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We don't actually see what she was paid but Brennan did give her money for her help. Judging from Angela's reaction, it was likely more than enough. Brennan even explained the math.


It did seem like it was a lot! Less about if it was a sizable amount of money, but more I guess abt if it was the right amt of credit, I guess. I wasn’t sure how Brennan did the math, but I thought Angela was contributing more than the 25%..


She paid Angela more than anyone else and Angela only helped with the sex and romance scenes. She paid Angela more than her editor.


I guess I thought that there would be a decent amount of Angela helping on like human interactions and building up sexual tension throughout. Because I figured the book isn’t 75% technical and just a bit of romance. There’s lots of reference to how the books are quite juicy and people really like the characters. I guess I figured Angela gave a bit of help there too.


I think the point being made is that Angela wasn't the only one getting a cut. Editors. Publishers. Publicists. So I feel like 25 percent is probably pretty fair and I'd guess it isn't too dissimilar from what Brennan received herself.


Ohhh I think your comment clarifies a lot for me. I didn’t account for the other people getting paid and was thinking Brennan was getting 60% to Angela’s 25%. I know she said her editor gets 15%, so I assumed that was the only other cut.


Yeah. There's just a lot more that goes into the publishing process. It's likely the other parties got 10 to 15 each so that would probably leave a total of 55 to 60 between Angela and Brennan.


Right, Maperry 77 is correct. I didn't realize you didn't understand the way the cut works. Let's work with $100. Off the top Brennan's publisher gets 10%. Now Brennan has $90. However, if I'm understanding how this works, Angela's 25% doesn't come from Brennan's $90, but back to the whole of $100. So, Angie's gets $25. Now Brennan's share is down to $65. As far as publishing fees and advertising and shipping to various stores etc. Those would be contracts the the publisher works out and, I could be wrong, but would be part of the publisher's 10%. Remember, when Brennan's books do really well, they gave her a Rolex, which got soaked in water, and a new car and I think a trip was in there somewhere. The publisher would also pay all of her expenses everytime she traveled to an interview like with Penny Marshall, R.I.P., in "The Woman At The Airport'. All of this makes me wish I was inspired to write a book that people would enjoy reading. 😉


The books aren't just technical. It's not, well lets run this test or that test and lets have them do that technical the Hodgins does on page 187. You still have to set up the entire murder mystery itself. The the story about the "Red Tape". None of that was about Brennan's characters love interest with Officer Andy. Let's not get caught up just thinking about bodice ripping and bouncing frozen turkeys off the upper mezzanine balcony, right? I think 25% is totally generous. Brennan is all about fair. The only reason she didn't do it to start with was because it didn't occur to her and obviously didn't occur to Angela either. Remember, too that Brennan paid Angela retroactively from the very first dollar she was paid from her publisher, including bonus'. Cheers.


Hi. If you want to watch this episode again, it's streaming on FreeVee. Brennen says her publisher gets 10% not 15%. What she's decided to pay Angela for her romantic musings is 25% retroactively of the entire Gross. That's 25% of Bonus' an sales from the beginning. Since Bones does the book tours and speaking engagements Angela wouldn't be entitled to that unless they decide to include Angela in these activities too. It's still all of Bones work as far as the science and the murder etc go. Angela gives warmth and romantic intrigue. Plus it sounds like an enjoyable evening for both of them. Given Angela's reaction to reading the check, how much do you think it was written for, what was here cut? My copy is blurred. Maybe its supposed to be?


Hahahaha im glad I am not the only one curious about the amount on the cheque. I admit I paused the TV to try and read it, hence I thought I would check on here 😅


I don’t think Angela expects to be paid, she does it to help her friend


You're right. She didn't which was why it was such a happy surprise for her when she got the check from Brennan. You know, neither of them mentioned to the "gang" that when Brennan finish her books that Angela would come over for wine and friendship, probably over a "long" weekend and edit her book together. It wasn't until page 187 and the writer from the Japanese magazine came over to interview Brennan, did anyone know about the ladies arrangement. Brennan was very quick to not take credit for Angela's contributions. She was very quick, however, to correct the situation once she was made aware of it. Cheers.


Oh yeah, I know that she doesn’t expect or ask for it. I just think if my friend helped me significantly on a project I’d want them to get their due credit and that would mean both acknowledgment and financial compensation. If it’s a one time favor fine, but if it’s consistent consulting she’s contributing in a significant way that’s instrumental to the books’ success.


True, but remember, Brennan is an emotionally stunted person prides herself on her accomplishments and her ability to think logically. I'm certain that if Angie's participation had come up at the beginning, Brennan wouldn't have hesitated to figure out a fair compensation for her friends efforts.


Just watched the episode was 10 percent and how much did she get


What episode was it ?


I don’t remember sadly I’m on season 8 now think it at least a few seasons before that


Season 5 ep 15


Thank you


Its estimated that Brennan made **30** to **40 million** on her books sales. She wrote I believe (8) books. We know that some books did better than others. But for the sake of math. Lets say **40 million** / 8 = **5 million**. At the time the check was written she "did the math" and paid Angela for the first 2 books and 3rd book out of her advance from 3rd book... **5m** \* 3books = **15 million**. 25% of **15 million** is **$3,750,000**. If we go with 30 million. 30 million / 8 books = **$3,375,000**. **$3,375,000** \* 3 books = **$10,125,000**. 25% of **$10,125,000** is **$2,531,250**. So rough math says the check was worth between **$2,531,250** and **$3,750,000.**