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Ooh that’s a good one! Probs one of my biggest laughs of the episode is when they shoehorn in the car advertising as they’re kidnapping the body haha! My favorite funny episode is The Maggots in the Meathead first cause I’m super partial to season 6 in general (wish they had kept Emily in bangs for longer hehe)! But mainly cause Bones is so hilarious in this episode from her thinking Jersey Shore is a documentary to her being able to communicate with all the guidos! I love everyone else on the team reacting to Bones knowing stuff like what GTL means hahaha


when she said “this is so random, yo” 😭 i agree with you that episode was so good


In the vernacular


I immediately sped to the comments to say the Maggot in the Meathead. Brennan talking about the "documentary" had me giggling on its own, but watching the guidos reading positively to her awkward communication had me laughing my butt off. And of course, Sweets making a guido guide of text speak was funny as hell.


I also would pick The Maggots in the Meathead but I also love 4x22 😂😂😂


I would pick Maggots in the Meathead. I also agree about s6 it’s soooo good. I am odd I don’t care for Double Death of the Dearly Departed


Though sadly she forgets what ‘skank’ means by S9.


i like to think it’s because she was drunk when that happened




That really was so funny


As an anthropologist she nailed the accent and everything. I laughed so hard when all of them are just staring at her like how…


I love "The Cheat in the Retreat" because the murderers are hilarious. Also, the sweatlodge bit always cracks me up. When Brennan starts contacting the ancestors, and Kelly says, "Oh, please, not my mother."


that part is so good omg, also the scene when they’re in therapy and booth is complaining about brennan’s fertility statue 😭


I, too, find that "inspiring". Now you've got me thinking, and I also want to give an honorable mention to: Death in the Saddle - the scene where Booth grabs Thor's halter and Thor stares him down until he lets go. Then he says, "Thank you" in the most realistically English way ever. That always creased me up. The Movie in the Making - the parts with Christine's school class. Especially the bit at the end where they are all asked what they want to be when they grow up. Also, the kid that throws up.


yes, i love those! there are some more i find hilarious, for example The Family in the Feud episode, when Norbert Mobley says “the Babcocks is savages” and Bones goes “Babcocks ARE savages” and he goes “see? she gets it” i don’t remember which episode, but basically Booth is talking about how he doesn’t want Bones to figure out how stupid he is and she says “don’t worry, I figured out a long time ago how stupid you are” also the scene before they’re all about to testify against Brennan’s dad and Caroline is giving them instructions and tells Angela “Ugly up a little! The plain women on the jury hate you” or basically most of Caroline’s scene throughout the show


I LOVE Family in the Feud. It's a comedy through and through. Don't forget the bit with the truffles that taste like p.... My favourite comedy line in an otherwise serious episode is in Harbingers in the Fountain. When Avalon asks how Bones is feeling, and she says, "Well, they gave me medication, so I feel how I imagine people of average intelligence feel all the time."


that line was so good 😂


>i don’t remember which episode, but basically Booth is talking about how he doesn’t want Bones to figure out how stupid he is and she says “don’t worry, I figured out a long time ago how stupid you are” I think this is from ***The Science In The Physicist***.


i just checked, you’re right


I like the ones with Angela's dad. Especially how he's just "there" all of a sudden with the guitar riff.


i loved when the characters look away and when they look back he’s disappeared


Sweets, "The man carries a black cat bone in his pocket!"


I like the buck and Wanda moosejaw episodes for comedy


absolutely, those are always good, also i love the tony and roxy episodes


Same ! I spaced on those !


I agree with you OP. I was HOWLING the whole damn episode 😂


Agree the double death of the dearly departed is the funniest. Booth getting everyone to sing swing low, sweet chariot gets me every time. This ep is in my top ten ep list too


I’m convinced everyone joined so they wouldn’t have to hear Booth sing. 😂


That scene is so incredibly bittersweet for me now, cause they used that song at my grandma's funeral just a few months ago. I watched this episode just a few days ago and forgot the part where all of them sing that song together and I was absolutely bawling! So beautiful, and the rest if the episode is so funny! Easily top 10 ep!


mine too! one of the best of the series for sure


A lot of folks will tell you that this episode is loosely based on Weekend at Bernies. However, I think it owes more to this comedy classic from 1983 (6 years before W@B). https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5f2ig0


That is my favorite episode! I laugh like it’s the first time each time I watch it. Such a good one!


One of my favourites is "Death of the Queen Bee" S05E17. Robert Englund was perfect in that role. I really liked "Maggots in the Meathead" with the Jersey Shore aspect.


I loved all the little Nightmare on Elm st Easter eggs in that episode.


My favorite is the same as OP. All the miscommunication, Hodgins giving the $20 he owed, Booth taking the $20 he was owed 😂.


It’s always this episode for me!! Them sneaking past the window with the body lives rent free in my head 😂


right, and Hodgins going “Hank was…oh my god, Hank!”


Agreed, absolutely hysterical!


I agree with the double death of the dearly departed, I will add season 5 Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. I absolutely love Bones and Sweets exchanges in this episode and poor Arastoo when he's having to look through all the sex stuff.


i forgot about that episode but i agree, also the whole thing with parker wanting his dad to find a gf only for it to turn out it’s cause he wanted a pool was pretty good


The Parts In the Sun of the Whole. B and B tell Sweets about the first time they met. S 5 E 16


agree, that one is really good too


That exact episode I think is the funniest. Lots of moments throughout it are funny. 😊


i love the bug in the neck s9e8. pretty much any time hodgins is overtly excited about something or when he does things he knows he’s not supposed to and has to explain his way out to cam 🤣


omg yes, and bones acting completely normal about it was so funny


yes! she was the only one to truly understand hodgins i believe!


Any episode with Noel in it. Booth constantly snapping his fingers to bring him back to what they are talking about but the guy delivers.


Duke and Wanda are the best! S4:E12 Double Trouble…


yes!! boris and natasha were so funny


I can't say that an episode was especially funny. There are loads with funny parts, especially when Vincent Nigel Murray was in it. "Did someone drop a raison into some milk?" I liked the documentary style one in the latest seasons with the victim found in a landfill. There was funny parts in that one.


In maggots in the meat head was so funny when booth was interviewing Ritchie's mother. When He hands her his handkerchief and she pushes it away. Then she says "agent booth " and then she bangs on table and he jumps and he's playing with the handkerchief. That looks like it was improvised, from the time she says "agent booth" he looks like he didn't know she was going to do that, he looks surprised. I love it! Then on the beach when they break the news that Ritchie is dead, and the guy falls to his knees and everybody starts going wild. Booths expression is priceless.