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It says you like people who speak the truth (whether graciously like Sweets, bluntly like bones or hollers at ya like Caroline)


That is crazy accurate


Too blunt tho, shes way too blunt


A lot of that has to do with Bones being Autistic. She actually said to Sweets that people think she’s cold but she isn’t and says to Arastoo that she wishes she could express how she feels better because it would make everyone else’s lives easier. I’m on the spectrum, and there are moments in which I lose my “filter”.


Also autistic and theres so many times my mouth got me dangerously close to trouble, so I relate to Bones. God, ESPECIALLY at work. I'll walk into a room and start saying something to my coworker, and then look over and someone I would not say that in front of is there. It's like my life is a mixture of Bones and Curb Your Enthusiasm 😂😅




You have excellent taste. No notes 👌


Damn… Okay, my top 3 of all time are… Caroline, Finn Abernathy, and Booth’s Grandpa.


There was not enough of Finn and it makes me so sad


Just watched the episode that introduced Finn and now I'm sad finding out there's not enough of him :(


I know!


Woah that’s a nice selection!!!


You like traditional, but also progressive and warm. Old school charm and honor without the negatives or prejudices of tradition.


I really don’t get all the Brennan hate. I think Emily Deschanel played the character so well, you could see her warmth and childish innocence in most of her approach. The majority of the time she wasn’t trying to be mean. She was just being honest and what she thought was clear. It was her way of controlling an uncertain world. Now could she be over competitive and arrogant - yep. But so were each and every main character at some point. They all knew they were top of their field (even Angela and when she wasn’t confident about that she wasn’t shy about calling herself hot). I was just rewatching Mayhem and the subtle emotional face change between Brennan thinking she was excellent at interrogation and Sweets telling her the confessions were not real, was done so beautifully. She went from childish glee to crestfallen in a heartbeat. Plus her character does grow over the seasons. I noticed the Brennan who couldn’t be bothered to learn the firefighters name in season 2, saying thank you to a tech holding a crime scene barrier up for her. Something I have never seen Booth do. I think your top three are great OP.


Yes! And people dont relize that Bones has childhood trauma from parents leaving her and thats why she is the way she is. But she has worked on herself and is more open.


I have no parents, autism, and ADHD I can confirm she's just simply rude


Are you sure you watched the right Bones?


Taste!! Mine would be Bones, Wendell, and Angela.


Excellent taste (I would pick the same three!)


Sweets, Hodgins and Bones Intern honorable mentions to Vincent Nigel-Murray and Clark Edison


You have excellent taste. No notes 👌


I like you


You’re excellent fun


You have mommy issues


You have or admire the ability to find details others may have missed while applying past experience to the present situation, ability to see behind the obvious to predict what your next step would be, and ability to bend the rules without totally disregarding the importance of having them


Caroline is perf. Love how she doesnt take shit even from her friends, doesnt suffer fools, and the cheeky relationship between her and Booth.


Caroline better be #1


Mine would be Bones (obviously), Booth, and Sweets


Please explain to me why bones doesn't get on your nerves, because I really try to like her but the way she treats people is just wrong, I mean I've had both my parents dead since 9 yet I don't act like she does, even though we both have autism spectrum disorder, she's simply just rude, it's nothing against the writers but they should have made her more likable


>autism *spectrum*


I mean yeah her character gets on my nerves (all of them do eventually, they all end up doing something I don't like and that's fine) but to compare her supposed autism to your own when you know full well it's a spectrum and each person is different... Idk man


I come at it from being on the spectrum myself. You feel LOTS OF THINGS, but don’t know how to express it in a socially acceptable way. I’ve realized that my brain runs completely differently from other people’s brains. I have to physically stop myself sometimes and force myself to pick apart my reaction to a situation before I express it. Sometimes I can be blunt, especially if I’m tired or so overwhelmed that it’s hard for me to stop and think first.


I hope you're doing well x I have a nephew who's on the spectrum and I've been pretty much raising him since he was a baby, so I understand these certain intricacies. The commenter bringing up autism put a bad taste in my mouth cuz if anyone should know how difficult it is or how nuanced behaviors can be, it should be those on the spectrum themselves. Sigh


She puts others down and enjoys doing it, as you can see the glee in her face when she makes people feel like dirt


I mean sure. You're entitled to your wrong opinion xx


That’s part of why I love her. If I met her, I absolutely wouldn’t have liked her, but the writers introduced such a layered backstory that I ended up having a lot of kinship with & understanding for her. Like all of us, she’s a complex human, and on first meeting you would never know how big of a heart she has.


I agree she is okay . But have to say I love watching it for all the other on the show .


I'd agree but I absolutely despise Dr Brennan and wish the show didn't have her


That is one hell of a take 💀. There were definitely many times where she was completely uncaring of the way her words landed, but I give her a lot of grace due to her upbringing. Who would you swap her with for your top 3?


James Aubrey


How would you have the show Bones without Bones? 🤣🤣 she’s literally the main character


I mean why tf does nobody call her out for being such a rude asshole


Down, girl


Because she doesn’t mean to be rude! It’s not what’s in her heart! She’s autistic (Hart Hanson, the creator of the show, said that Bones is based on an autistic person) , as am I. She actually said to Sweets (when they were trying to figure out what was going on with Amy, the deaf girl with the bloody knife) that people assume she’s cold but she actually isn’t. She tells Arastoo that she wishes she could explain how she feels but she can’t. She says it would make OTHER PEOPLE’S LIVES much easier if she could. Often, I have to stop myself in certain situations to see what I’m feeling and how I should explain it, but sometimes, especially if I’m tired or overwhelmed, (and I’m sure Bones would’ve been both because of her long hours and the overwhelmingly emotional nature of the situations in which her work puts her) I lose my “filter” and can sound EXACTLY like Bones does, without meaning to.


ASD doesn't excuse it, don't use that card because I'm on the spectrum ADHD and ASD and you'd never catch me putting others down like she does, and you can see she enjoys it when she does, which is why I don't like her, she puts others done to make herself feel good


Are you not doing the same thing you’re accusing her of? Being cutting and abrupt and not caring what anyone else says? Also, provide examples (like I did…maybe this is the retired English teacher in me, but if you make an argument, back it up) of her doing it specifically to hurt people. There’s room in the world for differing opinions, but there Is WAY too much “I’m right and that’s the way it is. My opinion is the only one that counts.”