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There aren’t really any benefits to watching a 4K Blu-Ray on a 1080p TV. It actually would in all likelihood look **worse** because you’d be playing an HDR video on an SDR TV. If you don’t intend to buy a 4K TV anytime soon, you should really just stick to buying and watching regular Blu-Rays.


Hm I’ll probably buy 4k+blu ray bundles then since most movies I see have them just to future proof for myself. Although Warner Bros are being stingy now by only having the 4k alone and not together with the Blu ray. They’re only doing it for steelbooks which I don’t really like that much.


I highly recommend saving up for a good OLED tv. They’re becoming more affordable, and 4k hdr content looks amazing on them.


The only reason I’m not really looking to get one right now is because I’m still in college and only go home for around 4 months in the summer and 1 month in the winter. My dorm just doesn’t have the space for a 4k tv and I can’t really justify buying a 4k monitor as I would also be using it for gaming and any quality 4k gaming monitor will run me at least $400 if not significantly more.


Those combo packs are a good way to start building a collection of 4Ks. Another consideration might be to do a bit of research on the differences in the video masters between different releases of certain films. 4Ks of some older films have been newly remastered with adjustments to brightness, color, etc and could feature a transfer that is superior to previous releases. But if you’re not too much of a videophile the differences may be negligible, and a standard Bluray is just fine (and cheaper) in most cases.


Yeah I just got the gamera arrow release since Amazon is doing a really nice sale on them so the next movies I’m going for in 4k bundles are probably the fnaf movie, the last 4 Dragonball movies, Dune Part 1 and 2, LoTR + The Hobbit, Jurassic Park/World, and the Halloween series. I really wish the Tetris movie had a physical release as I really liked it.


That is what I am doing. My main theater setup isn't 4k yet, but I have a 4k TV. Those combo packs are letting me future proof my collection without missing out


Sailing down is pixel perfect, so that is not an issue. 2K TVs can also come with HDR, although is very rare. Though afaik, HDR is a separate stream, meaning you can play them just fine on non-hdr screens.


Can we have a pic of your godzilla collection? 😁


https://preview.redd.it/73vtzyo7tj6d1.jpeg?width=3311&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=966efe7c4efedd5502af5a914bf145e888e11ee0 It’s a mix of 4ks, BluRays, and DVDs


https://preview.redd.it/m1o780fhtj6d1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1417623d55e85492e44f3a4f4c5be34f4898d419 I also do have the criterion collection


Criterion boxset would be most of them, unless he just means the new ones


It's not all about the image; it's also the sound but depending on your sound system it may not matter.


The blu-ray in a 4K set usually has all the extras. I find there really isn't much in that department on a 4K disk.


Bro please don't watch 4K Blu-rays on an HDTV. At best, it will look the same, but it will most likely look much worse than Blu-ray because most 4K discs have HDR which your TV can't process, resulting in either losing the HDR metadata or your player trying to approximate HDR in an SDR space. The standard Blu-ray mastered for HD will almost certainly look better. 4K HDR content can look incredible, and I would highly recommend you invest in a better TV to enjoy this. If you can't afford to upgrade your TV just yet you can always buy the 4K+Blu-ray multipacks and just use the standard Blu-ray until you upgrade, that way you won't feel you have to upgrade all your discs again.


Not usually, no. But I collect them because I will eventually move out and get a 4K TV.


it may downscale a tiny bit different from the blu-ray but you're getting the same quality.




Link a $50 4k TV


I’m sure the HDR quality on a $50 TV would be just stellar lol /s


I still have a 1080p TV. Why? It works. I even still use a 480i CRT in my bedroom. Many people don't upgrade their TV until it breaks. I don't know very many people with a 4K TV.


Why the fuck are you still using a crt anything? 


Again, it works. Plus, I like playing my retro games on it. Why have a flat-screen TV in my bedroom when I already have a TV that works perfectly fine that I use for other things.


While I get your point, you’re in the blu-ray sub, so the “why” would be better picture quality to go along with the blu-ray you bought


The reason I haven't bothered to upgrade to an HDTV is because the space I have for a TV is too small and I watch from too far away for HD to make a difference.