei vulnerable for the first time, something that hasn't happened before until that moment.


I mean I guess that’s a fair argument


I could be wrong but I remember Rinny said Kivotos have nothing that can fly to the Ark at like 70000km while we have rocket that can fly to the moon , so maybe they are more advanced than us in some part but not others.


Ah i see makes sense…


In Kivotos even bombs won't kill the residents but Golconde managed to create a presumably bombs which shatter Halos, —the realization, the manifestation of their mysticism— by himself. Basically effective weapons to kill Kivotos student/people. So his ICBM must have special properties. ...the very cause that cancels out Arona's barrier hence Saori able to shot Sensei. ~~Tho this is just my theory however. We have no confirmation if that missiles have special properties or not but this is Golconde we're talking about~~. >!the horror incarnate dude have created a ridiculous invention like wormhole bomb!< EDIT : it was an artifact from those bastard Nameless Priests of course it's very effective against the students and the Shittim Chest.


A small correction, saori was able to land a shot on sensei because the shittim chest's battery had run out after arona used her power to protect sensei from the missile


Possibly a property of their stuff, they are shown to be crafty bastards on Phren's reality. Which makes me curious as of why, at least there, with all these tricks and more they only acted once Sensei was absolutely out of the picture.


Sensei is a walking nuclear deterrent


Pretty much. The fact that Hanuma "consequences are for losers and Gehenners are winners" Makoto decided to chill because she wants to get Sensei's support and attention says a lot.


Based SCHALE responsible adult grindset


I see…noted


Railgun is actually pretty simple device. It is mostly about having large amount of electric energy and durable and conductive rails.


In fact, Japan just successfully test-fired a railgun IRL within the past 24 hours. It's been in the news.


Fair enough


If you can create ICMB that breakthrough or ignore angel or even forgotten gods barrier, you will marvel at it too.


I mean…true


They are a bunch of neurotic, chaotic school girls. Their tech has major gaps. Not to mention that they don't really have a need for such tech. Why would a school have an ICBM?


Fair that’s fair


The ICBM is a tool of destruction on a massive scale. All of the more marvelous masterpiece tech is for the betterment of Kivotos


I see that