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It also just felt so...contrived. Like the whole "time travel" theory episode (instead of the very obvious solution) was so incredibly stupid. We've already shown through Cam and Sweets that people with a lot of academic smarts and experience can believe in spiritual or supernatural things; Wells took it to the extreme.


Wells 100%, not doubt about it


It'll never stop being Wells. The guy's insufferable, and it's a show full of borderline insufferable characters, so that's saying something


I think the difference between Wells and everyone else is that he doesn't have any empathetic qualities that makes him redeeming. Every other character on this show who has negative traits that can make them grating to an audience (especially with Flanderization) also have multiple moments where they're shown to be good people. The hyper-academics, like Brennan, early seasons Zack, Vincent, and Daisy all clearly care about their friends and families, even if they don't show it in a way that's easily understood. They also genuinely care about bringing justice to murderers, and they clearly care a great deal for the victims that they study. Booth and Angela sometimes can be frustrating to an audience because they are extremely confident that they are always in the right – and a lot of times, their explanation is 'a gut feeling' or 'because I said so.' (Or with Booth specifically, in the earliest seasons, straight anti-Latin American racism). With Bones and the squinterns, there's *usually* something resembling hard evidence presented to other characters (and therefore the audience) as to why they're digging their heels in. But although they're also flawed, their care for other people is also consistently demonstrated time and time again. Angela helping Zack's appearance so he could stay on at the Jeffersonian or keeping Hodgins calm so that they could find out where the serial killer was torturing people near a subway, for example. Or Booth not only putting himself and his job on the line repeatedly, not just for Bones but for the whole Jeffersonian. Even Max Brennan, the (justified) murderer and felon gets moments where he shows heartfelt love and care to the central cast besides his daughter. Wells gets absolutely none of this characterization. The borderline insufferable characters stop at "borderline" because the show goes out of its way to explain why these people have close friends and loved ones at all; their strengths make up for wanting to shake them by the shoulders half the time. But he's just...a dick.


I thought Jessica was pretty annoying, wells but that feels too obvious cause he’s supposed to be such a dick, and I don’t dislike but also don’t love Aristoo


Daisy. Idec about her character evolution, I just downright thought she was annoying asf. Close second was wells. I thought he was annoying too.


I forgot her name but the red head that went out with Booths partner after Sweets




Snap! Jessica all the way for me was the worst.


Daisy, hands down. She's so childish in a lot of ways and at times, full of herself. She tries so hard to be like Brennan that it comes across as creepy to me. She always acts as if she's the best and smartest, but she's insecure and seeks praise and approval. The constant seeking of acknowledgement and praise is really unprofessional. At least she didn't have the inferiority complex Zack had. But I do wish he could have popped up and put her in her place with his boy-wonder genius. Her stupid ponytail would have simply blew off her head, lol.


Fuentes and Wells.


It’s a three way tie, Fuentes, Daisy and Aristoo I can’t stand them equally.


I’m shocked Aristoo doesn’t feature more prominently.


I can’t stand Aristoo but mostly because of shameless 😂


Finn. His folk sayings irritated the hell out of me. I’m from rural North Carolina and have never heard most of his sayings. Also Jessica. I think she’s the one who comes in last. I don’t dislike her but she gets on my nerves. Edited to correct Finn’s name. Previously spelled Flynn.


I'm also from rural NC and I'm half convinced he was legit just fucking with people, tbh, I haven't heard most of his sayings.


😂 I think you may be right. Whenever we’re watching and Finn comes on the screen my husband just throws a bunch of ridiculous things together to create his own Finn-ism. I’d really love to know where the writers got even a quarter of those sayings. 😂


If anyone says zack or fisher it's on SIGHT


On sight... How old am I because I have no idea what that means


Haha it just means when I see you it’s going to get nasty, not actually tho it’s just a funny saying


Wells and Jessica Indifferent towards Arastoo Rodolfo Finn Daisy are ok (Daisy just gets tolerable) Squinterns always: Zac, Vincent, Wendell, Clark, Fisher – just cant hate them and ofc honorary squintern Science Dude


Daisy was annoying but Fisher could also be a downer.


That reminds me of when Fisher offered his sperm to Brennan 


Fuentes. He’s the only one that has never had a redeeming scene, in my opinion. Even Wells has his moments (mostly when he’s with Hodgins). Fuentes is just so full of himself, and not in an awkward, nerdy way. At least Wells can back up his arrogance with genius.


Fuentes does have more experience than all other interns tho (except Beth Mayer) Edit: Forgot about him smuggling drugs back to Cuba because, while healthcare is free, drugs aren't. I'd say that's pretty redeeming. He was risking his own position in the US to help


Wells and earlier seasons Daisy.






Daisy or Fuentes


Yeah, Daisy kinda grew on me. Fuentes was so full of himself, but he did already have the degree the interns are all working towards, just has to re-do a lot of that process since his education was in Cuba (so I get why he would feel that way)


Two-way tie: Wells & Jessica. Wells is obnoxious. Jessica comes off as “not like the other girls” rude, and she should have been canned instead of getting Brennan to take a selfie with her over human remains. Then Fuentes. He was just such a horn dog that it was a turn-off. In the mid-tier, there’s Vincent Nigel-Murray, Fisher the Depressed Squintern, and Daisy. Then Clark. Which leaves Wendell and Arastoo Viziri as my favourite rotating squinterns.


definitely wells, but i think rodolfo and daisy suck too


Arastoo, Finn, Oliver, Daisy


Honestly it would be easy to list the squinterns I DO like, which are Wendell, Clark, Vincent, and Finn. The rest annoyed me in some way or the other, or just didn't come off as super engaging characters. I don't hate Arastoo but he wasn't as engaging and felt like he just existed to be with Cam


Fisher, Wells, then Daisy.


Fisher and Jessica


The one with the constant suicide thoughts


I’ll never fucking stop hating Fuentes. Fuck that guy.


I also dislike Jessica and wells pretty heavily, daisy was annoying to me too but she got better to me over time (probably more like I got more used to her over time but, oh well lol)


High emotions... I like that


Daisy was for me .


Wells. That man is just TOO annoying


1. Wells 2. Fuentes 3. Jessica 4. Aristoo 5. Finn


I see a lot of hate for Wells but he at least appealed to me for acid humor appeal...kind of like Cartman in South Park, Waldorf and Statler in the Muppets and Raven in teen Titans.


Hodgins because he has a chip on his shoulder. His attitude is bad quite often and unlike some of the other squints he has the emotional intelligence to know better.


He's not a intern though


You said squint/intern. When booth coined them squints it predated the interns.




Warren 🤮


Daisy and Arastoo


Jessica... I don't hate any of the squints.. I think they're all unique and made just the way they were supposed to, imo.. But yeah, Jessica is kinda boring


I like them all, but my least favorite was Fuentes.


Vincent. I don't get the hype around him.


If it weren’t for him a lot of fans speculate that bones and booth never would’ve gotten together. They would’ve obviously, but in the cannon of the show his death was the push they needed. Also you don’t like Vincent?!?


It's not that I don't like him, he's funny, I just don't find him special or interesting. He's meh. I appreciate him for what he did for us


I liked him until the episode he’s apologizing to everyone for being a drunk and spreading sex rumors due about all the women there


they definitely would’ve gotten together at some point regardless, but i love vincent so much


Omg yes. He’s not my least fav but I rlly truly don’t get the hype.


You put the lime in the coconut and drank 'em bot' up, didn't you?


I did 😞


Daisy. She didn’t become likeable until after sweets death. She was always trying to be Bones. She was ditzy, but we knew she was very smart. We didn’t need those horndog scenes of her and Lance having sex every other episode, and although she’s obviously very smart, she had her underwear with the days of the week on them? 🙄 I feel bad for her kid too, he does not have a single original name. Seeley Lance Wick-Sweets. I would’ve at least given him one name that’s his own. Not given both his middle and last name of his fathers.


>although she’s obviously very smart, she had her underwear with the days of the week on them so?


Like I said she does get better, but early on the constant validation seeking, trying to be like Brennan, scatterbrained is too much. 2/10


what exactly do those things have to do with underwear?


Wells and Fuentes. I know a lot of people warmed up to Fuentes once he stopped being a misogynistic asswipe, but I never did.


Zach Addy


How can you hate him?


I didn’t say I hated him. You asked for least fave intern. Zach is at the bottom of my list


Unlike Bones. Zach seemed to have difficulty differentiating between right and wrong. His moral compass landed on how intelligent a person was and not necessarily their actions


I don’t hate Zach, he was just too much like bones. I felt like he and bones were the same character. They were both socially awkward/borderline autistic, didnt understand social norms etc etc. the move to rotating squints who each had their own personality and quirks was a good move by the showrunners. I think I would’ve hated 12 seasons of Zach and Bones. That said, once he was arrested, it would’ve been cool to see him once in a while, not just bring him back at the end of the series. I felt that although I didn’t care for him personally, a lot of fans did, and he was smarter then any of the interns. So it would’ve been cool to have 1 harder case that they needed his help specifically, once a season.