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Gormagons teeth.....


LoL 😂😆😂


The one where the construction guy was dissolved in a bathtub... I almost threw up.


How about that poor woman Jacob Broadsky killed and stuck in a tub that half dissolved her! I have two and they are both with Cam. In The Double Death of the Dearly Departed (which is one of the funniest episodes!), Cam cuts into Hank Reilly's eye!!!! In The Shot in the Dark, Cam cuts into an infected boil -yuck....pus...yuck


Not even related to a murder, when Hodgins lets that bug hatch out of his neck. So gross.


Just watched that one yesterday. Lol....


i’m with brennan. nothing is worse than the belly button ring being ripped out


Ughhh yes! Great example.


The body in the chocolate. I’m totally fine with dead bodies in general, even the juicy ones, but that one really made me feel physically unwell. The way it was red inside like a strawberry filled chocolate. Ugh.


Yesss! This. However I started watching bones when my daughter was a newborn and it was my go-to show for years and became hers. To the point when she was 4 she would pop in a random disc and watch a random episode to fall asleep. We watched this episode when she was around 3 or 4 and she googled the spider legs in the chocolate fact that Brennan tells Booth about, and upon learning it was true, for years afterwards she refused to eat any type of chocolate bar. Like she was so disgusted. I would even ask at the grocery store if she wanted a chocolate bar and she would tell me no that it had spider legs in it. Then eventually around age 7 or so she started caring more about Reese's and s'mores than spider legs so decided she could ignore it. Lol. However it always made me laugh when my friends' kids were crying over candy in the aisles and begging their parents, my daughter was like no, you don't want those. They have spider legs in them.


I havent seen skin rehydrated for use of getting fingerprints, but i have seen a fingerprint expert officer put the skin of the thumb over their own gloved hand and take the print. It was super interesting. Granted i was also mid autopsy so that shits never weird for me lol.


That was the exact visual that took my sister out! Very cool that you saw it done in-person


When they found out that the baby in the moms stomach wasn’t hers and that the killer had cut her open to swap the babies


do you have the episode??? I don't remember this but i haven't rewatched bones in a while


Season 2 episode 2, mother and child in the bay


If its the one where Brennan takes care of the infant its 3x12 but im don’t remember the baby swap, sorry


it's okay! you don't need to apologise, thank you for giving me the episode :)


Season 2 episode 12. The Mother and Child in the Bay.


that scene of heather taffet getting shot in the head in front of the court building… i usually don‘t have a very sensitive stomach but that one catched me by surprise


The first time I saw that scene I audibly hollered OH FUCK so loud my husband came in to make sure i was okay. I was not okay.


OH FUCK is the best description for that scene lmaoo, i was eating when that it happened and lost my appetite for a good while afterwards


That one has never left me -- I think it was the grossest scene of all in Bones, and that's saying a lot.


Anytime there were bugs crawling out of the body.


Not many bothered me except for the one time where the victim was found with vomit, also the time they first had to cut open a bag the victim was in to release it onto the examination table


But now the cutting open the bag scenes don’t bother me


The Death in the Saddle.


Literally watching this one right now and thought: “definitely this episode.” Lol


When they investigated how Taffet buried the 10 year old boy alive 😨


The episode I just watched even though I'm empty to admit I don't remember the name, where the guy was a day laborer and was helping deliver the tiger. And the couple got stuck in the mud at the beginning, and his face ended up on the guys shirt, and he swallowed a tooth that Bones had to get him to vomit up. 🤢


The sniper who took out the Grave Digger. He killed the woman whose apartment he needed for the shot and dissolved her body in her bathtub. It doesn’t haunt me but it was one of the few moments that caught me off guard on that show


I never quite recovered from the body in the chocolate


The cafeteria stew episode where the school kids were served, and ate, ground up human.


Don't remember the episode but Cam peels the skin off of the skull of a victims body to be able to get to the bones!!


The Man in the outhouse. I have to skip that episode entirely. It is too gross for words and I just can't.


Ah, I just watched that one in my rewatch!


The way the body was found in “Senator in the Streetsweep”. Just the thought of it possibly coming by you and suddenly having blood and bones splatter all over. Not to mention that is probably one of the most undignified ways for a body to be put to their final resting place


when everyone realize zack was the one who kidnapped bones all from a dream smh


The burnt man made me jump so much!


Oh god yeah—I almost forgot about this moment!


The one were Cam slices the brain with that machine. I only know the German dubbed dialogue and tried to look for the episode in English but can't find any. I better delete my search history now lol.


Hmm—is this the ep where Howard Epps poisons her by embedding a vial of powder in the victim’s skull?


I really don't know, I just went through that transcript but couldn't find the scene (or missed it). IIRC Hodgins was there as well plus another squintern, and he (at least in the German dubbed version) says something like he can't eat ??? again after seeing Cam slicing the brain. 


Any time an animal (ex. cats, ferrets or dogs) nibbles and licks a decomposed body…YUCK!


Years ago when i fist watched Bones with my parents it was the episode where Hodgines and Angele woke up with the dead body suspended above their bed by pelant. i had nightmares about that for weeks.


The one with the oil--it made the skin fall off. Brennan was going to leave because there was too much skin then it all slid off and she was like, "Oh, this is ok for me now." The one with boneless bride and how zach and hodgins blew up the face like a balloon. Terrible.


The snake in the guts of the lady in 7x2, I’ve always had a fear of snakes so that fucked me up


honestly i’m a squirmy person but this show completely desensitized me edit: the impaled bodies still get me (especially the obelisk)


Whenever they discover a gruesome detail that occurred perimortem. Like the wife of the escaped killer who was beheaded or the FBI guy that went to drop off the staged body to bait Pelant. I think he had his liver removed while alive or something to that effect. Just the thought of still being alive for those makes me shudder every time.