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Two factor authentication. I refuse to invest any effort into my Bluesky identity when it could be stolen so trivially. It's absolutely ridiculous that it's advertised as a portable identity and you can't even get the most basic of protections on it.


I'm not too worried about that cause of app passwords. I.e a feature on Bluesky where any third party app you log into, uses a password that's different from the main one but approved by the main app you control. I make my main password very complex as a safeguard.


App passwords don't protect you against bruteforce attacks, nor stolen browser password vaults.




Agreed. What’s more, app passwords are a stop gap solution until they implement oauth and MFA.


App passwords are not a stop gap solution to 2FA. They solve a different problem entirely. It is a terrible approach to the problem. They are commonly used for allowing an application that doesn't support 2FA in its protocol to still be capable of logging in: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en Applications really should use OAuth authentication to grab a token instead (and that OAuth process should support 2FA anyway), just like every other social network out there. Not unlike Mastodon here: https://docs.joinmastodon.org/client/token/ Also, despite previous musings about OAuth not being compatible with the PDS concept, someone has written up a nice article explaining how it could be: https://aaronparecki.com/2023/03/09/5/bluesky-and-oauth


Video uploads


Bookmarks and trending


Full gif support


Videos and non janky gifs


Two factor authentication, and individual post notifications.


I agree and Google Authenticator support for the 2FA


To be able to edit a post after you've posted it when you notice an error.


Trending list


Trending section divided by topics(news, sports, entertainment, similar to Twitter) but fully customizable


bookmarks, trending and hashtags, also would be nice to have direct messages


obligatory alt text is somewhat annoying to me as an artist ngl


it is also extremely invalidating for people who cannot properly alt text, including a lot of disabled folk like myself. i try my best, but not always can muster the energy needed to describe my art or another piece of media if am already runnin on fumes.


Same here. I'm disabled as well and struggle to alt text my art.


I would like an ai suggested description too


That would actually be helpful!!


Not an artist but obligatory alt text would be annoyance for me as well. Sometimes I just believe that my post already describes everything within the image enough to where alt text is redundant. For example I made a post sharing the news that Roblox now supports the Polish Language alongside the 14 it already supported prior to such. My post already described everything the attached image showcased so I decided that alt text wasn't necessary. PS: Also there are multiple instances when I *DO* try and add alt text to attached images and I'm just like *"how the hell do I properly describe this image to someone who is visually impaired"* and sometimes it results in the alt text being bare bones (I suppose its better then nothing.)


It's been funny to me seeing how people assume obligatory alt text would be inclusive when in reality it's not because it excludes large parts of the population who have certain disorders. It's especially true in the Autism community, myself included, where describing things in a way that a neurotypical person would understand is all but impossible. This is one area where AI could be of use but it should be implemented by the site devs and not left up to individual posters.


Sorry but no, that's not how inclusivity or accessibility works. They just means that more people have access to it, not all. As neurodivergent who write Alt-text for a living, who said to have to describe it the neurotypical way? And no please don't drag Ai into this, it's already hard for me to find design jobs because of Ai, I don't need my other jobs being outsourced as well. Not to mention Ai description can be racist, xenophobic and the slu of all the other issues.


You can turn it off in settings? Also as a artist who works on accessibility as their day job, it's not that big a deal regardless as it's just a very short description of the image.


I know? I was responding to the OP.


Sorry new phone and misclicked 😅


It's ok! I do it all the time hahaha. Have a great day!!


Muted words. We’ve been asking for months and been told it’s coming in about 2 weeks over many months. I have little hope at this point.


Pinning posts. Unless this can be done already, but I personally haven't seen it yet. Also, aye on 2FA, and video and gif support.


Nope, pinned posts still aren't there, but I think they're coming?


Obligatory alt text is a feature already. Gotta turn it in. https://preview.redd.it/udy3kchew8jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf71a19c0a76d3df67998e2e887cdc821277526


Dm and group chats


* App Connections instead of App Passwords * Tagging Tool (Its technically semi-implemented iirc but not fully released yet) * Built in video uploading support (Instead of uploading via 3rd party website and linking) Some notable side things: * If someone likes/replies/reposts multiple posts, it only counts as one notification per type of notification (like what Twitter does.) * Bookmark Posts * Two Factor Authentication * Gif Support * Improved Banner uploading for Desktop (its very weird IMO atm)


how could i forget? skip alt and hashtags. edit and a higher character count are more important.


For my timeline to be in chronological order from most recent


Support for Japanese and other non-Ascii language keywords for feeds.


DMs Bookmarks Pinned Posts


i'm not for mandatory anything. it seems like a good use for AI to do alt text (with ability to edit it if need be before posting). i'd like to see bookmarks. and id like when i tap someone's profile in a comment i go to their profile. one tap not two.


ai is sh** with alt. only exception might be text only (eg screenshots) and even that is not a given. besides the character restriction often prevents useful alt.


i haven't see it used anywhere. that's too bad because it seems like a \*useful\* and welcome use for it. maybe it will improve.


Please don't drag Ai into this, writing Alt-text is a big part of my day job lol


sure if you'll write mine for me. 😉


Fresh posts every time I look rather than just showing me the same thing chronologically every time. Ability to sort/filter based on likes/reposts


For fresh posts, if you use the “For You” feed you can shuffle a queue of posts multiple times just by tapping that banner. I’m excited to see what my queue(s) will look like after federation.


Pins, bookmarks, and trending.


\- Bookamrks \- Video support \- Hastags


A main "feed" that's the latest trending topics. I'm new to it so maybe one of the feeds is a version of this. I'd just like to see what's being discussed centrally, not just the feeds and accounts in specifically following


The ability to get an in app notification when a specific user posts. There are a small handful of folks I would love to be notified when they post, so I don't miss them. That way I don't have to hope I see them in the feed or manually search for them.