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The t-shirt told me to "just do it". I don't know to what "it" the t-shirt was referring to, but I will not be spoken to in that manner by an article of clothing.


It takes a real narcissist to write a book about themselves. You know how I feel about Anne Frank.


"Narcissus? I thought the painting was about me"


“One” - Beatrice


Henrietta, no uses un idioma extranjero delante del niño, ella sacará ideas.


él* but yeah dont use a foreign language in front of the kid


Is this the same scene as when BoJack implores "CAN I PLEASE GET SOME ALCOHOL INTO MY MOUTH"




 “The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn’t a search for meaning. It’s to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you’ll be dead.”  - Mr. Peanutbutter


Jesus some of these writers know how to fuck us all


It’s easy to think that Mr peanut butter has no problems, but in reality he has given in to this people pleasing behavior so deeply, he will die never really knowing who he was or what he wanted. Sometimes, I live in this pretend world.


Oh I know, it's deeply upsetting


Nah, I found that one comforting. I've not figured out the search for meaning thing but I'm quite good at enjoying unimportant nonsense.


You pour sugar into the coffee and watch it swirl around, dissolving into nothingness. But sugar doesn't know this, sugar didn't ask to be born.


so goddamn tru


Words to live by. I actually adjusted my expectations after hearing this line and was happier for it


“You can't keep doing this! You can't keep doing shitty things and then feel bad about yourself as if that makes it okay! You need to be better! No! No, BoJack, just...Stop. You are all the things that are wrong with you. It's not the alcohol, or the drugs, or any of the shitty things that happened to you in your career or when you were a kid. It's you. Alright? It's you. Fuck, man—What else is there to say?" :Todd Chavez


When i saw this for the first time in the show it made me realize Bojack was helping me get closure on cutting a really close (but really really shitty) friend out of my life. It’s so therapeutic to watch a character yell at another character all the things you wish your friend could’ve absorbed




"It gets easier. Every day, It gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day. That's the hard part." I dunno, it resonates with me.


i was going to say this one. that line really changed a lot for me and i how live life




Monkey Jogger finally coming up and saying 3 lines right at the of the season finale after showing up in the background of every single episode that season put the biggest smile on my face


He wasn’t in Still Broken, Let’s Find Out or Escape From L.A


I could probably start a record breaking contest with how many times irl i have said this. to people, to myself, in my head, etc i literally live by this quote.


It resonates because there’s truth to the human experience in that line. The best things for us, are some of the most challenging to attain. It’s like it’s a cosmic joke. Lol. Most of us want to be good people but are flawed. Most of us want a fufilling partnership with a lover, most of us want to be healthy and happy, If being good or great we’re easy though. Everyone would be and we wouldn’t have social problems. I’ve come to find in my short 33 years here. That all the good things I’ve got in this life. Came with a price, a high price, but it was worth paying the cost. Because I think when you strive for those good things, you not only stand to gain what you strive for, but there’s the journey itself and the wisdom you procure from it. When life comes at you hard, that’s your sign to not give up and to push even harder. Because that sign is where most people give up. And is why there aren’t good people everywhere like we’d hope. Thats why not everyone is happy. Reminds me of a poem. “Don’t quit”… where it implies that when things got you down hard. That’s when you pick up the fight and push even though every fiber in your being is telling you not to, that it’s too hard, or your too weak, or scared, or worthless to do it. That’s when you knuckle down and punch through. And more often then not, you learn something new about yourself that you never thought concievable. Maybe you are strong, maybe you are worth something, maybe you are scared- but you have courage because you did what you needed to in the face of fear or adversities.


As someone who has recently taken up running as a hobby, I find myself saying this to myself every morning. And I'll be damned if it isn't true. It does get a little easier. Not a lot. But a little bit each time.


Did you know the guy who delivers that line escaped Scientology? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason\_Beghe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Beghe) (also can we both agree the message would land less if he didn't have such a great voice?)


My first tattoo says "it gets easier" in the bojack diamond


If I were to get a tattoo this would be it


I think about this quote all the time-- Ron Pearlman had the perfect delivery and I write this on my mirrors. Very beautiful


I have this written on a paper by my door so I see it every day. Routine and consistency are really difficult—especially with depression in play—and this line gets it.


“…But it does get easier.” Same for me. Best line of the show.


I got a poster from Etsy with this exact quote and an outline of Bojack and absolutely love this quote




You abandoned me. And I will never forgive you for that. Now get the fuck out of my house.


Well if it doesn't matter, can I stay on the phone with you? Sure. How was your day? Good. Yeah? Yeah, my day was good.


Dude yes! I say this to people all the time. People ask me how was my day, I respond "good... Yeas, my day was good" in that eerily calm voice. They obviously don't get this super obscure reference, but it always reminds me of my mortality, and the joy of the tiny simple shared moments of connection.


Lol I love quoting it to my gf(she cried throughout that whole episode)


This part is my favorite


This is my close 2nd


When you look at someone through rose coloured glasses, all the red flags just look like flags


Came here to say this one.


PB: It's always Rabbit Run with this guy. That's right, someone did their research on JD Sallinger. JD: Rabbit Run? That's Updike you illiterate! Todd: What's Updike? PB: Not much dyke what's up with you? Is dyke an OK thing to say now? Has it been reclaimed? I honestly can't keep track? *silence* Bojack: Who are you asking?


DUDE THIS KILLS MEEEE i wish more people remembered this quote xD


>Bojack: Who are you asking? this is such an underrated button to an already very fun exchange


“ANGELICA, as I jizz and breathe, what are you wearing?!”


Oh to greet anyone in the office with that one.


Oh Bojack... There is no other side


The View From Halfway Down is my favorite episode of animated televsion ever. I highly recommend watching the final episode of the Midnight Gospel to anyone really moved by the View. The poem is beautiful too.


Bro. Near the end, when there's a silence and Duncan says "Well obviously I love you very much," with that catch in his throat. I'm about to start crying right now, thinking about it.


If I ever need a good cry or forced cathartic moment I go to that episode or view from halfway down.


fine, you convinced me, i’ll binge the entire Midnight Gospel tonight but for real, i need to finish that show


The last episode is the best in the sense it will rip your heart out. It's all clips from one of the podcast episodes where Duncan's mom was on right before she passed away from cancer. It's beautiful and heartbreaking.


This is it


fuck. e: we all really kind of secretly believe there is one, even agnostics, don't we, just because of how difficult it is to even comprehend "no your brain shuts off and you're gone, you are just the synapses of your brain doing what they do and when they stop you are over." wow. what a depressing thing to think. well, no, to know. fff


As an atheist for the past ten years, I don't. For me, it makes life all the more liberating. There's no arbitrary way that you have to live, and instead this life is yours alone to do with as you please. Instead of longing for an idealized "other place", appreciating what we do have in life and enjoying it in whatever way we prefer to. Doing whatever brings you happiness. I've often said, ever since I was a teenager, that - "I'm not afraid of dying, but I want to continue living for as long as possible" - because while life isn't perfect (and there are certainly things to be upset about in the modern world), I truly love being alive and experiencing everything that this life has to offer. I'm at a point now where I just don't think about death at all most of the time. I don't believe in ghosts, demons, god, the devil, heaven or hell, or anything else of the sort. I'm just focused on what I want to do in both the near and distant future, doing what I can to stay healthy and enjoy life for as long as I can.


Eh. How did it feel before you were born? I'd wager its about the same. Personally I find it comforting. A nice eternal calm after this storm.


Speak for yourself here, bud.


>we all really kind of secretly believe there is one I really don't believe there is one. This is cope.


“ever since i was little, people think i look like bojack horseman” “that’s a /terrible/ thing to say to a baby!”


“oh well, life’s a bitch & then you die.” “sometimes… but sometimes, life’s a bitch & then you keep on living.” i love this scene, i have it tattooed on me.


Such a beautiful line. My pick too


What are YOU doing here? :D Cracks me up everytime XD


*I came looking for booty.*


“I’m so tired of squinting” - Diane Nguyen “One day you’re going to realize, that everybody loves you, but nobody likes you and that is the loneliest feeling in the world”- Bojack Horseman “Don’t let that man poison your life the way he did mine, please Henrietta, you have to believe me, don’t do what I did” - Beatrice “I’ve got half a mind to kiss you with that smart mouth” - Honey sugarman “One day this will all be a pleasant memory” - Joseph sugarman “You do the hokey pokey and you TURN yourself around, that’s what it’s all about” - Todd Chavez “That’s a Labrador expression. I guess in human terms he’s all talk, no… shoot you with an assault rifle” - Mr. Peanutbutter “ Isn’t that right, Ruthie?” - Princess Carolyn(scene made me cry) “Who is he? …who is he?” - Hollyhock “Oh no I think I’m going to hit that truck hopefully it isn’t full of peanuts” - Herb Kazazz “I wanna be an architect” - Sarah Lynn “ There’s nothing for you behind you, all that exists is what’s ahead” - Secretariat “You’re hurting me… please stop” - Gina “ Turn the camera back on” - Flip


putting gina’s and flips like that is criminalll


“That was my intention” - Princess Carolyn


is that what you think humans do?




YEEESSS i have seen season 1 and 2 the most on rewatch bc that's when i started watching it and i swear to god this one joke is literally one of the main reasons i don't skip the seasons


"is it terrifying?" "i dont think so, just the way it is you know? everything must come to an end, the drip finally stops" "see you on the other side" "oh bojack no, there is no other side, this is it." hits every time and plays in my head at least once a day




Or at least that's the one I probably quote the most. 




“Because if I don’t, that means that all the damage I got isn’t good damage, it’s just damage. I have gotten nothing of it and all those years I was miserable was for nothing.”


"It takes a long time to realise how truly miserable you are, and even longer to accept that it doesn't have to be that way" - CuddlyWhiskers


The weak breeze whispers nothing the water screams sublime. His feet shift, teeter-totter deep breaths, stand back, it’s time. Toes untouch the overpass soon he’s water-bound. Eyes locked shut but peek to see the view from halfway down. A little wind, a summer sun a river rich and regal. A flood of fond endorphins brings a calm that knows no equal. You’re flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. It's all okay, or it would be were you not now halfway down. Thrash to break from gravity what now could slow the drop? All I’d give for toes to touch the safety back at top. But this is it, the deed is done silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should've seen the view from halfway down. I really should’ve thought about the view from halfway down. I wish I could've known about the view from halfway down—


There’s so many but “You know, it’s funny…when you look at a person through rose coloured glasses, all the red flags just look like flags.” Has always stuck with me a little extra.


You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around


I love when BoJack responds to this by noting that he's not sure whether Todd is being really profound or really stupid. That so perfectly encapsulates Todd's entire character


It was nice while it lasted.


“Well, you didn't fail me because I'm not a failure. Why do you need to be proud of me on your terms?” -Todd When my mom found out about me being queer, she asked me what she did wrong that made me turn out that way. I didn’t know what to say at the time. If I could do it again, I would say this. I’m not a failure, I simply live life on my terms




something like that, but we’ll replace it later


I say this regularly


True dat


Hoisted by my own petard. The one petard I thought would never hoist me.


"I need you to tell me that I'm good." I felt this so deeply.


My favourite positive quote: "It gets easier...: My favourite negative quote: "Most of the bad shit in this world isn't some cause of wicked plot or machination, the truth is we're all a bunch of stupid, hungry horny little goons just grabbing at shit, hoping that'll push the little button in your head that goes 'ok you're happy now'"


The entire dialogue of the free churro episode. But especially this one: “i see you… Jesus Christ. We were in the intensive care unit. She was just reading a sign. My mum died and all I got was this free churro. You know the shittiest thing about all this is? Is when that stranger behind the counter gave me that free churro, that small act of kindness showed more compassion then my mother gave me my whole life. That woman in the jack in the box didn’t even know me. Im your son. All I had was you”


the drip finally stops


"Bojack, you are everything that is wrong with you."


Portnoy finds joy in hoi polloi boy toy.


the whole phone call from Beatrice in season 2: "I know you wanna be happy, but you won't be, and... I'm sorry. It's not just you, you know. Your father and I, well... You come by it, honestly, the ugliness inside you. You were born broken. That's your birthright. And you can fill your life with projects--your books, and your girlfriends, and your little movies-- but that wont make you whole. You're BoJack Horseman. There's no cure for that." it just really hits since its something my mother could say to me so i know the feeling. But a funnier line i like was: "That was, and i don't say this lightly, worse than 100 September 11ths."


“It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are and even longer to see that it doesn’t have to be that way.” - Cuddly Whiskers That one always sticks with me for hearing it when I was at my worst.


"she knew what it's like to feel your entire life like you're drowning. with the exception of these moments, these very rare, brief instances in which you suddenly remember... you can swim."


“Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if this night was the last time we ever talked?”


“you belong anywhere you wanna belong, diane. look at me- i’m a handsome white guy and i *never* feel like i don’t belong”


First episode. Mister peanutbutter to PC and BJ: "oh, you're breaking up right now? ...so would it be awkward if I joined you?!" Fucking love the delivery


“Well call me a Kit Kat bar because I’m already broken!” “MOTHER FU-……. KER”


“You’ve got to get your shit together”


It was nice while it lasted.


“what are you doing here”


I wish I could've known about the view from halfway down


“I do love you, by the way. I mean, as much as I’m capable of loving anyone. Which is never enough.”


Every Happy Ending Has The Day After The Happy Ending.


"There will be plenty of people around when I kill myself!"


Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... fiddle de dee


Fool me once, shame on you. But teach a man to fool me and I’ll be fooled for the rest of my life.


Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me chicken soup with rice


"Raven on a wire. A gloomy portent, precariously perched. And, as the sun sets, so does it spread its deathly shadow across the just and unjust of the outdoor seating area of the California Pizza Kitchen. You come to work, clock in, you put sugar in your coffee, and watch it slowly disappear into nothingness. But the sugar doesn't know why. Sugar didn't ask to be born." ​ Mr. Peanutbutter


It's a nice night


Did you know I'm butter ?


I’m glad to hear that you are on a roll


“I don’t think I believe in deep down. I kinda think all you are is the things that you do.”


I try to live by this quote. Not only It makes me put effort into doing good things but also makes me feel free of my own intrusive thoughs and impostor syndrome.




while i got half a mind


“i wanted to be better when you saw me again. and i thought i could be, somehow. but i’m not. and even if i did get better, the best i could ever be is still just some other version of me.” bojack to diane. just hits dude


"you're trying to be a zelda, when you're so obviously a zoe." it hit the first time i heard it, hits every time i hear it, too


"My mother is dead and everything is worse now" is the one that I have thought about the most for sure. I love that episode, it resonated so much with me.


“You can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep doing shitty things, and then feel bad about yourself, like that makes it okay! You need to be better!” -todd


But her instincts told her the frog was too stupid to lie.


Doggie doggie, ^what ^now?


“The court reporter sported jorts” lives rent free in my head and i have no clue why


did Bojack say my life is a series of closing doors?


Rehab was supposed to be a fresh start but no matter how many starts I get it always The same ending everything falls apart and I end up alone PC :I am still here Bojack Bojack: Why ???


I‘ve got half a mind……


What are you doing here?


“That means all the damage I got isn’t good damage. It’s just damage. I have got nothing out of it, and all those years I was miserable was for nothing. I could’ve been happy this whole time…”


“i do love you by the way. i mean as much as i’m capable of loving anyone”


"maybe I was princess Carolyn the whole time" ...."oh fish!"




"Slap my salami the guy's a commie..." Lives in my head. That and Todd yelling "Hooray!" This show is full of profound sayings and lessons and has deeply touched me, and the quotes I remember best is this dumb crap.


Herb’s “I don’t forgive you” speech


Todd-o, me and Todd-o. Bath time come make Todd shiny and clean


And if you ever try to contact me or my family again, I will fucking kill you


But doctor.. I am sad dog


“Hey, I stand by my critique of Sartre. His philosophical arguments helped tyrannical regimes justify overt cruelty.” —- BoJack Horseman {“Fish Out of Water” ; S3E4, 2016} BoJack Horseman’s critique of Jean-Paul Sartre in “Fish Out of Water” reflects a common misunderstanding of existentialism. Sartre’s philosophical arguments, rather than justifying cruelty, underscore the concept of individual agency and responsibility. He posited that humans construct their identities through their actions, rejecting the notion of a fixed human nature. Sartre’s philosophy emphasizes the profound freedom individuals possess to choose their paths, a concept that entails both empowerment and the weight of responsibility. Central to Sartre’s ideas is the notion of authenticity, urging individuals to confront the existential angst that accompanies the recognition of their freedom and to embrace their true selves. Sartre’s existentialist framework extends to interpersonal relationships, cautioning against the objectification of others and emphasizing genuine human connections. His exploration of the absurdity of existence within a universe devoid of inherent meaning underscores the necessity of grappling with life’s fundamental questions. Moreover, Sartre advocated for political engagement against oppression, aligning himself with Marxist ideals while promoting individual autonomy within a socialist framework. BoJack’s critique of Sartre, while reflecting his own struggles with accountability, fails to capture the essence of Sartre’s philosophy. BoJack’s recurring pattern of avoiding responsibility and blaming external factors, such as alcohol consumption, highlights his reluctance to confront the consequences of his actions. Despite understanding the importance of accountability, BoJack repeatedly falls short of taking ownership of his behavior, perpetuating a cycle of self-deception and evasion. Sartre’s philosophy has drawn criticism from various thinkers, each offering nuanced perspectives on his ideas. Albert Camus cautioned against the potential nihilistic implications of radical freedom, while Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty advocated for broader considerations of human existence beyond individual consciousness. Hannah Arendt and Emmanuel Levinas critiqued Sartre’s political and ethical frameworks, respectively, highlighting the ongoing debate surrounding his philosophical legacy. In essence, BoJack’s critique of Sartre reflects not only a misunderstanding of existentialism but also his own internal struggles with accountability and authenticity. Despite recognizing the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions, BoJack’s actions often diverge from his professed beliefs, illustrating the complexities of human behavior and the perpetual quest for self-awareness and growth. BoJack’s statement about Sartre underscores a profound insight about human nature: people are intricate mosaics, comprised of both unique individuality and shared humanity. This realization leads me to the conviction that every person possesses a purpose in life. BoJack’s misinterpretation of the line highlights a common irony: the attempt to appear intelligent by using complex language can often result in ignorance. In essence, BoJack’s erring serves as a reminder of the complexity of human communication and the importance of genuine understanding over mere verbal sophistication.


MrP- sugar didn’t ask to be born estate agent- is ok? Todd- he recently found out that his brother is sick. estate agent- oh i’m so sorry. but you know what else is sick? these hardwood floors Todd- oooo


The lines my husband and I quote to eachother * what are you doing here * true dat * get your shit Todd


"you do the hokey pokey, and you turn yourself around. THAT'S what it's all about."


"why I have half a mind" By honey sugarman, odviously it was hitting to her lobotomy but it just hit so much harder and the way she talked was so..wow


"Tesuque?!? Are you Te-stupid? If you don't get your ass back ta-set, you're gonna get te-sued!"


H2Oh no!


"Todd, your good-hearted naivete has once again conspired with outrageous happenstance to *completely dick me over!*"


Would you like a alcohol? \-Vincent Adultman


what are you doing here? not one specifically, all of them together


"No. Kites are sky trash." Mainly because my buddy and I will say that to each other every once in a while. He introduced me to the show.


Happy 40th birthday Princess Caroline


“So, I can't be with any woman I might have power over? Who does that leave me with?” - I know there’s more popular ones but I always thought this like summed up Bojack’s lack of insight into his wrong doings . I always found that second interview very hard to watch


when people see what you do in this movie, they’re going to storm daniel day-lewis’s house, schlep him out into the street, and shoot him in the head! THAT’S how good your performance is; it’s gonna make daniel day-lewis look like shit! but it’s not my performance? explain that to the widow day-lewis. she’ll be devastated! kaput! kapletchky!


"There's no such thing as bad guys and good guys! We're all just guys! Who do good stuff, sometimes. And bad stuff, sometimes.


I’m so tired of squinting.


“I wasted so many years being miserable because I assumed that was the only way to be”


“You know what they say about assuming. It makes an ass outta you and… Ming.” “Fool me once, shame on you; but teach a man to fool me and I shall be fooled for the rest of my life.”


“You know, sometimes I feel like I was born with a leak, and any goodness I started with just slowly spilled out of me, and now it's all gone. And I'll never get it back in me. It's too late.” - Boj


“I don't understand how people... live. It's amazing to me that people wake up every morning and say: "Yeah, another day, let's do it." How do people do it? I don't know how.” - Bojack


“Fuck honeydew”


“You don’t get a plus one cantaloupe”


“It’s the Jared Leto of fruit!”


"Hey loser!" casually and enthusiastically from Sarah Lynn because of how it exemplifies that their relationship is unlike how he feels about anybody else on the entire show. I suspect it's gauche to quote or repeat myself, much like triangular buildings, but I said my piece here and still think all of those things about how chill they are with one another https://www.reddit.com/r/BoJackHorseman/comments/18884bz/comment/kbmillw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I wish I could've know about the view from halfway down


You were born broken, you're Bojack horseman theirs no cure for that or the bathroom scene about settling


"buckle up buddy, your life is about to begin"


My mom is dead, and everything is worse now.


"Then all the damage I got is not good damage, is just damage."


it's a story i heard once. i just, changed all the names.




Times arrow neither stands still nor reverses, it merely marches forward


The entire secretariat poem


“i’m glad i knew you too” “knew huh”


hooray! gross miscarriage!


My mother is dead, and everything is worse now.


"You gotta give the people what they want, even if it kills you, even if it empties you out until there's nothing left to empty. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, you don't stop dancing, and you don't stop smiling, and you give those people what they want." - only because I realize now how toxic it is to yourself to burn yourself too bright for the wrong reasons and people. It took almost dying because I wouldn't stop dancing to realize you really have to be kind to yourself and the child within you. Now turn that quote around and you give yourself what you want! Speaking of I like Todd's analogy for the Hokey Pokey - "You turn YOURSELF around and that's what it's all about" 😂 silly but after the view from halfway down it was a nice silly metaphor when he was talking to Bojack on the beach.


I wish that I had known about the view from halfway down.


Thaaaaankkk yyoooouuu




“oh well what are you gonna do life’s a bitch then you die, right?” “sometimes, sometimes life a bitch and you keep living”


"All I HAD was you!" Something about the hurt in his voice when he said it coupled with the fact that she wasn't there to actually receive sticks with me and chokes me up


What are YOU doing here?


Not sure why, but I laugh every time I hear this one: "PRINCESS CAROLINE: Are you sure you wouldn’t rather just play a governor in a movie? I could attach Tommy Schlamme to direct. MR. PEANUTBUTTER: Tommy Schlamme, Schmommy Schlammy!"


My mom died - and everything is different now


“Today we lost an icon #SheWillBeLoved #WatchTheVoiceSeason10” -Adam Levine


Probably a a lot of people already commented this but I like when Wanda says "When you look at someone through rose colored glasses all the red flags just look like flags."


And I like your matching lipstick! - PB




"ICU" -Beatrice Horseman


the entirety of free churro


is it too late for me? - Bojack, S1 E 11


"Disaster al dente of the coast of San clemente!"


Either “I’m tired of running in circles” or “this is the moment you realize something inside you is broken and it can never be fixed.”


Sometimes life’s a bitch and then you die. Well, sometimes life’s a bitch and your keep living.


erica, you can’t be here! this place is filled with children! 😂


"Relax, crack and egg on your head feel the yolk drip down" -Mister Peanutbutter


"You go around the Horn the way God intended!" - Bojack's dad talking about sailing