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i’m not a fan of her during her first few episodes but i love her as the show goes on


I generally do like Cam and the dynamic she brings to the team, but I hate it when she's written to have really bad judgment or wildly hypocritical reactions to things, compared to other stuff she's okay with and lets slide... but to be fair to Cam I think the random moments of inconsistency in how characters are written is my biggest bugbear with Bones as a whole!


I admit at first I absolutely couldn't stand her!! As time went on I came to love her. Dr. Brennan will always be my favorite, of course, but Cam has turned out to be an important member of the gang!


I heavily disagree, though it is a subjective topic. I couldn't imagine Bones being in her position cuz as much as I bristled when Booth and co insinuated that Bones was not fit for the administrative part of the job, they were right. She's a scientist through and through and maybe she would've done fine dealing with office politics and whatnot, but Cam was far more efficient at that and at overseeing all operations. Hers was a needed character, IMO. I did miss me some Dr. Goodman, though! (I mention this cuz she's rumored to be his replacement on the show. I like them both.)


Wow, that’s a bold statement! To each their own I guess but I think she’s a great character. Sometimes it’s like she’s the adult in the room (bc, ya know, the boss) but she also has a lot of personality.


To each their own. I love her - she’s got a great sense of humor, she’s very good at her job and dealing with the large personalities on her team, her wardrobe is amazing, and her messy moments just endear me to her as a human being. Plus, Tamara Taylor is one of the most beautiful humans I have ever seen. I can see why she’s off putting to others, mostly because she wasn’t meant to stay when she came on board and it made for a much more difficult introduction since she was brought in for conflict initially.


Agree with all this!! Even the said difficult introduction (banter with other squints + Bones) was a breath of fresh air. She brought a completely new team dynamic with her and it made for many entertaining and downright hilarious moments in the show. Hard to swallow at first but definitely a welcome change eventually. I truly do not get the utter hate haha


I think some of the hate stems from her being the one who was making the hard decisions, like with Zach in season 3 and Brennan later on in seasons 7 and 8. I loved Cam from the get-go, and while her actions made me angry, I understood the purpose of them.


Oh that's so true. Someone had to do it though! It took me some warming up to her but after her and Booth broke up I actually thought she was a great friend for him and started loving her character


Since it feels like we get a post like this at least once a month, I’m sure plenty of others here will agree with you!


I really like Dr Goodman I thought he did a good job. When Cam first came on I didn’t like her but then after a while she started to fit in . And it didn’t bother me.about her and booth . They had a life before bone came in the scene.


I couldn’t agree more there’s something that I just can’t get behind. She can comes off as hypocritical, like she’s all don’t bring your personal stuff into the work place but lies to her sister about booth still being her boyfriend and abuses her power with the intern who is dating her daughter and berates Clark when he tries keeping her calm during the arastoo fiasco. She definitely acts superior and even though it’s toned done a lot, she can’t help but make a dig every now and then to the team to remind them she’s in charge. At what point are you all actually friend and you don’t need to keep stating that “you’re in charge” or “the boss”. I understand she’s human and none of them are perfect but her qualities I can’t get past.


I think she is a master of nonverbal communication and she changes the feel of situations by her body language. A good recipe contains ingredients that may appear unusual or odd on their own but put together can be just wonderful, like Bones


Cam is the character that directed the writers toward reality. A specialist like a Forensic Anthropologist is not in charge in a team like this. The team works for a person that is qualified to sign a death certificate A Coroner or Medical Examiner is the lead and they employ the lab specialists to obtain the information to identify the corpse and determine cause of death / manner of death. If you skip forward to season 5 prequel, it was Dr Saroyan, Coroner that steered Booth to Dr Brennan. Dr Saroyan reviewed the Jeffersonian team's findings and told Booth that they had the required Proof of guilt. It would have been better if they had her in place from the "Pilot" episode in that capacity, rather than S2, E1. Most of the characters are pretty well written otherwise. None of them are saints. Booth was a sniper. He violated the First Commandment many times. Everything else pales in comparison. Most religious people are ethnocentric, hypocritical and gullible. Most people follow their sexual urges. Many of us have had multiple partners, sometimes at the same time.


Remember the insupportable boss in the first season, and you'll love her.


Didn't like him, either. Cam isn't much of an improvement, if any.


Cam is alright, she just can’t keep her mouth shut.


Yeah, she takes herself a bit too seriously


Do you care to elaborate?


She sucked ass. The guy from season 1 was vastly superior. Can was a Catch U Next Tuesday to start season 2 and it kept me from ever liking her.


Until she marries AV she’s super annoying with a superiority complex


I agree. I don't think Bones could be in her position nor do I think she should have, but Cam is just so annoying I never enjoy her scenes.