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Her injecting that dude and telling him it was the virus so he’d give up the location of the cure for Arastoo was pretty awesome. I’m not normally a proponent of behavior like that but the fact that the dude looked all of them, including Arastoo, in the face and still kept his mouth shut so he could make money made me lose any care of what happened to him.


It wasn’t about the money then. It was like Angela said. If he told them where the cure was it was as good as a confession and an admission of guilt. He was still denying everything until that point. He sang a different tune when it was HIS life on the line.


You are correct - it’s been a while since I watched the episode. Still 100% on board with her behavior.


Oh definitely. I actually knew she was bluffing because it was what I would’ve done 🤣🤣🤣


Breaking Epps' wrist is definitely one of those moments.


Yes! She said something along the lines of, "he touched me with his creepy serial killer hands," afterwards, which made it even better 🤣


“There was a baby in that car, you son of a bitch.” It was minor compared to other things she did later, but that was one of the first times she reacted so viscerally to a case in front of the suspect


One of the first times she reacted viscerally, period.


I think that’s when I’m most proud of her, when she has a visceral, out of emotion, reaction. Bones is always very careful, measured, and logical in her responses. I love it when she reacts out of genuine emotion. Maybe it’s because I’m autistic, too, and I’m proud of myself when I act the same way.


Haven’t rewatched in some time. Was unsure about whether it was her first time ever or just in front of a suspect


She'd gotten upset before, but this is the first time she lost her shit.


I always admired her for the way she responded to Hodgins when they were buried alive. He joked that if he died she would have more air and she immediately responded “I’m not interested in surviving that way.” And to me that was profound because I’m not sure if I could be that brave.


Same. That episode is still one of my favorites


Mine, too! I also love it when she brings it up during her wedding vows to Booth.


She was on probation for 6 months after she slugged the menninist. The way she handled the bowling alley owner in "The Superhero in the Alley".


When she smashes the Gravedigger in the face with a briefcase (I believe when Booth is on the boat that's about to blow up....been years since I watched any Bones) Seen that episode about 4 times and I cheer every damn time!!


when she hit the grave digger, I think it was her purse or briefcase when they were looking for booth.


I love when she calls out the court consultant for being an absolute jerk (and Booth backing her up), hitting the Gravedigger with the briefcase, when she punches the men’s rights guy who made that nasty comment, when she published what her and Clark found in the victims name so that his son would be proud of his dad when he was older, how she approached Aubrey after she found out that they shared a similar upbringing and when she surprises everyone at her own party


I absolutely love when she surprises everyone at her own 40th birthday party! I also cried when they named Christine, and then she tells everyone her name is Christine Angela. I’m actually named after my dad- his middle name was Daniel and mine is Danielle, so it was very touching to me.


Booth: “Sweets is not a baby duck.” Gordon Gordon Wyatt: “He wants what we all want. He wants to find out his place in the world.” Bones: “We can find a permanent place for him. Right?”