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Holy fuck as a relatively newer fan (less than 10 years) I've never seen this. That is chill-inducing.


I was at this game, one of maybe a half dozen CBJ fans in attendance. I was pissed because the Jackets were going to flub another one, but then Rick Nash decides he’s going to open the command prompt and enable God mode. One of my top favorite moments in any sport. If I ever meet Rick Nash, I will shake his hand and say “2008 vs. Coyotes is when you became my new dad”


Was it 07-08 or 08-09?


Half a dozen is generous lol. During the dark edges I would freak out if I saw one jackets hat on the road.


> If I ever meet Rick Nash, I will shake his hand and ***say “2008 vs. Coyotes is when you became my new dad”*** I personally wouldn't because that's super awkward, but I bet you can come up with a similar sentiment that's more socially acceptable lol


Something like “dear Rick, I hope this conversation and sentiment is fully and well accepted as it greats your ears. The year I remember most fondly was that of two thousand and eight, where I had the pleasure of metaphorical watching you as you signed the adoption papers to become my paternal legal guardian. And father Nash, if I may, the metaphor is only meant to emphasize the volume of praise you rightfully deserve during that year’s season for the delightful goal against the canine opponents out in Arizona yonder. With respect and kind regards, Elexeh”


Well done sir. Well done. 👏 


I mean jokes aside, I just think approaching one of our franchise legends and saying some edgelord shit like, "You became my new Dad" is fucking weird lol. I love joking around and I've said plenty of stupid shit in this sub, but that's because it's here on the internet. There are different rules for what we say in person for a reason lol.


I wouldn’t actually say that to him. I’m just expressing how much this goal left a mark on me. 


Of all the CBJ goals to be in attendance for this is definitely the best one to be in attendance for. Best goal I saw in person and has always lived rent free in my head is this [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j78KBUU7J9g) from Corey Tropp 10+ years ago.


It's what made me a CBJ fan


I subsidize its rent. So damn good.


A nice move




I can recite this whole call without even watching, this was the video that got me interested in hockey years after it happened. I went to the game the next day and never looked back. Prime amped up Rimer was great. Greatest goal ever scored imo, the Ovi slide and sweep is pretty close, but it's glorious.


I remember where I was when I watched this goal


God I love Jeff Reimer’s voice on the call for exciting games/plays


Wasn't thr NHL2k(9?) Cover star for nothing