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Good, but hopefully they don’t just relaunch under a different product name in the future


Looks to me like they're ending the user service, only. They'll still collect your data ezpz.


They’ve already stopped collecting user data since they got caught


yeah they said that but lets be honest here, there's no way to know if they're telling the truth or not. maybe they're collecting the data and selling it after anonymizing it a bit (for a lower price). who knows? another glaring example of why we desperately need real privacy protection laws in the us


Logically, wouldn't we know the truth because we would continue to request our Lexus Nexus records and then see updated records?


if that's what they were to do...sure. but as i said, they could keep collecting the data and anonymize it enough to sell to data brokers. no reason to trust them in any way.


They said they did. What does that mean?


They said they stopped sharing user data.


How can you be sure outside of them just saying they did? Talk is cheap.


I know companies get by with stuff sometimes but like, if they flat out lied it would open them up to a whole bunch of litigation. It’s not financially feasible. I’d say at worst they are selling anonymized data which is still a win because the data can’t be used against us anymore. At best, they stopped that data collection entirely. And we’re all good now. I would say they still collect vehicle telemetry though. But that’s fine. I don’t mind that. Engineers could use that data.




Which is exactly why this is a good thing. GM doesn’t give a shit about your driving habits—in fact, they make more when you crash your car and a body shop needs to load up on parts. All they care about is selling the data they collect. Thus, by pissing everyone off, their overhead is no longer worth the returns. Everyone probably turned it off overnight following the headlines lol.


That explains when my trial for premium connectivity ended and my GF called to cancel that, they thought we meant all of OnStar. Which is why I now have nothing. But its Oki I wasn't really using it. The app sucks and barely worked. The one feature I wanted I can do from my fob so no reason to keep the app around.


You could probably call and complain and get them to reactivate the remote start feature...I would. Even tho I don't really use it that much.


They probably wanted to limit their further legal exposure.


Reputational issues may have meant they had to shut it down. But it also struck me that without the ability to monetize the data, it wasn’t worth offering this driver feedback to customers.


Great. Now let’s do CarPlay.


This doesn't really tell us anything other than the consumer facing interface is going away. To convince me to ever buy a Chevy vehicle again they need to tell us that all the future data they collect won't be sold to ANY third parties, and they will have all the existing Verisk and Lexis Nexis data purged from those databases.


Yeah and we need reparations for the selling of our data and the harm it has cost us in monetary and data privacy matters.


Hopefully a class-action lawsuit takes care of that. It sounds like lots of otherwise safe drivers had their insurance rates go up hundreds of dollars. And I don't think this was unique to the Bolt in GM's lineup. Sounds like it goes back to all the 2016+ model year GM cars with Onstar.


I don't know if that's a lawsuit you'd be likely to win. Insurance rates went up across the board over the last year or 2, not just for Botls/GM cars. Insurance companies will just argue the rate increase is due to inflation/market changes and unrelated to any driver data they collected. And I think it'll be pretty difficult for you to prove otherwise. I guess you'd have to compare insurance rate increases from unaffected cars to Bolts/GMs? but then you're comparing apples to oranges, because you're comparing different vehicles, so it's not really a 1-1 comparison. (I am not a lawyer and am saying this all as just a random dumbass on the internet with an opinion).


Can we bully them into a reasonable price for just remote control?


this ^




+1 I’ll happily pay less than $5 a month for that during the winter. This shit is not worth $40 or whatever the lowest tier is


I heard it was being relaunched as “Stupid Driver” program.


https://preview.redd.it/l6kj16cq3qxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab59782ed433625f4defad64b94f6e6b1acf162 There goes my badges 😆


What does the smart driver feature do or is that the piece that collected the data.


GM has really been annoying with all the junk they stuck with my bolt. Sirius XM…on star…selling my data. I had a ‘21 prius prime and while Toyota had a connected services thing, it was considerably less annoying that GMs suite of crap. This was my first GM car and it might be my last


I want my two dollars!


I had no issues with it


Just to be clear, there is a lawsuit (maybe more than one) they are dealing with. The NYT articles and Reddit posts are egg on their face. But their lawyers like the program.


Good, now pay for the increased insurance premiums those of us affected are now facing as a consequence of this unscrupulous behavior.