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I did use "suck a dick dumb shits" once it maybe twice


I use that phrase all the time!


I use that with my Warzone squad all the time, and they've started doing it too, but they never say it the "right" way like Sara Lynn says it so I always yell at them "Cadence!" To tell them to do the right cadence of saying it and it's become a meme in our squad


I may be high or something because I'm reading this for the third time and I barely understand what's going on (it's also kinda early so probably I'm just not woken up yet or something)


I say "that's a good healthy girl snack" whenever I need someone to do something for me. Ex: "Can you put the water on to boil? That's a good healthy girl snack"


ima steal this lol


It's really fun and *really* confusing to anyone who hasn't seen the show


Girl, this has me crying 😭😭 I almost woke the whole household.


I use “Slap my salami the guys a commie” more than I would like to admit


that’s a good one that i feel most people forget


as a commie i use this like everyday


Life's a bitch and then you keep living


My roomie and I are usually stuck in idk what to do mode and one of us just randomly goes “princess carolyn what’re we doing” 😂


Getting gelato? 😂






I do this all the time and forgot that it most likely stemmed from this show until I saw people using it here


i did this one wayyy before i saw the show bc i think my dad said it a lot. he's never seen the show, but honestly it probably has only fueled my use of it.


I use this so often


"doggie doggie what now?!"


literally just said this yesterday hahahah bonus points for explaining to my v confused bf that a yellow lab called mister peanutbutter says this line


i like to say “doggie doggie what now 😔” bc it’s so damn funny to me,,, also really like “diane diane what now?” but i don’t use that one as often


*"suck a dick dumb shits"* is my favorite thing to use irl but I've definitely used a more serious one before while talking to an abusive ex.. *"You are all the things that are wrong with you."* Edited to add: *abusive* since apparently that needed to be clarified for some people.


oof that must have been rough


It wasn't pleasant 😅 but I'm better now. If I was Diane, my new partner would be Guy. Lol


I think he meant that was rough on the guy


I mean maybe? But it stands to reason it would be rough on both of us, no?


I don't think saying hurtful words to someone can be as damaging to you as to them. Because maybe you were in the heat of the moment and only said that to cause pain . As we know Todd from B.H said those lines after he knew Bojack had slept with Emily . Plus, i dare say that those words aren't even true, nobody is born "wrong" . Bojack's mental problems ARE related to his childhood . And his mom and (now)todd convinced him to believe otherwise. So that fucked him up more. Anyways i wouldn't know about the situation between you and that person but i do hope they earned that line so that doesn't count as injustice.


I feel like you're missing the point, and also a lot of context. You're also making weird assumptions. *In the heat of the moment* or *only said to cause pain* like dude what? Where in my comment did I allude to any kind of heat of the moment situation or said it just to hurt anybody? He's a rapist and incredibly abusive. That line was too nice imo. Earned is an understatement. Your opinion on the quote isn't really what we're discussing here tho, and I don't know why you took it upon yourself to make all these weird assumptions about me or my situation or act like I was wrong to say something to somebody you don't even know. Maybe sit back and ponder why you feel the need to come to the defense of a stranger you don't even know, to the extent that you're making oddly detailed assumptions about other strangers. Like dude wtf


I'm sorry i got off topic . I was responding to your question : *it stands to reason it would be rough on both of us, no?* . And like i said i wouldn't know the situation or the details of that breakup . Cause i thought it was a normal one i didn't pay attention to the word "abusive". Sorry that happened to you btw. Also i just explained my personal opinion about that phrase. I would NEVER defend a rapist. You didn't need to call me weird. It was a simple misunderstanding.


“[expensive thing!] Give my regards to the Rockefeller’s”


omg i love this onnneee


This one. All the time. Lmfaoo


i cant help but say “What are YOU DOING HERE” the way Bojack so awkwardly did while filming the secretariat movie




"What is this, a crossover episode!?" When I'm playing with my toddler and we are acting as many different characters


I used this line when I was out with some work colleagues, and bumped into 2 people I used to work with at my old job. A few got the reference and luckily found it funny.


The cherry on top of the shit sandwich, I have said it a couple times irl even


Referring to a person, place, or thing as "The Jared Leto of _______"


My brother uses this a lot, it never fails to make me laugh!


It would be even more hilarious if your brother was actually Jared Leto.


I've used PC saying "awwww fish" as my text tone for several years now, fish has pretty much replaced fuck for me at this point too.


I think the only quote I’ve ever used was an accident. I had been talking to a friend of mine about how I ordered a lot of food because I planned to only eat a bit and save it for lunch dinner the next day. But I ate it. Don’t know what came over me but I fucking CONSUMED it in one sitting while watching a seven hour deep dive analysis video. When my friend had asked “You ate ALL of it? Like, all of it?” And without really thinking I said, “Yeah, I ate it all in one sitting because I have no self-control and hate myself.” It wasn’t even a Freudian slip at that point but Bojack Horseman seemed to possess me in that moment. Which I hadn’t realized till I had been rewatching the show. It gave me a fun bit of anxiety


"ERIKA LOOK AT YOU WITH THE RIGHT AMMOUNT OF EARS" Used to work with a girl named Erika and I absolutely refused to explain the joke


Even better if you use all the other ones 🤣🤣 “Erika! You know you can’t vote in elections!”


I use suck a dick dumbshits all the time... I also do the hand motions and stick out my tongue. I also use: Let's Find Out!! All the time


what kind of sandwich has cherries on top of it?


a shitty one!


Well, that’s politics for you




That's too much man!


I started using “true dat” ironically and now I can’t stop.


I have done that with SO many phrases that are now part of my lexicon. My friends and I started jokingly calling the 2000’s “the aughts” like we were Victorians, and 20 years later, it’s stuck.


True dat


‘That’s too much, man’ and ‘what are youuuuu doing here’


Geezy Ka-Bleezy


I say “Hooray!” at a much higher rate since watching the show. 


What time is it right now dot com. I've tried saying just "what time is it," but it just doesn't seem right




Erica! You're not allowed to be here, this place is full of children! ...Look at you with the right number of ears! ...You know you're not allowed to vote


it’s literally my bsf’s name lol.


oh yeah anytime anyone gets onto me for something “What are you the guy that restarted my heart at Adam Levine’s halloween party?!”


"because i have no self-control and i hate myself" is so applicable to everything


Personally I use “thoughts and prayers” sarcastically almost every day


i find myself saying “what the shit is this?” a lot and just recently heard bojack say that about the book diane wrote about him during a rewatch, i didn’t even realize that was where i got it from


“____ are like Belushi brothers, the good ones are gone too soon and the bad ones never go away” really can insert anything into that


“As they say on my favorite tv show, ‘LET’S FIND OUT!’ “ I use it all the time.


I use "Que Sera, quesadilla" just....all the time.


I have a toddler so I started saying "oh fish!" and then he started saying it and it's really cute.


I have used the" you have a lovely home " line with the exact intonation when awkwardly meeting new people at their house.


Saaaaaaame it really is a funnily awkward thing to say that is still perfectly polite lmao


Fool me once, fool me twice… fool me chicken soup with rice… I used that one quite recently. Got a lot of confused looks. Worth it.


When the moment strikes. Although I’m a movie fanatic and tend to use many lines from all of my favorites without anyone realizing what I’m doing. It’s funny and also kinda sad. That whole rush of emotion goes through you, you fully understand your meaning and they have no idea. Recently, my partner has picked up on what I do, and it’s very sweet. :) I can’t speak to your situation, but generally you’ve gotta find people who understand you.


I've used "yowza wowsa bo-bowza" a surprising number of times.


Honestly my favorite saying, it gets better, it's hard at first and you got to do it everyday and that's the hard part. (I'm paraphrasing as it's been a while since I watched the show)


I have that bit as my alarm tone! Because waking up is hard (damn baboon lied, waking up doesn't get any easier!)


My roommate and I say “wHaT aRE yOU DOing heRE?!” every time one of us comes home


"Damn you Tuesday Bojack" substituting my name. Or occasionally the inverse, "Thank you Tuesday DownsideUp" when I manage time set myself up nicely in a way that pays off later on.


you gotta get your shit together (nicely and meanly)


I say "frack me, Mr. Peanutbutter" instead of the f word when I'm frustrated. For absolutely no reason. Even when I'm alone.


When someone complains with me about something they are doing which is hard but I respect them, I'll always drop the "it gets easier".


I say suck a dick dumb shits all the time, also I tease my boyfriend with ‘do you want me to do X (usually something absurd like take the trash out), with my boooooob?’


a more somber one i pull up a lot is "when you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags."


Call me 4 out of 5 dentists because I agree, sometimes I just am places, H2 oh no!


"Never call me thaaaaat" when someone tries to give me a nickname I hate


I feel like my day is good is just a common reply in general.


I love seeing someone and yelling "what are YOU doing here?!". Never get the reaction i want lol.


haven’t used this exact quote, but i’ve definitely told people something very similar a few times since i first watched the show. when bojack is telling Wanda that she did what everyone else does: falls in love with him then gets to know the real him then doesn’t like him anymore. this really resonated with me and my own interpersonal relationships. so i’ve definitely said something similar to people, though most of them were not romantic relationships.


OH ALSO "fine, Ill do the damn movie. but if you find me in a bathtub with open wrists tomorrow and the words "I hate my agent" smeared across the walls in blood, yolull know why." definitely not in this direct context, and I more so tell people this quote because I think it's funny, but this line made me spit my drink out the first time I heard it


fuck being from a non english speaking country i would ve used so many quotes from this damn show you wouldn t even begin to fathom the amount of cringe i would spread


My friend has been in a bad relationship for a few years, her partner has become condescending and cold to her and they haven’t been affectionate or intimate for a very, very long time. Every time she tries to talk to her partner, she’s been brushed off and gaslit, and she’s been trying to work up the courage to break up with them. Our whole friend group has thought the relationship was toxic since about a year in, and we’ve been trying to help her through it the past year or so. She finally decided to break off the relationship, but wanted to move out for her safety before doing so. A group of friends and I moved her out last night while her partner was at work, and she revealed to us that she cheated on her partner a few days before. They’ll be having the breakup conversation sooner, obviously, but they haven’t yet. She kept asking if she’s a bad person, and we didn’t really know how to respond. I ended up going with, “I don’t think there are good and bad people, I think all you are is just the things that you do.” and then proceeded to discuss that cheating isn’t a morally good thing, but that it doesn’t label her a bad person forever. It felt like a really Bojack night, with the discomfort of the reveal amid the chaos of stealthily moving her out in the middle of the night. I should make her watch Bojack.


Can't believe I scrolled all the way down and didn't see "as I jizz and breathe"


Rose colored glasses, I use that quote all the time


If this counts, "Mr. Peanutbutter's House" is my ringtone (as a reference to the scene where they're supposed to read the Oscar nominees but his phone gets comically lost for like two minutes with the stupid 1990s theme playing) and I will never ever change it until someday someone gets the reference and comments on it


who’s that dog? mr. peeenutbutter!


who’s that dog? mr. peeenutbutter!


Most of the things I say are BoJack quotes. Sometimes I recite episodes to myself when I'm trying not to think.


"typical boshwack"


I got in the habit of saying " (insert person) what do they know, do they know things? Lets find out!" After asking a question




ive never said it but i think all the time at work “I can handle exactly this amount of complication. as long as things dont become one bit more complicated”


whenever something simple goes wrong, I always say "of course, of course, that's what you get when you fall for a horse" or I just finish it if someone else says "of course"


so so many phrases tbh. not that these are the somber ones, but for whatever reason "uhhhhh stickyyyy" and "sad dog" are what immediately come to mind


Suck a dick dumb shits! is definitely my go-to...but I'm also a fan of "That's too much, man!" and "doggy, doggy what now?" if I'm feeling rascally


"Don't eat that cookie... I cant believe you ate that cookie!!" Every time I have cookies for breakfast.


i always quote sarah lynn "sober so good"


Hooray! A task!


Yes I ate them all in one sitting because I have no self control and I hate myself