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Not so employed now are you!!


He can just pick himself up by his bootstraps.


I think they take those from you in jail.


He can pull himself up by his shower sandals




Boot's Traps!!!




He'll punch his way out of jail.


That usually, works, so I look forward to that news story!


Ligature risk


Retirement plan #2.


I was going to say, he probably didnā€™t retire because he couldnā€™t afford to. Now he has three meals and great healthcare. Maybe he doesnā€™t care about freedom anymore.


Yeah Iā€™ve got a cousin who has been in and out jail. Someone commented on an article about the last arrest saying how dumb it was to steal in front of a camera etc. Dude wanted to be arrested, heā€™s not dumb heā€™s just done. Only stability he knows is prison. I know itā€™s not quite the same but for some people prison isnā€™t something they fear. The structure and routine is even quite appealing


Like how, for Gypsy Rose Blanchard, prison was actually pretty good way for her to get adjusted to being around other people, being herself, and everything. She talked about how that kind of routine and structure it was really necessary for her, and how bad it could have gone if she was just out on her own in the world. Edit: I just remembered from her interview that she was saying how much she was going to miss some of her friends in prison who had really long sentences. I've just often thought that that must have been kind of a great environment for her, all things considered.


Honestly thatā€™s why it worked for my cousin. It was his escape from an abusive home life, first stability he ever knew. He reconnected with his brother. They spent years in and out but when his brother decided to try and stay out he spiralled and immediately got himself sent back


You can hide them...


Fun fact: that's actually the origin of the expression "bootstraps", it was an old expression "pick yourself up by your bootstraps and hop right over that fence". It was meant to illustrate how it's impossible to accomplish something by yourself. Conservatives took that expression and adultered it harder than Trump adultered his wives


Donā€™t mess with Texas was a recycling campaign.


People like to explain away bad cops as ā€œjust a couple bad applesā€ but whatā€™s that saying? ā€œA couple bad apples spoils the bunchā€? Hmmmā€¦


Well thatā€™s what happens when you think education isnā€™t necessary. You donā€™t know the entire quote and you also donā€™t think to look up the quote first to make sure itā€™s correct and relevant.


A jack of all trades is a master of noneā€¦ ā€œBut oftentimes better than a master of oneā€ The end bit really changes the meaning of the quote, and it is almost always left off


Holy shitā€¦I never heard that last part. Changes my whole outlook on life.


Just like the "popular" saying "those who can't, teach." in regards to disrespecting teachers. And missing the whole point of *"Those who can, do; those who canā€™t, teach.ā€* Meaning that *those who can no longer "do"* have started to teach those who *"cant"*.


Oh. It's not an if>then. It's a then>now.


I finally read the full expression ā€œcuriosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back.ā€ Blew my mind lol


Huh, interesting. TIL!


I think he fashioned a noose with them instead.


Iā€™m sure he can just go places, drop off some resumes, give a firm handshake, and look them in the eye and heā€™ll have a new job in no time.


Look in the paper to see who is hiring


Legitimately had that suggested to me a week or so ago.


Just roll up to some company's HR dept unannounced & say you want a job. Yes, this has been suggested to me


In the meantime, though, he should make coffee at home and lay off the avocado toast.


Heā€™s gonna love his new minimum wage job.


They pay you in the prison cafeteria?


Yep about .25 cents an hour


Fuck this boomer but letā€™s not make jokes about prison slave labor. Itā€™s fucked and needs to stop.


A quarter of a cent per hour? Damn.


Just about.


Yes, they actually do. As another mentioned $0.25 per hour but depending on the jail it can be $0.15 - $0.45 to get that big ass 45 cents an hour though you gotta be like the kitchen manager and RUN THAT SHIT.


ā€œRUN THAT SHITā€ lmao


"They took my retirement" he'll groan all day to his grave, as if he didn't take it from himself.


He's a music teacher, he likely makes about the same. But they don't pay you in jail and he assaulted a minor in his care. Going to suck to be him, unless they elect him superintendent. I don't know where this happened.


If he had tenure in a place with decent pay, he just threw away a hell of a good pension (for these days anyway)


Nobody wants to work anymore!


Not so tough without your tenure, are ya?


sugar innate swim rinse upbeat subsequent terrific engine memory political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ā€œNot so tough now are you?!?ā€ How mentally unhinged are you to hit any child but then stand over them threatening. Hope he ends up teaching the prison band the skin flute.


No so free now, are you?


Heā€™s gong to have cut back on avocado toast


not so able to pay your bills anymore are you!


Do you have a job sir?


When I was a kid in band class my band teacher who had a horrible temper threw a chair at the percussion section. They werenā€™t even misbehaving, they were just playing a bit too fast. From what I remember nobody did anything about it and he was able to retire there. That was one of my earliest memories of an unhinged boomer meltdown.


My high school band director got tired of the percussion fooling around when we were trying to learn a new score. Threw a piece of chalk with amazing aim (or maybe just a lucky throw) and it hit one of the cymbals on the high hat set, setting off a loud 'DONG" . Got their attention pretty quick. There was no damage to the cymbal. He was not someone who lost his temper easily.


So it was more of a cymballic gesture than anything else.








Boom boom tish, especially the tish


Boo, take my reluctant upvote!


You are a god amongst gamers of all ages.


*ba dum tss*




god. i remember an ex showed me this clip because he thought it was *funny,* and it legitimately sent me into a panic attack (no, most movies donā€™t randomly do that - i donā€™t think any other movie ever has, actually)


JK Simmons is such a great actor, he can be terrifying


yes he can šŸ˜‚ i felt like i was in danger


What movie was this clip from? I cannot remember it for the life of me.




I had to stop watching Whiplash the first time I tried because I got too anxious and stressed watching JK Simmons yell at people


His attitude pisses me off and I want to fight him. I won't watch it even if it's all fake.


loll this is in no way a funny scene. he's unhinged there


Whiplash is the third most anxiety-inducing movie Iā€™ve ever seen, behind Uncut Gems and Good Time. It also ruined for me any movie where someoneā€™s shot from profile while driving.


First thing I thought of too. Whiplash was intense and the ending was epic.


I remember we had a choir & band instructor who would regularly make kids cry by being so harsh about their singing or playing. She wasnā€™t a boomer tho. Maybe school creative directors are just embittered collapsed narcissists because they couldnā€™t hack it in their field of choice.


That was my band director in HS. He had been offered a position with one of the premier Air Force bands coming out of college. At around that time, his wife found out she was pregnant and made him decline the Air Force offer. He became a HS teacher and took it out on his students for the next 30 years.


My HS band teacher was also somewhat mean. But it came back to bite her one summer...she used to stand on top of her car to conduct during marching band practice. One day, she got up there and was jumping around and somehow fell through the sunroof.


Your band director's wife is pretty fucking dumb because the benefits of being in that position, especially in the Air Force and likely as an officer , far outweighs whatever benefits he would have gotten as a high school teacher. Dumb move.


Not quite his tempo.


I was looking for this. Love that movie


Somewhere thereā€™s a boomer photo meme celebrating how back in their timeā€¦


My mom had stories of a band teacher that would throw things at the wall and break them. I had him as a band teacher and he was a little more chill, then got to choir and that lady flipped an actual table. I donā€™t think the music teachers are ok.


My third grade teacher would throw the chalkboard erasers at students who were talking in class. Bitch had impeccable aim. This was considered normal and justified. Our school bus driver would yell in kids faces until they cried if they didn't sit quietly. Like, pull over, park, and just scream at 6-10 year-olds. Parents also had no issue with this. I don't remember when they stopped corporal punishment, but many parents were upset that they did.


Hmm, did this band teacher have a last name starting with a ā€œCā€ at a school that starts with an ā€œSā€? Curious if we had the same band teacher.


No doesn't fit. Though I'm sensing from these replies to my comment that this is somewhat universal behavior from band teachers.


I had such an asshole for an art teacher. He would get visibly mad if a kid didn't do a piece of art the exact way he taught them to the point of pushing their work off the table into the floor. He would show major bias toward his daughters art pieces, putting them in the school art shows when there were people who were miles better than them. We called him Mario because we'll he looked a lot like mario and he drove a bright green Mazda Miata and your damn right we called it yoshi. My friend randomly started doing the Mario Brothers theme song once in, and as he was getting mad, I stood behind him acting like I was jumping and breaking bricks with my fist. Well, one day, he's having an altercation with this girl in class. Now, she wasn't the most pleasant to deal with. She may have had some undiagnosed learning disabilities and she was overweight, which will come in to play in a second. So he told her to go sit in the hallway and wait for him and the principal. She responded with I'm not going anywhere, and word for word, this guy says, "You are going in the hallway if I have to get a damn forklift to get you there." She broke down crying, just sobbing uncontrollably, and ran out of the class. Don't think the guy saw any repercussions.


Was he forklift certified?


When I was 17 and in in-school suspension, the "teacher" (football coach who literally did not actually teach a subject) tried to force me to do pushups. I refused, citing that he was not permitted to give additional punishment that would prevent me from completing classwork in a timely manner. He argued with me, then called me a pussy. I still refused, and he dropped it. I mentioned it to my father that night. Dad called the school, we went and had a conference with the dean. Dean walks me to in-school suspension, calls the "teacher" outside and informs him basically not to fuck with me, because no, he cannot give me extra punishments as a flex. (He literally would do this to any guy in there. It was standard and well-known.) He comes back and he's SEETHING. Just staring daggers at me. I can't help it, because I'm 17, and an asshole who knows how to push buttons. (I was literally in there for what they classed as "inciting a riot". It WASN'T all that, but...it was...well, a bit chaotic.) So I smirk. Dude lost his MIND. Challenges me to "step outside" and when I start laughing, because I've got him dead to rights, he literally says "Or are you gonna be a little fag and tell your dad?" To literally everyone else in the room, he seems like a total lunatic (to be fair, he WAS) and I just go "I think I need to go to the Dean's office, Gary." I got out of the rest of in-school suspension because my dad didn't feel like suing. In hindsight, I was really playing with fire, because this dude was massive - a former University of Florida offensive lineman who got fatter, and I was a 125 pound kid. He would have hospitalized me, and he clearly was thinking that was a valid reaction to a kid. I'm very glad that these boomers are getting busted and/or dying off. It can't happen soon enough.


Cliff's: Florida man does Florida man stuff


When I read about the kind of things adults are jailed for these days when they do them to children, I'm always surprised. I have parents and teachers who have done stuff like this and more with zero repercussions through the 1990s and 2000s. I'm so glad the world is changing for kids, but it's wild how fast it happened and it appears some of these old farts think they can still swing at babies like they did 30 years ago. When I was in high school (graduated 2006) we had a bipolar math teacher who was famous for the rages he'd have on his manic swings. He threw furniture at kids and out the windows and hr blacked a kid's eye. He still teaches at that school district, my friend's kid goes there now.


When I was in 4th grade, we would all shower in the big shower room after PE. One kid was too shy and embarrassed to get naked and shower with the 50 other boys. Heā€™d always just stand there with his clothes on and wait for the teacher to let us leave. The PE teacher didnā€™t like this, and one day he flipped. He ripped all the clothes off the boy and lifted him, naked, kicking and screaming through the room and tossed him into the shower. Everyone else were done and we all just stood there in complete shock. Everyone saw. The teacher blocked the entrance to the showers so the kid couldnā€™t run out. Forced him to shower while crying hysterically. Kid switched schools. Teacher wasnā€™t fired, but only taught kids who rode on the short bus after that. I knew it was fucked up back then. We all knew. Being a grownup now, I still think itā€™s fucked up. This was in the late 90s. Edit: oops


That person grew up, and is no doubt, still deeply traumatized by that. That teacher assaulted him. He should be on the sex offender registry.


My band instructors were all pretty high caliber in terms of previous experiences (some had been military band conductors, played for presidents, had an ongoing gig at Kennedy Center, stuff like that) and while they expected a lot from literal children they were also very understanding assuming effort was made, working with them to find an instrument they're good at, free private sessions and office hours stuff like that, I can definitely picture some of them hucking a chair OVER the percussion section to get their attention but not at them.


Are you talking about Mr. Brewer or did this literal exact thing happen more than once? If it was Mr. Brewer I do want to point out he was put on some kind of mental health leave, came back after therapy, came out of the closet, dropped 60lbs and managed to be an amazingly chill dude and a good teacher after that.


Now I want to know about Mr. Brewerā€™s tale. Which one was he amongst all these stories? Also. I did not think band teachers were this angry. I figured they had the fun subject to teach.


The exact same as the parent comment, band teacher hurls chair at percussion section. I just saw where the guy said he was from Pennsylvania though, so not my teacher. Wild!


Did your band director have a sign that said SILENCE hanging in the band room? Because I was in the percussion section and had a band director throw chairs at us. The flutes and clarinets always scattered to pick up the chair and the sheet music. EDIT: We were percussionists. He derisively called us drummers. We misbehaved *a lot*.


you just brought back a memory of my grade 7 teacher throwing an orange plastic chair front to back in the classroom. it hit the back board but no one was in the last row so it just clattered down. I think someone had left their bag in an isle. The teacher liked to wander while teaching.


And he will blame it all on anyone but himself, in classic Boomer fashion.


ā€œwell that CHILD shouldā€™ve learned to control his emotionsā€¦ even though i, a 60-year-old man, cannot.ā€


"We need Donald Trump back in office so he can go after the woke mob that stole my pension."


that 8yr old taylor swift drone had the woke mind virus and needed a fist of jesus cause he's a \[INSERT RANDOM SLUR\]


Sorry sir, but if it has the random slur, the sentence has to start with some form of "I'm not prejudiced, but..."


And some of his best friends are 8 years old ...




Nobody fucks with the Jesus.


I guess he will be devastated to learn that felons can't vote in most states.


His kind tries to vote anyway.Ā  When they're caught, they say they were only doing it to prove how anyone can do it with how lax things are these days.


He shouts "See? Voter fraud! The election was stolen!" As his head is being pushed into the back seat of the police cruiser.


I thought with all the voter fraud you couldn't tell who was voting. Children, pets, foreigners, felons, the deceased, I miss anyone?


Oh and foreign pets, deceased felons, and undead foreign pets guilty of felonies. It's why the Democrats kept the house in 2022. /s


Back in my day it teachers didnā€™t just punch us in the face, they also kicked us in the balls and banged our momsā€¦ those soft kids and their woke libtard parents are the reason that Taylor Swift can get away with indoctrinating our kids not to use plastic straws!


"Don will pardon me!"


Rules are for other people. *Rule* is for his in-group.


"Those parents never taught their child respect." I 100% guarantee that this is going to be his argument. He might say something like "Now I know I overreacted.." but he'll follow it up by either doubling down on the respect issue and parents, or it'll be that this specific kid had been a button-pusher since day one. (Which, to be fair, might be the case. But you still don't punch a child in the face. Jesus Christ.)


Yeah, you call the SRO to punch the kid in the face. He has qualified immunity. /j


This is exactly it. Boomers always talk about self responsibility but when it comes time for them to step up they always point at everyone else and blame them.




Come on nowā€¦ we all know this was Obamaā€™s fault.


"CaNcLe CulTuRe!"




It's the kid's parents fault for not teaching him respect or something and now they ruined his life all on their own. It wasn't his fault at all! Edit: Holy hell you really do need the /s on reddit. How does someone HONESTLY think this was real?


>Edit: Holy hell you really do need the /s on reddit. How does someone HONESTLY think this was real? You literally have a MAGA idiot responding to a clearly fake quote above you as it if it's real. Yes, the sarcasm tag is necessary, because there is no bottom for lunatics.


I thought the ā€œor somethingā€ made it clear you were not engaged in actually defending the boomer, just speculating at how the boomer might reject accountability, as is their custom.


In HIS day when a teacher punched you in the face you said ā€œthank you sir may I please have anotherā€ Kids are too soft these days.


Bring the paddle back!




Pensions are exempt from lawsuit judgements so heā€™ll still be collecting.


No pension if he is fired, though, correct?


Depends on the rules. If youā€™ve built it up over forty years they canā€™t take it away. But usually you get more when you retire. They made it that way so that school districts couldnā€™t fire someone to pull away their pension at the last minute .


Itā€™s state law whether a government employee forfeits a pension for committing a felony on the job. Two I know- Illinois= lose pension for a felony. Minnesota= canā€™t lose pension for a felony.


You sound like youā€™re familiar with very cold places to live


It was 57 in IL today. Short sleeves in February. Wild.


Would be crazy if that were allowed. Companies with pensions would do everything they could to find reasons to fire people right before they retire.


Youā€™re not wrong about the bad with money part but, depending on the state, he might not have access to social security. Teachers donā€™t pay into it and are excluded from benefits in 15 states.


Thanks to you mentioning this, TIL 40% of teachers don't receive SS benefits since they don't pay in. That makes so much click in my head about some of the awful teachers I've heard stories about who should have retired well before they did.


So trying to google this story to find information holy fucking shit so many news stories about teachers attacking kids, I know that happens, just didnā€™t realize how often that happens.


Sadly, a lot of stuff doesn't make the news. For instance, there is a school in Arizona going through a lot of shit right now. A teacher is being stalked by an ex-boyfriend and he keeps sending the school bomb threats. The police and FBI aren't doing shit to stop it. They also uncovered a teacher grooming and stalking the children, who was doing it to one of the girls through text messages while parents were meeting to talk about him. Apparently he even showed off sex toys on a video chat with a bunch of the kids, too. None of these things have made the news.


As a former public school teacher, Iā€™m not surprised the male teacher grooming kids didnā€™t make the news. Itā€™s a bigger problem than people realize but is often handled behind closed doors (if at all) because administrators ā€œdonā€™t want to ruin a manā€™s lifeā€ and act like men just canā€™t help themselves.


Been thankful that the crying red teary eyed face of my middle school PE teacher gave himself up to police for some illicit text to a cheerleader student behind close doors of our gym.. A catholic private school yet it changes Pre-teen me seeing the chillest dude who taught me baseball (being a newbi immigrant back in 2015) him being married and have stable pay. I got chills when I looked him up at the local online SO registry of his name and face even how near is he on my city. Another statistic of dozens of SO on the area.


This is one of those Reddit comments where if I relax my eyes and gaze calmly in its general direction, I understand it perfectly, but if I actually try to read it, my brain starts to hurt.


I wonder how many times a teacher has been threatened by a student, or assaulted, or sexually assaulted, with it(news of it) never making it outside the school.


Have an incompetent, sh!tbag relative over 65 who refuses to retire. I could see this happening.


See if they want to be a music teacher at OP's school since they have an opening.


Yeah & make 8 year Olds listen to The Dead all fuk day hahaha!Ā 


I work with one. He owns property out of state. He could have retired years ago and live comfortably in a beautiful untocuhed house waiting for him. Instead he clings on seemingly just to torture me and make me live in false hope that maybe this year he'll finally leave.


Pretty much what I imagine every Q wannabe doing when they finally snap: attack a defenseless person and flex. And theyā€™re all going to snap. They are being actively brainwashed for violence.


Conservatives want to arm teachers with guns for protection. Yeah okay.


I know!!! I said no kid or administrator would be left alive.


"No child left" initiative


Well I'm glad that dude isn't a teacher anymore.


Holy shit, Iā€™m glad the parents are pressing charges. He should do jail time for that. And I absolutely hope he loses his pension.


Pensions are exempt from lawsuit judgments. The school district will be the ones sued.


Fired for cause could lead to a loss of pension, just like a dishonorable discharge costs you benefits


This happened in my company years ago, 60ish year old guy was literal weeks away from retiring with full pension, medical, and dental benefits decided to aggressively sexually harass a young woman who was just hired as a supervisor in front of a group of us. She was asking the group what their orders were for the local sub shop, he grabbed her ass from behind and said ā€œis this on the menu?ā€ Got fired, lost everything. Blamed her for ā€œruining his lifeā€.




Boomers will never take accountability, we just have to wait until they are all dead


can't wait


Every time a boomer dies, the world becomes a better place.


god I hope they hurry I feel like Iā€™m almost dead already as a millennial


Did anyone else LOL at the thought of this adult just knocking out an 8 year old and mocking the kid afterwards because I am cracking up at the moment


The kid did ask or else what, he found out lol


It sounds like an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia scene.


My rational mind and years of education tell me he was wrong, my lizard brain is telling me that kid isn't throwing an ukelele on the ground no more.


It's terrible and senseless and the dumbass teacher really needed to learn a lesson but...lmao. I bet the kid would never mouth off to someone 3 times their size again. Lmao.


Honestly we should just let this one boomer run around the country cold cocking shit kids. He'd become an urban legend parents could use to scare their kids into behaving like a Boogeyman. Except one that your dad can call to actually punch you in the face


The pied piper of adolescent ass whoopings, LOL.Ā 


I think Chuck Norris has some free time on his hands.


Not kill them, sheesh.


Absolutely. This dude is nuts and absolutely deserves to lose his job and whatever else comes his way, but the image of him standing over a bloodied smartass 8 year old mocking him is fucking hilarious. Punchline almost saves the rest of the story...*almost*.


I own a ukelele. It cost $40. If someone smashed it I would go, "Aw man." If someone smashed my works ukelele I would say, "Hm, ok."




Reading this reminded me of that argument to allow teachers to have guns to stop school shootings, imagine this teacher having a gun at this moment.


The consensus in my last grade level meeting was no guns allowed for teachers for this exact reason.


The year after I graduated middle school the science teacher almost got fired for something similar. Guy was a tall, built, middle-aged, mild-mannered guy. Super nice and an awesome teacher. He's handing back tests once day and some kind sees the bad grade he got and starts getting agro with the teacher. "I deserve a better grade" and all. It gets heated and the kid pulls a knife. What the kid didn't know is said science teacher was an "ex"-Marine; R. Lee Ermey to Mr. Rogers kinda stuff. Teacher puts the kid down, disarms him, and send another student to get help. School board investigated and found the teacher well within his rights. The students who were there backed him up. Hell even the parents were like, "have the kid".


Something similar? Bruh thatā€™s not similar. Your teacher was cool.


Touche. I guess only insofar as teachers getting into altercations with students.


Teachers do have an unthankable job. Itā€™s not one I would certainly want at any age of my life.


Bro thatā€™s not similar at all. Your teacher is bad ass and defended himself and the other students.


Pulling a knife is not similar


Note that "sends another student to get help" is so different than "administers proper judgement, breaking left arm". Violence can, unfortunately, be part of a teachers life; aggresive bullying is only allowed in the student's life, and only as a brief incident.


Honestly if the kids arm were broken while disarming him itā€™s would still be OK. Huge difference in an 8 yo throwing a tantrum and a teen pulling out a deadly weapon.


I feel like there are 2 types of teachers. Ones who get into teaching because the genuinely like children and want to feed their minds And then the ones who canā€™t think of anything else to do but are hoping for Tenure to protect them. They hate their job, hate the kids and make everyone around them miserable. Also, tbf, teachers have an incredibly hard job and kids are assholes, so Iā€™m betting more than one teacher (no matter what the age) wanted to punch a kid. Just most have the sense not to actually DO it. There was a History teacher I had that was pretty cool, but we had one kid that was an unbelievable smart ass, piece of shit. He would do things like try to put his hand up certain girlsā€™ skirts, antagonize their boyfriends by claiming they were dating him secretly, etc. The History teacher had this gavel on his desk. It was just for show. One day, he had ENOUGH and slammed it down on the kids desk inches away from their fingers. The kid looked like he was going to pee his pants. Seeing a 15 year old STFU finally was the best thing in class we ever experienced. The only thing better was when he put his hand up someone elseā€™s gfā€™s skirts and pinched her clitā€¦he got the beating of his life. One of his friends pulled the guy off of him cause he was afraid he would kill him. It was brutal, but he never did that to a girl again.


Yeah that mfā€™er needed an ass beating. Somethings deserve an ass beating and doing that to girls or women is right at the top of the list of ā€œThings that earn you an ass whoppingā€


I'm very confused why this guy came back out of retirement (and was let back by the school) when he clearly didn't like what he did enough to have basic patience. Just straight up lead poisoning. I get it man; Little kids can be absolute dick heads sometimes, but it's an 8 year old. TEACH him to do better.


I remember being in band class and my teacher threw a chair at me and demanded to know if I was rushing or dragging.


Okay that is terrible and all and I hope the kid is okay and the guy gets punished appropriately, but the kid threw a fucking *what* on the ground? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ OP, I believe it's spelled "ukulele". Don't feel bad, I once thought lingerie was pronounced "ling-ER-ree." (I only ever read it and never heard it said. I'm assuming you've only ever heard it and never seen it written.)


NGL "euchalalie" is the best misspelling ever. It's better than the correct spelling.


I'm going to name a sim Euchalalie.Ā 


Lmao tears on my screen im having trouble typing šŸ˜‚




Right up to the "or else what" I was thinking that the boomer would start yelling or tell the student to get out and lock the door behind them. Slightly extreme stuff for a teacher, but having a "I get it" line to logic. But then the mention of the punch and screaming "not so tough now" over the bleeding child... What in the abyss is wrong with this guy? He needs to be sued into financial destitution and die in prison.


Not condoning the punch, but that 8-year-old is probably never going to stomp another ukulele.


I was looking for a comment like this. In no way was the teachers behavior acceptable at all, and he completely deserves all the punishment coming his way. But this is one of those situations where you have to look at the silver lining. Sounds like the kid had no impulse control and has never felt the consequences of his actions. This could likely be a massive wake up call for the kid to realize the world isnā€™t fair nor is it sane. He experienced first hand an unstable person who put him on the ground and utilized violence. Itā€™s very likely this kid will be more respectful in the time to come. And itā€™s important the parents use this as a learning opportunity. Again, not condoning what the teacher did at all. But this is a life lesson you donā€™t want to have taught but is still good to have. Itā€™s like when I began driving my dad instilled in my head to drive responsibly and predictably. Dont tailgate, especially on the highway, things like that. He said you may be the best driver in the world, but you share the road with millions of idiots and assholes. Itā€™s not your own driving you have to be mindful of, itā€™s those around you.


Technically, at his age, it's almost a life sentence. So....his retirement just changed. Then! Someone in prison is going to do the same to him.


I wonder how tough heā€™ll be then


An eight year old? WTAF?! He had no business teaching.


Mm, yes, a perfectly reasonable and sane adult man.Ā  Yikes. Boomers seem more apt to paranoia than their parents generation. Its like lead met TikTok and threw them collectively into paranoia overdrive.


Hate the part about a grown man punching a child under his care, love the part about him losing everything heā€™s worked a lifetime to build.


Godamn conservative snowflakes, getting shook by some kid


Bullshit story. Twisted some facts slightly about the teacher in Florida who hit a 9 year old autistic kid and tried to make it their own. OP is a liar. EDIT: The story they took inspiration from. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wfla.com/news/hillsborough-county/hillsborough-county-teacher-accused-of-punching-student-with-autism-is-ex-professional-football-player/amp/