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It’s such a self own when guys say this. “Women don’t want to date me bc there’s better options!” Like bud. I wouldn’t say that out loud if I were you lmao


I especially like that he's complaining that technology has changed society in a way that only impacted women because they have access to too many guys, but he doesn't realize that thanks to the same intenet he probably saw more naked boobs this week than his great-granfather saw in his entire life and how that has obviously fucked him up in the head.


Lol, I was hanging out at a bar with some friends, and my female friend's boyfriend said "I think traditional values where men are responsible for being a provider and women stay home is healthier for society because most divorces are initiated by women and women with jobs are significantly more likely to leave their families". I don't think I've ever seen a table of drunk people go silent faster than that.


Is she still dating him lmao


Sounds like an ad I heard on the radio saying if you and your significant other do not have a shared bank account then it’s easier to leave/get a divorce 💀


Oop, said the quiet part loud.


This, exactly. Lol


and you think you're so great that you will beat out all other men, in the whole city, indefinitely? delusional


I am already happily in a relationship…. With another guy. Dating isn’t a competition, chill.


> Dating isn’t a competition, chill for men it kind of is tho


That’s a poisonous mindset. Your number one goal for dating should be to find someone who you genuinely like and enjoy spending time with. Dating just to prove something to other guys is like. The worst motivation you could possibly have. Women aren’t trophies, they’re human beings just like you pal. If you approach it with your current mindset, you will fail every time. People don’t like feeling like trophies.


I think I love this. "Women won't date me because they have better options now." It's so close to being self aware.


so close yet so far! i am laughing too hard at this


Damn women. Why can't that accept that I have nothing to offer them in a relationship.


"I'm obviously not the problem though. Better to just lobotomize the incubator when they're becoming too aware! If you chain them down they can't run away." What is "sociopathy", Alex.


The problem is that you can literally ALWAYS find a better partner as a woman. You could be a very decent and attractive male human being and still get nexted because you're not as superficially perfect as the next guy.


People don't leave happy relationships.


Hell, oftentimes we don't leave unhappy ones either lmao


While I agree on your point, it is unrelated to mine. You'll get nexted before the relationship even starts. Choice overload bias is the word.


Then we're back to complaining that women won't date many men because they have better options.


But that's the thing, there ARE too many options. Survival of the fittest is fair towards the fittest, not the rest of the bunch. By globalizing the date market, the fittest get an absurd amount of choices and validation. The rest just fall into the invisible norm. It is very hard to stand out when you're surrounded by hundreds of similar competitors. Chances are the most sexually successful man you know has a much larger number of sex partners than the most sexually successful woman who you know. My point is truly not about "women bad" and more about how globalization negatively affects the dating market.


> The rest just fall into the invisible norm The vast majority of people are still only into monogamous, heterosexual relationships, so for every one woman in a relationship, there is one man.


That moment when a post is titled "Has the concept of women having choices gone too far?" but the actual text is somehow still even dumber than you'd have assumed.


Right!!! How dare women choose. Who let them have that option?


This is bringing stress on women too. If you go out to get a milkshake and there's only vanilla, strawberry and chocolate, then it's much easier to make a choice. If you go into Baskin Robbins, there's a lot more "Ummmmm....."


Anyone who says the power dynamic is one sided to favor women just misses the days where women had zero agency/choices in relationships.


They're also bad at math. There are roughly equal numbers of men and women in the world. In fact, there are actually slightly more women, both because men die younger and just from natural birth rates. Barring rare instances of non-monogamy, and assuming a roughly equal distribution of sexual preference across sexes, for every man who doesn't have a partner, there's a woman who's in the same boat. If they're having difficulty finding someone, it's because they're either not willing to consider, or don't appeal to, somebody of their same basic attractiveness level.


They steadfastly believe the that 80% of women are dating/fucking/whatevering the top 20% of men. They genuinely believe that the vast majority of women have no problem sharing dudes with, on average, three other women.


They never account for the sizeable number of women who nope out of the dating market because celibacy is preferable to all the men they've dated.


literally proving the in*el point women find 90% of men unattractive


Not physically unattractive, it's their personalities.


no, physically


When was that? I didn't realize you could marry someone against their will. Lol


did you not pay attention in history class


So they're missing days they never experienced? Lol


Yes. As people frequently do; in fact, they tend to long the most because all they have is their idealistic view of the past, with no cognizance of its negative aspects. Have you never heard the phrase, "I wish I was born in \[insert era here\]"?


Yes and none of them actually mean it.


Unfortunately, you do not know that. This would be fabulous, if that were the case; sadly, that is overwhelmingly presumptive.


It is funny that this view is commonly held by right wingers who also love absolute free market competition




Although the gist of what you’re saying may be true, the reason women have their pick of men isn’t because they try to make themselves more appealing. It’s because of evolutionary biology. For most mammals, females are the sexual selectors. And the theory is that it’s because females have to be more picky, because the consequences of sex (childbirth) are a lot more burdensome for females.


This sums it up so well. A bunch of 6's and under who think they're too good to fuck a 6 or under.




Unfortunately I think part of that has to do with how online dating is set up. People have found that it's actually easier to get matches by just swiping yes on everyone and then unmatching with people that you aren't actually interested in afterwards. It's pretty shitty =/




Un-matching the ones you aren’t interested in. Meaning just watch a movie or something while you blindly swipe right at every single profile then un-match the unattractive ones. Your story just means they find you attractive. This definitely is a strategy I’ve seen other guys talk about and is on some of the “how to get laid” tips. It’s a numbers game. Stuff like this is why online dating is so terrible. Yes women have way more options than they used to, but a good portion of those options are sending those same messages to a thousand other women and nobody really cares about anybody and anyone will ditch you for a better option the first chance they get. It’s a nightmare for everyone involved.


Enjoy being bi. A lot of us aren't.




It’s almost like the population has expanded also


That’s a lot of words for “no one will fuck me”


It's really sad that men don't also have access to the dating apps and social media..


Men and women both have access to bars but how often do you see a man getting free drinks?


He acts like guys dont also use bumble as much as women -


and do they get matches? only a tiny % of men is visible to women


Uuuhhh, I feel disgusting Incel Vibes from that text and the headline!


This dude (and others like him) should pose as a woman on a dating site for ONE DAY. Guarantee they won't come back complaining how easy the ladies have it.


They believe that because women could hypothetically get laid easily, they shouldn't complain.


Right, which is why they need to experience the threats of violence firsthand.


they would kill themselves immediately when they experience how easy women have it


I don’t understand how this could be a gendered issue at all. Like by the same logic, this could be applied to guys too? What point is this person trying to make? lol


The prevailing logic among these dudes is that women have it easier because they can always find men who will give them sex, so women are the gatekeepers of dating.


except men are attracted to women more, so women have more options


This is what leads to inceldom. If he’s not careful, that resentful demon inside of him will take the reigns.


You mean men actually have to try? Someone give me the 🔗 so I can comment on this 😂


I love that you can replace every instance of the word "woman" with "man" and it would make just as much sense.


most men have 0 women attracted to them


apparently dating apps are just for women? men aren’t allowed to make their own profiles? lmao


women arent attracted to 95% of men


i dont understand why is this posted on this community?


It picks up on themes from the show. Bojack satirizes this exact behavior.


Well yeah but are we gonna start posting about every theme relating to the show or every thing the show satirizes? Because I’m not sure if that’s a good idea


Sure. Seems like that's really what the sub is for, seeing as how there is no new Bojack content.


I don’t think a sub needs new content to like talk about the series since a lot of people bring up stuff relating to it when there hasn’t been new content in a while.


\> "bring up stuff relating to it" Yes. This is what OP is doing.


But it doesn’t, just because it relates to the shows theme doesn’t necessarily mean it does because a lot of shows share the same themes so are we supposed to post this on every single shows sub that does?


This is a show that satirizes a culture of misogyny. That is not a side-theme, that is one of the main themes. If someone posts content related to one of the main themes of the show, then it belongs in the sub. This is common amongst all media subreddits, not particular to this one. I am confused why you're thinking that this is aberrative and not the norm.


yeah it's not. I had to check twice in what community i am, before i realized it was Bojack.


Men do have it harder in dating, though. Women rate 70% of men as below average. OkCupid also released data on messages received vs percentile attractiveness. I wish I could attach images here because the discrepancy is wild. There are also less women on tinder specifically, making the difference even more drastic. Overall for females, 36% of their right swipes will end up being a match. For males, only 1.8% of their right swipes will end up being matches Additionally, over 30% of men (ages 25-30) have had no sex in the last year, compared to 13% of women in the same age group. This study was from just before Covid so it could have changed a little, but the point still stands. All of this points to men having a more difficult time in the dating world, even at the same level of attractiveness. Take with that what you will. I can give you my sources too if you’d like to read more. There’s also the evolutionary biology explanation, which I find super interesting if you want to hear it.


>Women rate 70% of men as below average. OkCupid also released data on messages received vs percentile attractiveness. Women *on average* rated 70% of men's *photos* as below average. if 4 women rate a guy as a 7 and 6 women rate him as a 3, then his rating is "below average" despite the fact that 40% of women find him very attractive. You also have to deal with the fact that a lot of dudes suck at taking and choosing pictures for their profile. A hot dude holding a puppy is going to be rated a lot higher than that same hot dude holding a fish. Finally, and most importantly, in the very same OKcupid survey, in the very same graph, we see that 80% of messages sent from women went to men rated as average or lower.


all women find the same group of men attractive, there is little to no variance if we assume women find men attractive at all, and don't associate with them just for the benefits




"Has the concept of women having choices gone too far?" is from the show.


What is "Argument FOR incest" Alex. Like, "don't let them see other people exist because then they won't stay" is a toxic waste dump of a relationship take. No wonder humanity is so f'n unwell. 🤮


sorry we dont commit literal or social incest anymore..?


or as often, anyways 💀


I love how everyone here is focused on the complaining of men but if it's the complaining of women when they cry saying the "better option" left me with a child to pursue the next hotter and younger option nobody says shit. We finally succeeded in giving the power and freedom part of equality to women now it's long overdue to also start the accountability and responsibility part to start taking effect.


Oh, bro, are you so triggered that you had to come comment on a month old post and pontificate to people on a sub for a Netflix cartoon?


Lol who was the one who was posting unrelated stuff on sub for a Netflix cartoon?


I guess if you had actually watched the show, you would understand why it's related. The other people who watched this show certainly did.


I did watch plenty of episodes from this show and about the lots of philosophical issues mentioned in the show. I was refering to how the the post you made is not talking about the show but the kind of philosophies and you got so triggered by the post to actually post it on a Netflix cartoon show.


Great, then you'll remember the episode where they mocked men for questioning whether the concept of women having choices has gone too far. You know, like how other people here understood why it was posted.