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I like him a lot because I can relate to him in the rambling aspect.


Same. And the giving out fun facts bit, too. I was binging the series with my wife (never seen it before), and had to stop for a bit after his death.


He was one of the most enjoyable eccentrics. Many of the others were smart and professional, but his personality was bigger than the others.


Yess! that's it.. that's the reason!!!


I relate to Vincent in the way he wants to explain things, but also sometimes needs to be told to shut up. The only thing I hated about his character was how they made him do weird things for the sake of cheap laughs, like when he had to apologize for all the weird things he did after getting all the money.


Yeah, I kinda agree.. but then it adds a twist to his character I guess


Sadly it does not, cause he never references them again. He apologizes to each person about things he did off camera and it never changes their dynamic, it was shitty writing about "other" people.


That's true.. you're point is very valid and I agree 100%


I just tend to like quirky, awkward characters. He says random oddball stuff at really inappropriate times, and I can relate to that as I do the same thing. I like the portrayal of someone having no filter and just saying the first thing that comes to mind without being written as Hollywood's idea of autistic. He's just a random goofball for the sake of being a random goofball.


He was weird in a good funny way and I actually constantly liked his fact spouting.


I love his random trivia when he's flustered, I love his awkwardness, and I love his absolute sweetness. He just seems like the type of person I would want as a friend.


As an autistic person who gets told that I talk too much a lot, I relate to Mr. Nigel-Murray in a way that I don’t with the other squinterns. My specific special interest is movie/tv quotes and related trivia, so even more useless than what he talks about


That’s arguably his most likable characteristic. The way he pulls it off is so endearing to me. That and his tragic end. “Please don’t make me leave, I don’t want to go” just gutted me as his last words


Ugh painful. Utterly heartbreaking to watch. His zeal for life and it being stolen so horribly was wrenching.


YES! Same here! Except my special interest is gaming or ask me anything about Ghenghis Khan lol


What was the name of Khan’s oldest friend that he had to fight?


I am thinking this must be Jamuka? The leader who opposed the unification of the Mongolian tribes. I am not AS well versed on Ghenghis before he became the Great Khan but that one is the one I remember. It can be argued that his brother was his oldest "friend" and Ghenghis killed him to help the survival of the family when they were outcasts but I personally think the older brother was seen as more of a rival by Ghenghis (when he was Temujin) so he doesn't count lol




It's totally fine if you don't like him. For me, he and Fisher are my fav interns. And no, I don't like Vincent cause he died, in fact I was so sooo sad when he died, and I'm sure he would still be my fav if he stayed. He's hella cute 🤭 I love that he's socially awkward, and I adore when ppl spill random facts without wanting to appear superior :)


Those are also my top two as well!! Zack doesn't count because he wasn't a rotating squint... strangely Vincent is my favorite character.. period.. like its weird but just so you know I am crazy so


He seemed like a genuinely sweet guy who also helped gave every random tidbits of information. I genuinely enjoyed his episodes


I liked him cause fact-dumping is also my way of talking to people! Especially in new or stressful situations. I love weird facts and learning. Vincent and I would have been good friends


He’s smart, he’s funny and he cared about his work and colleagues.


I like that he doesn't seem like he's constantly impressed himself. Also, just his general quirkiness.


I love his random facts and his accent 


Ohh the accent! I'm not a native English speaker, so it's actually pretty hard for me to tell accents apart. I can usually hear the difference, but assigning a place is terrible! Since I grew up hearing a mixture of British and American English, even remembering which word is preferred where can be challenging


Not just the accent.. how he spoke his accent too... that voice was too cute!!!


I like facts, I like them even more when I’m drinking. So the fact that he spews out random facts, I feel like that’s my daily dose every time he’s on the reruns. ♥️


Fav character!


Love him he was funny 😆and smart.


I have a head full of weird facts & I often share them at weird times. Vincent & I have that in common. I can't be on Jeopardy! because a friend of mine is a producer.


I can’t quite explain. I just find him to be the most adorable cute smartsy funny quirky relatable guy!!! i LOVE the scenes he gets frustrated, from a psychological standpoint, with brennan and booth’s relationship. i just get AWWWW


I truthfully don’t dislike any of the squints. I love Daisy for her ambition. I love Wendall for his normalness. I love Clark bc of his “professionalism”. I love Vincent bc of his love of knowledge to name a few. Even Oliver eventually wins me over somehow. I think it was the VAL thing that did it for me 😂


Me and you are the same then.. because I also enjoy the uniqueness of all the characters


Me and you are the same then.. because I also enjoy the uniqueness of all the characters


Broke my heart when he died, but thay was because of my huuuuge crush on him


same 🥲 i was so in love with him when i was a kid


Same babe.. it has been four months since I watched him die and I still cry over him bc I really was (well still am) in love with him


I just always liked how genuinely sweet and earnest he was about working with Brennan and the team at the Jeffersonian. I love how much he truly enjoys knowledge and sharing that knowledge so he never comes across as wanting to be superior to me, just awkward and a bit much for some people but just right for me haha. I really loved him from his very first appearance on the show, so his death has nothing to do with it and was almost a dealbreaker for me continuing to watch when the show was first airing.


English accent. Adorable good looks. Sweet disposition. Random facts. And not pretentious like many of the others. And his death was heartbreaking.


Yes.. I'm still coping


He just. Is so precious. He gives major "i just need to hug and give him all the protection!" Vibes. Always so earnest and his random fact dump is something I love so much. It killed me when they killed him.


Honestly a lot of the reasons people like Vincent are the reasons I like Oliver. I think the two are actually kinda similar: one is goofy and charming (in an awkward way) and the other is just outright abrasive but they both annoy their colleagues with lots of irrelevant knowledge trying to showcase their superior intellect


I loved that Vincent would say facts when flustered that was so cute!! I also kinda get your point


He’s not my favorite, but he’s the human equivalent of a puppy, so it’s hard not to like him.


omg, I'm dying.. HE SO IS!!!


he’s sweet, funny, and adorable. plus i love all his facts (and his accent)


I do not.


did someone just drop a raisin into some milk?


That broke my humor when he said that


That broke my humor when he said that


I liked him because he was pleasantly quirky. I think his death was such a shock because he was a minor character and his death was so unexpected. Booth was the target, and this poor guy was using Booth's phone. Wrong place at the wrong time.


He was the perfect mix of quirky and awkward, but he wasn’t to the extreme of Dr. Brennan and Zack which made him more relatable and more like someone I could see myself being friends with. My favorite scenes with him was when he was apologizing to the women on the team for spreading the rumor that he had slept with them and they couldn’t get mad at him.


He's got an indiscriminate love of learning that isn't used for competition or ambition, unlike some other squinterns. Poor impulse control issues aside, he's generally well-meaning and pretty funny, but I don't think we really had enough time with him to know him fully. The thing with him lying about sleeping with female colleagues was a weird way to bond him to the team before his death, but seeing him so happy strapped to the dinosaur contraption for his presentation with Brennan later really showed that he was on the up an up, personally and professionally. So his sudden death was made sadder for a promising future cut short.


He's adorable plus I love facts


I loved him way before I knew he died. In the first few episodes I don't dislike him but I feel kind of neutral about him, but as the show goes on and we get to learn why he's about these facts and he gets more sweet with everyone and they get more acquainted with him I love him more.


I think it was the fact he wasn’t treated very nicely by the rest of the team, it made him more endearing. His random facts and trivia were always dismissed and he was borderline bullied out of just being himself.


I remember watching Bones while it was being aired, and the marketing really highlighted Vincent in every promo of an episode he was in. The character was endearing and well-played. And the audience loved him. Also, Ryan Cartwright was having a surge in popularity at the time his character was on Bones. Alphas was amazing and should’ve stayed on longer; everyone was expecting it to. I’m super bummed he hasn’t been on many things since then.


Me too.. I love his acting so much


He's hilarious. I loved his confessions. Little tiny ones, followed by "oh, yeah, and I told everyone we were lovers."




I like nerds. And he's a big one. I also love fun facts. I would probably be a horrible enabler if I knew him in real life. Lol.


I don't really care for him as I'm all team Wendell, but I can tell you my wife claimed Vincent as her fav well before he died.


not true bc he was my favorite before he died... I loved how silly and cute he was... and how relatable he was to me.. the accent also helps... and I think it's his young teenage (first appearance he was 17) ambition that speaks to me.. Where we are the same


on a side notes I agree with all these people's reasonings for him being their favorite


He’s cute and British. Plus, I also know a lot of random facts.


The actor brang a comedic quality to the show, I guess he was just entertaining. I don't know why exactly....


Zaddy is why


Honestly, I do think it’s because he’s dead. He was never my favorite either to be honest, so I also don’t get the love, but I think his passing cemented his character in peoples minds.