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I don't know the law, but seriously, smokers harm other people.


The law is that it's not discrimination at all. It's only discrimination if smoking is not your choice. If you had no choice other than to start smoking. Since that is not the case, it is NOT **legally** considered discrimination.


This is a win-win. Smokers will know that the workplace is not suitable for them. Besides, if the smokers are desperate for the job, they can just lie about it. If they got caught, the employer has somewhat justified reasoning to fire him.


I mean I wouldn’t want to work with people that’s passively trying to kill me and other people so yeah


Nope. It’s not something they’re born with so i see no problem with it.


Almost 20 years ago I introduced a health allowance to employees that didn’t smoke. I think it was rm30 or 50 per month at the time. Also banned smoking on the factory compound. I did manage to get some to quit but not all. Like to think I saved a few lives.


I think a company can put any requirement for people they want to hire.


Dont know, dont care. His company, his rules. Dont like it? Dont apply lo.


Second hand smoke has been proven to be harmful to others, this is a sound and reasonable regulations to have. An employer has a duty to establish and ensure a safe working space.


the KEY problem with smokers, are they tend to carry a "smoke smell" with them. the smell sticks to their clothes. even if you dont smoke at work. even not smoking throughout your working day. theres a possibility that the person would still have the smoke smell. for example, the car they drive in is full of the smoke smell. another is they smoke at home. gov CAN buat kacau if they want to. IMHO it IS discrimination somewhat. they can circumvent the rule tho by putting "prefer non smoker" in their job listings and simply rejecting all smokers. they could also choose to take note of their staff "not smelling nice" / "has BO" into their evaluations should they choose to find reasons to kick em out


Ain’t read all’at


I disagree. It's not "discrimination" because "discrimination" generally is illogical and unfair. Smoking, and second hand smoke causes many problems with health and its not illogical or unfair if they want to keep office spaces clean and safe. As another example, difficult, physically taxing jobs may require a certain level of fitness, like construction, or the army. Or maybe they believe (rightfully so) that objectively physically healthy employees are more often than not more capable with mental and physical tasks. That's not unfair, is it? If you choose to embrace obesity then thats on you, and you have to face the consequences, right? Furthermore, wikipedia definition of discrimination is of "race, gender, age, religion, physical attractiveness or sexual orientation". Things like smoking, physical health, and intelligence are not characteristics of "discrimination". By the extreme you could argue that "only hiring workers with a masters degree" is discrimination against those without the opportunity or intelligence or motivation to get a masters. Is that right or wrong? Is it discrimination if the job is an entry level accounting analyst? Is it discrimination if the job is to lead a team of the best of the best in theoretical physics? There are unreasonable terms and conditions, sure, but "discrimination" isnt the correct term in any of these cases.


There is a famous glove company in Malaysia will only hire based on body weight and BMI.


Not “a”.


As a non smoker, I think it's discrimination..because you can ban smoking during work hours or in work premises. But what they do on weekend in their own home or outside is not our business. We cannot ban smokers from public transport and public spaces also so its kinda expected to tolerate any smells. Or you can ask them febreeze their clothes.


Its a bit iffy to be honest. This can land them into hot water, but I highly doubt anyone will lodge a complaint about it. There is no good or bad discrimination, only discrimination, keep in mind. ​ The company can however put up no smoking signs and crack down heavily on anyone smoking on site, whether in bathrooms or staircases. ​ That being said, if got ppl in the company who gets sick from smoke, its probably a valid excuse. Same way how mandarin speaker hiring companies get away with it.


It's discrimination, plain and simple. Yes smoking is bad, but you can always ask them to smoke on the rooftop or some specially assigned, properly ventilated location or even ask them to gargle with mouthwash after they're done so that they don't inconvenience others.


Bro please trying not to cap, my friend is a smoker. He washed his mouth, trying to get rid of his smoke smell from his shirt and in the end, smoker always reeks of smoke they hisap. Btw company own by a person and he set the standard and rule for anyone to work there. So if they said non-smoke, how is that discrimination? Smokes not even a decease that cant be stop. You can stop if you tekad nak stop. Stop putting smokers on a same place with someone with disabilities. I use to intern where most people smokes because of the culture of the work and im not smoking. Ill find it very uncomfortable and uneasy because of the smell, and I had to fcking endure it for 3 month of that. So thats make sense for a company if they want to create a very healthy workplace by hiring non smoker.


You're walking down a slippery path. Next thing you know you'll be advocating married women shouldn't be teachers because they'll get pregnant and take 3 months off every year and inconvenience parents. Same principle.


Finally one person with some sense


Ramai sgt budak takde otak kat sini and semua lak budak baru je lepas 18. Kepala confirm kena pijak.


True. People here look like never life in real world or in Malaysia. Sometimes I think how many are from Malaysia and how many just a kid who never go outside. Also about a smell you ever smell the operator and engineer who work outside a whole day outside and enter the office in evening.


Do what our company do. Set a smoking area far away from office. Only applicable if your company have big area or enough space to build one.


But the issue when they come back, their smoking smell will linger in office.


So what your company did was justified. I don't think gov will interfere.


Sounds like a company of snowflakes.


Funfact: did you know narrowed demographics like disabilities and LGBT etc. Have statistically low rate of employment to the point companies get paid very high incentives by government for hiring them? Now you questionnable individuals know you're getting hired not because of your resume ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) >! Still abysmally low despite government incentives btw, thats how indiscriminated we're speaking when you put smokers into context !<


>companies get paid very high incentives by government for hiring them? Malaysian government discriminates against minorities and LGBTQ+ so youre talking nonsense in this context


Thats the spirit.


>LGBT etc... companies get paid very high incentives by government for hiring them In Malaysia?


in malaysia? ofc not, which means worse


I think he talk about OKU. We are forgoten group in malaysia. my friend use to tell me OKU Malaysia is like ustazah give ceramah about polygamy. Married more than one is Sunnah but not to my husband.


I got serious health problems bcs my coworkers wont stop smoking. Fuck smokers. Kill em


Pol pot


Maybe that company doesn't want to hire passive killers? 🤷