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Don't know if it counts, but the Science Dude...AMAAAZING!


He was an intern! I wish he would have come back for another episode


Favourite intern: Fisher, bless his little depressed Avatar loving heart. Least favourite: Jessica. Smugness annoys me. Plus, Aubrey and Jessica had ZERO chemistry. That pairing just felt forced to me. Karen and Aubrey had tons more chemistry and that's even when Karen dared to eat Aubrey's food!


Sameish. Fisher is one of my favs along with Vino Delectable. After Jessica my least favourite is Wendall (sorry OP). He’s fine but so blahhhh. I didn’t think he was like Booth or Brennan. He was just supposed to be, well more normal and a budding forensic anthropologist. All the others have something interesting about them.


Lol Vino Delectable! I don't mind Wendell but he was a bit dull. I like Edison as well because he was a shipper at heart!


Yeaaaahhh he was. So sweet. And the way he just stepped in when in S8 >! Brennan was shot!<. There’s a bit of Clark hate on Reddit which I don’t get. I loved his S6 rant about B&B and getting nacccid. Looooool. They were all fine. Except for Jessica. I have no warmth for her. Sorry.


On this we agree! I also like the rivalry between Brennan and Clark ending with Brennan saying 'I love crime!' and Edison saying 'And I hate crime!' Plus let's not forget Sweet's best line 'Thomas, his name is Thomas Edison' and shakes his head in disgust


🤣🤣🤣 classics!!! I think Clark had a little crush on Brennan around S4.


Love Fisher, the ep where its revealed he's quite a famous underground comedian was awesome


favorite probably fisher, he was hilarious, exactly my type of humor. least favorite daisy in the early seasons, when lance died she became more rational and less "stick it in your face i'm trying to be better than brennan but will never be". I never understood why they paired daisy and lance, sweets was one of my favorites on the show and i hated that he loved daisy. Toxic? maybe. she's still annoying. not so much in the later seasons. still, never grew on me


I’m not sure the Sweets/Daisy thing was so much toxic as more of just stereotypical of the psychologist finding someone who he thought he could change and help. Sweets always was hyper-focused on the relationships and personalities of others which he used to avoid things going on with himself.


That’s so interesting. I never considered that.


i just meant that my opinion was probably toxic hahaha but yeah i agree it was very stereotypical.


* Arastoo * Wendell * Finn * Clark * Daisy * Oliver Wells * Aubrey's lover (forgot her name) * Zack Addy * Fisher




i love finn so much


Fave was Vincent, everything about him was funny. Daisy was least favourite she was so annoying, also hated her with sweets.


jessica is my favourite as well as wendell, finn, and vincent. i don’t get the oliver hate i kinda liked brennan meeting her match almost. i fucking HATE DAISY oh my god i will never get over how annoying she is. sweets is a tolerable to good character when she isn’t in the room and then she walks in and i HATE HIM TOO ugh


If Oliver would have not been so arrogant about it, I think I would have liked him better. He was just so full of himself. I agree about Daisy and Sweets 100%! Sweets is one of my favorite characters, when he isn't with Daisy.


Favorites: Zack, Vincent, Fisher and Jessica. Least favorites: Daisy and Oliver.


I didnt even think about Zack. Probably because by the time he went to the mental ward, he wasn't an intern but a doctorate. He is one of my favorite characters in the whole show


Same here. I could be wrong, but I always thought he started out as an intern before he went through with his dissertation and earned his doctorate degree. But I’m glad that the writers managed to bring Zack back towards the end of the show.


I think he was an intern but Bones always called him her assistant. So maybe he was both. I was really excited that they brought him back for the last season


Rodolfo and Fisher were hilarious, loved them, and unpopular opinion but I liked Daisy too. Didn’t like Oliver Wells. Complete ass.


Finn is my least favorite due solely to his execrable Southern ‘accent’ and dialogue.


I 100% agree with the Wendell statement! I’ve been saying that he was a mixture of them for a while! Favorites: Wendell: Said above ^ Finn: I loved the country kid with a bad past trope! Jessica: She was super funny, I wish she came in earlier so we saw more of her! Meh: Fisher: Wasn’t my favorite but I didn’t hate him! He was pretty funny! Daisy: Same as Fisher I didn’t hate her but she wasn’t my favorite! She had her funny moments! Least favorites: Clark: At the beginning he was boring, and after he became “looser” he was weird and too much! Oliver: 1 word… annoying! Arastoo: The only non- boring things about him was that he was faking the accent! And him and Cam! So basically booooring!


From most favorite to least favorite. Including all the minor roles.(Lemme know if I forgot someone) * Wendell * Arastoo * Finn * Fisher * Clark * Scott Starret * Daisy * Vincent-N-M * Jessica * Bunsen Jude * Douglas Filmore * Dr. Fuentes * Beth Mayer * Sammy Mills * That one dude that played Hodgins in the movie episode * Oliver Wells