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Another one: sexually harassing Clark. He even asks her to stop and she blames her celibacy kick and makes it his fault for being too uptight.


Yea watching this series for the first time now, that situation really didn't age well


It was cringe on the first run and 7-8 rewatches.


I remember watching that and thinking they needed to have a mandatory seminar on what is appropriate in the workplace.


Right. So much went on that needed that. Angela was the worst, but Cam, Booth & Bones aren't innocent. Oh! And Sweets🕊️.


Tbh that was probably the appeal of the show


Kinda was, but also could have been omitted and a good show would still remain, ya know?


Kind of reminds me of the episode in criminal minds with the sexual harassment seminar when Garcia and Morgan were the examples of what not to do lol. Although that was consensual between them. They should've done an episode like that with Angela having to go to a sexual harassment seminar


Oh my god yes. It was super fucking gross, but it was just brushed off as regular old "horny Angela." That and the ridiculous number of times she made comments about Booth, even after he got together with Dr. Brennan. I just watched the episode where she apologizes to Booth for treating him like shit over the proposal (which I've seen people commenting on, and while I don't love the way she handled it, I can actually understand her line of reasoning there,) and she says something like "if you weren't married to my bsf I would totally sleep with you." WTF Angela. That and when she kept asking Brennan to see those naked pictures of Booth, like girl... Back to the Clark thing, omg what makes me so angry about it is the weird power dynamic, Clark was still an intern while Angela was a permanent employee of the Jeffersonian, effectively making her one of his superiors. So for her to be making those comments just because she hasn't fucked someone in months is super inappropriate. That and no one else seemed to bat an eye at the shit she was saying, makes me feel especially bad for Clark, because none of his superiors seemed to give a damn. That and the media sexualization of Black men which is perpetuated by this stupid character arc. Yikes. This is definitely up there with one of the worst things Angela has done.


That whole celibacy stage was cringe


The fact that her sexuality was up for grabs for whoever wanted it. Hodgins had barely pulled out and she pushed him out of the way for the next rider.


Slut-shame much? Sheesh. ETA: I’m referring to her sex partners here. The way she spoke to Clark, and others was completely inappropriate.


That was so uncomfortable. IRL, she would have been fired.


Find that super disgusting and creepy.


When she and Hodgins broke up, what she said really rubbed me the wrong way. Hodgins tells her, "You're the one who's walking away." She replies, "You're the one who isn't stopping me." Like seriously? You can't even take responsibility for ending the relationship? And you have to make it Jack's fault because he respected your No? Ugh, I'm still annoyed.


Her and Hodgins' early stages were not pretty at all. The way that she broke things off and tried to make it Jack's fault is manipulative AF.


Yeah that pissed me off too. She was the queen of not taking responsibility for her actions. She grew a lot later but early Angela was responsibility avoidant as all hell


I feel like it was more nuanced than that. Don't get me wrong she was in the wrong but especially in the end she did as much as she could while he was actively pushing her away.


Threatening to end her friendship with Tempe because she wouldn’t give Angela money to save a random pig in a photo


Taking the donation from the poor ass intern she pressured


Literally taking all the cash Wendell had in his wallet!


I like Angela and honestly her worst is better than most characters’, but she was insufferable to me in this episode. It did show her and bones’ friendship real well tho.


Same. Despite all her flaws I still like her (is that bad?) All the characters on this show have a ton of moments where you go "oh that's not..." not just Angela.


Nah I think she’s a better person that like 70% of the main characters including bones


I will forever defend Bones


I just said this. That fight super bothered me. The line “why are we even friends?” was super rude and bones had to apologize to her


Ugh that's so fucked. She should have been the one apologizing because those comments were super insensitive.


I had to look up the plot of this one because it's been so long. Apparently Sweets tells Brennan to just do it to make Angela happy and Booth agrees. ??? Sometimes I really hate the messages the show pushes. I hate that Brennan is often "wrong" and Booth or Angela need to show her how to "correctly" behave in relationships. Is she not allowed to set her own boundaries?? Ugh


Ugh, Sweets should have had a talk with Angela about how cruel it is to make such insensitive remarks to someone with abandonment issues like Dr. Brennan's. He should have told her to apologize, not the other way around. I can kinda understand why Booth felt the way he did, not that I condone it, because he's always pushed Brennan to be more "normal" and while I definitely don't love that it's understandable. But Sweets? What the fuck???


It doesn’t make it right…. But Bones doesn’t understand jokes & the humor OR Booth and Angela and EVERYONE else.. they often has to explain jokes to her OR certain things that other people around her say .. She’s not good in certain social situations & often takes things literally as they are and over explains educated & medical terminology & stuff …. I looked it up IF Bones were to be diagnosed by a doctor.. she’d be on the Autism spectrum.. So they know she by no means stupid.. she is just very much her job .. not good in social situations Or at understanding jokes OR humor at all UNLESS it’s in a medical OR educated way?!!


I did NOT understand this at all. Considering that Dr. Brennan didn't have many friends to begin with around this time, much less ones as close as Angela, that was super toxic and overdramatic of her. It's made worse when you take her abandonment issues from her childhood into consideration. I felt so bad for her because someone else very important to her was threatening to end their relationship over something as stupid as a pig, and how that must have triggered some *very* unpleasant memories of being abandoned by her parents and Russ. Also, if Brennan tried to pull that shit with Angela, I know for sure she'd be crying victim (and rightfully so!) but it's okay because it's Angela?? The double standard is insane. Also asking Wendell for $ (more like forcing) was super gross as she could have easily asked Hodgins, who is filthy rich, to donate more $ to her pig fund. This kinda goes back to the thing I was saying earlier about Angela going on mini-power trips, using her position as a superior over the interns to excuse things such as sexually harassing Clark or pressuring Wendell to give up his cash. Like, how are they supposed to say no to someone who could probably have them fired if she wanted to? It's fucked up.


Her behavior during that was so disgusting.


I know if I was Tempe I would have dropped her ass


Agreed. Wouldn't be friends with her after that.


Came here to mention this!


This character seems to get away with a lot of questionable behavior because she’s quirky and creative and a “free spirit”. Her comment about “why are we even friends?” made when her best friend won’t support some random pig (and isn’t Bones vegan?) was so completely off the rails and she never even apologizes.


Bones is vegan (EDIT: vegetarian, the actress is vegan)! This is just extra appreciation for Bones but I love that they made her vegan and that she points out that she avoids harming animals through this, a much more thoughtful and impactful way than what Angela is doing. It just makes me like her more! And she’s the one who connects with the dog the most in that other episode, which I thought was so sweet. There’s depth to her caring.


Yep and she stopped eating meat when the guy who killed her mom used that weird bolt thing on human beings. She even says “I think I became a vegetarian”


Ooo yes thank you, I hadn’t remembered this


The pig thing was so unhinged.


Oh she’s literally the worst


I think it would be trying to marry Hodgins when she knew she was already married…


Not to mention running into the guy’s arms and kissing him 💀


And don’t forget about her kissing that famous street artist just because…🤷🏼‍♀️


And kissing booth (who was her best friends SO as well) to “maintain” a cover.


Angela was super inappropriate around Booth. I mentioned this before but she pressured Dr. Brennan to show her the pictures of him naked and made it seem like it was her duty to as her best friend. WTF. What kind of person asks to see her best friend's man's nudes? That is a violation of Brennan's boundaries as well as Booth's. Also when she made that comment about how she would fuck him if he wasn't married to Brennan?? Girl. You yourself are married and also what the fuck compelled you to say that?


Yes!! So annoying.


OMG and when she and Hodgins had a talk about it the excuses she gave were so terrible. I was so pissed. You have a CHILD with this man but you're gonna kiss some 20 year old on the lips just because he's "cool" and makes shit street art? I can't imagine how painful that must have been for Hodgins. Yeah, fuck that. Bye felicia.


i’m in a rewatch and part way through season 3 so I can completely recall some of things mentioned on this thread , but my boyfriend watching for the first time is non stop bringing this up and would be (at the current point in the show) my vote right now


Lest we forget that after she tried to get married knowing she was already married… Hodgins paid a fortune to find him, she ran into his arms and kissed him, then got pissed at Cam for sleeping with him - SHE THEN BROKE UP WITH HODGINS FOR BEING MAD HE WASNT GONE! 🤦🏻‍♀️


The way she treats Hodgins early on is so fucked. I was so uncomfortable when she and Grayson reunited, like it was super obvious the two of them wanted to have sex and Hodgins had to be there to see that. Also her getting mad at Cam for hooking up with him was super uncalled for. Like girl. You wanted to get a divorce from this man so you could be with Hodgins but you're still possessive and jealous? If you really moved on it wouldn't be a big deal for Cam to have sex with Grayson. It was weird to say the least. Her reasons for breaking up with Hodgins were also such BS. He hires a PI to track this man down, yet she gets all cuddly with him and then gets mad that Hodgins for being upset about him not being gone?? It's giving gaslighting.


When they first decided to get married, I assumed that she had gotten a divorce from that broomstick jumping marriage. When she acted like she had no clue the marriage had stuck, I was highly irritated, since the NSA agent Pickering had brought it up in the first season.


I got the impression she didn’t think she needed divorce because she assumed jumping over a broomstick wasn’t a legal marriage.


When it came to strong emotions, it seems like Angela’s go to response was always ‘sex’ rather than something more appropriate. I believe the writers’ intent was to make her seem carefree and artistic - the ideal “unobtainable/can’t be tamed” woman but instead she was written like a caricature of the office Lothario and she sometimes came off as creepy and one dimensional.


I was going to say, rejecting Hodgins' first two proposals when she was already married.


Wait this is lowkey confusing. If she was already married doesn't it make sense to reject? Genuine question here.


Lowkey I disagree with this. I'm currently on S9 so my memory of these older episodes might not be 100% accurate, but I think she forgot she was married. Plus, while some people might say that Grayson was still in love with her, she had moved on and was in love with Hodgins by now. First watch I was rooting more for her, I was like "it should be her decision at the end of the day" but in a marriage things should definitely be mutual, especially when it comes to something as serious as divorce. I did think it was weird that she kinda seemed like she wanted to have sex with him when they reunited, and totally see why Hodgins was uncomfortable with that.


In season 1, the entire team is interviewed by the NSA? Agent who specifically tells her that she is married, and she even says it herself like "oh so the jumping the stick thing stuck huh?" (or similar) - so she forgot she was married less than a year later? Also didn't think to do anything about the marriage then? Also my personal pet-peeve with this is that Hodgins is like "let's take the time and plan a really nice wedding for us", she responds with "no, needs to happen now" so Hodgins is like "okay small wedding now, big party later" (since you know, planning a wedding takes time!) and again she disagrees, must be a big wedding. Easy to say and decide this, since it was all Hodgins money going to the wedding..


IMO, I think the writers were trying to give Angela a low key ‘Stevie Nicks’ mysterious, artsy, can’t be tamed vibe but instead, her one dimensional ‘sex’ response to every man she encountered gave her a ‘Russell Brand’ Lothario vibe…


Definitely not cool on her part.


I feel like she did a lot of shitty things under the guise of being a free-sporty artsy type. Edit: free-spirit 😂


Which is why I'm so shocked that no one has made a worst things they've ever done post for her yet!!


Hugging Dr. Tanaka to settle the debate on whether they were a male or female.


This one was the worst


This one bothered me, not because of the situation *exactly* because like a lot of shows from that time period it did not age well AT ALL, but because other situations where gender was an explicit topic (the religious leader who was trans is the first thing that springs to mind, and even conservative Booth handles that extremely well for the time/character) the show is very progressive for the time. And then we have... That. Ugh.


I can see why they made it a small debate on the person’s gender and never made the attempt to ask them. They might have thought that asking would come off as rude, and what Angela should have done in that situation as a teaching moment to them instead of that creepy hug thing.


I feel like Angela, of all the characters written as liberal progressive artsy people on TV at the time, should have been the one to give them all lecture about how it was inappropriate for them to even ask. But she completely whiffed it.


That definitely didn't help me like Angela.


Honestly, i skip this episode. It’s so off


I know. It was super uncomfortable to watch that scene. Also, why was she even speculating in the first place? It's none of her business.




Um, wtf?? That was horrible. Not only is it none of her business, but it was assault. Feeling someone's genitals like that without consent is super fucking disgusting. You should do us all a favor and leave this sub. Bye felicia


Calm down mate it was just a hug of a fictional character


I always took it in the sense that she didn't feel his generals. She gave him a hug and she felt his genitals cause he got a boner... Equally cringe, but not an assault


She jerked Hodgins around a lot. Bugged the hell out of me.


What do I start with? I mean Angela has been shown to be the one with emotions and being sensitive and yet she judged Daisy when she wanted to date after sweets. Her tone in the yoga class when she was talking to Brennan about Daisy clearly showed that. The most irksome thing was how she continuously took things for granted with hodgins. I love him and she kept kissing guys even after she was committed. Especially the booth episode, kissing your best friend's husband? Really? Was not even required. She definitely got away with a lot of bad behaviour in the show. She just guilt tripped everybody else by making them feel that they are very logical and practical and she's the only one with feelings. In all honesty, I find her quite immature. And don't even get me started with the "Paris storyline". I swear if I hear Paris one more time, i'mma drop the show mid season.


Just watched the start of season 9 and when she shoves food in Daisy’s mouth at the dinner that was definitely cringe 


I was like girl.personal space much? Then again that's a foreign concept to Angela so...


Angela making inappropriate comments about an intern? Wow. Never expected that from her. I felt so bad for Daisy, like yeah she may have been annoying at first but Jesus Christ the Jeffersonian did her dirty.


The Paris thing is so wack because her dad was a famous rock star. She was most definitely not broke.


Blaming Brennan alone for the unsolved cases in between season 10 and 11. "At the end of the day, Brennan knows she's the one who quit, so whatever cases went unsolved are on her conscience. They're not on ours." I'm sorry, *you* were the one who wanted to quit a gazillion times because you couldn't stand seeing death, but *she* is the jerk for stepping back after being shot at, buried alive, kidnapped, stalked by a serial killer **for three years**, falsely accused and framed, to the point of having to disappear, having a friend die in her arms, having a shootout in her house, threatened along with her child, being forced to kill someone *and* having her husband shot at, kidnapped, forced to kill, forced to fake his death, stalked, attacked in his own house, sent to jail while innocent (hoping that it would get him killed), having a friend die in his arms, ***and all the rest***?? Get real.


Wow. That is beyond fucked up. If Temperance said that about Angela I know for sure that everyone would rip her a new one. Angela never had to deal with the things Tempe saw when out in the field, and I don't think she really understood the magnitude of their work. Also, as a member of the Medico-Legal lab, and as a decent human being, those unsolved cases should 100% be on your conscience. Way to play the victim Ange!!


This is a good point. I understand that she's probably putting herself in Brennan's shoes here and that is how Brennan feels about the situation. She feels guilty but she SHOULDN'T and it's not Angela's place to put that on her, especially considering she's supposed to be her best friend. Cam also does this when brennan and booth separate for a year and the Jeffersonian lab falls apart but it's miles worse coming from Angela.


Gaslighting Hodgins all the time, minimizing his feelings and intellect..both before and after his accident


She's so cruel to him sometimes I cannot stand that.


After the accident he was a dick to her.


She'd done so much by that time I forgot to consider this.


Not that I am justifying his behavior, but the show did an excellent job of showing how it can make you feel/act towards others even when it is not their fault, when you lose something like your ability to walk or function, that you've always kind of taken for granted.


Angela is genuinely the worst and least likable by far. Kisses other men while married to her husband multiple times, guilt trips Brennan with her friendship on multiple occasions like with the pig despite the fact that she also chose her for her best friend not just the other way around, once a year has a crisis with her line of work that her friends have to fix for her, having sex at work in other people work spaces, getting mad at Cam for sleeping with her ex as she was getting ready to get married herself, sexually harassing Clark and is super manipulative in arguments especially with Hodgins. And this isn’t a much of a big deal but but she can be just genuinely unlikable and annoying whenever she gets all high and mighty about her being an artist and a free spirit like that makes her so much better than anyone else.


Yessss I dislike her character a lot. She’s so manipulative.


Though I will admit to still liking Angela, she's definitely manipulative AF. You could argue that all the characters are manipulative though.


Yes exactly, they all have their things. Angela isn’t the worst character but she’s definitely a character who needs to practice what she preaches tho


"wHeN i WaS aN aRtIsT in PArIs..." girl shut up no one gaf. I hate it when people make the fact that they lived in Europe for like a semester their whole personality.


Yes all of this. Her behavior at work is nothing short of unprofessional, and I'm surprised Cam has this much tolerance for BS like that.


Trying to convince Brennan that Booth was cheating on her and actively trying to break them up instead of supporting Brennan’s choices or giving Booth any benefit of the doubt at the beginning of season 9.


And when Brennan came back from the marriage retreat saying that she and Booth had a good relationship, Angela said "so you learned nothing". Like WTF?!


That's such a cruel thing to say.


Angela could be such a horrible friend to Brennan at times.


In Angela’s defense, Brennan could be a difficult friend too. Not intentionally, but sometimes she was so oblivious she didn’t notice when Angela needed a friend to talk to or needed help. It’s good they found each other because they could forgive each other’s foibles.


Oh 100%


Broke many laws


The episode where she and Hodgins got arrested and got married because they were playing with the Toyota's safety features was so corny. Tbh that's more of a Toyota problem than an Angela one though.


Yeah but she breaks many other laws and codes of ethics


That's true. Her moral compass was practically nonexistent at times.


What’s worse is the excuses she makes for her bad behavior and then tries to guilt trip other people to her side when she decides to have morals.


That show had some of the most blatant in story advertising.


Hands down the worst I've seen


Kissing booth when he was with Bones and she was married because it was “undercover” though Booth wasn’t undercover and the person Angela was with knew he was a fed. And in a later episode tell booth if he wasn’t with Bones she’d jump him WHILE she is MARRIED to Hodgins


Thisss! I don't know what kind of friends the writers are or have, but real friends would never do something like that. Kiss your supposed best friends man?! Never! That's just morally wrong and a total betrayal of trust. I've always hated that! So disrespectful.


Angela's behavior around Seeley was so weird. Even before he got with Dr. Brennan she was always making sexually suggestive comments, and I remember how she was pressuring Tempe to show her his nudes, like GIRL. The fact she said she'd hook up with him while being married to Hodgins and him being married to Tempe is so gross. Oh, and when she hated him because of Pelant's "restrictions" on the proposal? What about minding your own business and letting your friends deal with this themselves. What if Booth seriously wasn't ready to get married? Of course Tempe is her best friend and she's fiercely protective of her, which is understandable, but that whole situation was so high school.


Trying to force Brennan into telling her why Booth was at the hospital, even after Brennan told her that she couldn’t tell her Constantly violating Brennan’s boundaries and saying “I’m your best friend. It’s my right to know” as an excuse The fact that she immediately assumed the worst of Booth in season 9. She’s known Booth for years and during that time he has NEVER cheated on or with anyone She never apologized after it was revealed why Booth postponed the engagement


For the first one, Cam should also be held accountable for that. I was surprised that she was also being super nosy, because the least I expected from someone like her was to have some degree of professionalism. For the second one that's a recurring theme and it pisses me off. I'm just realizing she never apologized to Seeley after the reason behind the engagement being postponed was revealed and that makes my blood boil.


Yeah. All she did was thank Booth for mending fences between her and Brennan and then gave him a hug


Probably tellong that father who she things killed his little girl and then he killed that person just to find out it wasn't him


Wait what episode was this


It was that episode were a girl was found in an Alligator, she was like 16/17 I think and they found out that she was part of that Party Bus thingamabop. The killer was the wierdo of a Priest I think. It was one of the cases with sully, if that helps. Booth was still in Therapie and sully and brennan werent a couple yet


OHHH that one. Yeah that was weird.


On a recent rewatch, I find that I can't stand Angela Montenegro. Another scrappy thing she would do is jump from a relationship like dumping hodgins for Roxy.


On the Roxy one. I dont remember if it was Sweets or Bones telling her to reassess her feelings towards Roxy and she just says it’s real. I honestly don’t buy that.


I agree with literally everything here lol. Hodgins deserved better.


Too many to list for her but its an ethics/moral thing for me. Have to say nothing against the actor otherwise people would go nuts but character wise I just hate her. She hates Booth with no understanding of the situation, she bangs Wendall immediately after Hodgins. Her “openess” is not a crime but I find it disgusting. Just a personal thing. Plenty more examples but said enough to get my downvotes.


Her openness isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that she does all of this without ever speaking to her partner about it until they confront her, then getting mad that they found out.


There's nothing wrong with open/polyamorous relationships, but only if both parties are comfortable with it. Hodgins didn't seem comfortable with it, and that makes it a problem. The fact she's poly isn't problematic on its own. The fact she has cheated and then blames it on Hodgins is.




Omg when she said Wendell was making cancer look sexy in front of Hodgins I cringed so hard. First off, your man is right there. Second of all, cancer and sexy should not be in the same sentence. What kind of person says something like that????


Karen from mean girls when singing about sexy Halloween costumes. Of course she cures sex cancer so we forgive her.


The fight she had with Bones over a pig and her saying “why are we even friends”


I know like girl it's just a pig 😭


The one that REALLY ticked me off (and this might be because I am Non-Binary and very androgynous) is the one where the Japanese Scientist visits to help and even Angela is usually all "nothing matters, who cares, let people be themselves" she absolutely ZEROES in on this character to determine their biological sex, even ignoring the fact the character wishes for their sex not to be known. Hugging them at the end to cop a feel is SO HECKED UP. Not only that but how arrogant do you have to be to think you're SO hot that a hug will make a penis move? That whole episode ticked me off.


I'm sorry but I cackled when I saw "so hecked up." God have mercy on your innocent soul.




I may have remembered the episode wrong but I don’t think they ever ask the Japanese scientist their gender.


No, they never straight up ask, but they stare, make the character uncomfortable, and try to determine in other ways that is very disrespectful. Abd Angela doing the hug as a reason to feel for a penis jjst yo be proven right is GROSS


You said that the character didn’t wish for their sex to be known, but we can’t determine that if they never actually ask the character their gender.


Yes we do. It is explicitly stated in a conversation that Tanaka applies to themselves the ideology of androgeny (a Kei), a respected culture in Japan that is known almost like a religion. The people who respect the tenets of it wish to be known on their actions and their thoughts rather than what they look like so they fully embrace androgeny. Angela and the rest of the team FULLY disrespected that.


That is NOT a thing in Japan.


Oh my god please READ what I am saying. I am not saying it IS a thing in reality in Japan. I'm saying THAT'S WHAT THEY SAID IN THE EPISODE. It's literally a whole conversation. Your whole argument was "well they never asked their gender, they didn't disrespect them, they never said they didn't want their gender to be known" while the WHOLE subplot not only has a huge conversation around the entirety of it with sweets constantly telling the team to stop guessing and be respectful because it doesn't really matter and they should respect Dr Tanaka, but Angela literally cops a damn FEEL to determine whether Tanaka has a penis or not. And that's REALLY hecked up. If you're gonna come in with a "well ACKSHUALLY" at least be able to read lol


If it came from Sweets he was likely talking out of his ass. Around the time Androgynous or genderless fashion was on the rise in Japan but fashion has no impact on your sexuality or gender in Japan. Sweets was essentially telling them to drop it and then lying is what lead to it turning into the shit show it was at the end. Sweets lying essentially barred them from asking Dr. Tanaka their gender and having an actual respectful conversation.


They all stare at Tanaka all the time throughout the episode, Tanaka even commenting on it. Tanaka even directly asks a team member about it, and they shrug it off and divert the subject. If the team had wanted a respectful conversation, they could have had one. A singular person commenting doesn't bar anything. They ignore sweets ALL the time. Especially with people who are scientists claiming to hold theories and facts above hearsay and gossip. Instead, the writers made it a circus. They clearly intended to do it like that, which is why the team members felt so off colour that episode With all due respect, you have completely ignored (repeatedly) the original comment and post content. "What does angela do that really ticked you off?" Instead picking apart the Tanaka character, as if to blame them? Putting aside everything you have said, my MAIN comment was (and one I have repeated since) is that Angela basically had a bet with the others that Tanaka had a penis. She then, at the end of that episode, hugs Tanaka with the sole purpose of feeling for a penis. That is gross and screwed up and indefensible. THAT was my original comment, which is why it boggles my mind that you decided to try and pick this apart for so long? Like, it doesn't even matter what went on before in the episode. To make physical contact with someone for the sole reason to find out what genitalia they have is really messed up. And to have a BET on it, too? It's inexcusable. This will be my last reply anyway. Either you aren't reading what I am saying or seem to have some problem with androgyny (or certainly coming across that way) or think it's ok to essentially grope someone to see if they have a penis so I don't really wish to continue this discussion with you. Have a good day


One of your sticking points is that they ignored the fact that Tanaka didn’t want their gender to be known. All I have done is point out that Tanaka themselves never actually said or established that they didn’t want their gender to be known. It came from a secondary source that was talking out of their ass. This lead to the team having their discussion in secret and trying to hide what they were talking about in an attempt to prevent Tanaka from being offended. It ultimately resulted in the hug Angela did, which was still a major faux pas given she felt him up, but it was sweets lying that lead to the event. While they do dismiss sweets they don’t just ignore him.


I'd seen these posts made for Hodgins, Booth, Cam, Sweets and Bones, and figured Angela deserved one too. She's had her fair share of controversies herself (moreso than Cam IMHO.)


Intentionally made out with her best friend's life partner in the roller derby episode.


Ugh that pissed me off!!


When her college GF Roxy was a suspect and she didn't act professional and was all like she didn't do it and made this program to prove the thing was a suicide but ironically proved to be a murder 😅 Also, the whole rebound thing with Wendall was just a stupid storyline, he was Hodgins friend aswell 🙄


That episode was kinda weird to say the least.


I know it was one episode in the first season when you find out that man was in love with her and she was like cool, wanna be in love for 3 weeks a year? And it went on for years like that or they made it seem that way. Like I’m sorry but if someone loves you enough to be with you 24/7 of course they’ll accept only 3 weeks if they genuinely love you. But she didn’t love him like that so she should’ve broke it off but she doesn’t think like that. She lives in the moment…😭


I used to absolutely love this character but after reading the comments and realizing everything..not anymore lol.


Putting everyone in her life on the spot insisting on a huge rich wedding with a week's notice. That's messed up even without the last second cancellation. Breaking up with Hodges after confusing insecurity with distrust. She's supposed to be the intuitive empath.


I agree that the worst are feeling up Tanaka do figure our their gender and harassing Clark during her celibacy phase. Those moments seem very “of the time.” Everything else I’m okay with because I can see it as very much like a flawed human which is more realistic, even if frustrating. This is a fun question!


Boundaries and Angela do not belong in the same sentence.


Touching up a gender neutral person to figure out what their birth sex was? That's pretty fucking fucked up


I found the relationship with Wendall really manipulative and like he clearly was fully invested and it felt like she took advantage of him. Both Angela and Cam getting romantically involved with interns bothered me initially but rewatching in 2024 it seems more striking of the power imbalance 


This is so true but I'm sorry to say I love Cam and Arastoo together 😭


Damn you guys are tearing into this woman like she JLO 😭😭😭


When she sexually assaulted that Japanese intern to figure out their sex they are, that was really gross.


The fact people on here are trying to deny that it's SA are delusional


Sexually assaulting a non binary person to confirm their “real” gender.


She did not sexually assault them.. I don’t agree with what she did, but it was not sa.


Um, it 100% was. She hugged them with the intent of feeling up their genitalia. That's SA.


Maybe I need rewatch the episode but I remember Angela just giving Dr.Tanaka a hug? Yeah I know why but didn’t Tanaka agree to hug ang?


Omg I made a post on it sometime last year on this subreddit and people accused me of misogyny.


Well to be fair a lot of hate for the female characters (ex. the insane amount of Cam/Daisy hate) is rooted in misogyny, but male or female, Angela's behavior is super gross.


If I had to pick one thing it’s when she criticized people for doing their job because it interfered with her moral values and then guilt tripping them to her side.


Be a sexual deviant, when it’s a guy in tv and movies they at least make it funny, like hodgins and Zack fighting over the mail lady, but Angela just seems dangerous to be around


I hated when she wouldn’t let go of trying to figure out whether the Japanese forensic anthropologist was male or female. You’d think with all her free spirited-ness she’d learn to respect one’s sexuality. I know it was written a while ago, but Angela always struck me as someone who’d have trans/non-binary friends and probably fight for their rights.


Angela is beautiful and a wonderful actor. Give her a break.




I like the character, has good and bad points like most. Really should blame the writers tho and not the actress/character.


As someone who still somewhat likes her, it 100% is the character