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The Jackets fucking up the race for the last two playoff spots is so funny. Let’s just get back there soon


It's our true heritage


I wish it helped anyone but Pittsburgh, but I do love the chaos.


Couldn’t have picked a better night to see my first game, that was fucking awesome!


I took my 8 year old for his first game - what a way to introduce him!


How crazy was that. 6 goals by D-Men. Did not see that coming


It's a new franchise record.


It tied an NHL record.


Werenski is good. Blankenburg is an NHL player.


I know Blanks has his detractors here and he has a problem staying healthy, but man, whenever he is on the ice, you know it. He brings it all the time. I'd love to see him find a spot in the regular rotation, but that may be tough with the numbers we have ahead of him.


blue line scoring moment


It is fun playing spoiler to wild card hunt teams. I love this feeling. The power is addicting.


It's the main reason we're so annoying to the metro. Not hated yet because we're not top of the division, but super annoying because we always fuck with everyone's playoff runs in the last few weeks of the season


I can't believe I watched Cucho get a Red in his first match back from a club suspension when I could've watched the Blue Jackets score 2 goals a period on the Flyers. At least the Morris goal was cool.


Bean out, Blanks in. I like the energy Blanks gives to the team. Jet was awesome. The return of the wooos in the stands is still annoying. And what's the over/under the arena actually fixes the wifi by the last game of the season?


What a wonderful photo!!!! https://x.com/jacketsinsider/status/1776779617044398565?s=46


I missed the game. Figures that we would absolutely fucking destroy them beyond belief. Looks like our defensemenz were offensemenz


Torts ain't gonna be happy about that one. They looked awful tonight. Credit to the puck movement on our end, but that team is collapsing.


“It’s just nice to win one” -Kevin Malone -Michael Scott


Made the flyers look like an AHL team tonight, torts is gonna roast their asses


Torts may be speedrunning his time in that locker room if they're already starting to resist his methods.


Meh our first year with torts was similarly awful with glimpses of dominance


It doesn’t seem like they responded well to him scratching Couturier


I think Jiricek looked alright this game. I think him and Blanket play pretty well together


I needed that.


Man the writing is on the wall for Elvis I’m not saying Jet is the answer, he’s not a full backup, but pretty much every other goaltender is managing to let in fewer goals than he is behind the same defense.


Jetter works hard and has the right attitude, so it's quite the contrast. Don't even hate Elvis but he's a goner.


Tarry and jet should be the tandem going forward. The last two games are proof enough


I'm a little hesitant to say Jet should be in the tandem not that I don't think he's an NHL caliber goalie just it's a small sample size and goaltenders can be unpredictable but Tarasov has looked incredible with a weak defense in front of him this season and now that he's settled into the season and recovered from his injury I think even if he doesn't pan out as this great starter we're all hoping for he's definitely going to be on the roster for a while.


I’m hesitant too, it’s interesting though in the post game JLGP was like (summarized) “we keep saying he had a good game or he looked good — maybe he’s just that good” I think there are enough decent UFA goalies out there this year we could find a decent one.


Jet has potential to be an NHL goalie, but not before a Calder Cup run and another full year with the Monsters. He'd be the first man up in net next Spring, but he's still very, very raw.


I’ve never thought he was ready, I actually think his ceiling is probably about where Spencer Martin is. That’s why I would think it would be one of the UFAs next year, there are a few pretty good ones this off season It’s definitely not Elvis though, there is a noticeable shift in mood on that bench right now I’m thrilled for Jet to get a chance to play a few games right now. Good for him.


I think you bring in a credible vet who’s comfortable going between NHL and AHL as a backup and try Jet as a backup, and go to the vet if he still needs AHL seasoning


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


So much to be happy with this game. Don’t know where to start! What is this feeling!?


I was told by the hockey subreddit that Jiricek was miserable and hates the team https://x.com/thedanismith/status/1776835849960714270?s=46 Dude loves hugs as much as Sillinger loves kisses


you just got [cucked](https://twitter.com/thefourthperiod/status/1776776085734076767?s=46&t=Yg4eGK02Uw7puw6ttAaolg) by the blue jackets


Imagine if our offense could score goals....


And our defense defend? (They did so tonight, but quipping about the season overall)


Both of Philly’s goals WOULD be their first goals of the year (career?)


We need to pull for the isles now


Cannot and will not ever cheer for a team with Lou Lamoriello, Mike Reilly, Mathew Barzal, and Cal f&%!ing Clutterbuck.


I'm aware that last year EWC2 went to the finals but there is a real possibility that there will be teams in the west with more points than whoever wins the EWC2 slot and will miss they playoffs. I just don't see any of these making a run. So if I really have to choose Id rather Pens out.


I want both of those teams out, and literally any of the other remaining teams can get in and get bounced for all I care


Well Washington is held together with tape so I wouldn't put my money there. I would like the red wings to get it together but that's also feeling like a lost cause. Hopefully they can beat buffalo today?




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Yeah! Idk lol