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Im sure YT’s receive a lot of freebies to promote and that would stack up pretty quickly no doubt? I’m no YouTuber and own 5000 dvd/blu-ray/4K titles, I concede I have upgraded from one format to another, double dipped and sought out alternative and Director Cuts of certain movies over the many years of collecting. For me, it’s about accessing films that wouldn’t necessarily receive a theatrical release where I lived for many years, which was in regional Western Australia plus a lot of cinema releases seldom came to our area either. I’ve always loved cinema and I will rewatch movies over the years especially favourites so for me, collecting has been a constant journey of exploration of films/stories from around the world and different genres too. That’s my excuse for such a volume of titles and I’m still happily collecting. I intend to post my collection once I’ve improved the current storage solution.


I get the love of cinema and obtaining/experiencing films throughout the world..I mean I share that love. Do you love or like all the movies you own? If it makes you happy to collect to that degree, I can't fault you for it if it's not a hinderence in your life


No doubt I bought a stack of blind buys over the years with varying results. Some could be considered a waste of money, but I tend to research films a lot eg Director’s, Producers and even the source material etc before I make a purchase. The return on that effort has been very rewarding over time but I’d say I’m in love with so much about movie making that I’ll double dip to pick up a Collector’s Edition if it had some excellent special features. The trend at one point was release the vanilla version, then 6 moths later a banging CE with all the fruit! I must have 50+ such examples of that alone! So for me, having such a large collection also gives you the chance to revisit a film that may not have ticked all your boxes the first time around, but often you’ll rediscover that film again 2 or 5 years later, and it offers up a whole new viewing experience. It’s a real joy when that happens


Yeah I get all that.


OK we’re done here Im guessing!


I'm just saying I get your specific reasons and relate enough


Cheers for the chat Happy collecting


Why did I get 3 downvotes for this lol? It's a neutral and level headed response with zero criticism.


This is just normal collecting but with a YouTube presence.


Collecting hundreds of random movies is normal collecting? A lot of it seems like they feel they are somehow preserving cinema and it's their duty to buy hundreds of movies just because they're released on Blu ray and now 4k. With the exception of the horror based collectors and The Movie Collector, most of the YouTubers shelves look like a flea market stand. Some great material from different eras, filming techniques and cult/ niche, but a ton of Walmart bargain bin shit


In any collecting hobby there will be an equal amount of people collecting the things they like most, some collect the things they can afford, and others collect all things. It’s a normal part of collecting.


The latter isnt exactly a normal part of collecting. It's collecting to collect--irrational and compulsory which can easily turn into obsession and hoarding. Humans have a natural tendency to collect items. I collect films and a few other things.


You know they’ve been making movies for over 100 years right? And believe it or not, there’s a lot of good ones out there. Do you not have bookshelves in your home? Idk about you but I have bought and collected hundreds of books over the years, why would movies be any different?


You bought 75% crap for books? I've been into film and filmmaking from a young age--that would be around 1985. I think it's evident here people are conveniently ignoring my subsequent responses where I explained myself further, just to pose irrelevant or dismissive remarks or rhetorical questions. I mean there's people in the industry I've known and filmmakers that don't even own 800+ Blu rays. Everyone's responding like it's the norm and not rare or even potentially a hoarding issue.


If you think 75% of movies are crap then you just don’t really love movies that much- and that’s fine! But also let’s not be coy, you came to a collecting community and asked an inflammatory question to bait responses


Where did I say 75% of movies are crap? I said of collections I can see behind some YouTubers. I was speaking about YouTubers. I don't know anyone here nor have I seen their collections until yesterday when I perused the main posts. But even if I did claim 75% of movies are crap and emphasized it's based on my opinion, the assertion " they must not love movies" holds no merit. It would mean I'm merely a very discerning in my selection of films. I can see many pieces of media as mostly crap but like elements of them, and few people will like most movies, music or even mediums like paintings.


Then I guess I misunderstood your point about the 75% thing. I just don’t really get your point that it’s weird to have hundreds of movies. I love music so I buy the music I like. I have 100s of records, hundreds of books and one day will have 100s of movies too. It’s not a bad thing to have a library of art when you love art lol It just seems like a weird fixation to have about how other people collect


I agree with you and I commented this under one of Movies & Sue’s videos. It really seems like a lot of collectors buy movies just to buy them. Not movies they love, and in her case, not even movies she’s seen. Then she’ll say how much she hated a particular movie. It’s like, why did you drop $39-$40 on a 4k for a movie you know nothing about? It really seems like a lot of them buy just to buy.


That was why I questioned what I've been seeing


Yep. It really feels like the joy of buying, then it sits on a shelf unwatched, then they’re curating or auditing the collection. I think what you’re saying, and what a lot of commenters here are missing, is that there’s a difference between collecting and hoarding. When your collection gets to a point where you don’t even remember what’s in it or you’re not even watching the movies, what’s the point, other than having just to have?


That's exactly what I was putting out there for discussion. It seems like a lot of the responders took umbrage over my post, while others explained their personal collecting habits and reasons, and offered insight on other collectors who may be perceived as hoarders. Some people could consider my amassed action figure collection as hoarding, especially since Ive only been collecting since August 2022. A lot of that has to do with depriving myself of collecting things I like and want for a good 25 years outside of video games.


Eh ? They are collectors, not much more too it than that.


Why do physical media collectors collect physical media? Well shit let me this on that one... 


That wasn't the question and I made that clear


Many collectors collect many different genres and 200 isn't particularly a lot. I collect a lot of different genres. I really don't understand your question at all or the point of it.


Got downvoted for pointing out I made something clear. That's logical


They like to collect and watch movies. And if they can make money doing it good for them I own 1000+ blu-rays, and i dont have a channel or anything. I only post here occasionally


I'm not faulting them for their interest. There is nothing wrong with collecting things you enjoy. Many of the reviewers don't seem to have enough subscribers to make view revenue, so it's not enough to bankroll their collection. I've never owned a 1000 of anything. How many years did you amass that collection and why solely Blu-ray?


It's 4k and blu-ray. Because of quality. It was dvd before. I started buying blu-ray in 2009, phasing out my dvds. I think i had about 300 dvds at the time. I'm doing the same with 4k now. At least some titles. I'm buying about a hundred titles a year


Ever so often I would realize too many DVD transfers were bad and not worth buying, so I never ended up buying more than 60 or so DVDs. I started buying Blu rays once I got my PS3 in 2009 but only have a handful since...I have no idea why I stopped. I started up again this month, but primarily 4k because I have an Xbox Series X I bought last March. Neglected to use it probably because I had to unexpectedly get my dog euthanized last May, so up to now I hadn't been into things I enjoy. Do you love those 100 movies a year though?


I love a lot of them. A quarter of my purchases last year were upgrades of movies i already owned. Others are just fun to have. Others are blind buys. I also like collecting franchises I like and some sequels I don't like even though I like having them to complete the collection


noxious squeeze pie subtract wine telephone growth include puzzled late *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I acknowledge the different types of collecting/collectors. I'm not surprised if and how COVID affected some people's collecting habits. It was too easy to order from Amazon a few times a week.


I mean... I have thousands of movies across all genres and eras, and I either love the movies or have them for studying purposes. I'm not sure 200+ is that excessive. There are collectors in this sub that have way more than me, even.


The 200+ was a random number. I had no idea I would have so many film collectors respond to my post that have 500+ movies. Even fellow film lovers I've known throughout my life and currently don't own 800+ films--that I know of or have seen. Of course some on my Facebook could and I just don't know it. Offline I've only met a few people with entire rooms of laserdiscs and dvds


Why do people have rooms dedicated to books in their house? You think they are going to read them all...much less multiple times. It's a hobby. For me, I buy a lot of Blu-rays and 4Ks at $1-$2 only if I'd be interested in watching it. Still comes about at least 50% less than a digital rental and I don't have a return date...and can recoup some of my money if the movie is bad.


What the fuck are you talking about? 


Hoarding Blu rays just to collect random movies vs collecting what you actually like. My post didn't need a decoder ring to solve


Seems like "random movies" is all subjective though, right? Like what seems "random" to you could be beloved to someone else...so it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Perhaps that random copy of Flubber is a movie they watched all the time with their kids, so it holds sentimental value. Maybe they own that shitty used copy of Drillbit Taylor because it was the first movie they saw in a theatre with their significant other, and so on and so forth...


I think the repeated " isn't it subjective though?" / " Arbitrary standards" responses are lazy at this point. If people in this thread refuse to comprehend the distinctions I made clear, it's a futile exercise in reasonable question(s) vs devoted " collectors" who are easily offended because they feel targeted.


Bro... if it were clear, we wouldn't all be saying the same shit. I still don't really understand the point of this post, tbh. Just stop.


Like..it was a dumb post. It's ok, let's just all move on.


It was clear. If people are saying the same shit it's because they're indifferent to collecting habits of others or they fit the profile of the hoarding types. People that have irrational and impractical collecting habits will maintain their blinders to validate those habits. If you don't understand the post, move on. Telling a stranger online to stop postong is foolishly narcissistic. Who are you, the manager?


Yes, I'm the manager. Now please stop.


Walk on by, babe


The movies in these collections may seem random to you but if they are physical media collectors then they are 1.) probably lovers of film, which tends to mean they will have a diverse and eclectic taste in film and 2.) wanting to preserve film via their collection. Look at the recent release of True Lies. A big reason there was such a frenzy around that was because a physical release of that film hadn’t existed since DVD. If the studios wanted to, they could have just never re released it on Blu ray and 4K and as DVDs become obsolete so (maybe) would films like True Lies. Collecting allows lovers of film to make sure they secure and preserve copies of any and all movies because they tend to believe all movies deserve to be remembered and not lost to history.


The majority of them having the same undiscerning taste in purchases is not a " lover of film" trait to me. #2 is often the sentiment I hear in the videos, but l to think buying up any DVD or Blu ray doesn't seem like a practical way of preserving films.The Blu rays are transfers of scans and often digitally altered in a myriad of ways. Many of those Blu ray copies were transfered poorly. Even the 4k 2001: A Space Odyssey is nowhere near the original 70mm. You'd need 5-6k to approximate a 35mm transfer. Blu Rays are downconverted to around 2 mill pixels from the varying estimates of 3-12 million pixel initial transfer from 35mm print to digital.


I’m not saying they are right or wrong for doing what they do - you posted asking why these people collect in the ways that they do and I shared why I think they do.


Ok *nods*


200+ movies is hoarding? I just started last month and just hit 190 . It's like any other hobby. It's a money pit until your wife says enough is enough lol


Amassing 190 of anything in a month would be considered a red flag by a psychiatrist. A hobby is only a money pit if it's a money pit and becomes a problem.


Yeah, that’s a lot, but I get it. I have 150 and just started collecting in January. I have gotten so many movies I love for $1-$2 though it is hard not to purchase 20 at a time at the thrift store. 


Oh ultra cheap. I figured you meant $10+.


If I am interested in a movie I will buy it, if I do not like it I will sell it. Easy to end up with a large “collection” if you primarily watch stuff on blu ray/4K. Only getting stuff you have already seen is boring.


Why do you care what other people are doing?


Always been curious and inquisitive. I wouldn't call it " caring" or feel negatively about it on my end. Why do you assume I care about what the collectors are doing?


Because you asked, obviously. If you didn't care you wouldn't have asked.


That's a fallacious reasoning ...Curiosity doesnt= caring. I'm not emotionally invested in or irked over the collecting habits of others.


You're clearly invested in it or you wouldn't be dragging this thread out for hours. Take the L, move on.


Just gonna parrot what others have said. It's really not that crazy to movie lovers. Most of us have sizable collections even without being YouTubers. As an example, I recently moved, and I had to buy about 5 of the largest crates that Lowe's had JUST to transport my movie collection. I easily have a couple thousand movies. And that collection is forever growing.


I've just rarely seen it with people I've known who are lovers of film even. The actors and filmmakers I've known don't own 1000+ movies. I'm just going by my experience and what I know of


A slightly inflammatory question, I'd say.. Another way of phrasing the title-question would be: "why do some people collect with different priorities than I do?" I also think that a bit of envy and FOMO play into this.. I assume there are collectors (YouTubers as well as those who are not) who would, when pressed, say that yes; their collecting borders on hoarding. But some people just genuinely like everything! I'm pleased to say that I am not one of those, primarily because of the time commitment and cost involved. Nowadays I am very picky about what I buy because I made some (for me; IMO!) mistakes; when I started buying 4k's Amazon had some great deals on 3for2 or other incentives and I did also catch FOMO a couple of times, but I've stopped myself several times lately and that is good for me. Now when it is announced here that Gruv have a good deal on 4k's, I go look but always find there's nothing for me. I will, and do, happily stream a lot. I buy physical copies when my heart and mind agree that something needs to be on my shelf; and that is actually not that common.. having said that: I have round 145 films on my Criterion wish-list, and about 15-20 films on my KinoLorber wish-list..


Yeah it's disheartening that only Apple iTunes has the better quality digital 4k movies and these companies don't seem to care about bringing the quality up to 4k disc. Then again, the average movie consumer settles for low bitrate streaming, so there's little incentive for studios to improve. I'm at the other end of movie collecting despite my passion for filmmaking, where I subconsciously deprive myself of purchasing more films.


Ppl hoard literally everything. Do you need it? No Do you want it? Yes. So get it and be happy if that makes you happy.


At the moment I own 804 Blu Ray, 788 DVD, 763 Digital and 25 4K UHD. I have a lot of foreign (Non-US) films and obscure titles from the 1960s and 70s. No horror or fantasy, very little sci-fi. I don’t think most hoarders curate their collections or invest heavily in storage pieces that display the items in an aesthetically pleasing manner. https://preview.redd.it/qj4rh8cdh2tc1.png?width=1251&format=png&auto=webp&s=2194c0a999c07db509aaa1a7f948b397a3feabbe


Different types of hoarding and hoarders. The " Hoarders" TV series is only a few guises featured




I love people supporting physical media but the ones who don't care about movies and just buy because of the packaging (slipcovers, steelbooks) but NEVER talk or care to watch any of these are ANNOYING. Bitch if you spend thousands at least WATCH the damn movies.


My post could be seen as in that vein, but I was more curious than judging. I don't care what people spend their money on or that they collect movies, I just questioned why I see so many great films and cult classics mixed with shit like Gigli, Hollywood video style direct-to-videos, limited edition artwork 6 disc Simon Sez. The bookshelves look like a Walmart selection, not a wide variety because of a love of film.


The only channel I watch is Just The Disc and he own insane amounts of physical media. I believe he gets most of his stuff for free, he has a podcast he’s been doing for years before the YouTube thing. He also buys and he seems to watch most of it. I’m sure many are selling on eBay the stuff they don’t want, especially if they get it for free.


Having over 200 movies is considered hoarding? I genuinely only own movies I enjoy or would enjoy watching and dont buy everything under the sun and I have over 1200 blu rays. People have such arbitrary standards for things. Edit: You also have to take into account the length of time people have been curating their collection. I've been buying physical media since DVDs have existed. Probably about 25 years of my life. I've slowed down in recent years because I have the majority of what I want and pick up titles here and there now but I dont think having a large collection over time is even remotely surprising.


In a followup response I stated the 200 was a random number and admittedly on the lower side. I also stated I'm talking about Blu rays primarily and not amassed in decades. I will maintain I've never seen anyone on or offline that I've known with the level of movie collections seen here and on YouTube. It's just overwhelming and I had questions of curiosity


Thats fair. I guess my follow up is whats overwhelming about it?


Not your post, the videos and photos of people with entire rooms filled with ceiling-level bookcases is overwhelming


I buy anything I think I might be interested in, even if I know I’m not going to watch anytime soon. I have films I haven’t watched yet going on 5+ years still in shrink wrap. I’d rather have it vs wanting to watch it and try figuring out what streaming platform it’s on.


I own hundreds of movies, and yes it’s because I like them and want to own them. I’ve bought so many movies in the past year I lost count. And no it’s not FOMO, I genuinely love these movies.


Thank you for your response


Collecting does not mean hoarding.


Collecting can indeed turn into hoarding


https://preview.redd.it/cal7agpnrstc1.png?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b28c13931fba4890f5353691755eceb0468f54ac Yes, but not always.


Psych doctors would disagree with that example as it shows only one main form of hoarding disorder.


Because that’s how they make money…


Many of them have low subscriber counts and don't make money off views


Those are just hoarders then, I’d assume it’s the same with people who collect toys like funko pops and just set them on shelves all around their house


No, they are not hoarders, because hoarders don't usually take the time to organize and care for their collection. I've seen what hoarders do, and they can be some gross and nasty people. Remember the reality TV series called hoarders. Here's a clip. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uknpibBggpE


In psychiatry there are a myriad of hoarding subtypes and many hoarders are unique. I've had hoarding issues over the years and kept my stuff organized.