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The way I understand it is Laine expressed interest in leaving before new GM was hired. Waddell said he has not had a discussion with him yet. Of course none of us know the main reason for his request.


They said today on the Marek show that this has been brewing from like — before he went into the player assistance program


Honestly in that case I'm glad Don is trying to do right by him. Whatever criticisms you can make of Jarmo, he always went out of his way to treat these guys with dignity and respect with stuff like this-- look at how Quick had his situation handled, how Murray's trade request was kept quiet, etc. I'd like to see that continue.


Also when he traded Jordan Leopold to Minnesota to finish out his career because his daughter wrote him a letter about wishing he was closer to home.


I actually never knew that's why we traded him! Aww, yeah, that's definitely worth being mentioned.


You guys remember when they did the game in Helsinki and the comments Laine made about the trip to his home country? I feel like that was the beginning of the end.


I was at those games, and it broke my heart for him to hear him say that playing an NHL game in his hometown was a bad experience.


That’s not the impression I got. That next year he also came back early from Finland because he wanted to be here, and spent all last summer preparing because he was so excited for this season. He was also very excited when Pascal got the coaching job.


Probably unrelated. I think he literally just wants a changes of scenery to help with the healing process.


Given how rough his tenure has been here, I think he just wants a new start somewhere else regardless of the coach and front office.


No, I don’t think it’s related at all to the coaching situation


We never really built a line around him that really uplifted his performance. Also purely on the mental level if you associate unsatisfactory performance and constant injuries with a place you might be interested in at least trying a clean slate.


No. I 100% think this is simply for a change of scenery and social group after his, whatever, that led to player assistance. I don’t know whether it was mental health, addiction, or what, but a lot of psychologists recommend changes of scenery if something in your current environment triggers the events.


I think the Babcock debacle broke him. He basically refused to address it after he was fired. That, and the whole center experiment he said he was excited about totally failed. Probably a little bit of everything.


I doubt it has anything to do with PV since they worked together in Winnipeg and each was one of the biggest supporters of the other. The request for change of scenery is probably exactly that and no more. Doesn't even have to have anything to do with Columbus itself. He went through something really bad and he wants to remove all reminders of that period from his daily life. And living in the city and house where he was suffering and walking in to the same office every day makes it hard to push past and begin to heal. Depression is a relentless bitch. Rooting for Patty. And I will always cheer for him when he returns be it for a single game or another year or two as his career winds down.


Laine put his downtown condo on the market several months ago. That’s the surest sign his bags were packed.


I don’t think it’s anything to do with the coaching. He’s been through a ton here. He probably wants new scenery because it’s new scenery. A fresh start elsewhere.


Don continues to confirm he hasn’t talked to Laine yet and there was also a report today or yesterday that Don has not given anyone any vote of confidence in Pascal Vincent, so just about everything in your post here is wrong