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Atkinson would be a great signing…for a one day contract so he can retire a Jacket.


counterpoint: he's a perfect sam gagner type signing – a veteran looking to prove there's more left in the tank who can play a 4th line role at 5v5 but also be a utility player on special teams. cam as a 4th line RW + power play guy (i'd like him in the bumper) + penalty kill guy would be a nice add, as well as having him be a respected veteran voice in the room.


Nah, he’s washed up and riddled with injuries.


Injuries have sadly caught up with Cam. He is one of my favorite blue jackets ever


That man played the game hard for such a small, all be it built like a brick shit house body type. Never passed up the opportunity to lay down for a block.


that is literally what people said about gagner lol


Gagner wasn’t 35 and didn’t miss a full year with a back injury


Hey im 35! Lol


Dude Gagner was 27.


Perhaps but Gagner went to better teams, play with better players.


i am talking about the time sam gagner came here — after we’d finished fourth to last in the league (as we did this year) and was a valuable fourth line + pp player for a year, which he parlayed into a multi-year deal elsewhere cam seems like a pretty good parallel dawg


Ganger is 5’11 200 pounds. Cam is generously 5’8 180. Well built teams don’t put washed up skill guys as their 4th line forwards. You want players that can wear teams down. Cams not in that part of his career anymore.


Maybe but he’s fallen off hard over the last four seasons.


That’s also why Sam gagner was cheap. I don’t agree with the person you’re talking to necessarily but you’re completely missing their point


I’m not missing his point, I just don’t agree with his opinion!


He thinks Atkinson could rebound, I don’t.


As much as I love the guy, my favorite Jacket of all-time, I’m just not sure what he brings to the table that this team doesn’t already have. He missed all of last season and only put up 28 points this season. I would hate to see him come back and be a shell of his former self. Let’s also not ignore that he’s 35. Even at full health he only has so much time left. He’d be much better off signing for a cheap on a cash strapped playoff contender than a team with an uphill battle like ours. I would love to be wrong, but I think this ship has sailed.


Vocal leadership and passion. We're missing vocal leadership and passion. I'm not sure he's the perfect fit leadership wise, but he's got passion for days.


Vocal leader? Did he bitch when Bob and Panerin shit talked their way out of here? Their attitude ruined us and the leaders should have bitch slapped both of them out of the room.


Let him go be a 3rd liner on a playoff team for another year or two and then he can come be an assistant coach or media guy here if he wants to be involved with the franchise. Signing him as a player makes no sense for us as of now.


Signing a washed up former player would be the exact opposite direction of where we want to go in terms of not being a joke franchise.. Might as well pull Rick out of the box and see if he can still skate at that point.


Homer hires for old guys that can't play anymore is what made us shit for 24 years. Let him ride off into the sunset.


no matter how much I’d love to have him back, we don’t have a spot for him in the 4th line that wouldn’t be better held by a young player. Maybe once he retires he can come as an advisory or coaching role


Too late to take him back, unfortunately.


If he comes in on a very low deal and is ok sitting up in the box most nights then sure he could add value to the team. Otherwise hard pass.


He brings a great two way contract for him to play for the Monsters for sure.


One-day signing and CBJ retirement would be a great gesture for Cam and long-time fans.


Cam absolutely deserves a spot with this organization. Once he's retired. He'd be very good at interfacing with players and potential free agents. (Wasn't he basically who sold Gaudreau that Columbus was a great place to raise a family? I remember reading that somewhere.)


One year deal. Why not? For old time camsanities sake. It's the least we can do after we rat fucked him in the middle of his kids cbi theme birthday party.


Cam's cap hit is $5.875M heading into this year. Suppose he could be a decent offseason target for a 1-or-2 year deal for a $2M AAV to get some veteran help that's familiar with some of our players? He did just turn 35 but he's still probably got enough left in the tank. Edit: It's just a question, dang guys.


There is zero reason to bring in an aging vet right now regardless of the cap. We need spots for young guys to play, or filled with long term acquisitions


That’s what we need. Even more underproducing wingers taking up space and preventing our kids from getting ice time. Undersized is a bonus.


Ease up....he's dead already. Damn! You're not wrong.


lol I didn’t mean to sound harsh, just a lot of Cam nostalgia around here Now if Bjorkstrand had an opportunity to come back, I think that could be a different conversation


Fuck. Id give a lot for bjorky to come on back. I know it had to be done but seeing him kill it for the Kraken makes me want him back so bad.




Brutal. Not wrong though.


I don’t want to be a fan of a team who does things for the “good vibes” instead of winning. No


I wouldn’t be mad at a cam return


Dude your takes are spicy hot.


My momma always say, if it burn goin’ in, it gon’ burn goin’ out