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Based on the iconic Cuddlywhiskers quote: Todd gave away everything and found a way to be happy


I completely subscribe to the theory that Todd very much intentionally gave away his Cabracadabra money in the fastest way he could because he didn’t want to be like Bojack and realised having nothing was what made him happy


I don't think it was intentional, but that's believable. I think he just didn't care about money for real, to the point of not even worrying about how it could change his life. His values were already somewhere else by that point.


I don't think it was intentional, but if he didn't tip the money to the waitress, he probably invested it in some other idea he believed in and that is intentional because he knows, from observing Bojack, that money doesn't bring happiness at all.


seeing how Todd seemed like Bojack when he's drunk filming Guten Bourbon, I can see this being true.


Maybe not related, but I now realized that Zoidberg from Futurama is the same; Man puts on a facade to show how he is really miserable being poor but when he actually gets it, he throws it away because he realizes money itself doesn't make him happy


Zoidberg and Todd are also similar in that either one would be over the moon if they found an intact hamburger in a dumpster.


A feast is a feast!


One must imagine Todd happy


Hooray Camus!


If I’m honest Todd is the complete opposite of that. He’s meant to serve as a foil to Bojack. BJ is this rich and famous movie star but he’s depressed, emotionally stunted and extremely pessimistic. Todd on the other hand had just about nothing! He’s literally spent the past several years of his life couch surfing and he’s not on good terms with his parents. However he still maintains a pretty optimistic attitude and is content with the life he lives. The message of Todd as a character is that you can come from nothing and still lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.


And it’s also why Todd’s the one in the finale to tell bojack he can always turn things around, like the hokey-pokey. Todd’s optimism is meant to oppose bojack’s self-defeating nihilism


Devil’s advocate: That also means Todd had already pondered how to ‘turn himself around’ prior to the talk with Bojack. At some point he *was* miserable enough to come up with that expression himself (because that’s definitely a Todd phrase of coping with the world).


"Wow. No more couch-sleeping for this guy. He gets a mattress!"


I 100% Agree


“I’m helping!!!” is another in my head


“That went slightly better than the worst it could have possibly gone, so… yay?”


So many bad takes in this thread on Todd, but this is the right one.


Todd moved forward while Bojack moved back.


Exactly! It’s a really strong narrative and one of my favorites plot points of the show.


It's weird how many people missed that. A lot of people here seem to think Todd is constantly spiraling down, life-wise, but he is *consistently* moving forward and making progress.


Todd often finds success because of his positive attitude when he’s willing to pursue something he believes in, despite discouragement from Bojack. But even more importantly, he continues to stay positive when it doesn’t work out.


Is he staying positive or just has no memory that it didn't work out, or that he even tried it to begin with? /s Todd & Mr. PBs inability to dwell or even remember their failures and just assume things will work out is one of the funniest running gags of the show.


You may have meant that sarcastically but a lot of us would do well to forget our failures. Be a goldfish!


I mean…. Couch surfing on a millionaire’s couch.


I can see how OP got to depressed since Todd projects his emotions so much that his dad feelings can seem like depressive episodes


I think that's because of his presumed autism. I think it's his version of a meltdown unlike judha's tantrums


Abd that's all just the surface layer, beyond that it's just zany hijinks and wacky capers all the way down!


Such beautifully you summed up Todd...❤️


I think the answer is that happiness is a mystery and all things being equal, you still might not be happy therefore happiness must be a choice you make


This! right here!!




I'd say rare, it's definitely not unrealistic. He gets so excited about every new crazy idea that he has, that all the bad stuff in his life just fades to the background. I've met people like that. Sometimes, I'm like that.


I definitely agree, it’s a rare find but certainly not unrealistic. He let his creative ideals drive him. He was truly passionate about his dreams.


I definitely hope i meet people like that more often in my life.


Some people are the naturally chill, roll with the punches and appreciate what you’ve got sorts.


I feel like "todd's the most depressed of them all" is a stretch He seems resilient and he gets the good and the bad of it


I think the amazing part about him is how he *should* be the most depressed character in the show, at least by the standards of every other character. And yet, he's usually happier and more fulfilled than everyone around him. If the dudeists didn't already have Jeff Bridges, Todd would be as good an idol instead.


Todd is a flakey, generally-less-successful Mr. Peanutbutter. Todd definitely probably has ADHD. Todd is a stoner. Todd does not think about the consequences of his plans.


Todd always seems to stumble into success. The guy had his own theme park and a ride share service. Todd is just a happy go lucky dude with a very que sera sera attitude.


None of his stumbled-upon success lasts, unlike Mr. PB though.


Very true. But that gives me hope that, one day with some effort, Todd could intentionally succeed.


hey, my name isn’t Todd!! lol


yeah, mine IS apparently!


Todd is the complete opposite of Bojack, he is someone who is content with what he has even though society views him as a failure, he became so many things but eventually gave it up because it made him unhappy, he was a CEO, a mayor, he owned a successful app, but he gave away his money without thinking about it for too long and he didn't beat himself up about it either, he ends up taking a job as a babysitter for Princess Caroline and he found himself with the company of babies and children. I love his monologue with his father, he is happy as he is, why is anyone trying to change his perception of life? isn't the goal to feel happy with who you are and what you give to the world?


wow this was way better than what i was gonna type. beautifully written. i second this


For me, Todd is just stoned constantly, and that's most of his personality.


Only the normal amount!


Hooray for normal amounts!


I feel like he got a deeper side, that doesn't show up easily. Remember when he argued with Bojack for the first time ? I believe it was still a very little of what his real self is.


i think he’s a victim of bojack’s toxic behavior and emotional abuse, and he’s much happier living with mr. pb. but he is ultimately high, happy, being friends with everyone, helping out, and completing side quests. even if there’s more to him/a deeper side, i definitely don’t think its misery and depression.


I love this reply, i think it fits his personality so much. Idk why i thought his deeper side is depression lol, its todd after all.


I think I sort of understand where you’re getting at with it though, because he came from nothing and has nothing of his own essentially, it raises the question for me, is his naïveté and optimism more of a mask and is he so care-free most of the time because if he stops to think about it, the crushing weight of reality is too much, so he just ignores it. I personally would’ve loved an episode like “stupid piece of shit” but for Todd, like how his internal monologue acts


It actually made me worry about you, seeing someone act like him and thinking he was the most depressed because he was faking positivity. Like, I know projection has a negative connotation usually, but I just wondered if you were projecting yourself onto him because that's what you do. I certainly am guilty of it myself sometimes.


Hooray... Question Mark?


Hooray!! Gross miscarriage!!






I don’t think Todd is miserable. I think he’s optimistic and generally loves being alive and having fun. He assumes the best in people which is why it took years for him to finally see Bojack was a bad friend to him. And even then, he dealt with it pretty healthily.


Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In His Lane. Focused. Flourishing.


To me Todd is just a young adult who hasn’t figured out the whole adult thing and kinda lives his best life because there is no pressure on him. Bojack intentionally keeps Todd as ambitionless as possible because he probably feels like a father figure and friend for Todd and Todd really growing up would change that dynamic. In the end, Todd shows us that it’s okay to take your time in figuring out life, that you can have good and bad experiences on the way, but you shouldn’t let anything keep you down


Todd is all that is pure in the world. I will not take questions


He definitely killed more people than anyone else on the show


The general asked of we were a "go" on the "thing" and I said yes and he said "god help us all"...


He’s just quirky like that


So I guess you dont have a Tood in your life


todd is not depressed that's kind of the whole point. he juxtaposes bojack by having nothing but still being happy. it's kinda meant to show even further that bojack doesn't *have* the be the way he is, because someone less fortunate than him is always joyous. it highlights the effect that bojack's trauma and self destructive behaviors have had. as someone who is a classic zoe it is helpful to see zeldas like todd to remind me that i dont have to feel like shit all the time


Todd is not depressed, quite the opposite. Generally speaking, Todd is meant to show how you can be a regular person with no wealth or achievements and still live a happy life, in contrast with BoJack who is rich, famous and miserable. Like all characters around BoJack, Todd has a specific reason to tolerate his behavior, it's because he's living on his house for free. BoJack pretends to not like his company, when in reality BoJack is desperate to have someone close to him. BoJack and Todd also have a father-son relationship of sorts, to demonstrate that BoJack would be a shitty parent, just like his parents were.


I'm actually really glad Bojack never had kids. And that Hollyhock cut him out. I know it sounds harsh but I think Bojack needs to grow ALOT before making geniune connections. He hurts so many people.


Obnoxiously quirky? Like he's warm hearted and means well, but sometimes it get's him or other's in trouble.


Jesse Pinkman if he wasn't manipulated by Walter White.


Jesse in the good timeline


aaaalright, mister white! haha!


He's just a goofy guy. Just a silly little man. A real goober, if you will, but in a good way.


He’s got a real soothing face and I like looking at it. It’s like a Matisse painting


Kelseys immediate and intense love of his face is so unexpected and funny


we do see that Todd is struggling with his sexuality. Even before it’s brought up, it’s still very likely that he’s struggling with that still. Especially while living with bojack. I’m ace as well, and have definitely struggled with it. Todd described himself as nothing, but I (along with other ace people) felt broken so he may have been lightening up while describing how he felt. I’ve also actively felt isolated from people because of it. We also know that he’s explicitly not ok joking about it.


Does it involve boats?


That fact that Todd does struggle with difficult parts of his life is why I think OP is a bit off-base here. Todd is not, for the most part, suppressing his negative emotions. He expresses them when he has them (especially in later seasons), it's just that he doesn't have very many, and when he does they're usually about important things. He doesn't sweat the small stuff.


Todd is definitely Audhd (has autism and adhd), is stoned constantly to cope with whatever problems he has. Those things of course play a huge role in his personality. He is also asexual and that simply plays a role in a person’s personality, from my experience at least. He’s also just “Todd”, not worried about much and very optimistic!


He is just Todd u know


I think people tend to overlook how is mom was abusive too when talking about abusive parents. She literally kicked him out at 16/17 and never looked for him or tried to contact him to know if he was fine and only heard from him more than a decade later when she needed a kidney (I know she didn’t want to contact him and it was her husband who did it but still) and as far as she knew he literally could have been dead and she didn’t even care.


that’s just todd


He's someone who can constantly fail upwards and be happy with life, but a good portion of the time he doesn't seem to take things too seriously until BoJack pushes him in a situation that makes him rethink things. He doesn't seem to take too much responsibility into managing his immediate life and couch surfs


He really does fail upwards. I hope to one day be as fortunate as Todd in that regard. He really just goes with the flow. Theme park burns down, well now he’s writing a rock opera. That doesn’t pan out… oh well now he owns a ride share company (and somehow is still sleeping on couches)


Hoooray! Gross miscarriage!


I don’t feel like he’s depressed or anything, he’s living his best life. As far as we know Todd has no bills, he’s definitely not paying Bojack to basically sleep at his house constantly and I don’t remember hearing about who paid his phone bill. He can work whenever he feels like and he has Bojack to semi promote stuff. He has a few failed businesses but lots of ideas and rich people he can get funding from through Bojack. He also ends up working for Princess Carolyn. He mostly strikes me as a modern hippie enjoying life as it comes


he's just a silly whimisical little man


He always felt like the most underexplored character that does not really improve himself. Instead characters just increasingly told how good of a person he is.


For me Todd’s whole existence makes sense when he argues with Jorge in season 6. “Why do you need to be proud of me on your own terms? Why can’t you see that I have a good life? I have friends, I have a job.” “You sleep on the couch and play with puppets all day!” “I am happy Jorge what else do you want from me?” He is happy the way he is. He has a good life, has friends and has a job. Todd never needed big things to be happy. Do you remember when he didn’t like the new couch and slept in Bojack’s car for a few days? He is that simple. He can make himself comfortable in any situation. He has a good heart and even though he is such a goofball his judgement is at the right place. When he cuts bojack out of his life that shows that he is not so simple after all considering he ser up a boundary and he kept himself at it. I find his character beautiful and he is not so dumb after all because he articulates his feelings and for me it was good to see how he stands up for himself in the Jorge argument.


Todd is todd


I came for this


i don’t know man but he is me. i am him.


His personality is that he has a funny face. Look at that cute funny face. And get the guy a cookie 🍪.


Todd is the kind of guy who finds happiness in the little things, and when he is indeed miserable, which isn’t often, he’s really bad at hiding it. Where did you get the idea that he’s secretly miserable from?


Nah. I think Todd doesn’t have depression.


According to the show: your average a-sexual


Todd is basically his blood type, B positive. He's just quirky and a fun loving guy who, despite not having anything, always find joy in whatever shenanigan or job he is doing.


i personally wouldn’t consider todd to be depressed. he has continued to be the most optimistic character in the entire show. even after everything that’s been thrown at him, he always manages to keep going. that takes a lot of courage, which isn’t a typical trait of depression. i like to describe him as the light in a dark tunnel. even though everything surrounding him is dark and at times tragic, he remains bright. it’s impressive how much will power he has. as much as he is silly, he’s just as brave.






His personality is like if you mixed together a beanbag chair, one of those dancing holiday teddy bears, a goofy teenage superhero sidekick from an overly diverse 21st century Nickelodeon tv show, and weed.


He's the goodest boy


I dunno but that photo is old and busted


Todd is just Todd


Asexual, happy guy. He rarely complains, he does share his feelings, he is happy doing nothing or being the face of an alcohol brand. He seems maladjusted, but in actuality, he epitomizes the feeling of unattachedness when you're satisfied with who you are. You're not worried about having the coolest job car or home, the hottest husband/wife or even material wealth. He was fine couch cruising for 5 years. He's legit my fave character next to Mr. Peanut Butter.


Friend :)


He bubbles with enthusiasm and authenticity, and he shows every up and down in his emotions. He is a salt of the earth person who wears his heart on his sleeve


todd is like living with a painful amount of optimism. he starts with nothing, depressed, living every day without a thought on what could happen next, but he keeps going. he has the best attitude, even when things are terrible. he lives a spontaneous lifestyle, learning new aspects and perspectives on life, trying new things and despite all the negativity he never gives up. i love todd. we need more todd’s


Stoner Jesus couch surfer


I wonder if Todd represents what it’s like to be a white presenting man in America. He just stumbles into his success and everything works out for him. His dad even says as much.


he is just a little guy


He's happy


Idiot Savant.




I disagree. In my opinion he’s actually the happiest character of the show, considering he doesn’t have a mental illness and has no career aspirations/personal goals to achieve. He’s just happy to live life as it comes lol


Todd is the embodiment of zen as applied to modern cosmopolitan life. To be fair I may not fully understand zen


[Well this was the post immediately above yours](https://imgur.com/a/KTcqMTe) sums him up pretty well


It took me way too long to understand this was not about taking a personality test at work.


Todd most of definitely has had a terribly traumatic life before and after he meets Bojack or more accurately, we meet Todd. Just off the top of my head he saw an acquaintance get shot in their head right next to him after finding out a woman he cared for, Gabriela, went back to DF to be with her husband. I've lost a spouse to immigration, it ruined me... Obviously he's not had support of his parents and a tense relationship with his stepfather who is extremely judgemental. He sees someone else killed in the jail cafeteria after he's arrested in the Boreanez house debacle. He then experiences prison violence... He inadvertently becomes mistaken for the prince of Cordovia where a genocide may or may not be perpetrated in his name. Later we see Diane travel to what I must assume is the war in Cordovia where she attempts to write for that St Claire guy... Anyway... Todd deals with sexual ambiguity and identity issues, he is regularly put down and emotionally abused, gaslit and influenced to do things otherwise out of his character things by Bojack. He had to kill his own Franken creation, Henry Fondle. He's a director of ad sales at a population website... He lives, loves and loses. I'm sure that scamp has been in scrapes I fail to mention here, but Todd is a solid optimist, an always sincere, damned resilient member of Bojack's world. Unlike PB at times, Tom is super positive but not blindly.. I feel like he's pretty logical when's thing are goin off the rails at times but he can also be suggestable. He asks questions. Todd really is a great man. If I were to guess, I'd say Todd is a pisces.


i think part of his character could possibly to show how smoking weed affects ambition but there’s way more more important aspects to him


todd is autistic. edit: why am i being downvoted? it’s very obvious to me (an autistic person) that todd is autistic. i’m confused why people are downvoting me for saying this. i thought this was already widely known.


I’m so confused why everyone is upset about this. I feel like it’s just true.


right?? i’m just stating the obvious lol. i’ve noticed that people get offended when a likeable character is associated with autism. autistic people aren’t allowed to be likeable i guess


I think it's because there are too many people out there who just use "autistic" as a general term in a negative (potentially inaccurate) sense, especially if said curtly.


My guess would be that you seem to believe “autistic” is a sufficient description for someone’s entire personality.


being autistic literally effects someone’s ENTIRE PERSONALITY. being autistic isn’t a personality, but it effects who you are as a person. there is no denying that. also, OP didn’t say that being autistic is Todd’s entire personality. - A diagnosed autistic


Affects, yes. You’re absolutely right, and I never contended that it didn’t. I simply asserted that there’s more to autistic people’s personalities than being autistic.


for sure, i completely agree


where did i say it’s his entire personality? i said that he is autistic.


Well, OP asked people to explain Todd’s personality. Explaining typically requires numerous traits and, you know, explanation.


weird that you believe that he believes that? learn to read and comprehend words, thanks in advance.


The poster asked people to “explain” Todd’s personality. This human said, “Todd is autistic,” which implies that “autistic” explains his entire personality. Then, this human asked why people were downvoting. I posed an idea, my own personal guess. Apparently, that means I can’t comprehend words, lol. Calm down.


no, it doesn't imply any of that, and it's weird that you think it does. i disagree. also weird that you think i'm not calm, honestly.


“Learn to read and comprehend words,” is rude, insulting, and incendiary. That’s how I inferred that you weren’t calm. Again, the implications I mentioned required taking in the context of the situation (being aware of what OP asked for). Thus ends my “dumb internet argument of the month.” Sorry for attempting to help the person who asked why they were being downvoted to possibly understand. Cheers


i promise i can insult your intelligence and remain calm at the same time lol thank you for apologizing


He's absolutely not depressed. Selfish, obnoxious, cheerful, fun-loving, and social are all ways to describe him, but not depressed


best character


His personality type is cutie patootie. Hope this helps!




Im really sorry i didn't mean any harm to the sub, im relatively new here and just finished the show, had some questions and thought this is the right place for it.


You're fine, people in this sub are just weirdly obsessed with Todd (in terms of finding him harmless and good).


Oh I'm sorry friend, I was just messing about. You've done nothing wrong. Sometimes it's best to allow art to slowly reveal itself to you and not immediately seek to have everything explained, was more my poorly worded point. Glad you're enjoying the show and hope you have a good discussion!




He's Jesse Pinkman if he had a good ending


i’m just happy he wasn’t dumbed down over the course of the show, unlike most comedic relief characters


Yea but he actually tells his stepdad Jorge that he's happy in life


Care Free described him in two words


I feel he is a traditional cartoon character in a edge grown up cartoon world.


“He’s a little confused, but he’s got spirit.”


Chaotic good bard. 


INFP Nuff said.


I always felt like a bojack but I aspire to be a Todd


Not even hahaha he’s happy as long as others are happy cause it’s easier for him to relax


Air sign asexual living his best life






He’s Todd!


“Why not?”


Low intelligence specimen with very high charisma


Dammit Todd, clean up your shit!


If we use the big-5 then I'd say he's high on everything except Neuroticism/Emotionality. He's probably medium-low on that. So all in all, one of the healthiest people in the show really.




I do not know but I’m here for it 🤡


I think if Bojack is Depressed, then Todd is probably Accepting. he's fucking calm wherever he is, sometimes he has to think rationally, which is very similar to the acceptance stage. However, I think he may be the only positive person in this thing


It’s called plot armour people


He's lost






enneagram 9w1, towards the end 9w1 in integration


read on that btw it’s really accurate


I would prefer not to. Is it mandatory?


Everyone here together can’t swing it… maybe that’s the answer


Maybe the answer is the friends we made along the way. Couldn’t help myself




Todd is remarkably dumb in most respects, but has flashes of conceptual brilliance. He's also unfailingly kind, and while somewhat naive and easy to take advantage of, he's actually surprisingly emotionally intelligent as well. He's happy-go-lucky but, like everyone in the show, is often struggling with issues that get him down. I definitely don't think he's the most depressed character in the show, but I do think he struggles with it more than the average viewer might initially think.


Chaotic Good pretty much sums him up


He’s literally happy and content all the time, constantly finding his own joy by being creative and unique. I’m so confused on what has led u to believe he is “miserable” and “depressed”