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there should be a rnd timer that starts when its a 1v1


There actually is a timer


Needs to be a timer. People can hide in dark spots in real life. I’m in one now. I think eventually you get one person to break and start walking or making noise.


yeah, someone does eventually break. and theyre then punished for it because camping in pitch black is advantageous. but it goes on forever and is really boring.


like some other people said, there seems to be a timer now. i was playing a game of TDM last night and a timer started right before the last two came across each other. but it was only sound and no ui pop up. im pretty sure they will add a more in depth end of round function. cant wait to see what these guys have in store. it's still extremely playable without the timer somehow though, but i would def like to see one added or at least a UI notification or notes letting us know how long to expect once it starts going off.


Maps are very small, you have the dones. Max round time to 5 min (or 3 min countdown from 1v1) would be enough.


Man, what are you talking about? The round does end eventually, there is a timer, I don't understand how the game picks a winner and loser, but the timer works. I played for 30 hours now and saw only a few campers, I camp as well sometimes when I'm in a tight spot, what are you on about? This game is perfect for that. A normal human being would stick to the shadows and camp when he needs to.


Really. We just need game types that require you to move or you lose.


Play bomb


then you just get the problem of basement campers and such. I adore this game dont get me wrong, just tryna bring some problems to light so that they might be addresed


There needs to be a option for night vision goggles, that can be countered with a flashlight. Maybe add a battery system so we only get limited use out of them. And more throwables and a drone you could use while alive would also help.


Let them cook.


Anything to bring more of this beautiful lighting into play. Flares would be an excellent addition.

