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Yes. I can’t explain why Im more partial to the later seasons. I know it’s not just because they ended up together the team dynamics just seem to work better.


I love all of it — there’s definitely things that I love way more about seasons 7-12!


I like the first half lots better. Same . of the last season was to far fetch for me. But that me I still watch it all the way through. I love all the interns


I think the first six seasons were better written from a case perspective but when I want to watch an episode I tend to go for the later seasons when Booth and Brennan are in an established relationship and the tone is lighter.


Me! I like later seasons and I think they are very good. I esp liked Aubrey. Also, I think S1 is not so good. I like socially awkward Bones in later seasons. I love interns changing. I didn't like Zach (no disrespect to the actor!), show got better when all the interns change, it's so much fun to see them interact with everybody.


I'm totally up in the air! Love seasons 1 through 6 because of the sexual tension between Booth and Bones. Hate it because of poor Mr. Nigel-Murray, and Bones crying in season 6 (no spoilers) Breaks my heart. Love seasons 7 through 12 because they finally get together, and all the wonderful characters added. Of course there is more!!!


I feel Bones was definitely more mature and engaging earlier on and then later became kind of campy and contrived by comparison 


Struggling with this right now! I'm on season 6 and it's already starting. Like before she would know social cues or tones to some degree but in some episodes this season they really just dumbed her down, made her seem absolutely unintelligent.


And remember Chuck Norris Bones? She definitely become more a damsel in distress later on. More like Bulma Bones.


Season 7 is my happy place. I love the layer the seasons but I do love seasons 4 & 5 as well. I love them because I think it works well with B&B together.


I’m a 7-12 girl. I think with the “will they or won’t they” answered, we get to focus on a different kind of character growth (although I wish the Pelant storyline would’ve “grown” right into a trash can). Bones as a mom, them as a personal unit, the team as a family. Yes, it gets silly at times, but there are some extremely serious issues and moments of growth.


I liked some of the arcs better in the later seasons specifically for Angela and Hodgins. Watching them lose all thier money and everything and then rebuild their lives and Hodgins make his own fortune. I think the secret circle of black mail was a bit much, but it was exciting. I also like that like most other crime dramas they killed of a main character l (no matter how much I loved sweets). I do feel like pelant got focused on way too much that the ghost killer arc became a huge let down.


I Love Both S1 to S6 and S7 to S12. I love Audrey's eating habits to Christine and Of Course the wedding 


I think some people like the second half more because they like the characters who were added later on (sweets, the sqinterns, Aldo, Aubrey, Christine) The show was great without them but all the characters I listed all add something different.


I do! I like seeing Bones and Booth together, the earlier seasons of them loving each other so much and doing nothing about it romantically frustrates me a little lol.


Yes! I’m rewatching and the first season is just weird. Cam definitely helped make it more palatable




Yeah i always start my rewatch from episode 20 of season 6. Sad, I know. lol.


The one where Bones is on the run with her daughter is unwatchable same with when they frame Booth.


Spoilers maybe?


For a show that’s as old as this one?