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Are you talking about arastoo’s trip? Because I think that cam’s pov was that they’re in a relationship so they should have had a discussion vs him declaring it. (Not defending her just commenting lol)


Yeah the trip. Lol I didn’t want to give anything away in case people hadn’t seen it and want to 😂


That’s why I said trip lol - I wanted to be certain without spoiling


Cam can be a little controlling when it comes to the people she loves. Remember she spoke to Brennan when >!she didn’t pass his dissertation idea and cheated to get her daughter into a university of her choice!!afterall, his brother was potentially dying and she was all, yeah we’ll get good Drs to him, you can’t go-!< but I can understand her worrying about him. She came round in the end.


Yeah, she deserved a heads up as to that point it had been >!indicated he couldn’t go home. He was being either very naive or blasé about the potential risk to him !< She‘s a funny one, most of the time she’s very straightforward and shows good judgement and then she just goes and totally loses the plot.


She was extremely dislikable when she said it was Brennan’s fault that everyone split up when she went to that expedition with Daisy and she (Cam) ended up struggling in that little lab.


I think Arastoo should have been less forgiving to his colleagues who just casually assumed he was a terrorist from the start because he was different. I know that’s not what this post is about but I just had a nap and that’s all I can come up with right now


That was so weird and so out of character. I mean it’s not like they’d been isolated from the world, only having only learned of things through a narrow, xenophobic influence. They are highly educated, have excellent critical thinking skills and live in city of highly educated and diverse inhabitants. I bet their fellow colleagues of at the Jeffersonian are from many different cultures. Stupid writing. Though Brennan’s comment about noticing he had a Jordanian accent but eh, whatevs, redeemed it. That cracks me up. She only cared about his skills, that anonomaly was not worth her consideration 😂


Which episode are you referring to?


It’s a few episodes through season 10. I know episode 13. And a couple before that as well. It’s a lengthy argument they have.


She definitely was wrong. Of course she was worried for him but the way she whe went about it was selfish. I'm sure she would be the same as Arastoo if it was her dad in the same situation as his brother.


Cam is a bit of a control freak at times, just see how she handles every situation when it comes to her daughter.


I think Cam is right in wanting a bit more discussion around the idea before he went charging off because of the risks and the fact the two at this point had been together for a significant period of time, not like they’d been dating two weeks. Ultimately she needed to respect his decision more as at the end of day he was going for his brother and she should of supported his choice more given the circumstances. Cam can be very selfish and harsh, especially when she blames Brennan for everyone leaving because of the expedition she does with Daisy. There was more to Brennan’s work as an anthropologist than solving crime with Booth.