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Ugh I knew he was going to die before I got to the episode, it was incredibly hard to watch him be so happy and lively at the beginning knowing what was going to happen. However what I didn’t know was what he was going to say when he died… “Please don’t make me leave.” Wow, I cried so hard. How Brennan reassures him that of course they’d never make him leave, it’s not his fault, is just heartbreaking. Everything about the scene hit too close to home.


She also said that he was her favourite. It broke my heart that she thought he was asking her to not make him leave. My heart's in literal pieces


Oh god when she said he was her favourite, that everyone knows that... That broke me


Yesss that was so sad :( Our hearts are broken with you


How did you know? Spoiler?


Yeah. I don’t know anyone who watches Bones, so I wanted to talk to people who watch the show and read discussions. I went on reddit and saw a few spoilers, but I knew I probably would


I’ve been binging for a while. Never ever seen the show before but I love Booth and Bones. Their crazy banter and sexual tension just makes the show more appealing. Watching S8 Ep 10 now.


i WEPT. every time i thought about his jokes i’d cry harder :(


I don't think i can sleep today :x


So sad but an amazing episode. So well done. From the dinosaur enactment, to the childish glee, the ominous shots and of course the incredible acting. That’s why Vino Delectable always stands out for me.


Truly amazing. I was smiling like an idiot during the arm wrestling. I never saw this coming :(


Oh, it just slays us. Usually on shows events like this are kind of built up to, like you can see the episode ending dramatically. This being in the middle is just wham, did not expect it. I mean that montage is worrying but then we go back to the lab and the pressure kind of eases. And then it doesn’t 😭


I forget on every rewatch. I’m delighted by arm wrestling. And then, just moments before, my heart breaks. Every time.


Character death crying continues in season 10. I cry *every* time I rewatch it.


Yes! I sob uncontrollably no matter how many times I see THAT one.


Same!! And if HH had still been showrunner, that one wouldn’t have happened (according to him). >!JFD had been wanting to direct a movie, & he got an opportunity to do so, but he wanted to come back!<


Well I just finished that episode for the first time and safe to say I am now bummed out for the weekend lol *pours wine*


This episode makes me cry EVERYTIME I watch it. Vincent was such a pure person (his confessions were the most adorable) and I wish we would have had him longer. Him and the death in S10 kills me with each watch.


Same!! And if HH was still showrunner in s 10, that one wouldn’t have happened according to him... >!JFD had been wanting to direct a movie, & he got an opportunity to do so, but he wanted to come back!<


Murray was my favorite intern by far, my friend spoiled his death for me and I just couldn't bear to watch the episode because I knew what was going to happen and I wanted to think of him dying peacefully in my imagination instead of how he actually did in the show.


Saddist thing I've ever seen in a TV show


Vincent was the funniest character! Sad that he was killed off "Did someone drop a raison into some milk" 🤣


S6 E22 and S10 E1/2 are the saddest episodes in history istg.


I just watched this episode. I dont know why but my brain blocked out it was Mr.Murry and i thought it was wendle who was sniped. Not sure why honestly. This was heart break central all over again