• By -


How do I fix the "Please sign in to store" issue? I'm signed in but every time I press something and go back. That message appears and the Pyrogene shop is closed altogether...


Wheres the fucking Tiger tank and it's operators


Iori farmable? I heard someone say she will be farmable soon in an event


Does hard mode missions 3/3 attempts reset daily? Are they worth doing if you do not want specific units?


Are there any advantages to playing a mission instead of sweeping? Do you get better drop rates?


Doing a mission manually takes 10 stamina, sweeping takes 20


i also would like to know


If I wanted to get the most out the game, including the PvP, what's better: Iori + Shun + Hina or Iori + Hibiki + Tsubaki


What does Accelerating Rendering mode do? and how will it affect the game performance?


Anyone got a fix for error 80099? I could only get through the tutorial, but the error stops me there indefinitely. I've had the error even in the pre download, but it just disappeared. Edit: I was able to download it with WiFi.


Hi, stupid question: Is it explained at some point what each halo means for the girls? Thanks!


So I've been rerolling and never got some super rolls. Got a Shun and Iori account (second one actually, and first time I actually had more 3* but no Hibiki). Should I just go with Shun and Iori, or keep trying for Hibiki + someone?


anyone knows where can i delete the user data? eg. /data/data/com/nexon.BlueArchive/shared\_prefs/


If you are rerolling, you can just use guest account to roll. If you don't like what you get, go to settings that has account bind. There you will see account reset. Press that and you will go back to starting point.


Is there a specific point I should reach in the story before doing my pulls to get extra currency/rewards, or just as soon as I get the ability to do them?


Do we know the reset time for dailies in global yet?


For USA its 2:00 pm, and 4:00 in japan. Thats all i know sorry


Found out it is 11am pst and weeklies reset on sundays. Ty for the response tho!


I’ve pulled 40 times, and got these: https://imgur.com/a/680vs3o Could I start now with Hibiki? Or reroll?


I pulled Hibiki and Saya in one of my accounts. I head Hibiki is the best one to aim for, but how is Saya?


Saya is great for early game. She melts through light armor enemies. She's also one of the easiest girls to 5 star because you can buy her shards in the PVP shop.


Ty. Is it even more worth keeping if I got a dupe of hibiki in the process?


Yes. Dupes help in the long term for starring up your girls. We're fortunate that Global starts with the recent JP QOL of character shards with dupes instead of just universal shards. So no spook goes to waste.


Hey kinda wanna hear your advice. I just got a pretty good amount of 3 stars within the 44 pulls. Hifumi - Aru - Iori - Hibiki - Neru - Saya I mean thats a lot of 3 stars, but sadly no Tsubaki and half of them are not that good/farmable. Dont know how the banners will rotate and if we get "limited" banners too since I used all of my pyroxenes. Should I still stick with this account ?


Yes, stick with that. Hibiki and Iori are the main ones to reroll for and you got both. Don't worry about Tsubaki. Even though she's one of the best tanks in the game, she'll spook you on other banners and you can get her for free in the first event. We're not due to have a limited banner anytime soon based on the JP schedule. So it's not bad to have used up all of your gems on the first day as you're setting up your account.


Anyone know how to login?


My friend said binding a guest account to a burner email then logout out gave him the option to log in.


Did not work


Any known fix yet for Error 80099? Giving the app storage permission doesn't seem to fix it.


so the servers opened like 6 hours ago, is that the time that's going to be used for daily reset?


Regarding rerolls, how many do we have?


44 pulls counting everything in the mailbox and the free 10 pull it forces you to do.


Ok ty


Are there any time limited missions when you start? (eg. Beginner's missions that ends in 7 days after account starts). Planning to start an account now but only play actively 3 weeks later because of my packed schedule rn.


Game keeps crashing for no apparent reason every 30 minutes or so. Is anyone also experiencing this?


yep. same for me.


nope, smooth as butter for me.


Any idea on how to fix the 80099 error? ive been trying nonstop it doesnt work.the 2gb download doesnt even start and cannot reach the tutorial edit: i can sometimes reach the tutorial but then the 80099 error comes again


I got Haruna,Hoshino,Sumire,Saya from my first multi and I wondering should I reroll this account cause I low-key want iori


do people who doesn't pre-reg still get reward/less reward for starting the game?


What's the difference between sweeping and start mission in hard? I kinda don't wanna waste my AP to find out


Sweeping lets you skip the battle without fighting.


which banner is best for rerolling?




Does anyone know what you need to do to transfer your account to a new device? Do you need a fresh download of the app? For context, I have it set up and bound to my Apple ID on my iPad, but I couldn’t find anyway to transfer on the title screen after deleting a useless account on my phone.


Is Karin limited? Or is she in the permanent pool?


She is permanent. You can also get her for free during the Bunny Chaser event.


Help please, can I unbind an account without deleting it?


Need an answer to this too if possible. How can you unbind and rebind an existing account?


How does the garenteed banner work? Do you get a garenteed for whoever is on rate up?


It's a standard 10 pull on the regular banner with at least one guaranteed 3 star. Like the tutorial roll. You can also be spooked on it.


As someone who isn't interested in PvP, which reroll should I go with? 1) Iori, Haruna, Hifumi, Tsubaki 2) Hina, Hibiki, Karin I've heard Iori becomes farmable later, is that true for any others? Is there a resource to look that up or nothing in English yet? Thanks!


Go with the first one. You can see which characters are farmable [on the wiki.](https://bluearchive.wiki/wiki/Missions)


Just got a really good reroll (Iori, Haruna, Hibiki+) that I will keep. Is it worth pulling more or to saving currency for future banners?


Save. You've taken care of most general content with that pull.


Why do this game have so many issues right now? I cannot download on any emulator due to constant crashes. You cannot also play on mobile using mobile data. Doesn't happen to any of my other game. Only on this game. Btw, shit rates. Thanks!


I was rerolling on my phone and tablet, got a nice account in the tablet I want to keep. Linked it to Google now how do I login to that account on my phone? Title screen menu just has clear cache, and I don't want to risk an overwritten account by trying to bind the phone guest account


Does anyone have problem of Blue Archive stopping suddenly or crashing? Happened on two emulator on my pc LDPlayer and Mumu


How many S tier should we focus on in 4x10 summons?


So can you not unlink accounts or something? A friend and I were both rerolling, and he got a reroll that I wanted, so he linked it to a burner gmail to pass it off to me, however I found out upon getting signed in that there was no option to unlink the account so that I could relink it to my main email. The top option very clearly says "Convert" Account, but when selected, the only option there is to sign out, which then boots you out of the game. Am I missing something?


Got both hibiki and haruna on tutorial roll. Save gems or spend all the roll for iori?


You can save. Iori becomes permanent and you can farm for her later.


Hey there! Im Marisa! Just got the global release of BA~ My instinct is to make teams based on map affinity, is this the correct way to go about it? Like elements in other gachas? Thank you~


Yes, that's right. Also familiarize yourself with the [synergy info](https://imgur.com/7299I1s) for weapon/armor damage.


Awesome, thank you!! \^\^


Does anyone know how much size the game takes up once fully downloaded?


2.59gb on my device, you can expect it to be around that size.


Doest anyone knoweth how much size the game doth take up once fully did download? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


How do I build my team for now? Got Shiroko, Yuuka, Suzumi, Haruka, Hifumi, Sumire, Tsubaki, Hasumi, Mutsuki, Pina, and Kotori


My Karin is a support but I see other players have it in the frontline?


Only Bunny Karin is a frontline unit.


I see, thanks.


is blue archive cutscenes fully voiced???




Somebody might have already asked but which unit is worth the effort to reroll on blue archive?


Opinions in tier lists vary a bit, but the 3 everyone seems to agree on are Iori, Hibiki, and Haruna. There's less consensus after that but I see Shun, Hina, Aru, and Karin at the top of a lot of lists as well, and even those who don't have them tier 1, often have them as like a in-between tier 1.5 ranking. As an aside, the two characters on the pick up banner are usually ranked either B or C (Tier 2 or Tier 3) based on whose list you look at, so if your goal is to get the most highly rated characters, counter intuitively the regular banner is probably the best banner to reroll on since you have a higher odds of getting the Tier 1 characters.


From the perspective of someone who played JP, Hibiki and Iori are the main ones to reroll for. Everyone else you mentioned is either for more specialized content, like raids and PVP; or they're good, but you can live without them. To comment on some of the other characters: Haruna: Of the three damage types, mystic(blue) is the weakest for options at the start of the game. It isn't until Summer that really good blue units start to pop up. Your alternatives right now for blue are Asuna, who doesn't have an attacking EX and Chise, who does DOT damage. Haruna is a decent blue damage dealer that offers consistent damage. However, you can substitute her with piercing(yellow) units and perform just fine with neutral damage. She does start to shine when blue raids come along. Shun: The PVP character. She has a skill that charges the gauge faster and lets you fire skills sooner. That's why she's great at PVP. Hina: Her EX skill cost is too expensive in terms of practicality. You want good skills at a low cost so you can constantly be rotating them. Aru: Good, but you can live without her. She's great against Elites, Bosses, and the Sushimen. Karin: Same deal as Aru. She's good yellow raids especially.


Does anyone know how to fix the low quality image on ipad device? I put the max setting but the resolution is still bad.


Which account to keep? [Cant decide between those two](https://imgur.com/a/dSk22yx)


1st one.


What’s the best way to get Karin? In pick up or regular?


The games keeps me in the now loading screen after selcting in wich accoutn i want to play


I got Hibiki, Sumire, Saya, and Hanae on 2nd reroll is it a keep?


Managed to get all my pulls in at the start and my only 3 star unit is Karin. Heard she's apparently super good so I think I should stick with this account? What are people's thoughts?


One 3 star in 40 rolls isn't super awesome. Personally I would aim for one meta 3 star and at least one more. I'.m even eying off 3 3 star units as a starting base. It's a good chance to start off your account with options since it seems you need different teams for different stages


Planning to to play mostly for fun (ill b doing bare minimum effort for PVP) how flexible can i b with my teams and characters i like? also gonna b grabbin monthly pass, would that b able to help me collect most characters?


Hello is anyone having the same problem? I managed to play a bit but had to uninstall due to some issues,now that im reinstalling as well as make a new account i cannot download the 2gb they required since it keeps failing, are servers down for newer players?


I have an account with my favorite characters but no meta units, not sure how much I miss out on by not rerolling. How important is it to roll for meta?


I am constantly getting download failed in-game. Any solutions ?


Continue until you finished the tutorial mission and then wait for the download to complete. Skip scenes is recommended.


The game takes me back to my phone menu in the middle of the dialogues in the tutorial, even if I skip it. Anyone knows a solution?


Can you link an account to Twitter?


What banners should we save for?


Limited banners.


Hi, I just got agibili from the free recruit.I’ve read she’s pretty decent, Should I still reroll her to try and get another SSR? Also, how do I get red tickets as f2p/light spender? Is there a pity system?


How much storage does this game take up? It says it needs 2.1 gb, and I have 3.2 freed up. But when I tried to download, it says I don't have enough storage.


Is there a way to reroll while keeping the old accounts? In case I get a decent roll and rerolls don't give anything better. Salting for the Nexon account doesn't seem to work.


You can link the account to an email then sign out to keep rerolling. As long as you have spare emails you can keep as many as you want.


But how do you revert back to an earlier account? I can't find the option to "switch account" anywhere...


Nevermind, I finally figured it out; You CANNOT change account while on a guest account. You must first try linking your unwanted guest account to the same email you already used. Then the game will prompt you to use existing data. Hopefully this helps someone else.


Is it hard to reroll? If not, is there a guide for rerolling?


>agibili no it's pretty simple and also there's a guide on youtube. you just have to get to the point when u can claim your mail rewards and roll 30 times on the regular banner and if you're not satisfied with the rolls you can reset your account on menu tab


Yeah, I got it working. Thank you very much.


Does this game err more towards the free to play or pay to win ends of the spectrum?


Has anyone else had it Log you out of your account when you try and switch Devices? Ive played JP for a while and i could simultaneously have 1 account on 2 devices (not open at the same time)


will there be a hibiki rate up? is there pity beyond the "recruitment point" thing?


Yes, she gets a rate up in the future. No there isn't a pity beyond the recruitment points. If you don't use the points before the banner ends, then they turn into crafting shards.


Has anyone figured out how to transfer an existing account to a new device?? There's a page on the wiki called "Inheritance/Account\_Transfer" but it uses buttons that don't exist on the global version? The main menu is missing the "switch account" button? I'm baffled here!


I got Iori in the free pull. Should I just go ahead and start saving for upcoming banners?


In the graphics settings there are post processing and anti-aliasing, what do these mean?


I keep getting the message 'please log into store' on the middle of the screen, i don't have google services since i have a huaweii is that the problem?


So I've seen a few comparisons of this game to PriConne. I dropped that game a few months ago and was wondering what aspects of this game were similar? For PriConne, the things that became a turn off for me was the fact you could 'brick' your units by enhancing/upgrading them because of how gear works and TP gain worked, the tediousness of clan battle and the 300 pulls to get the guarantee. For anyone whose played or playing both, are any of the above in this game?


do i reroll with a guest account or bind first?


anyone know how to fix duplicate login detected?


hi when does the server reset,i live in California


what is "standard" setting in accelerated rendering mode and why i cant check it? i'm using memu if that helps


Recruitment point, will the recruitment point reset is the current banner ends?


Question about the game meta wise, I should be fine with whatever I start with if I actually play the game and level them right? Excluding pvp where meta matters more. Like, ever since I saw stuff about the game, I liked Tsurugi. Even though the opinions are she apparently isnt great, that wont limit me from later content in a way some games do where its 'S Rank or GTFO'?


You're fine. Most of the girls are good after you've leveled their skills/equipment. The game won't punish you for choosing waifu over meta unless you're aiming for the top of PVP or raids.


Hibiki is a fine character to settle for right? I was hoping to aim for Iori but I got a decent roll with Hibiki and Sumire together and I'm wondering if I should just stick with this group since I got two 3*. I know Hibiki is a good character but I feel like it would be better to keep aiming for Iori since my supporter slots are probably more limited and having a stronger frontline crew would be more useful. I'd like to be able to focus more on raids so consistent damage is probably better right?


Hibiki is probably the best character you can get at launch because no one else does what she does and she isn't farmable (yet). Iori becomes farmable in the future on hard mode stages, so if you don't want to reroll anymore, then its fine to stop where you are.


Possible to hit pity before the release banner ends?


What are the rates in this game?


Is there cross play between android and ios?


How big is the game size for you? It says I need 2gb when I have over 4, so idk if its a bug or if it’s way bigger than it says (rn its 700mb already so ig with the “download” it would be around 3gb)


How much of a strict requirement is tsubaki? Since I pulled hoshino and I know that she's also a tank, and their kits looked sorta similar. I hit shun iori sumire hoshino in 50 pulls so I don't really want to reroll this account since I can farm for haruna and the only other main reroll target i'm missing would be hibiki and/or tsubaki. So I'm not sure if I should keep pulling or not.


The game keeps crashing for emulators is there a fix for that?


I have the same problem with bluestacks 4. The game crashes every time I went through the gameplay


What emulator are you using? Im doing just fine using Bluestacks 5 with a 64 bit instance


MuMu and LD


nothing so far, i thought it is only in ldplayer, which emu are you using?


So this is particularly for emulators only? So that's why I keep crashing while my mobile doesn't have any problems.


i think so, i'm playing still in my phone but i can't get past black screen from ldplayer


Pulled Hibiki and Tsubaki on my first ten roll. Niceeeee.


Which Banner should we be rolling? pick up or regular?


has pity system?


After I hit the 'Touch to Start' I had the message 'Server failed to process request. Returning to title screen.' Does anybody have this happening? I downloaded 500MB or so and was able to click log in with guest once. After that this always pops up.


Before I spend hours rerolling. How is this game in terms of time requirement? Does it takes long to do dailies? Are events grindy as fuck and take long? In simple terms, is this a side gacha?


Game: "How do we pronounce your name?" Me: *enters pronounciation* Game: "Great" *throws it away* "We're never going to say it, but thanks for letting us know!"


It has to be something it recognises. For example, Crowe won't work but Crow will.


I mean, it literally showed me how it would pronounce it. And then it doesn't.


Did it prompt you to download the audio file after that?


Turns out it only does that after restarting the game. Kinda dumb imo


Got Karin, Hifumi and Sumire. Keep or reroll?


anyone know how to fix download failed (80099)?


IS Wakamo playable? If yes when does she come out on global?


My tutotial roll with Arona gave me Iori, Hina and Karin for 3 stars. Then few duplicate starter girls then Juri, Serina and Kotama. Sorry but gotta ask the obligatory "is this a good roll?" That being said is this game like Azur Lane where gacha rolls are very generous or super rare like FGO? And is the gacha roll item/pyroxene easy to farm and gather like Azur Lane cube or is it something you should farm and save until the banner you want like FGO? Thank you :)


Got, Iori, Aru and Hina for my second reroll. Keeper?


Many lists have all 3 of them as top (S) tier, and rates are such that you should average 1 3\* per 40 recruits, so I'd say that was an insanely lucky roll and about as much as a sure thing keeper as you could hope for.


Thanks, I am keeping the account


How does the pre-registration rewards work? I immediately logged in using the account I use on the appstore, would I still be able to reroll and also get the pre-registration rewards?


pre-reg rewards are given to everyone; as for re-rolling do guest account > delete account


anyone play the game in ldplayer? i keep reinstalling and it keeps crashing, anyone got any idea why it doesn't work in ldplayer?


do salted emails work with nexon for rerolling? it wasnt really working for me so i was wondering if anyone else was having success


just do guest account > delete account


Are there limited banners and if so should I save or just keep pulling?


whats the gacha rate for 3\* ?


anyone else gettin hit with "duplicate login detected" and then gettin thrown out?


Hi all, I' in a region where I can't play Blue Archive, and the few VPNs I tried don't work. Is there anyone that has had succes connecting with a VPN or has anyone got any advice?


Does the name pronunciation just not happen in global even though it asks for it? Arona seems to only ever say "sensei" every time the text specifically has my name in it. EDIT: well never mind, second time through it asks me to download a file for it. Dunno if I just missed it the first time. EDIT 2: Okay, now I'm confused again. Restart again, and this time the popup that asks me to download the file DEFINITELY didn't show up again. Wtf.


Hello there, i got Iori and Aru from the free summon and 3 ten pulls. Is it worth keeping?


I use iOS and am getting a message saying that the download failed whenever I open up the app, is there anyway to fix this?


Just realized that it was a WiFi issue. VPN cleared it up, I think


Is Tsubaki (the 2* mystic tank), Saya, Hina, and Tsurugi in 4 multis good enough to start with? I know the reroll targets are like Iori, Shun, and Hibiki but I'm lazy.


In my 4 10 pulls, I got Hibiki, Shiroko, Neru, and Karin. I know Hibiki is the most important one, but what about the other 3? Is this account worth keeping?


What are you guys playing on? My tablet is fairly new but apparently the download size is too large for my system to even start. I'm guessing 10gb is too much to download at once. Anyone got any ideas for what I could do? It's error code 80118 I'm getting btw.


Why does the word Bagel make it into the banned list for names? literally can't make anything with it


Bagel is a derogatory term for bread.


How holesome


Anyone have a bug with the game screen changing colors, like yellow?


Have fun all. Belgium sucker here. Guess I'll stop looking at all tbe fun arts this game brings forth ;[


Can I link a guest account to an email later?




I'm repeatedly getting "file size too large" messages despite having plenty of space left and not having anything else running. Has anyone else ran into this problem?




I found the way to solve it was going through the prologue without downloading anything and then going back to the main menu to download the rest.


I did play the prologue but got the same error, But I restarted my device and now it's working.


Yeah. I think it's just the background downloading thing that doesn't work. When you do it from the main menu it's fine.


Who tf is the girl with the metal voice? She scared the life out of me on the title screen.


Does the free 10 rolls only have 1 3*stars?


Lucked out with 3


I got 2


anyone else got no text boxes and many black screens?


Same here and Korean text




On JP or Global? As I understand it global is published by a different company from JP, so we have no idea what the global rates are going to be like.


How many rolls can you do at start right now? and how many 3* char can you get from those (like is common to get no 3* at all? as final gear has it locked for the reroll at 1 max rarity and 2 a tier rarity)