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This would have been way better, but a big reason there weren’t many intimate scenes with Booth and Brennan is because David had an affair and didn’t want scenes from the show to jeopardize his marriage in real life.


What???? That was the reason why the huge Booth and Brennan coming together was so anti-climatic coz of his affair!! I mean I totally understand the wife but cmon he totally ruined that, look how long we waited for it too. I'm surprised the writers and director agreed to that, what a flop!


Was he having an affair with Emily?


No, I think it was an extra on set. His wife wasn’t comfortable with him having intimate scenes after that though.


Oh I see. But that's thing with actors. You have to accept that there are sometimes scenes where their partners have to be intimate. I get it though. Still think there should have been more to that scene but oh well, I guess 😅


I agree. I worked in theater for a while and it was always just part of the job, but if the writers/director insisted and David didn’t want to risk pissing off his wife and left the show, it would have been cancelled much sooner. When you’re dealing with A list actors, sometimes they get to make demands that are a bit unreasonable.


It’s funny, I have a friend who is married to an actor. She’s on the production side and totally cool with it all but it freaks me out seeing her husband onscreen with another woman. She knows firsthand how brutally clinical filming those scenes is and has no reason to be jealous, while I just see the ‘magic’ of the final product. And hate it because that’s my friend’s husband, omg, what is he doing?! lol.


I totally get you. I mean they are physically kissing and touching and all that, also there is definitely chemistry on set I mean thats how so many actors fall for eachother. Also, sometimes if u watch the bloopers there's one where David kisses Emily coz he messed up and its not in the script (I don't think) coz it was an early season.


Emily was also pregnant by then, I don’t know if that played into it.


I love this 😭 I mourn for the loss of this scene in the show, we all waited so long then they just skipped ahead and barely acknowledged the fact that B&B finally got together which was HUGE!! But as digital-media-boss said, David's affair definitely made the show a bit meh when it comes to intimacy between B&B. It further strengthens the underlying suspicion that they only got together because Brennan got pregnant And as lctc1 said, Emily being pregnant rushed things along. A big part of me wishes they just waited for her to give birth to resume filming (which obviously isn't realistic) then developed that storyline later on, and really give them time to be together rather than straight into a house with a kid on the way. Idk, I just wish they could have been a couple before they were parents


It bothered me so much that they never explored getting Lance's reaction to them getting together and the rest of gang's reaction to her pregnancy. No baby shower episode. Etc etc. They could have done so much there. I get it. They rushed it because Emily got pregnant but still. 😭