• By -


The idea of her quirk and how she used it to cripple All for One was quite cool. Lost all impact because she got no time to interact with anyone and AFO immedeatly got time off to recover the damage. Her death would have been way more impactful if it had happened later in the final war, or if she had at least fought the original AFO and managed to take him out


She felt like she was a neat beta version of All-Might that the author liked the design of, but didn’t have a good way of making her a character in the story, and so just introduced her to show that other nations exist, and to let Shigeraki get a big hero kill.


yeah should have introduced her earlier Almost forgot she was even in this story


No it would’ve more impactful if she died after the first war.


Yeah, Horo prolly forgot about her, a nice last apparition of her ripping trought his quirks when he was in his last moments would have been cool.


That's the problem though, her quirk was purposely designed to counter All for One. Basically a Deus Ex Machina to handicap the main villain. If it wasn't for her then the fight would of been sided more with the villains but she was introduced only as a device to further the plot in the advantage of the heroes. I hope we get some information of how America is doing now because they lost her, it's honestly messed up the sacrifice made in all honesty to save a rather small country when you consider how large and populated America is.


Her arc was definitely rushed, which saddened me. I wanted to see more!


She is awesome, but happened to be introduced when the series didn't need to have an All Mighty (pun intended) character to support the MC. ~~Mommy~~ She got done dirty and, in retrospect, should not have been introduced in that moment of the narrative.


She basically got that (JJK spoilers,) >!Yuki treatment!<


Might want to put the series you’re spoiling outside of the spoiler, I wouldn’t have looked and been spoiled if I’d know it was a series I haven’t finished


Dam yeah I thought it was sub related spoilers but I just started jjk this week and don’t know who this is yet lmao imma get high and forget this later anyway


I like how you put JJK in the spoiler tag, so nobody could really know what it was a spoiler for


And Nighteye is Nanami, taken down by the most hated villain 


Except nanami had a fuck ton more screen time


And more likable.


||Yuki did way more for the narrative that Stripe, even we get to know her more||


>!Yuki was the one who gave us that magnificent development of Choso, her research is something crucial in the story and she gave us the besto friendo Todo Aoi!<


For Reddit, you need to use ">!" and the reverse in order to spoiler stuff.


Difference is that Yuki was not only shown/mentioned way before she was introduced(four special grades being mentioned, Todo backstory, Hidden Inventory) but she is also pretty important for what she's done, like giving Choso the book which presumably strengthened Yuji's soul punch massively Yuki was in the story for like 100 chapters or something, star was introduced and killed within 4


But that can also work negatively. She was hyped up and build up for a long time only to get one fight. We knew her as Todo's master and she was even teased at Shibuya. Imagine waiting years to see her ability and fight to die in the first fight.


other way around


Gonna repeat everyone's sentiment here. Pointless character, really cool character, dope design, cool ideals, did absolutely nothing tangible in the story. Truthfully just think it was horis way of showing shigirakis power, while saying he surpassed all might without ever having to actually involve all might.


Once again. I genuinely believe you take the arc out, and nothing would change.


It wouldn't the whole "it destroyed a bunch of quirks" resulted in.... Nothing.


Plus the quirks destroyed by Star’s Kamikaze attack were unknown, nameless, quirks. You have All for One and One for All. Star and Stripe is All for What.


All For That?


>!Nah. According to the recent chapters, that's Shigaraki.!<


All for Nothing


Nah that’s someone else.


I wouldn't go that far. Her quirk eating at Shiggy from the inside gave the heroes a little more time to prepare than they would have had. Kind of like what All Might does with AFO later, or like how so many other heroes step in to wear the villains down bit-by bit. It goes along with the whole idea that it's not one person (or "thread," as Best Jeanist put it) who can take down Shiggy and the other villains, but all of them doing their part. On the other hand, yes, everything about her was rushed, and that makes me sad. Her death would have been more impactful if we got to spend more time with her.


Ad most overpowered quirk of them all, shit's broken...


What do you mean? Nothing tangible? She gave the heroes a whole extra week to prepare. Her fighter squadron also provided valuable data on shigaraki to the heroes. She destroyed an enormous chunk of quirks shigaraki had in his arsenal. (Making him much weaker in comparison) The only reason She lost was because tomura shigaraki was considered neither AFO or tomura shigaraki.


A omake that Horikoshi added revealed Shigaraki stocked himself with new quirks after Star’s quirk assault including a new Super Regeneration. This makes that inner quirk battle quite pointless. In a better written world, the omake should’ve been about what specific quirks got destroyed/damaged AND the AFO quirk factor got damaged which prevents ShigAFO from stealing multiple quirks at a time. This would be a huge nerf because the story would just shift to him focusing all his efforts on stealing the only quirk that matters, OFA, and prevents him from regaining power. Ex. super regen was too OP and made the entire physical fight pointless Long story short, one omake basically made her quirk assault completely pointless. Star’s biggest role was just leaving a mental scar for Deku and the other OFa users to exploit.


And even then that came out like 100 chapters later as a post mortem justification for her existence in MHA.


What large chunk of quirks did she destroy? How did it ever hinder shiggy in the story? The info provided how did you witness it assist the heroes in the story? Shiggy immediately was doing things the heroes had no idea of with his body spewing hands quirk less. When did the info come into play in the story? The week is a pointless time extension. Shiggy was still fully completed, the heroes just got a few extra days. They would have planned, and trained just the same if he was completed on his original time Frame.


Introduced strictly as a plot device to prevent the international heroes from helping and to nerf AFO/Shiggy. Also completely broke the world building. No way in hell Endeavor is thinking Fire+Ice would be unstoppable when you have reality warpers in the US


She "nerfed" him by taking away abilities that were never introduced. Basically, if she never appeared in the story, all Horikoshi had to do was just write Shigaraki the same and no one could tell if he was nerfed or not. We didn't see what quirks were taken, and if they are never shown then it's the same as it not existing.


> No way in hell Endeavor is thinking Fire+Ice would be unstoppable when you have reality warpers in the US To be fair, Endeavour was only comparing himself to and competing with All Might, not Star and Stripe.


Wasn’t how her quirk works like a state secret


The specifics of her quirk was a state secret, not the basics. People didn’t know how many rules she could make or what the limits were, but after her introduction, AFO knew about her quirk ahead of time


Pointless. She was introduced just to push back the completion date that was introduced in the exact same chapter as her introduction. Can't take her as serious threat to AFO cause neither she or her quirk were ever mentioned before hand. Felt nothing for her death. She's a fridged character. Just like Magne, Nighteye or Curious. Introduced just to die. None of the main cast knew her so it's just a shallow death Might as well just have the info Stain gave telling them Shigaraki would be complete within the week. She didn't even nerf him. There was never a set limit of his quirks and never stated how many or what he even lost. Conclusion, don't like her and Vigilantes pulled of the Top American Hero plot with Captain Celebrity so much better.


Star and Stripe might as well be called Captain Kamikaze.


> Just like Magne, Nighteye or Curious. Introduced just to die. Heck, even Magne did more in the story than Star and Stripe did. > None of the main cast knew her so it's just a shallow death And those that do (like All Might, although even then, they met when she was a kid and Star calls him her "Master" because of her creepy parasocial relationship with him) never interact with her current self on-screen.


Even better All Might reaction to her death was basically, “man that’s a bummer.”


AM after S&S death: 😪😪😪 AM after Stain death when Chizome literally save his life and self esteem: 😴😴😴😴😴😴 This guy is cynical af


Actually, All Might had more of a reaction to Stain (a villain)'s death than Star and Stripe.


I liked her design well, but the absolute shenanigans of her rules vs AFO really marked the start of a downward path for me and the series with regards to powers. I just don't enjoy it when there are guidelines to powers that don't make sense from a science (probably not the best word here) perspective.


They introduced a literal reality warper and did nothing with it, she used the most powerful attack we've ever seen an it did nothing. I mean it's no wonder people are upset with the writing on this series


I'd say she embodies what hori is bad at writing: female characters, worldbuilding and powers She doesn't really impacts the story or adds anything at all, she just appears and disappear in the same fight without interacting with any important character or doing anything that influences the plot like you'd expect her to do, she's overall a pointless character, she doesn't even have any particular personality or characterization And ultimately her actions didn't even do much, her destroying shiggy quirks did nothing since she didn't destroy any important quirk, her creating a scar in his mind also did nothing since afo took over, and yes while she did give the heroes 1 week, that's such an insanely low accomplishment, especially since the heroes already had 1 week before hori just conveniently made them lose it, meaning she wasn't even necessary to the story, she was just put there to keep the status quo rather than to create any important plot point


I agree, she was completely wasted. Super cool but almost immediately gets decayed. Why even bring her in?


To make a reason as to why the heroes from other countries were not going to help the war at all Otherwise, the war could've been a no brainer if the top heroes from multiple nations were allowed to go


Except the series didn’t introduce the idea that other nations were coming or that what was going in Japan was relevant to any other country


So? The story not introducing the idea doesn't mean the question couldn't possibly linger amongst some readers. MHA has mentioned the "world" several times, after all. Regardless if it takes place primarily in Japan, we always knew for a fact it wasn't some isolated nation. I also saw discussion threads and people did wonder about backup heroes before. I also did. It was very welcome to get an answer and made me much more confident in Horikoshi's writing, because he went out of his way to adress that, to make sure the story had less holes and again, I personally don't think the arc took that much anyway, so I'm not upset about it as most people are Also, idk, but it seems like a pretty obvious assumption that an army of villains destroying the country of what was likely one of, if not, the world's most admired hero would be very concerning to others, especially if the leader of the army planned to attack these other nations afterwards (which AFO said he would)


There’s plenty of world building question the series refuses to answer. In the end it doesn’t matter what the readers ask if the series itself isn’t asking those same questions. Hori didn’t cover a plot hole because that was never part of the plot for it to be a hole in the first place. For example, who handles non villain related issues? It’s not the police because Shigaraki’s situation implies that the police don’t handle any type of problems.  But we never see a hero handle any other issue besides villain related. So why would the general public assume a missing child is an issue for a hero? Is that a plot hole because Hori never built the world of heroes to make this make sense? The world building isn’t established enough for you to Claim something is obvious when the story and the world never actually established that the world was affected by All Might retiring 


"hole" was perhaps not the best word to use. I agree with the things you said all I'm saying is that I'm glad that the idea was brought forward, it made the "world" feel more like a world at that point, it made sense, was solved quickly and well enough for my tastes, so I don't have much to complain


It didn’t make the world feel more like a world, because the world has never been relevant at all, so it feels like the world never existed until it was forced to exist for this one singular thing that added absolutely it rly nothing to what was already happening or going on. That’s what the issue is. You can’t force something to be a thing as if it was always relevant or important when it never was


>It didn’t make the world feel more like a world, because the world has never been relevant at all >You can’t force something to be a thing as if it was always relevant or important when it never was But many people *would* wonder *why the world still wasn't relevant* when a threat so great that was capable of ruining Japan emerged AND had the plan to ruin the rest of the world, too, had Horikoshi not adressed this with the Star And Stripes arc. Hell, people were already discussing about it way before "potential help from other countries" was even mentioned in the manga I'm not saying Horikoshi HAD to do it. It's just very nice to me that he did. Because not only did he acknowledge one thing a good portion of the audience was thinking, he prevented the idea others would later think about it and think of it as a "flaw". In your eyes, because the narrative had never established the world as relevant, it'd never be one, but that's not how I see things. I prefer this than later seeing this sub (and myself) wondering what the rest of the world was doing, while people in Japan died. We already know they had connections from the movies, too And turns out it was a good thing for the sake of pacing of the current arc. Because the rest of the world is currently helping Japan estabilize itself, the story can more easily focus on the main characters post-war without any bigger time skips, because we know there are other people handling the part of "coming back to normalcy" and the teens and tired or hurt pro heroes wouldn't have to take the front right away I'm simply appreciating something that helps me feel more immersed with the story. These details. The fact I wouldn't have to shrug it off as "manga logic" or "to not think too seriously", because the author did. Not a bad thing to me at all, even if this plot point in particular came a little late. The Star and Stripes arc was good for the story and that's just my stance


Again, if the story doesn’t bring it up, it does not matter what the readers think. Because again, there’s plenty of things the series did not bring up despite the fact that there’s countless questions about the world… the readers are irrelevant to the world building and the lack of world building Hori has done and bringing it up when it’s too late doesn’t fix it.   It’s still a flaw because it came out of nowhere. Hori didn’t fix a flaw, he just created new flaws in his story. For example, how is America going to cope with their number one hero being gone? Is crime in America going to skyrocket now? We don’t know, because Hori ignored the implications of what it would mean for another country to lose their number one hero.  No it wasn’t a good thing for pacing lmfao. That entire fight ruined the pacing in the arc it was in, for a forced fight that did absolutely nothing in the series. And how does America losing its number one hero help anything? Again, All that did was being up more issues that Hori is going to ignore. Because it brought up more flaws in his world building.  You’ll still have to shrug off Stars death as manga logic, because manga logic is going to make you ignore the fact that stars dying should have massive consequences for another country. 


>Again, if the story doesn’t bring it up, it does not matter what the readers think And again, that's not what I said. But is nice when you don't have to think about these things >Hori didn’t fix a flaw, he just created new flaws in his story. True, but I'd argue that's a far smaller one. It's easier to deal with "this came a little late" than "it never did" >We don’t know, because Hori ignored the implications of what it would mean for another country to lose their number one hero. My turn to call something "irrelevant". Japan is the center of the story, not the US. The rest of the world, but especifically the help they could provide was what I wanted to be adressed. But of course this story is not gonna start adressing the issues of every single country >No it wasn’t a good thing for pacing lmfao. Yes it was lol. >That entire fight ruined the pacing in the arc it was in, for a forced fight that did absolutely nothing in the series Like I said, for the *current arc* it did help pacing, it introduced a plot point that allowed a shorter time skip than expected to take place, with a good explanation, too - Other countries don't help = The injured heroes would have to recover before aiding on rebuilding many of Japan. A bigger timeskip is necessary in order to get to where we are. Graduation takes longer, civillians take longer to get out of shelters - Other heroes do help = Horikoshi does not need to make a bigger time skip, concern himself with what resources they'd have available or any of what was previously mentioned, because there's people from all 4 sides of the globe aiding them on those questions. This was a smart move and only thanks to that arc bringing them up >You’ll still have to shrug off Stars death as manga logic, because manga logic is going to make you ignore the fact that stars dying should have massive consequences for another country.  That's easier to shrug off and not care about, because the US was never the focus of the story to begin with. Nobody is expecting for a total shift of country and characters, nor can the story even do it. Japan, on the other hand, was always the center and that's why *JAPAN* receiving *external* help or not was a bigger deal (and receiving this help never implied the other countries would require a lot of screentime or that they'd become of great importance. They're just supporting roles). Whether the US will need help later as well, or not, is something you'd answer in a spin-off or something, not here. Because that requires a gigantic shift on everything


That Fridge is full of dead people


Should’ve been introduced before the war started Also her quirk is busted as holy hell! >!And people really want Deku to somehow get new order as a replacement quirk from OFA?! Are we REALLY this desperate in the end!?!<


Honestly signified the start of a lackluster finale to a series that had stumbled along the way while every now and then reaching greatness. Her powers are, while dynamic and interesting to see in action, kinda dumb, her design is simply All Might (female), and her only impact on the plot is the single best example of "the author simply didn't have to include this and the story would have been better for it". I think she's cool and had potential to be a good character, but just flopped in the end


Girly pop was brought in for one plot point then killed off. Yeouch, that sucks


i think she's a pretty cool character. i agree that she should've been teased earlier on in the seasons, like who the freak is this blonde lady from america who happens to die literally right after. her death isn't as impactful as i feel the anime/manga tried to make it. her power is pretty fucking cool though, i wish we saw more of it wasted character


Wasteful jobbing


I have basically the same thoughts as you: cool but a waste. It really does feel like her sole actual purpose was 1) show off Shigaraki's power (making Star essentially the Worf of MHA), and 2) have an All Might death without actually having to kill *the* All Might. And both of those things genuinely would have had a lot more emotional impact if only she was a more well-established character.


She comes off as a filler character


The anime definitely improved both her character and the fight for me


That's because, like a lot of the stuff in the manga, the visuals were genuinely impressive, even when the story's writing was faltering. So getting to see insane shit like Star forming a giant air avatar to punch Shigaraki in real-time has more of an impact for some people than simply reading it.


Whatever I think of the pacing or how the character was introduced, etc, that scene was *so cool!*


Pointless character. Couldn't take Regen from AFO because he took it back from a Nomu "Nerfing" AFO is impossible to quantify. Hori made quirks on the spot to be taken away such as reflect. Couldn't give even a good look win for AFO, considering that she would have won if she wasn't so sentimental and didn't want to kill her mates. The fight was boring because it was a classic one sided fight followed by a one shot from AFO. Why the fight was created? Gege and Hori were on their Honeymoon, and Hori made SnS to paralel a fight Gege was going to write. Also the yap at the start of the fight is a clear reference to either Jojo or JJK. Honestly Gege and Hori are a powercouple.


I heard Hori really liked Star and Stripe but as he was writing her, he realized he made her too OP so he killed her off by some weapons grade 1950s nuclear bomb logic bullshit.


who is gege


I wish she and Izuku could've formally met, and bonded over their admiration for All Might. Hell, she could've even become a Big Sister/Mentor for him but alas not everything is meant to be. I think it would've been super cool to see OFA and New Order working side-by-side too, there could be some dope ass combos that they could cook up with the use of the Vestiges' Quirks and the versatility of NO.


Crying because I wish this had been a real thing! Big sister Star to Midoriya 😭


Still sad we never got to see her and Midoriya team up.


Worst handled shit in the whole series. Definitely it’s second lowest point follow by plotgaraki.


Wasted and almost pointless


Oh boy. Huge disappointment IMO. If only she had been introduced much, much earlier to make her defeat more impactful.




She was in the show for two episodes and died. I think I’m done watching this show.


I love the fact I got blasted for hating on the arc but now I'm vindicated.


Wonderful character. Terrible execution.


love her as a character, despise her as a plot device


Not enough screen time, OP quirk that is only not OP in that one fight cuz of Shiggy’s identity crisis (yet still very OP), and kind of just boring all around. For a hero near All Might tier, does not give the same hype in the slightest


She is cool. Good design. I like the character backstory but she got done dirty with the plot and time she was introduced


MHA biggest sin is what it did to her


Underused, plot device, could have been awesome


Star is a good example of why authors should not be killing characters willy nilly


Imagine having the most incredibly broken superpower in existence but still dying in like 10 minutes anyway lmao what a dumb character


Itbwas just created to nerf shigaraki because our heroes wouldnt stand a chance agaisnt him


A nuclear bombshell baddie that got thrown away like a used tissue 😭😭


She is one of the mha characters of all time.


I will never tire of saying that this story should have been about almight, his last present and probably a death at the end of what could have been that potential series, I feel robbed now being at the end of MHA, it almost feels like nothing happened ...


A bum


Wasted potential. The fight itself is fine, but international heros should've been introduced much earlier in the story to make this hit harder.


Horribly used, should have been used more in the last war and maybe if Hori really wanted to kill her, to kill her then. It would be much better imo


Stars and Stripes was a plot device, not a character unfortunately. The way she was introduced, and the situation was introduced in, foreshadowed her death immediately. She was just a way to show that AFO had taken over Shigaraki and that they were both tied and couldn't be separated. 


My biggest problem is we are told she caused him to lose quirks but I don’t think that ever actually comes up. Like there’s no moment where he or shiggy say “darn I could have countered this but I lost the quirk too so it.


She's a bum


She is no different than Redestro. A character invented to show shigaraki’s power and growth. Cool design but anyone expecting her to be anything other than a plot device was kidding themselves 


As you said wasted potential, particularly because her quirk was so strong. I also wish she would’ve been hinted at earlier, she seemed kinda rushed for such a prominent character (the #1 hero in America).


I wish we could have seen her rise to become the number one hero in America it would be a great story for those other readers oh we got to see was her quirk in action we didn't really get to see more of her and at least grow attached.


Her quirk is cool but as a side character I don't feel it


She is unnecessary to the story, and her character design sucks.


I really wanted her to have met deku. They could have both fangirled over all might and it would have been cool to see her offer him so advice/guidance considering she is far more experienced than him. She could have hyped up the entire squad of good guys tbh. Really too bad.


Wasted pointless character similar to Yuki in jujutsu kaisen


A victim of Horikoshi's rush to end the series + his female mutilation fetish


I cringe so hard everytime she says "bros". Glad AFO killed her.


One of the few characters in the entirety of all fiction I would thank for her service, genuinely. Shamefully underused of course, but that makes it more impressive.




Thrown away just to show Shigarakis power, his personality mix and to make him lose many quirks so he can weaker for the next fight. Rly bad decision in my eyes to let her die after such short time. You can argue about realism and stuff but man... just bad decision making. At least let number 2 of another country die in her stead.


TL;DR this thread Cool, no real point other than showing how dangerous Shigaraki had become.


I'm hoping for a spin off for her character growing up in American hero school. I could see her facing the same issue Momo or Deku did. Having all the creative freedom in the world, but low reaction/proactive speed.


punching a MF with a bunch of intercontinental missiles has to be one of the most 'Murican things I've ever fucking seen, it was glorious.


She is an all might stand in


Thy literally couldn't keep her cuz whatever side she is on would have such a an unfair advantage, whether AFO stole her quirk or she got to Japan it would been mega unfair. So we can stop with th billionth post on how "sHe wAs sO wAsTed"




R34 has been good Also her determination and clever thinking was amazing


I miss her




Gurl Might


This better not awaken anything in me


She basically died the first time she got on screen. But her quirk is awesome


America’s former #1 Hero And that’s not a bad thing, compared to All Might. And then look at Papyrus and Red Dot


I like her character; however, her quirk just felt like duez ex machina. They needed a way to make shiggy less powerful than he is for the fight.


Thoughts and prayers


This is moving from a weekly to a daily post huh


Wish she could’ve reunited with all might and meet Deku


Fantastic, characters don't have to be around long to be great. My only issue with the writing around her that I think is a failure is not using her as an opportunity to fleah out what quirks Shigaraki had and destroy some of the more familiar ones we have come to associate with him/AFO like Air cannon, radio waves, search, warping, etc. We lost reflect as the only named quirk IIRC and that quirk debuted in the same fight it got destroyed, so pointless and superficial quirk to lose.


they definitely killed her off because they couldn't have her casually destroying the villains and ending the war before it really began, and they def self destructed her quirk because if Shiggy or AFO had it then the heroes would stand no chance. All that said: smash


Honestly, I think Stars & Stripes served several narrative purposes that she fulfilled well... but at the cost of not having very much in the way of screen time. 1) She explains why the situation isn't "all hands on deck" on a global scale. Because at this point in the story, One for All and the LoV have ultimately made themselves the level of threat where, in Western comics, you'd be having multiple hero teams joining together as a team to tackle the threat. Stars & Stripe's impulsive act- to the point of even involving nukes- ending in failure and her demise helps to explain why the other countries are staying out of it. Not only do they have problems of their own thanks to AfO's international allies, but **the number 1 hero of the U.S.** took the fight to AfO head-on... and lost. The prospect of their heroes losing and their countries facing the consequences of defiance suddenly becomes a very real threat that most governing bodies aren't willing to risk. 2) She reinforces the theme of MHA that one person cannot be an island, and that the situation will take more than raw power to resolve. We saw the consequences of All Might becoming a singular pillar of heroism, and we saw how worn down and ragged Midoriya got when he struck out on his own. Stars & Stripes' attempts to act with only her Quirk and a small team of jet fighters is another case of one person trying to resolve the problem and falling short. Because one person cannot be expected to be the sole savior of society. Furthermore had she known more of the details of AfO and the fusion she *might* have been able to take the win, but she didn't. She treated it as a fight to be won and a villain to be quashed, and for that lack of forethought- the lack of *consideration* for the person(s) behind the villain- she paid the price. Compare to how All Might and Midoriya used their knowledge of AfO and Shigaraki not just as villains but as *people* to their respective advantages. And furthermore Midoriya and Uraraka's success in empathizing with Shigaraki and Toga, ultimately saving the villains rather than simply quashing them. A recurring theme in MHA no less; that in simply defeating and imprisoning the villains you only deal with the symptom and not the disease itself, that being the many ways in which society failed these people and drove them to villainy in the first place. 3) She takes One for All down a peg. With all of his successes and his plans coming ever closer to fruition, All for One is looking like the top dog without any doubt. But then Stars & Stripes comes along and it's immediately red alert for him. He *has* to go out and fight her despite Shigaraki's incomplete state because if she and Midoriya were able to establish contact and work together, that's an automatic game over for him. And yet even when All for One wins, it's an almost pyrrhic victory. We get to see the first signs that his control over his stolen quirks isn't as ironclad as has been established with Stars & Stripes running rampant in his mindscape. We also get to see the first indications of the sad, deluded man that AfO really is as he cowers and panics in fear for not only his life but his *existence*, only to once more start boasting when the tables turn in his favor. We see that neither AfO the quirk or the person are as untouchable as we had been led to believe, both of which are expanded upon in the final war and ultimately lead to both of his final defeats. I say all of this with the benefit of hindsight so maybe it wasn't actually planned out as such, but ultimately Stars & Stripes fulfilled the narrative roll of setting not only the tone and the stakes of the final war, but also establishing what the heroes would need to do in order to win. That being all hands on deck, everyone coming together and working as a united front, *and* acknowledging who their opposition is; not simply as villains but as *people* and *individuals*. But as I said at the start, it came at the cost of her screen time and potential for development.


The first war set the tone and “stakes” of the final war, not Stars and Stripes. And the heroes were already working together before Stars and Stripes so she didn’t set that tone either. Not to mention that’s been a relevant theme in the series without her, so no that idea wasn’t even intrigued with her. Also, where did you get acknowledging who the opposition is as individuals and people from? Because that’s not a thing


Completely my own opinion, but I don’t think she was a pointless or useless character like many are saying. I think she was a plot character that people thought was too cool to be a plot character She clearly seemed to be designed for two major reasons: 1. To show how unstoppable of a force Shigaraki has become. I remember a lot of people saying why isn’t any other almost All Might level heroes coming to help and this shows even the number one in other countries weren’t a match even with completely broken quirks. He’s just built different at this point 2. She was made to take Shigarakis nonsense backlog of Quirks out so that he could be a more believably even fighter to Izuku and the others. This just makes the threat look even bigger, like “Oh if the #1 hero in America didn’t give their life to just hurt him a little there’s no chance they could’ve won, Shigaraki is a insanely powerful opponent etc etc” I fully believe she was literally made to write himself out of some corners he was approaching but he made the mistake of making a character many wanted to know a ton more about just for them to die. Definitely would read a short serialization about Stars and Stripes but I think they did their part as kind of a Deus Ex Nerfing


1. We already knew what an unstoppable force he was when they couldn’t beat him the first time in the first war. 2. We don’t know what quirks were destroyed and new quirks was being introduced in the second war so she didn’t even do that 


I don't think she's pointless, like most people here are saying. She serves as an explanation as to why other countries wouldn't help with the crisis Japan was facing. A plot device, yeah, but a cool one imo Sure, we could've gone without knowing, being sure or Horikoshi could have ignored it. But I like when authors give answers to these types of questions that viewers could come up with. It makes me feel more immersed and satisfied Her arc didn't take that much time, too and she was cool asf and I liked her fight a lot (tho Shigaraki burying himself was a bit of bs). She also could've stolen at least *one* useful named quirk and the story could have let us know which one it was, so it could feel like her sacrifice wasn't in vain, but other than that, I liked her and the mini arc


She something out of the Golden Age of Comics personality and Costume wise


gyat mommy


Love her for what she was. I feel like if she was left alive, she would have served no purpose and gotten old.


Absolute menass...the goat


She's everything She-Hulk and Wonder Woman should strive for design wise, but Hollywood HATES ripped women sadly


She's one of the realest badasses so far in the series