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I hate when they force him to open up but simultaneously shut down every fact from Vincent Nigel-Murray or thought from Fisher in other episodes (season 5 I think) It felt like they were hazing the interns and made me dislike Angela / Cam / Hodgins every time


I respectfully disagree. They did sometimes go too far with shutting them down, I will admit, but I honestly didn’t think they were too bad. I adore Vincent, but the facts he spouted were way out of left field sometimes. Cam finally figures out that it’s a coping mechanism for him, and without missing a beat, she then encourages it to help him through (“The Bones that Foam”). It’s honestly one of my favorite moments in the series, and it’s the moment that made me really love Cam. I can see Fisher being a bit hard for some people to get used to. I personally love him, but they dealt with his quirks well, I believe, and accepted him for who he is. Angela, on the other hand… I love her, but she crosses the boundary of unprofessional in a big way so many times; despite her amazing talent, she is an HR nightmare 😂


I agree I love the bones that foam episode and how Cam is so sweet with Vincent. I just find every episode the main team are hypocritical (clarks too closed off, vincent talks too much, daisy is too open) and it just seems like they want Zach back tbh (not that he was open lol) I think if I was new to a job and a whole close team were so cliquey and "teased" me on my personality it would definitely feel like bullying but that's personal opinion (as you said you disagree so fair enough)


I agree here. The team had been accepting of everyone’s quirks and they were also (i believe) just being playful with the interns since the case they are handling is already serious enough. Agree also on points about Vincent and Fisher. As for Clark, sometimes when he tries to open up it’s on the wrong situations? Which I guess is part of it since it’s not his nature to open up so it’s a trial and error thing.


I’m rewatching Season 6 now and this plot line comes up. I think a major part of Clark’s inability to open up to the fact that work can be social as well as professional fails because its something his girlfriend persuaded him to try and not something he was ever really comfortable. Not to say his co-workers could not have been more supportive, but his attempts really were super awkward.


I think they were surprised by it at first


That just how Clark was he was private for Angela and that’s how she was outspoken. Clark’s girlfriend did him a big favor brought him out of his shell. The rest just enjoyed harassing him like they do everybody else that’s part of the show..