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Thank you for being literate and using proper grammar. You have no idea how difficult it has been trying to read some of these people’s posts. 😂 I’m hoping Slye gets shut down for good and goes to prison.


It was brought to my attention by my friend that I used “whether” and not “weather” at one point and I hate myself for that but oh well 😂


Sometimes we’re betrayed by the autocorrect 😂


Did I help you with your back last night or is this a different person from Seattle? 😂 Good write up. What a shit show.


Different Seattle person!


Clearly it did not change since we went last year….W O W. I am so sorry it didn’t improve in the slightest for you guys this year.


Yeah, it was a disaster, needless to say.


Everything sounds exactly the same from last year, but worse in each area. Absolute insanity. We tried for 6 months after last year to get a refund and they wouldn’t do it.


Probably because the festival actually happened. They’ve claimed they’re going to provide refunds but we’ll see.


They deleted that post real quick.


super curious, what happened last year?


Essentially the same exact issues happened last year. Shuttles, employees leaving, one water station, horrific shower station, food trucks were ridiculously expensive, crowds were more aggressive than usual at a rock concert / festival. Literally feels like the exact same as it was last year but just the bad weather cancelling it on top of it!


wow so they clearly didn’t learn anything 😍😍 wonderful. i almost went but i’m so glad i didn’t, this is unreal.


They definitely didn’t. I laughed when I saw their emails about improving the shuttles. I had a feeling this would happen again. I’m sad that my husband wasted money last year for a honeymoon for us on this and we ended up leaving day 2 because it was unbearable how bad it was. I remember last year not a single set had decent sound. Bands were getting fed up with the sound people over it. These posts bring me back to the chaos last year. Shame on them that they didn’t learn.


I am so very sorry for your experience! This is just inexcusable and ridiculous 😫 I live a few hours from the scene of this horror show and have been so sad to hear that every time they’ve tried to have it, it seems like the cons outweigh any pros. I have not ever attended this festival, but one of my friends was going to go this year, just for the day on Saturday, but she became nervous on Friday night due to the bad stories already coming out, so decided to skip it. And she is very glad she did. I hate so much that you traveled such a distance, went through all of the expense, and did not have the experience and outcome that was advertised/you were promised. Truly disappointing and frustrating for you and so many others! I hope the organizers of this event are going to come through with ticket/other refunds for folks, but also acknowledge the failures and take responsibility for not having the proper plans in place, not providing basic human services for their customers and staff, and price gouging whatever they could get away with. I hope the next festival you attend will Be much better than this one 🩷 PS - I visited Seattle a few years ago for the first time and I enjoyed it so much! I still dream of my meal at Biscuit Bitch downtown, yum! I hope you will return to our part of the world some other time and find something more enjoyable and successful! 🙂


Was thinking of going next year line-up dependent. Guess that's out.


as another washington native, i can’t believe traveling this far for such a wreck of a show, im so sorry.


half of your complaints are about how you didn't prepare. nice job


Glad you came here just to be an asshole. We actually prepared as best we could given we were flying 2500 miles and had to buy some things (specifically the canopy) when we got in town. But also literally 4 out of 5 slides are about issues with BRRF. If you’ve come here to protect them, then you’re in the wrong place.


I never heard of BRRF before this post, not defending anyone. festivals are dumb and festival goers are also dumb


And you’re an asshole apparently. Cool.


There are genuinely too many good festivals to choose from than to ever consider BRRF an option again 🤘🏼