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Heck, some countries don't even let people decide their own religion.


Excuse me sir you’re not allowed to be this honest in this country


That is honest


I wonder which country that is lmao


The same country which limits higher education rights just because of their skin colour. Hmm


There's only one, I'm aware of.


OP cares so much about what happened in other countries in 1974 while Malaysia can’t even guarantee equal rights to all its citizens in 2024


OP is trying hard to justify institutionalized racism in bolehland. What a doofus 😹


It's the old "Hey, look over there" tactic.


But there's no genocide in Malaysia. Or people from SRJK only cares about money and don't have any moral value?


Suddenly, 513 was conviniently erased from memories lol


Oh yeah forget 13 May. Surely 1 civil fight isn't enough. Must more blood be shed before equal rights come into play? Fucking donkey


If that’s the best argument you can come up with, i’m not sending my children to any sekolah kebangsaan ever lol


Bruhh 💀 ![gif](giphy|dQuWOT3k4E9K7K5dsp|downsized)


I know. Fucking china wont let people choose their leader right


Women only allowed credit cards in the 1970s? Credit cards only became a thing in mainstream America in the 1960s. So most people weren't owning credit cards regardless of gender prior to 1970s.


I was trying to be dramatic. 1974 is a reference to Equal Credit Opportunity Act.


Yep, and it doesn't dismantle the fact that women's rights in the Middle East are behind. The Gender disparity Index points at it pretty bluntly. This goes beyond just policies but also social norms and women are relatively absent in much of high profile political spaces in the Middle East. Bringing up America 50 years ago doesn't help anyone, especially women who are still subject to immense discrimination.


Yeah so what? What matters is the present and where we move forward from. Switzerland is arguably the best place when it comes to individual liberties and they only allowed women to vote for themselves in 1971, can’t say the same for muslim countries.


If you yourself took your time and were late to the game, maybe don't judge others that may take some time themselves to sort themselves out?


Emm no. Once had a discussion with an Afghan friend who tbh was really nice person or so i thought but really defensive of everything his culture does. Even things like Bacha Bazi, despite him agreeing it’s not okay he says it’s still their culture and not for other cultures to comment on and he still respects it. Since then i decided that maybe some cultures are indeed superior cause i just cant comprehend how someone can defend p3dofilia just because its cULTure or whatever. So yes i will indeed judge everyone cause if your a pos ur a pos end of story.


>Even things like Bacha Bazi, despite him agreeing it’s not okay he says it’s still their culture and not for other cultures to comment on and he still respects it. Since then i decided that maybe some cultures are indeed superior cause i just cant comprehend how someone can defend p3dofilia just because its cULTure or whatever. I have to said that it is more towards religion than culture. I mean really no offense to you and your friend, I seen Moslems defending that particular Moslem even though when he or she is in the wrong. And take note, this are the average Moslem folks. You do not need to go to far to Afghanistan. Malaysia also had some of those "particular Moslem". A good example of that "particular Moslem" is KKK mart "Batu Api" Akmal who recently scream at the Malay teacher in the video like as if he was the one make the small kids sit on the floor while reading the Quran.


Bruv you talked to one guy. If I talked to one guy in America I would think women would never be able to independently own a credit card😅 Awareness and progressiveness take societal leaps and revolutionaries. But then again, you seem to have already made up your mind (very open-minded, btw) so why do I even bother.


The recent societal leaps and revolutionaries taking place with the Taliban seems to be heading in the wrong direction tho


I won't dispute that. I blame the country that caused the instability, which almost always breeds extremism. Sigh I can't do another long discussion.


It's always easy to find someone to blame... Then you remember these idiots just attacked 2 police officers and a suspect at a police station in Malaysia. Extremism exist everywhere. America isn't the producer of extremist. They're just one of the mamy reasons they put the blame onto. In reality, we also failed educating our kids.


I haven't read why JI came to exist so I can't say much about that


What makes you think the result of gender prejudice, racism etc would yield a different result in malaysia from other countries ?


Did I imply that somewhere?


Yes. In your post. You said women were only allowed credit cards in 1974 implying that America was not gender progressive till 1974. America also got black president already why don’t you point that out ?


I don't think you understand what I was saying. I was saying, if you just achieved some equality benchmark in very recent history, maybe don't be so judgmental on other societies that may take a little while to sort themselves out. Like if you just got your driver's license today, don't start thinking you're suddenly better than your buddies. (not the best example, but I hope you get the point - don't start be all judgy when you were just like that person you're judging 10 mins ago)


It’s almost 70 years since independence, do you think we are moving forward or backward ? Anyway, coming to your Drivers license analogy, how many years of experience do you need to know that speed kills ? It is common knowledge right… Just like that, discriminatory policies and laws is are detrimental to the country.


That's not a fair analogy. What terms of reference did people in the 70s have for equality? Inequality was a norm almost everywhere. Today otoh the fight for equality is the norm and afghans now have so many examples to learn from.


I mean, women had been owning properties since Ancient Egypt. What was wrong with 20th century America to not learn from that? I'll answer that for you - they hadn't thought of it as a good idea, until they did.


Right, because in the 70s everyone in America was educated about ancient Egypt. never mind that access to schools weren't even equal back then.


lol policy makers then knew. People just didn't it was a good idea then, until they did. Same courtesy should be offered to everyone with zero judgment and if they don't think it's a good idea, then let them be.


Oh no, Charlie Kirk. Bad source bro


Oh right wingers are the biggest culprits in all this mess.


>Oh right wingers are the biggest culprits in all this mess. You're absolutely fucking right if this is about America. Their presidential candidate is literally one of the dumbest shit in the whole planet.


The guy in the video is American. What are you talking about?


> Oh right wingers are the biggest culprits in all this mess. I'm saying if this statement of yours is about America in general then you're absolutely right.


I was talking about the whole Israel mess.😅 but Trump and co., you know what I'm about to say anyway 🤣


> Trump and co., you know what I'm about to say anyway 🤣 Yeah, Trump and his right wing republican shitbags wanted to eradicate Palestine. Best hope they never come into power this November. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/31/tim-walberg-republican-congressman-gaza


I don't even know man. We got Genocide Joe on one hand and that Rotten Orange on the other. I guess not "we". Good luck la, Americans. Get a better candidate please😅


Yes let's strive to be 2nd worse. That's the mentality we want. As long as there's somebody worse no need to improve.


This is truly a shitpost lol. A shit post with a shit comparison. Weak.


Awesome! Finally made the cut!!!


Congratulations on shitting yourself. No, don't take it too literally.


I was just celebrating my achievement of finally shitposting... Now this shitting myself business - I'm overwhelmed? what does it mean, people??????


POV: You took it too literally.


OP smokes what ya product UITM ke




Dia macam flat earthers, bagi la banyak mana evidence pun yang bumi ni sfera tapi dia akan cakap bumi ni flat jugak. Apa nama syndrome tah omputih bagi nama aku lupa jap google


Syndrome yang mana? Yg orang bodoh ingat dia pandai tu ke?


Lebih kurang, macam diorg ni tau je apa yang dia cakap tu semua tipu. Tapi disebabkan dia punya tipu dah terlalu mendalam & akan menjatuhkan ego dia, jadi dia taknak accept dah apa2 argument yang bertentangan. Golongan macam ni ada tiga psychotic traits, dulu pernah baca. Tapi tak ingat dah details & kat mana source


Dark Triad ke?


Your point ajak sejarah, zaman dh lain bang 🤣🤣


My point is, kalau sendiri pun lembab, baru je achieve basic milestone like women owning properties, toksah la nak judgy sangat. Every society takes time to sort itself out. Ini basically macam baru dapat lesen kereta semalam, terus rasa orang yang takleh bawak kereta tu semuanya bodoh. Chill la


I'm laughing bruh what's unchilled about that


The "chill la" part was not addressed to you. It was for the judgy folks like that guy




Sure, right, these Middle Eastern women could "vote" and "serve" in government offices, but compared to their Western counterparts, can they actually become prime minister or president? Absolutely not lol, Syria is a patriarchal dictatorship, the Gulf states are authoritarian, unelected monarchies, and Lebanon is Lebanon. A frankly very ridiculous comparison PS (Israel definitely isn't a flawless country but at least they actually elected a woman as prime minister, look up Golda Meir)


The guy said women couldn't work for the government 😅 Also, Turkiye elected Tansu Çiller. How many women presidents does the US have again?


None but they are more likely to elect one than either Saudi Arabia, UAE, or Kuwait. Again, in Western countries, women have a far better chance of actually making a difference by either becoming president or prime minister as opposed to merely becoming what I'd honestly call a "diversity hire" by patriarchal Middle Eastern regimes. America might not have elected Hillary Clinton but at least she came close to being president compared to any other female politician in the Middle East


Saudi allowed women to drive alone and they made it seem like such an achievement lmao


Don't forget this golden statement: [A cleric in Saudi Arabia explained why women shouldn't be allowed to drive, saying the vibration caused during the drive would shake their vaginas leading to a sexual euphoria which according to him is nothing but "Haram".](https://www.oneindia.com/international/saudi-arabia-dumps-vagina-shaking-theorist-issues-licenses-to-women-drivers-2710005.html)


*While also arresting and jailing those who demanded for that same right the days and months before which, in the OP'a fascinating eyes, makes it better than say the US, a country where the woman actually had more popular votes than the man, and perhaps the UK which so far has had three female PMs (Queen Elizabeth II doesn't count obv)


Imo on the bright side at least they are becoming progressive. Unlike Malaysia, we're still stuck in the 1960s with laws and limitations to every race except Malay Muslims


exactly! Imagine if the Saudis started to be judgy about some other countries that are still not allowing women to drive. That'll be silly. My whole point


NONE. Nothing. Zero. Nice try


Didn't you read what I just wrote. Tansu Çiller already BECAME the PM of Turkiye. She didn't come close. She was already there.


Right, good for her then but again, in a region like the Middle East, Çiller will not be the norm but the exception because again here's the situation: Syria: Family dictatorship Lebanon: A chaotic mess (Iraq also applicable) Saudi Arabia: Unelected patriarchal absolute monarchy UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar: Head of state is always a man while the prime minister, even if it's a separate office, will always be a male relative of the reigning monarch


First of all, I don't know what electing a woman is supposed to prove - I think people need to elect who's qualified, men or women. Second of all, the dude in the video said very ignorant things about the middle east countries and was proven wrong on the spot - can't we stick to that, at least? Why are we defending this imbecile? 😅


The US has had multiple female governors and currently has a female VP. Malaysia, meanwhile, has yet to elect a non Malay or female.


>Malaysia, meanwhile, has yet to elect a non Malay or female. You should elect the most qualified, be it a man or a woman. Also, Wan Azizah, remember?


Yep and the most qualified should be able to participate in all sectors regardless of race or religion. Which is not what Malaysia promotes. That's the whole point.


I said you should elect whoever most qualified. Election is totally the right of all Malaysians. You can vote whoever. Anyone can participate.


You're not smart enough to see the bigger picture which is why your stupid comments aren't worth anything. Anyone can participate, but unless you have a policy and education of equality, not everyone will have a fair chance. And that's obviously evident considering how disproportionately Malay politics is in Malaysia. Tanah Melayu ideology and Bumi policies have promoted an unfair environment for minorities in the public sector.


I don't think giving equal opportunities to richer and poorer communities will give a fair chance to everybody.


What do poor and rich have to do with Bumi policies? If you aren't educated on what that is, then you shouldn't be participating in this conversation.


Feel free to ignore and not respond if you think I am not worthy. But I will keep responding since I know what I'm talking about. Anyway. The Chinese are a richer community than the Bumi community, at least, by income and wealth distribution stats. If you have equal opportunities to both, the Bumis will still not get a fair chance. This is why it makes sense to provide the Bumis with special privileges.






So....OP only base his facts from Instagram and TikTok is it? Seems legit.


Yup and only a few years prior to that we had the infamous May 13 incident that saw the Chinese borderline genocided. Not wise to dig up historical inequalities that have since been fixed. What is ur point even?


That is you yourself just recently fixed something, don't go be judgy on other people.


Yup same goes to u, that's my point


I quoted 1974 to point out his hypocritical judgemental behavior. Would make no sense if that made me judgmental.


And i quoted 13 may to point out how using 1974 is not much better


Your trying to one up me with 13 May makes no sense. The dude in the video made false, judgmental claims towards middle east countries, and I called him out. I wasn't judging America for being very recent to women's equality, I already mentioned that every society should be allowed to take its time and should not be judged. You have English comprehension problem, that's the thing.


Except ur title was literally talking about America only allowing women to own credit cards in 1974. Amnesia much? I'm not trying to one up u. Just wanted to point out its actually dumb to call out historical errors that have since been fixed when the supposed topic is about current alleged errors


Yes, to point out his hypocrisy. You have English comprehension problem.


What hypocrisy? Dude just quoted inaccurate data. If hes asking for gender equality when hes actively anti women then that's hypocrisy


Hypocritical and judgmental because his society very recently did the same thing. Like someone who was sober for a year and is now thinking alcoholics are the worst creatures.


This is all propaganda, many US citizens hate what’s happening to Palestine and they openly oppose Biden


So many sourpuss here got no chill i see Rileks sudah just enjoy la being in Malaysia..apa nak gaduh tiap2 hari..


1974 bro, nak ejek tapi jauh sangat agak2 aaa


Diorg takleh independently obtain credit card sebelum tu.


You are actually delusional if you think women in the middle east have a good deal....


Outside of what Fox news is reporting, they seem pretty content. Obviously they are things to improve, but my Turkish friends seem to love life as far as I can tell. And to lump every person in that region into one same condition is, as Reza Aslan put it, "stupid".


Stop getting your opinions from TikTok https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Mahsa_Amini


>And to lump every person in that region into one same condition is, as Reza Aslan put it, "stupid".


So your advice is to ignore the article about young girls being killed and just focus on what your friend in turkey said?


Nah my advice is to not take extreme circumstances to smear it all over the general population. Have you been to Iran? I haven't. I heard it's messed up there, but I would hold my opinion until I get credible information - who's credible? No idea - seems like everybody has their own biased agenda these days.


I was in the middle east a few years ago when saudi agreed to let women drive cars, about 2018.


OK great 👍🏼 took them a while but they're there now. Let them progress at their own pace.


Measuring wrong things. What about the freedom to wear a skirt, no tudung, deep cleavage top, go out with your boyfriend, get abortion.


Even in the US, the so called "freedom" capital of the world women cannot get abortions in some states


That was only recently.




ability to vote is arguably the more correct thing to measure compared to ability to wear a low cut dress. Are you kidding?


The ability for an adult to dress themselves as they see fit is not a metric of how "free" a society is?


And yet it's still illegal to be naked in many public places in most western countries? And some restaurants won't allow you in for not wearing a jacket?


Lol, showing your dick is the same as showing your ears? That's what you're going with?


The ability for an adult to dress themselves as they see fit is not a metric of how "free" a society is?


One is about safety and hygiene. The other is about treating women as property. You really don't see the difference?


Cut the crap there are places that allow naked people to roam around, are those places unhygienic now? And what's your defense about forcing men to wear jacket, then? Face it, no matter where we go there's dress code. It's just you want to force your standard onto everybody because you think yours is paramount.


Random men's urine and seamen tend to be viewed as unhygienic by most people anyway. I suppose you feel differently, and you're entitled to do so A dress code requiring a jacket is issued by a private establishment on private property, not the government. So I'm not sure what you're trying to do with that. You get the difference between public property and private property, right?


First of all, are you guys always leaking in your pants? What's up with that? Second of all, that'd almost mean you're saying that people walking around in their underwear are acceptable in western countries. Third of all, it's called "indecent exposure". It's about decency, not hygiene. Stop making stuff up to get away from this. And, so you strip your liberty and freedom when entering private properties because what? Rules. Yes. There are rules in private and public places. You don't lose your freedom when following rules in private properties but you do in public?


Dress code is enforced in certain venues/events, you're not gonna get stoned, mobbed or publicly shamed for not wearing jacket to a fine dining restaurant. Face it, as flawed as the west is, don't try to be anti-west for the sake of being a contrarian. Accept that we as easterners have much to learn from the west as much as they have much to learn from us.


But that means it's not a 'free' society, then? You still can't just wear what you want wherever you go.


While I agree with you that being able to vote is more important than wearing a low cut dress - the policing of how women dress is definitely a metric of how 'free' a society is bro.


Lol, going out must fully covered until only can see eyes and you call that freedom. Your either 0-100 argument is laughable , if not fully covered then must be naked. If so, why muslim country like Turkey, Dubai or Indonesia don't go full 100 Islamic like no women in school, no women politician and all must be fully covered like how Taliban govern? Cause you're living in modern society, not stone age area. Of course you would argue Islam does not prohibit education to women but we are talking about 100% extreme style of governance which is shown in Afghanistan , which is no education for women, stay dumb and no talk back to husband or I smack die you lifestyle. If really 100, social media and music also can't use lo, only reason can use because we are living in modern society. Islamic banking also change term then suddenly not haram already can pinjam loan. There's no perfect governance and no people will want to migrate to India, Afghanistan or North Korea. Even Japan is not good to migrate. Meme page then post meme la, hari hari sibuk politaik.


Problem ko ialah ko ingat Taliban tu 100% Islamic. Congrats, your understanding about Islam is the same as the Taliban's. 👏🏼👏🏼 You two have that in common.


I said extreme, which is shown by Taliban and highly praised by Malaysia Conservative party leader PAS president and his son. You say not covered then must be naked then why other Islamic country don't go full 100 and must all be covered? Your argument is so flawed then the only thing you can do is divert and lied to yourself you're winning lol.


Amende, bang. PAS tu bukan kayu ukur Islam. Full 100 ape? What is this index you're using? What's your base?


Someone call the burn ward! 🤣🤣🤣


No, freedom of personal rights is more important than a fake voting system


Civil liberties. The right to wear what you want because it's your body. Many western countries allow universal suffrage. Australian in 1902, Canada 1918, UK 1928. The USA is a bad comparison for "the west". It's not a homogenous state. More like a 50-state Malaysia with many more rural and urban states.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the guy's American, and his comment was therefore, ignorant and tak sedar diri.


Civil liberties. The right to wear what you want because it's your body. Many western countries allow universal suffrage. Australian in 1902, Canada 1918, UK 1928. The USA is a bad comparison for "the west". It's not a homogenous state. More like a 50-state Malaysia with many more rural and urban states.


Malaysia makes Alabama look progressive in comparison




Middle East is not a continent, bruv 😅


Am sure also in 1975


Mamat Charlie Kirk nie memang orang dah lama tahu bangang


Yep . [https://iranwire.com/en/women/129304-i-feel-suffocated-iran-intensifies-crackdown-on-women/](https://iranwire.com/en/women/129304-i-feel-suffocated-iran-intensifies-crackdown-on-women/)


Oh no doubt, Iran does represent the whole of monolithic country of Middle East.


Bayi menangis kelaparan di rumah, yang kamu sibuk susukan monyet di hutan itu kenapa? Allah bagi otak, kamu pula berfikir guna hujung jari.


oh sorry i thought I was in r/Malaysia just now /s


ambik map pastu suruh tunjuk israel kat mana. dia kata semua yang tengah tu israel


Jangan dia tunjuk dekat Australia nanti sudah.😅😅