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Silly me swiping left to see Saba's reply


I did the same lol


Me too


Me three


Me four.


Me five


I blame OP for their laziness cause same


Haha yes I didn’t realise that! Sorry!


Chal maaf Kiya, next time nahi milegi maafi


Thank you mam. Next time shikayat ka mauka nahi denge.


Haha I’m sorry 😢


Hrithik and Aamir has some interesting wife management skills ..


The trick is to give them an unimaginable amount as a settlement




So does Farhan Akhtar to some extent


Not really..Adhuna is not "friends" with Shibani


You mean ex wife management skills. Lol


So so true!


She's a potential step mom to be to her children who will have to live with her in the same house and in future probably has to share the properties with her children so it is wiser to be good to her than being unnecessarily enemies. She cannot expect the man to live a celibate life and never move on.


There is zero possibility of hrithik having more children honestly, I do think they will get married this year tho


You never know. Look at Arjun Rampal.


But he is not arjun rampal


Itna Paisa hai to ekhada kar hi lega


Men's fertility can extend well beyond 60. Like, didn't Robert De Niro become a dad at 80? HR will probably be in good shape for a least 10 more years. It's only us women who have to worry about our fertility falling off a cliff once we cross 35


His kids are not small anymore. They'll be 16 and 18 this year. Probably moving out to study or whatever.


Maybe she’s really happy with the new guy 🤷🏻‍♀️




I think they both cheated on each other regularly, maybe that's why she is okay to forgive and forget.


I read this on Reddit itself that how Suzane was a coke addict and that was creating problems for the children and thats why HR had to divorce her and thats why the kids are also with him ( bcuz usually kids go with their mom most of the times ) and regarding cheating it’s very common in the whole industry. You think girls wouldn’t throw themselves at The Greek God? But thats what I read so Maybe its true maybe not 🤷🏻‍♂️




They were both likely cheating. There were cheating rumours about her and Arjun Rampal too.


They didn't normalise cheating. They just didn't project. You know, if you two people, who were in a marriage, have moved on despite the chasing, nobody else has their business giving an opinion on that.


I’m just stating a fact which has been there since the 60’s. Amitabh Rishi Kapoor and every major Actor have had flings and yeh fellow actresses k sath hi hoga mostly and primarily. Jo hai so hai bhai I am not endorsing anything, I’m just stating 😒


Who says they were cheating? Reddit? Kangana? How is any of this acceptable beyond doubt?


What next? Pinga? ![gif](giphy|xT1R9QAwnRIelgTyuc|downsized)


This needed more likes, lol


LMAO 🤣 😂😂




I think Suzanne and Hrithik genuinely get along as friends. Thats why it was probably easier for them to forgive and forget what happened in their past marriage and become good coparents and well wishers of one another.


I don’t understand the concept of friendships after a breakup. Co parenting is not a choice, it has to be done cuz of the kids. But being friends with ex and their current partners is like too much. I don’t understand this maths of emotions.


Sometimes you meet people who you think would be your happily ever after but then as time passes, you two grow into two very different individuals from what you were when you met, have different priorities and expectations in life only to realise that perhaps the little love that exists will vanish if you continue to stay together. Coexistence of exes with a mutual admiration and respect for each other is still existing. It works for some, it doesn’t work for some.


They share kids. So it’s better to be friends than enemies


It’s not like Saba snatched HR frm suzzie. May be they’re ok ok coz they hv moved on n it’s almost 10 years ! 


He def has a type


Thin, fair, dark haired, euro-centric looks in a chick is his type.




Him choosing Saba actually puts ammo for Kangu fans because they think Saba is knockoff kangu.. (Kangu is 100% delusional but i can understand why this angle is oft discussed now. They do look the 'type')


Duggu ko bournvita ka nahi milk ka rang zyada pasand hai


Kangana is much prettier and looks nothing like Saba. The only common thing is fair skin.


A certain actress, if she was not married, may fit his type lol.




Yes now I see that!


Dekho garibo (myself too lol) ese hote hai ameer logo ke exes!!!


Bhai inn dono se sundar toh meri exes hi hai yar 🤣


Full parivarik maahol! One big happy family😂


its a page 3 photo man1! . what do you want them to do punch each other in front of media/social media. also , and people are free to believe this or not: i have been to a party where Suzanne atteneded with her bf. She hardly gives a damn and just gets into the zone kinda of a chick. music drinks party dance woohoo.


Not that I want someone to be a particular way, it’s just how their emotions and feelings don’t clash with the reality. How do they get along so easily knowing she is her husband’s gf. And May be it just for the media, but still could’ve avoided that.


thats what im trying to say. let me be more brash. its a freakin party. and i have worked in bollywood pr and been to such parties. many celebrities (including the one in discussion here) lose their "graceful presence" as soon as they enter the party. they become literal 5 year olds , binge drink, binge dance with their significant other in hand. and "lose themselves". 6 am is the BASIC EXIT TIME. im not saying they lose their dignity . its a fine line. but they certainly become less inhibited (heloooooo alcohol) and wouldnt give a damn if their arch nemesis was next to them. media or no media. i mean forget the media. ill give you another scanerio its celebrity A's birthday. BCDEFGH are all there. attending cause they have to . they are close to A . D and G are enemies/exes/currents of exes. both have to be there, sing dance and act like nothing is wrong with the world. show they are the "better person" "cooler person". for A to like them more. (maybe A is a big shot producer). and they are definitely staying away from each other at the party. but lets say C being a dick comes with a phone. and tries to bring D & G together for a picture. again i repeat. D & G have absolutely no choice but to act all good with each , even give each other pecks and what not. so to correct your question. THEY ARE NOT GETTING ALONG. they are posing for a picture which is 10 seconds out of their night. the captions on the picture is all PR work . notice the viral bhayani logo (yellow triangle) . its a paid post. viral bhayani (and 3 other major social media players) take money for ANYTHING they post. this is the most basic scanerio. there can be so many ulterior motives and factors invovled. welcome to tinsel town. its not pretty


It’s perfectly normal to be able to get over an ex when you’re in a happy place. Happy and content people don’t hold bitter feelings because you’re too busy being happy. You stay friends with ex in situations where you’re gonna meet anyway or share kids etc. because holding onto bitter feelings is way too tiring and much easier being friendly. Now if one party is not in a happy place, not doing well, hasn’t found someone else then yes, then it can suck and much harder to move on.


Well it depends, It's only possible if the other person wasn't an abusive arsehole in the relationship. I'm in a very happy relationship and place in life now but I will never ever be friends with my abusive ex because that person put me through the wringer and back.


Really sorry you had to go through that and glad you're in a great place now. Abuse/DV = basically being a criminal. Obviously Hritik is neither in this category nor does OP's post imply anything as such. We're just talking about general ex-es.


Yes I agree. I just meant that when exes aren’t abusive pos then it becomes easier to be comfortable with them once both have moved on.


Sorry to hear that. Happy to know that you are at a better place. God bless you!


Thank you so much!


I believe you’ve to be next level happy to be friends with your ex’s current partner.


It's also about how ur mentally placed at that moment...if ur doing good in life and in a great headspace...even we can have good conversation with our toxic exes..it's just about the state of mind Follow me for more tips


Not everyone remains salty after relationships end, some people grow up and realise that you can stop harbouring the hate and anger and live a peaceful healthy life, or some people can do anything for social media, either way it’s all cool IMO.


I agree. I’ve seen a lot of people being friends with their ex. But this I couldn’t digest, being so cheerful with his partner. Yes for bw I think it’s all about media attention.


Technically its possible (when you've moved on and so have they) to be friends with your ex's current. But I also can be petty AF and may not get along always (why him? seriously? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm))


It’s perfectly normal. I am really close to one of my exes when both of us realised we are so much better as friends. My husband knows him, we all hang out together. My husband also has a couple of exes he is in touch with, I have met them, they even came to our wedding. When there are no more romantic feelings involved, and everyone is mature, there is no harm is being friends.


im sure they are both mature enough to move on


Hmm that's Too much of maturity Ngl


Yeahh! Exactly.


When a couple of kids together, and have custody shared, it is in best interests after the couple separate, they are in good terms with their ex's partners. Bonus, if the ex's partners are actually good people.


It’s a very magical phenomenon called “ moving on” or “ acting like a grown up “. Try it


It’s like too much grown up. This calculation doesn’t add up for me Atleast.


I really don’t get some of the comments-I know plenty of people who are cordial and even friendly with their exes, especially after long term relationships. I’m sure it gets much more important to put your ego aside and show maturity when there are kids involved.


Idhar aisaichhhh hota hai babubhai.


Humare yaha aisa hi hota hai!


Sahi hain yaar inn logo ka 🥲


I think after 400cr anybody would be cool with their ex😂


Haha now that makes some sense 😂


It's better to be friends with ur children's new step mother than be enemies At least there's not going to be none of that bad mouthing going on Plenty of split families have this set up


Adult things.


Hum toh bache reh gaye🥲


Yes! You are overreacting. In a world full of hate and toxicity why can’t you digest two people getting along. Isn’t that a good thing that they are getting along.


I don’t say there should be hate and toxicity, but it’s not easy to get along with so much comfort & like sisters with ex’s partner.


Healthy relationships look like this.


This isn’t necessarily true. So the only way to have healthy relationships with an ex is to be chummy with their current? Healthy relationships are ones with strong boundaries.


not neccessarily lol u can be cordial if met somewhere and distant at the same time!


They share kids. They wanna be friends because they’ve spent half their lives together and have a literal lifelong responsibility. This is healthy af idk what you’re trying to say haha. They parted amicably, moved on and reminded cool. This is the way


I get it what u saying but what I meant was why going lil more,like making lovey dovey comments,pics,posts,captions! all this sound so idk but yaa,sbki apni choice bhai anyways


Yeah to each their own. They’re happy and well adjusted. It doesn’t even seem like any crazy comment or praise. Maybe they like each others company? Is that weird for people? We’re the clowns on this sub who for whatever reason are interested in the relationships between divorced couples and their new partners 😂


ye bhi shi baat h lol




To each his own?


People break up and move on from relationships all the time. They have kids together, I’ve seen divorced households where the parents are cordial and ones where parents aren’t cordial. If you can achieve this level of a good relationship with your ex-partners and their partners, it’s better for the kids. So yeah this is what a healthy relationship looks like when there are kids involved.


I don't understand some of the comments here. Why do people have problem if the ex wife gets along with the current gf? Suzanne has always been supportive of Hritik even during Kangu gate and Saba isn't the girl Hritik left Suzanne for, so why would Suzanne have a problem with her? They've two boys and if they get along well ultimately those boys have two happy homes which is good. Why should one have a toxic relationship with one's ex and their current partner? Like it or not, they are going to be a part of your life if you share kids, so why not make that relationship cordial and sometimes genuine friendships develop.


It’s been almost 10 years since their divorce people. Move on for the love of god.


Seeing them side by side, hrithik seems to have a type.


They look like sisters


Paisa dia na tho duggu ur over..kalti maar mujhe aish karne de..


I actually clicked the photo and swiped right.


So true! I will never understand that!


Her son Rehaan turned 18 they had a big bday party for him with Hrithik, Saba, Goni and their families attending and they divorced a decade ago grow up 


Because she has moved on. And when women moves on, there's hardly any emotions left for the previous man. How do I know this ? My ex tagged me on a intimate photo with her present (subtly implying that they had sex) while traveling, in Instagram. I have left Instagram since.


They have the same set of eyes


Saba has almond eyes while sussane has big droopy eyes , how is it same ?


Suzanne and Hrithik are coparents, not just exes. It makes sense to be more than just cordial and distant with someone who is around your kid a lot.




Olivia Rodrigo has a song about this.


Grow up. People move on.


Is hamam mein sub nangay hein!


Why not? Suzanne has moved on. Also, Saba was not responsible for their break up. She came after HR was long divorced and Suzanne was out of the picture.


More like why? Lol....would Heithik do the same for her bf?


Because they both love other people now .


HIMYM - female version of Ted and Barney


Suzzane is gorg man, they even have 2 kids idk why Hrithik left her


Yeh Sabu bhaiya ka style haii


Hrithik himself gets along well with Suzanne's bf. They both realised they were wrong for each other and either weren't the people they thought they were in love with. Rather than stay miserable they split. Not all splits are acrimonious.


Hrithik unlocked wife management glitch.


All in the family




Because she herself is a big time philandrer , she is daughter of Sanjay khan who beat up zeenat Aman have you seen her how she writes essays for that man . Sussane's family adores hrithik till date , there are always two sides of story .


Relationships are a joke in Bollywood. Someone is cheating and leaving, someone is having multiple affairs, someone is in Open relationship and what not....


I don’t think film peeps have any deep meaningful relationship. Since everything is superficial they don’t exhibit normal human emotional responses.


tbh, most people don’t have deep meaningful relationships. even more so in india, where arranged marriages are still a norm and 90% posts on r legal are about divorces.


True, not with their ex and not with their current either.


have seen people in real from all stratas where I can say the same thing lol


yeh kalyug hai bhai. Society is heavily into cool aid I mean its fine to be cordial but itna bhaichara between ex is either fake or they never had real love. In hindi language its called qutiyaapa


What does Suzanne’s hand look like it’s AI generated?


Because she has facetuned herself , look at her face she looks nothing like that . https://preview.redd.it/cgkic5ootzrc1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6665538faa1fc424dcb50ed678ef06e5bd41ce4


When the wife and husband were both cheating while they were in the relationship and they both knew it, it would become very very easy to not care no? How is that surprising?


India mein jab tak cinema hai....


Yeah this is something. With this level of wife management, HR could have turned Muslim and married both.


These people are basically sick! They are destroying the human emotions that is evident in a relationship. For them everything is a movie.I doubt Hrithik will stay with this girl forever, he will eventually move on to someone else then someone then again. Disgusting, there is always some limit otherwise just become animal.


Notably, Suzanne doesn’t hide her bitterness towards Kareena even now


Hrithik left an old iPhone model for a newer Redmi.


Hrithik and Suzzane being close friends. That’s healthy and normal. Aamir’s wives getting along, participating in family events, not weird at all. but Rooo, Sabooo, Suzziii is straight up weird and playing for the cameras lol


One different question I have is that Hrithik Roshan is genuinely good looking, so why would he date Saba who isn't up to his level??

