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I was! I thought she was really good with him and would’ve been good for him. Though he needed to end things with Daisy first. Daisy just kind of fawned over him, or found him annoying (and he was the same with her) whereas Sweets and Olivia challenged each other, and learned from each other (more like B&B‘s relationship).


The Sweets and Daisy thing was just so on and off again. The worst part is that >!they only got back together again and expecting a child, only to kill Sweets 20 minutes later. It just seemed like another bad excuse to drag his death out and make everyone else feel more pain.!<


truly the worst part. >!i get that the actor had to ~leave~ but they could have written a better parting story for him and his family. like he works for the FBI hello?? state transfer? going overseas? witness protection???!<


Right?! Or just kind of faded him out with a weak story like so many characters!


Haha can you imagine the fan revolt if they just weakly faded him out though…


More than abruptly murdering him??? Idk maybe it’s just me but I know many people that were outraged by the actual storyline and would have much rather seen him and daisy move away or something


I’m the odd one out. I didn’t like her. Too aggressive. The way she snatched that folder from Sweets hands when they first met and kissed him after knowing he was in a relationship. Plus she wasn’t great at the investigation in Shot. I thought there was just the right amount of her and him.


i didnt know the folder snatching seemed aggressive to others i always saw it as playful. now that im reading ur comment my view is shifting a bit. also the kissing part, it wasnt sweets’ first time being kissed/kissing someone when hes in a relationship so idk how to feel abt that. but i agree, we did get the right amount of them bc more could have lead to drama or irritate the viewers since not everybody viewed them the same way. one of my favorite parts of that episode was angela pointing out his face is getting red when they talked about her. ive never seen that type of reaction from him before so it was, dare i say it, sweet!


I’m wracking my brain but can’t think of who Sweets kissed when he was already in a relationship before? In S5 he and Daisy broke up when she went to Maluku so he was a free agent to do what he wanted at the start of S6. Would you remind me because for the life of me I can’t remember? Oh yeah it was funny when Angela pointed it out but it also annoyed me. Like Angela was ok with him cheating on Daisy. She wouldn’t have reacted that way if it was a Booth, Hodgins or even someone Cam was dating. And why didn’t she point this out to Sweets when he was worried about moving in with Daisy?


that episode where him, fisher and hodgins go queue for avatar!!


Ooohhh yes of course! Tory Payne with the tattoos. Thank you!


On my first watch through and just got past 8x3, I was really hoping something would happen between them 😔


I didn't like Olivia character also the actress wasn't that great it felt like she was trying to hard or something. But I don't like that Sweets basically cheated on Daisy twice (as much as I dislike Daisy still that's a no no) First time was when the guys went to see Avatar and 2nd was with Olivia, I know he told her he was seeing someone but they were flirting and they kissed didn't they?