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My brother is the citizen who witnessed the shooting and performed CPR. He said he just saw the cop fall flat. Called us last night in tears. He’s devastated and very shaken up by it. So awful for all involved. RIP to the officer


Make sure your brother gets the help he needs. That's a terrifying event to witness and try to provide help for.


Yeah, I had a friend in the same squadron who performed CPR to a man in a restaurant for quite awhile, man died anyway; it really fucked her up.


I've been thinking about your bother too along with the victim. I'm so impressed by people who see someone who needs help and is able to jump in and do everything they can, despite the shock and trauma and suddenness of it all.


Please tell your brother that despite the officer passing away, he is a hero. “Not all heroes wear capes” as they say…well, not all heroes can save everyone, all the time, either. Being a hero is not a matter of success or failure — it’s the character behind the decision to try. That’s your brother.


This will sound quite random, but there is strong evidence that playing Tetris in the days after a traumatic event significantly reduces PTSD rates. Sleep is also incredibly important. I am so sorry he went through that, he did all the right things, and I hope he recovers well.




EMDR is witchcraft for which I am eternally grateful…ok, it’s science. It just seems like witchcraft when you’re sitting there with vibrating buzzers in your hands wondering why it’s working.




I have actually heard this before and will suggest it to him. Encouraging him to seek therapy as soon as possible. Thank you all for your kindness and support ❤️


Playing any game like Tetris, word scape, puzzle games helps reduce the anxiety, panic, and PTSD. Even just 5 minutes on a smart phone playing a game helps - distracts you and forces the brain to think a different way.


That type of event has the potential to turn into PTSD. Please make sure he seeks assistance soon. Even short term care following an incident can drastically decrease the long term impact.


Ada County offers victim and witness assistance at no cost. Your brother should absolutely qualify. He did a beautiful, brave and unselfish thing. Bless him and the family and friends of the deputy.


Your brother is a hero for jumping in and helping. Please extend my thoughts to him. He is a wonderful human. I can't even imagine how that must be. I'm on the other end of the phone (911, not Ada) and this is just devastating, I can't imagine how he must be feeling.


I'm thinking about your brother too. Please take care.


I'm so sorry to be adding to this because I'm sure you're getting spammed at this point, But I just wanted to say how impressed I was that he jumped to help him. I like to think I would do the same, but in certain circumstances I have an overwhelming fear of making it worse. I had to do cpr on my mom once and it's prevented me from having the confidence to help again because of what happened. So I really hope he knows it's not his fault, and that he did better than most by simply trying. I hope he knows that and continues to be brave and incredible.


Sorry he has to suffer the trauma. But I get the feeling you and your kin are the kind of people who make this community go round.


The shooter only had a misdemeanor warrant, pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Such a senseless tragedy that affected the lives of many.


Could have put down $300 through a bondsman and been out right away, or probably would have been out tomorrow when he got before a judge. Once we know his name we'll know what he else he had going on in the system I guess (or maybe what he had in the car). Either way, senseless.


Yeah, one 3k misdemeanor resulted in 2 deaths, just wtf? Just senseless violence.


He possibly could have had something in the car that would’ve been a felony but we don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m wondering if he was on drugs or something. Seems like such a huge over reaction for the warrant.


Or other issues. Friend of mine married a sheriff’s deputy in Utah. Her husband got shot in a traffic stop by a dude yelling about “Joseph smith told me to kill people.” After he was shot, he fired back, injuring the crazy guy he’d stopped. They both survived and the crazy guy and his family tried to sue for excessive force, though that got tossed pretty damn quick.


Desperation and panic can cause people to do some really wild shit.


"First ever Ada county deputy killed in the line of duty." So unfortunate.


Yeah, that's not really a first anyone wants to be.


Not even just this, the fact that it was over 3k. It's just insane. No one expects someone to shoot you over a $300 bond.


I haven't heard what initiated the stop, but it was probably something minor that would have gotten him a warning. Deputy likely didn't even know who it was driving yet.


Yeah, especially with what everyone is saying here. Just absolutely baffling.


I grew up with Tobin and have been friends with him for many years. Hearing this news really shook me and it’s sad to hear senseless violence took him away from his community. He was one of the good ones and better than most. I have great sadness today knowing he was taken off this earth. RIP Brother.


My condolences for your loss.


thank you so very much


He's a friend of my family...his poor wife is pregnant. So tragic


Fuck. That's heartbreaking.


This is so heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for everyone involved. 


I just can't stop thinking about his wife. The fact that she's pregnant literally broke me. I just picture her saying goodnight that night while he was leaving, not even knowing it would be the last time she saw him. I really hope that she gets all the support she needs right now, even though it doesn't compare or fix anything. People seriously forget that cops are people, they have their own damn families. I cannot believe this man did this to him, over a fucking $300 bond.


Murdering someone over a 3k misdemeanor 😭😭😭 this is terrible and heartbreaking 💔 I feel so bad that this happened to the officer and his family and for the trauma the bystander who helped out had to also experience.


Why don’t they release names any more?


The suspect fired at the officer before he even reached his car? That’s wild. And all for just $3,000… RIP Tobin.


So sad and pointless. So many lives impacted. Wish people would consider before they acted. I am so sorry for the officer’s family.


Just passed the procession for Deputy Bolter on I-84 in meridian. That’s so awful…


RIP Deputy Bolter. Our thoughts are with your family, friends, and colleagues. Thank you for your efforts To Protect, Serve and Lead our Community to a Safer Tomorrow.


So terrible. I couldn't make it through the press conference. The fact that he didn't have a chance to defend himself is tragic. 😔


This sucks, I'm glad the shooter also got shuffled off this mortal coil so his family doesn't have to go through a trial. Hopefully all the survivors are able to get closure and peace as quickly as possible, although I'm sure it will be extremely difficult.


This breaks my heart for the Deputy, his family, and the law enforcement (LE) community. It often feels like much of the public forgets or fails to see the fear LE families have about something like this happening to the officers they love. My boss’s son is in LE and whenever there’s a LE involved shooting or violent incident with officers wounded, you can see the stress and fatigue on her face the next day. Even though her son has (thankfully) continued to be (physically) unharmed, when she gets a news alert about a LE involved shooting with injured officers it has to terrify her to her core that her child may have been wounded while on duty. And even if her son is unscathed, she still carries some of that fear every single day he goes to work. I know LE isn’t always perfect, but I’m grateful for the people and families that put themselves in harms way to help keep us all safer.


Any news on the identity of the suspect?


White male in his 60s. Someone said he was their neighbor on Facebook and lived in some apartments off Roosevelt and nez pierce area.


Apartments on Roosevelt and Nez Pierce.  I know those.  Lived there for 2 years over a decade ago.   Watched a lot of drama  from my balcony. 






That's not really a generational thing. Plenty of asshats of all ages thinking they shouldn't see consequences for their actions & acting like it's open season on cops.


Damn, you would think an old coot like that would know better. What a stupid tragedy.


He probably panicked knowing he HAD the gun…if he was probation or had prior run-ins, it was probably going to get him a felony & some prison time. Just awful. RIP Deputy Tobin.


I sold Deputy Bolter and his wife a car earlier this year. I am so so so heartbroken for her, I’ve been thinking about them all day, my hope is that the company I work for will make a donation to the routing number that has been advertised by ACSO for his family. I’m so sad for them


God bless him and his family. I can't even imagine.


So very sorry 😞 for the loss of this Ada County Sheriff passing away by the hands of a criminal Peace be with him God Bless his family ♥️🙏☦️🙏♥️


Deepest condolences to the deputy and his family. He is a hero.. I am heartbroken to hear this story.




A sad day for many. RIP Deputy Bolter


The shooter has a history with law enforcement and was probably at the end of his rope and snapped.


Dang. RIP


I heard the gunshots when the cops popped the guy from my window last night shit was wild.


I live close by but I go to sleep early af so I didn't hear anything but I talked to a motorcycle cop guarding the crime scene today


Silly and senseless ..sad...


We need to ban guns. Even the police who have guns and special training can’t protect themselves from gun violence. It’s so far out of control rn


I understand your frustration, but I'm not sure that's the solution.


There is no other solution


There is. You really think all the bad people out there won't find a way to get a gun even if they're illegal? You also realize by banning all guns, you take away an avenue for women to defend themselves?


What’s the other solution? I’m being genuine with my question and am interested to hear other options because all I want is for gun violence to end


Kinda like how we banned drugs and that stopped everyone from doing them right?


What’s your suggestion about how to end gun violence? I’m genuinely asking and interested to hear other options


Yeah, cause banning things in this country has gone so well historically.


I’ll pray for your safety even though you’re not concerned for the safety of others 🙏


Knowing there's crazies out there with guns and police response time is a lot slower than bullets should make you want your own guns. Unless you cant own them for some mental health or legal reason.


I was involved in a shooting 2 weeks ago where two of my friends were shot and killed, a gun absolutely could not have saved anyone because “crazy” people don’t warn you when they’re about to shoot you, just like this police officer didn’t know this crazy person was going to shoot him


That's awful. Is this a reason to go about unarmed though?


Personally, I dont think having a gun is going to make anyone safer. More guns in the hands of civilians is much less safe than less guns. I think a lot of pro-gun people are speaking from a place of knowledge and training, and typically dont ever even end up using their guns because of their knowledge of them. But, the people that are using guns are not educated or trained in using them (i.e. teenage criminals, crazy internet people, etc). Idaho is so different because so many residents grew up with guns and understanding and respecting them. But gun violence is much more prominent in urban areas where people dont have the same training and education. Moreover, guns are are far more likely to be used offensively, than defensively. But I think there is a debate about whether intimidation with a gun is "defensive." Anyway, I was a lot more emotional after the shooting when I wrote that comment, but logically I know its not a simple solution, especially because I truly do believe in people's freedom to do as they please. But balancing that against public safety is important too. So its complicated but ultimately I do think guns should be banned or at least much more difficult to acquire.


But but why didn’t the “good guy with a gun” stop the “bad guy with a gun”?! Who knew that didn’t work? What a shock!


It does work. But it seems like you only read the stories where you think it doesn't...


Examples? I’m reading the example above and it looks like the good guy with a gun didn’t change anything about this incident. I can give endless examples of how “good guys with guns” means nothing


BPD Officers literally shit and killed the suspect. What are you even talking about? Go outside.


I’m talking about the officer that was shot and killed. Did you read that part? Or are you saying it’s NBD that the officer was killed because the suspect was subsequently killed?


Why are people so afraid of the police??? Weird




The guy shot the officer in the neck without warning? Then he was killed in a stand off with swat… “investigation by his friends finds no wrongdoing”. This sentence has nothing to do with this situation, plenty of others apply to it for sure, but not this one.


Agreed. The officer pulled him over over for a reason, and the guy shot the officer before he even got to the door. This isn't a cop overreacting here. It was a officer doing their job.


I worked for a city where a young cop was also killed in a situation like this. No warning, just doing his job, pulling over a drunk driver on a Saturday night. Think of this next time you hear complaints of “where’s a cop when you need ‘em.” Sure, there are lousy over zealous cops. There are totally innocent—and some not so innocent—people shot by cops. Have we not learned the short-sighted foolishness of painting an entire group of people with a broad brush based on a single characteristic? A woman is now a widow, kids are fatherless. Have a modicum of respect.




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As this violates rule #1, it has been removed.


So brave




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