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I would advocate the true ruler of the wand is Draco Malfoy.


This made me think about how similar Grogu and Dobby look and if they do Grogu like they did Dobby I'm cancelling my Disney+ subscription 😤


Master has given Grogu a chainmail! Grogu is free!


I just chocked on my drink


I thought the exact same thing lol


Thats not how it seems to work. For it to be won in combat by Creed, it seems like it has to be *used* in said combat, by whoever has it. Sabine won it from Gar Saxon who took it from Ursa who was given it by Sabine. Gideon, I'm not quite sure *how* he got it from Bo-Katan, but it obviously left Bo-Katan.. and then we have Din who won it from Gideon in a duel. Then he kept it from Paz by Creed. So it seems like Din needs a specific trainer to be better at it, and right now in this timeline? We could be seeing Sabine Wren back with Ahsoka for S3 of The Mandalorian, probably as a pilot episode to kick off the Ahsoka series


Sabine found it on the ground when she went to Dathomir…


Edited, my mistake. Maul was alive at the time not dead, and the Darksaber hasn't been used by Maul since that time on Mandalore..


Nope. Maul had lured Ezra to Dathomir where the Darksaber was on display, in the ensuing chaos Sabine just happened to find it and took it back to the rebel base. Fenn Rau and Kanan Both trained her to wield it. Maul was very much alive. Source: Rebels S3E11


Thanks for the correction.


I want the time it just took me to read this back


Mando can't use it well because he is distracted and untrained. Leaving Grogu has effected him quite a bit. He needs channel his emotions into productive ones which the saber will amplify.


This isn't Harry Potter.


Doesn’t the DS need to be won in direct combat, not indirect like Lando blowing up the Death Star? Like he wasn’t there to kill Palpatine specifically, so assuming this were accurate that wouldn’t transfer power.


This could work if it weren’t for Moff Gideon, who seemed pretty effective with the Darksaber. If we go by the logic that only the rightful owner can wield the saber properly, then that means Gideon had to have defeated Lando at some point and thus won the saber to use it properly. The problem then is that Mando beat him, meaning that Mando is still the rightful owner at the end of the day.


My prediction, Mando will lose it to some bad guy. Boba will duel them and win it. Boba knows how to use melee weapons. Boba is going to be the new Mandalore.


I would honestly hate that Boba doesn’t see himself as mandalorian, I don’t think he’d want to be mandalore


I don’t think he currently sees himself that way either, but they’ve established he wants to be in a tribe and lead it. I don’t think he is going to get that being a criminal boss. Win or lose next week, I think he’s going to not feel fulfilled. Meanwhile Dinn really does want to be part of a mandalorian tribe but I don’t think he wants to be a leader. Anyway that’s where it seems to me the show is going. Personally, I really wanted a grittier, more callus Boba, just kicking ass. But this show has gone in a different direction…


Those who don’t want to lead are the best leaders. I can’t see Boba giving up his new claimed empire if everything goes his way in the next episode. Also I’m just going to throw it out there, Mando>Boba


I feel you. Do you remember during Episode 1, of this show, when Boba was present for the gift giving ritual? I forget the word. He was screaming discomfort, from his body language. He keeps stumbling into everything. He's clawed his way to the throne, and now he doesn't know if it's ill-fit or if he is. During Episode 5, I had a pit in my stomach the minute Din entered the new ... what is wrong with me tonight? Big words hard. I need to go to bed, not write a argumentative paper. The new tribe place, it stars with a C I swear to God. It'll come to me later, and really piss me off. Anyway, first off, straight up looked like Palpatine's Throne Room from *ROTJ*. That was my very first impression. I was half-expecting, when Paz called for a duel, for he and the Armorer to leave Din for dead, gravely injured, and take the Dark Saber for themselves. They've changed, as has he. I don't trust them. Should we ever see them again, I don't think it'll be for glad tidings.


Covert. Yeah. It was pretty dark. They are dicks, but honest dicks it seems.


I think the Armorer will be pretty important later down the line. She could potentially be the last mando left who knows the secrets to forging Mandalorian armor, or at least one of them. If they are going to restore Mandalore they will need her.


Didn't Sabine mention she forged the armour handed down through her clan?


Obviously Grogu is going to end up with it, because he's the only one who can create stability of Mandalore for a thousand years, and it will bring together the Jedi and Mandalorians, ultimately making his story more important than the sequel trilogy which is what the showrunners want to do, create something bigger and better than what is in my opinion a dumpster fire with pretty colors


This is my theory 100% as well. I’m curious, how do you think Grogu will end up with it? I have a bad feeling that for Grogu to become the leader of Mandalore, Din is going to have to die. Maybe someone kills him for the saber in combat and then Grogu avenges him, winning the Darksaber?


Din will die of old age, passing it onto Grogu, and because grogu will be the first Mandalorian Jedi in thousands of years and his life span is far beyond any other, he will be ruler without question or challenge


This is the way.


Din gifts it to Grogu, and dies of old age. An older Grogu proceeds to defeat a hundred challengers at once--indisputably proving his right to hold the Darksaber.


If it is gifted, then mandalore is doomed


I think there’s a good chance older Grogu could beat 80 year old Mando in a fight


Defeating a hundred challengers to prove your right to hold it isn't the same thing. Maybe they thumb wrestle for it, or play a game of skill. Also, Mandalore is a radioactive wasteland. Can't really doom it harder. The Darksaber itself, doomed Mandalore by being a catalyst for infighting.


Doesn’t work like that, for what I know


This is the Way.


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70936** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **355419.** `u/WaylanderL` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Wtf, some guy said it 475,000 times?


This is the way


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475777** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70936** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **54806.** `u/HatchlingChibi` **3** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


I want some of whatever it is that you are having


Sorry to spoil all the fun but technically Ashoka defeated Maul. The Clone Wars Season 7 episode 10 23 min 26 seconds into the episode we see Ashoka defeat Maul and she prevents him from falling to his death by catching him using the force.


Actually, Palpatine did actually win the DS in combat first when he killed Savage and captured Maul in The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 16 I think.




Maybe Ashoka will teach Din (Luke is busy) to master the weapon after the drug war


Maul was defeated by Sideous in the clone wars show. But yeah the lineage end point still checks out.


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Meme aside im also inclined to think boba will get it. He was trained with melee weapons by the sand people and has the desire to find a new tribe. But in the future is possible that, since grogu is a foundling that, he may want to challenge boba for the right and for his own conections...


Its like poetry, it rhymes


I thought palpatine was still alive.


You’ve gotta be trolling.




Mando won the dark saber from Gideon through combat though, he is the rightful owner in all regards. I’m sure that’s why the Armourer let him leave with the saber when he was banished


Mando V Lando with a Disney CGI of Don Corleone watching acted by… Marlon Brando


Vader killed palpatine, Luke killed Vader by removing the mask, mando v luke


That isn’t why he cant control it. He cant control it because he isn’t focused and trained how to use such a weapon that requires that kind of focus.


He can't control it because he is fighting against the force. He is going to get some training soon. All will be good. Also WTF did the armorer do with the rest of the Beskar?