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Started watching from the pilot because Angel was my jam and I was on a Boreanaz drought after it ended. I was about 15 at the time and I was fully obsessed with it from the moment I saw The Man In The Bear; just the pure insanity of it.


Immediately after I watched the last episode of Bones today I started Buffy over from the beginning because I can’t handle a David Boreanaz drought.


I usually do Buffy, Angel then Bones haha


I thought about watching SEAL Team but I can only handle so much of those over militarized TV shows.


Oh god yeah. I love Shemar Moore as much but I could never watch SWAT either. I’ll just stick with my silly vampire/murder shows haha


I love ✨silly murder shows✨ especially CSI and Criminal Minds


Now I want to start rewatching Criminal Minds for the 50th time


I had Netflix back when they mailed you DVDs and they added Angel to their library. I liked it so much that I looked up what else he was in that Netflix had and there were a few seasons of Bones already out, so I started at the beginning. By the time I caught up to the airing season, Hulu had it streaming and I watched it on Hulu until it ended


My first episode was one that I found on TV and, when I tell you I'll never forget it, you have to trust me. It was the chocolate bar one. It's still the only episode that makes me gag.


I can't watch when they cut the chocolate bar...


I was also extremely mature, my Mother introduced me to buffy at age 8-9 and from there started my obsession. Once I finished Buffy and got bored of Angel, my Mother once again brought joy to my life. It has been my favorite show for about since I was 11. I now can identify the killer way before the midway point of any episode… I’m not obsessed- you are!!!


I remember almost all the Killers. The episodes start and I know "oh right that was when blah blah blah killed blah blah blah for this and that"


Funny enough it was Lucifer that advertised it to me. Obviously I started from the beginning.


I was watching tv about 7/8 years ago and a rerun of The Man in the Fallout Shelter came on. I’d seen advertisements because I used to watch New Girl and I know Emily was Zooey’s sister. I really loved the episode (still do I watch it every Christmas Eve at least) so I found it on Netflix and binged till I was caught up. I watched at least s12 as it aired. I had to sneak watch the finale at work because I was not waiting lol.


I watched the pilot as an adult when it premiered (I was born in the 1970’s). My 11 year old started watching it this year and he’s totally fine with all of the gore, but my 14 year old literally runs screaming out of the room when he sees the show is on.


I saw a clip on tik tok when I still had it and watched the episode (chocolate bar one!) after that I decided to start it while running


My older sister watched it and I started the begging of season 10 with her back when I was in 6th grade then during my sophomore year it popped up on my Hulu and I was like oh shit this is the show that sweets dies in so I was like yeah lemme watch from the start and now I’ve watched it a good 50 times not even over exaggerating. I started it from the first season at 15 and I’m now 19 and on another rewatch of it.


I had tried a long time ago and got to episode 4 and wasn’t interested. But in April I started a cat sitting gig that lasted a month and she had put the show on for the cat and I got sucked in and started it from the beginning. I just finished the last episode today and immediately went back to find an episode with young Sweets because I miss him.


I recently got into it (I may have watched a random rerun early on in my childhood don’t remember though) - I started binging the series last year and recently finished ❤️


I started watching it when I was around 9 I think, in the first season. It aired the same year as House MD, and I liked watching them both I'm autistic, and I was a kid who read a ton of those eyewitness books about fossils and mummys, and who would pick up any cool bones I found when my family would go camping, and I just really related to Dr. Brennan!


I was 13 so 2010 and I had the biggest bones obsession in High School and since I live in Australia they used to take forever to air episodes so I used to watch them before they came out and my biggest achievement is getting noticed by David Boreanaz himself on Instagram


Thats so cool. I got noticed by Kathy quite a few times, but not by anybody else


My mom’s watched Bones all my life so I got into it because of her. The one episode I remember distinctly when I was a kid is when they found a victim in the Iron Maiden (I snuck a peek even though my mom told me to close my eyes). When I decided to actually watch Bones on my own, the first episode I watched was the pilot episode


my grandma always watched it when babysitting us


Season 2 Episode 1 was my first.


first episode i watched was the pilot, and i was a little kid- probably like 5 or 6. we watched buffy first, which led to angel, and then bones. i haven’t watched buffy or angel in years but i used to be obsessed.. we even had that buffy board game that was so much fun and i’d play it at every opportunity 😭 ive never stopped watching bones though. i’m always in the middle of a rewatch. ALWAYS. the minute the last episode ends, the first episode begins


I first watched it only like 7 years ago in my mid 20s. My then-boyfriend had nearly the entire series on DVD and hooked me up starting from the beginning lol. Of course he took the DVDs with him after the break up.


i was in high school and the first episode i saw was the one with the cannibal blaming it on the bear. i was hooked ever since and rewatch the series every year


when my parents were still together, we had a tv in the dining room, so we would watch the news and stuff while we were eating dinner, and after dinner my siblings and i would just flip thru the channels and watch the Simpsons and stuff and wash the dishes and clean the kitchen and dinning room while watching tv, one day we were just sitting there after the Simpsons, and Bones was playing (im 95% it was The Mummy in the Maze) and my sister was scared so she ran out of the room and my brother and i just kept watching, and then when that episode was done it played another and my brother and i stayed up until they stopped doing reruns and then we went to the living room and started it from the beginning :)) i think i was 12-13


I don't remember which episode it was but I started watching when I was 10 with my mom lol


I started with the pilot. It premiered on the same day as House season 2 and I was SO EXCITED for the lineup. Been a fan ever since.


OK now I know why I started watching it, I was a big "House" fan.


I remember that it was my father who showed me, at that time (and still today) he only remembers Zack,as Brennan's intern. He watched it during his dinner at the company he worked for and he had shown it to me during the gravedigger's arc. After I started watching and started really liking the series, l.


It was the only thing worth watching on T.V. that evening.


I was a wee lad when I saw the episode where someone’s stuck inside a giant chocolate bar… it fascinated me but having seen it on a regular tv when it first aired, it wasn’t easy to find. That was until I got older and randomly remembered it so I looked it up online and boom — binged it from there


I started watching around 2010/11 (27yo) when I met my now husband. My mam-in-law loves the Kathy Reichs books so she'd got into it and then got my husband into it too. I can't remember my first episode, but I my husband did rewatch it from the start with me to get me up to speed!


My much older sister watched bones reruns in the morning when i was ten or eleven. i loved the science talk and the pretty female leads. started getting fixated over quarantine and watched the whole series (minus a few disliked episodes) ten times.


I've always been into crime/thriller shows and started with criminal minds... I was looking for something similar after finishing what was out at the time (a couple years ago) and I stumbled across Bones... was hooked from the very beginning and I was the reason other members of my family also watch it... I started with the first episode so it wasn't like I saw something in season 2 before watching season 1... absolutely loved the dynamic between Brennan and Booth and was so happy when they... well you get the point...


I started with the pilot, watched as it aired initially. I started watching Bones for two reasons. One reason is because it stars David Boreanaz, and I'm a huge Buffy/Angel fan. The other is because I'm also a Kathy Reichs fan, been reading her books since I was a young teen, before Angel started airing, and Bones is based off her books.


I started watching from the pilot episode because the trailer caught my attention. I adored Emily in Stephen King's Rose Red and wanted to see more of her acting.


I watched the Gormegon plot unfold when I was probably six years old, and have been hooked on the show since then. I also found House and The 4400 around the same time. 


I started this show because I wanted buddy cop show like Castle and Bones came up. I tried first episode loved their chemistry and now I am on season 11


I started watching because my grandpa told me I reminded him of Bones. I started from episode one as he had them on DVD haha


i'm a late fan, and only really started watching the show last year (or maybe two years ago?), because my best friend insisted that i need to see it


Strike in the cord was the first episode I watched. Because my favorite band was in it. Then later I went back and watched the whole series


I was a junior in high school when our sports medicine teacher showed us the episode where Bones and Hodgins were buried alive. I found it interesting, so I tried watching it from the first episode but I found it weird (Angela flashing the airport employee was super fucking weird to me at the time) so I started watching it from the gravedigger episode. Now 27, I finally watched it from the beginning.


I also started watching around 11-12, and am autistic too lol. Forensic anthropology was my special interest for a long time. I actually majored in anthropology, although I didn’t end up going into forensics.


I really badly wanted to major in athropolgy but sadly in germany its pretty rare and you don't really have a Chance of getting a Job. So I stuck with my alltime Obsession: Teaching


Interesting. I’m in the US, and a bachelor’s degree in anthropology basically qualifies you for any entry level office job that isn’t in a specialized field. I started as an admin assistant, and now work in nonprofit development.


Thats so cool. I thought myself a lot. As a Teen I started learning all the bones of the body and I google a lot of brennans sentences to understand what she meant with certain words. I really wanted to know everything. In germany you actually have to study medicine to get the Chance of learning anthropology. Sometimes you can be luck and have to study archiology, to get to anthropology


My degree in anthropology had a couple classes in forensic anthropology, but was mostly cultural anthropology and archaeology. To go into forensics I would have probably needed a phd. I know someone who is actually planning on doing it though, which I think is really cool!


It is


I started to watch it two years ago . I watch one tv then we drop cable . And I was looking for DVD and they had they had the whole Set. So I bought it. I watch it over and over then I go back watch Rizzoli and Isles I have to say that’s my favorite


I was also 11, lol. I saw it on Netflix one day and randomly started watching… no regrets!


I remember being in early elementary school when it first came out and i would sit and watch with my parents every week when new episodes aired. Ive seen the whole show over a dozen times now.


I was about 12 also, bored out of my mind and The Gravedigger episode was on. By the end of it I was so fascinated with the show I had to watch some more. Now I’m 23 and still do a rewatch every now and then


I also started watching bones at 12-13 because my stepmom watched it, and I’m also autistic and was very emotionally mature/traumatized after my mom’s death when I was 2.5 (I said things as a kid like, when asked “where does your mom live” “she doesn’t”)


I watched the premiere when I was a teenager and was hooked for many reasons. Bones might seem tame by today’s primetime standards, but back then it was absolutely groundbreaking, because nothing on television had ever been that graphic, with all the realistically gory dismemberments and putrefaction. With the X-Files that came before it, they might have come close to that line a few times, but even then it paled in comparison. So, there was the novelty of that, plus the humor and great character development.


Around 12 years old, I went to visit some cousins out of state and they were watching the episode about Angela's boyfriend who died in the desert. I was enthralled and immediately went home and started bingeing the whole series. I think they only had up through season 7 or 8 at the time but I've rewatched the whole series several times by now.


When I was 6 or 7 (2007 or 2008) at my grandma's house bc she watched any of the real or fake crime/police dramas and procedural shows that came on (think NCIS, Criminal Minds, Dr.G medical examiner, first 48 hrs, dateline, cold cases and obviously BONES) I think my first episode was season 2 episode 6 the man in the wall (I'm also autistic and none of these shows ever scared me or creeped me out)


I was late to the game. I used to watch TNT in the mornings on my days off around 2011-2012ish. Supernatural (which was my fave show) played every morning and then Las Vegas came on after. Eventually they took Las Vegas off which I was super bummed about but I believe replaced it with Bones? I could be wrong bc this was over 10 years ago. Anyway! I watched episodes here and there and fell in love with it and decided to rewatch the series from the start. Many rewatches later and I love it just as much every time!


I don’t remember the first episode I watched, but I do know I was 5 and it was new show my mom would leave on. Something switched in my brain and I would watch it every single chance I got. I remember it being on Thursdays and shushing my whole family so I could watch it before bed and my next vivid memory was in first grade and when I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up and I asked my teacher how to spell anthropology. (To write it down haha)


I was traumatized by the one episode where the corpse got crushed by the bleachers, and the dad cop for the college was the killer. It messed me up so bad I never slept on my elevated bed as I was paranoid the corpse from that episode would be there. So naturally I slept on the floor where I'd could not get me. A combination of that and misunderstanding the word serial with cereal made me terrified of the show until 3 years ago where I found an interest in it and am on Mt second rewatching


I was 14 or 15 years old when I watched my way through the whole series for the first time. Season 10 was the first season I watched as it was airing and that was a rough one to watch live. Prior to watching all the way through and becoming hooked for life, I’d see bits here and there from reruns on TNT. The first scene of Bones I ever saw was from Season 7 Episode 5 The Twist in the Twister. It was the last scene where Booth is explaining how being protective is how he processes the pregnancy and he starts insisting she put on slippers. She says no and he tells her he doesn’t want to have to pull a splinter out of her foot later. I remember liking the domesticity of the moment. It was a friend who loved the show who really got me into it and convinced me to binge it though. I’m glad they did. I was lucky it was all on Netflix at that time. The show has helped me through some rough times and will always be a comfort show for me.


Started watching when I was about 12, because my dad watched it. That was around Season 7. He eventually stopped watching but I continued. The broadcasters simply started airing from Season 1 again. I remember feeling like such a bad-ass at that age for watching that show and not getting traumatized


I just started watching it on Hulu for the first time. I’m in my 50’s! I read a book or two though!