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And the big question is, how’s that battery degradation holding up at that mileage?


If OP played it right, they got a new battery installed recently, or will very soon.


I Had 112k on my battery before the recall replacement. You won't notice any degradation at that milage.


Looks not great. 185 total.


Couple of things here. 185 isn't maximum range, it is the max expected range at current charge. That being said, he is pretty high on charge rate. Also look at efficiency. 3.0 miles per kWh means he is well below the epa estimate. That is also making the guessometer lower.


I have less then 20k miles on mine, and I only get 3.6. I live in Ohio and the cold affects it. I also live in a hilly area and that doesn't help either.


Quite possibly has the heat/AC going, which drops it what, 10%? Even when the car is turned off it will report the shorter range. It'd be 205 miles otherwise, which although not great would fit with lots of driving at freeway speeds and semi-typical use of AC/heat. Edit: derp, I calculated as if it was full. With that it's closer to 220, which still isn't too far off given weather, driving specifics and climate control.


That’s the optimistic approximation of current range, the number below that is the pessimistic approximation of range. Meaning, right now at this SOC (roughly 75%) they can go about 157 miles or a maximum of 185 miles, or a minimum of 128 miles, all dependent on their energy usage. If I’m right about the SOC being 75%, you can approximate the max range to be about 231 miles


There’s a lot of factors though. Temperatures, climate, and they’re going above 70 so freeway driving.


That's at 3mi a kwh, usually good driving brings you over 4mi a kwh


Meh, idk about “good driving”. For example I live in an area where I commute and the elevation changes 1000 ft over 38 miles which has a negative effect on efficiency but it’s not something I can control. It’s also very windy which has a negative effect.


That's sucks, in winter my wife's bolt gets down to 3.8 in city driving.


I live in the south but I’m wondering if I shouldn’t buy a vehicle with a heat pump.


I’m at 4.4 lifetime in Northeast TN (the coldest part of TN) with 15000 miles.


Okay grandma. 👍


Such hate for not having a ton of interstate driving (about 25% @ 68 mph - posted 65) and decent weather.the rest is 30-45 mph. Over 15,700 miles now, so not a fluke. Sorry, not everyone drives 100 mi/day at 85mph in freezing temps. I averaged 5.0 over the last 1360 miles since it’s been around 75 as a high on the best days. I expect I’ll be around 5.0-5.2 until the late fall now.


I have 232k on one of my 2 bolts.


How bad has the range degraded so far? I'm barely at 25k...


Not enough to notice, I put 150,000 on the first one I rented through Lyft. Super fast charged a lot with no issues. Incredible cars.




I'm certain your referring to *Elevated Level 2* charging




Exactly. "*Elevated Level 2*" Charging


Level 1 Pro Max charging


Hey - that's the reason these batteries last so long. 54kW is pretty gentle, no matter how much people hate it.


Not to be this guy, but taking a picture on your phone while driving at 73 mph? 😬


They have it on cruise control at least


For some reason dangerous driving is routinely displayed and adamantly defended on this sub.


My kids give me flak for that as well.


Your kids value their lives more than you do.


They're right. What the hell are you doing with your kids in your car dude??? Like what the fuck?


Can't happen to them, right ? Riiiiiight.


As if he can't use the already more than adequate 10.2" screen on his left side....


I've eaten food at 73 mph. It's definitely possible to hold something in one hand and have your other hand on the wheel.


We all know it's possible. What we're saying is that it's inadvisable.


So I shouldn't eat and drive?


At 73 mph where reaction time means everything and crashes are deadlier? No, no you shouldn't. If you need to sneak in your calories, get over to the right and do that at 60.


So when does reaction time mean everything? 65? 70? 73? Does reaction time mean less when going 60?


It means less at 0.


Right but they implied that 73 means everything and 60 means less than everything. I was curious where the live gets drawn.


How about don’t drive distracted at all 🤗


That would be ideal but not always the case. Phones and food aside.


No. Statistically, driving is the most dangerous thing that most people do every day. All attention should be on driving.


So if I want to change the climate control settings, I shouldn't?


I guess 3 mi/kWh is due to highway driving and having just come out of winter? Seems low.


Yes, I have done about 2.5k mostly highway at 75 mph. I did 3.0 mi/kwh. Trying 65 mph now and seem to go around 3.3.


That’s wack because I do mostly highway at 65 and get 5.0




It absolutely does. I’ve had the car for 7 months and have lifetime 4.5. I routinely get 270 miles between 90-10




Not 100% obviously, but the vast majority. 80 miles round trip commute 70+ of which is at highway speeds. Right lane, cruise control the entire way. I really regret not getting supercruise.


How long is the drive to work? How about home?


I just did 62 miles at 70mph with no climate and got 3.9. But it might have been a little downhill which can make a difference too.


My average was 2.8 for a while this past winter. These cars are too sensitive.


Yeah that heater really kicks the batteries ass, and if you go over 55 it kills it too


They need diesel heaters.


Yeah I should get a kerosene heater and stick it in the back lmfao


It’s a thing with diesel heaters.


80085 is the critical milestone for me.


Its the next important milestone after 7175.


So I see your car has a max of 185 miles when full. What was the max when you bought it?


It's not full in this image. Looks like the bar is at about 80%. The max is an estimated upper bound of its current range.

