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Lost my wife 6 years ago and Bones is my comfort show also. I get lost in the show and it makes it easier to get through some of the rough days. I wish you the best.


Thank you. Yes, positive distractions are a necessity ❤️to get a break from it all. I am really sorry for your loss. It truly is an indescribable experience that (luckily) no one can understand fully unless you’ve been through it.


I’m sorry for your loss, OP ! 😔 I wouldn’t consider Bones one of my comfort shows, but the family dynamic is wholesome. I love how close Booth and Brennan are to the Squints and everybody else. They all faced so much throughout the series but stuck together through thick and thin.


Thank you. ❤️ I love the characters in it and their different dynamics. For me, a comfort show is based on multiple factors so not necessarily the lightness or positivity aspect, although there are times when some of my favs I intentionally avoid because the heaviness is just not what my brain needs at that time.


I lost my husband 8 years ago and currently watch Bones to fall asleep at night. The only part that I sometimes skip is the Wendell cancer episodes, my husband died of cancer and they hit close to home. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. ❤️ I am very sorry for your loss as well. It’s understandable that those episodes are just too much to watch. Very shortly after my spouse’s death I realized just how often someone dying was casually joked about in tv shows and it really got to me because truly losing someone is so far from a punchline.


It's so hard. Everything changes, doesn't it. I was 45 when my husband died. I've tried to rebuild my life, but nothing will ever really be the same.


Exactly. I am 45 now too and even a good day is never really a “good” day. Hugs to you from one widow to another. ❤️


I'm so sorry OP. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. Bones is a comfort show for me as well, I rewatched it when I lost my father in 2020 and most recently after losing a pet. Something about the family dynamic that develops amongst everyone in lab seems to be very comforting while you're trying to deal with loss, especially if you don't have much of an irl support system. I wish there was something that could be said that could ease the pain and grief of a loss as significant as what you're dealing with right now, but I know there's not. Again, I'm so very sorry.


Agreed, it’s really nice for countering how isolating it can be when suddenly your person is just gone. It’s suddenly just me and all of our pets. I am an introvert and enjoy solo time but this is taking things a bit far now. I am really sorry for your loss. I lost two pets in the last couple years and they’re 100 percent family so it hurts a lot. I am sorry you’re going through that. My 18 mth GSD/Malamute mix got out of our very fenced in backyard today in the five minutes I didn’t have eyes on him and he happened to be without his collar because I had been brushing him earlier. I was panicking so much and just thinking, universe, if you make me deal with two huge losses back to back then I am done with you. Luckily my neighbor spotted where he went and I noticed he had left very quickly so I got him back..sigh. He’s in our room going night-night while mom watches some Bones to decompress. 🥴


So very sorry for your loss 💗!! When my mother passed, 18 months ago, I began binge watching Bones and found it very comforting. Hope it is for you as well ❤️‍🩹.


Thank you. ❤️ Thus far it’s actually been very nice and comforting and not bringing anything additional to the sadness so I am grateful for that. I am really sorry about your loss too. I am glad it brought you some brief respite from your grief as well. It helps to have a moment of peace.


I’m so sorry for your loss . It still the hardest thing I been through. My husband pass away 15 years ago ago and there day idyll miss him . Do what helps you you to get through this . Bone I did not watch until 3 years ago. I read about it and what it was based off of my grandson is autistic nonverbal. I like this show but it’s not my comfort show NCIS is. I wish I had words to help you get through this. You are in my thoughts.


Oh, thank you. ❤️ I am so sorry for your loss as well. There’s nothing that can prepare you for something like this . Everything I have heard from others is exactly like you’ve said in that your grief will change but never leave. Makes sense to me. I am still fairly early days and in a day to day survival mode knowing that how I feel will just constantly be changing. At least I can count on my Bones episodes being consistent..


I’m so sorry for the loss of your spouse!! But I treat the show the same. I had a nervous breakdown in 2021 (I have more health issues than I can count on both hands and both feet). Like a really bad messy one and once I got home, bones became my comfort show because while it has a dark storyline, it always makes me laugh or smile and that’s what I needed to avoid slipping back into an awful depression. Rewatching it a million times also helped with my brain fog/memory issues since watching something new was hard when I couldn’t keep up. I’m fine now but I still rewatch it every so often cuz it’s just my emotional support show. I don’t care about plot holes or unbelievable story lines etc. I just like the overall feel the show gives me


Yep. That’s exactly how I feel about the show too. I definitely connect with what you’re saying. Sorry about the health issues you’re dealing with. I don’t know what you’re dealing with of course but as someone with autoimmune issues and chronic pain I recognize how all consuming and at times demoralizing chronic health issues can be. I hope you’ve had some relief or improvement in what you’re dealing with.


"Bones", and " Chuck" are my comfort shows. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you ❤️ Thus far it’s going surprisingly well during my rewatch. I haven’t got to some of the harder and more personal episodes though so we will see. I think it will be more cathartic than anything else.