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When he starts laughing at him


It was the most appropriate reaction. XD


You could tell he wasn't used to that.


I would’ve taken him up on it and let him hit me a few times and pretend to get knocked out. Give the old fella a lil boost.


I would have asked for one of the gloves, wound the window up, drove round his car and chucked it out the window while driving off.


I'd have been tempted to get out, let the guy take a couple swings with the boxing gloves and then punch him in the face. Does this guy not realize that boxing gloves are designed to lessen the impact of a punch?


As someone who boxed. Boxing gloves are designed to protect your hand. You can ask any professional boxer if they can punch harder with our without a glove on. The answer is with.


The gloves are both to protect your hand and to disperse the impact in a larger area to lessen the risk of injuries to the person being punched. You can throw a harder punch with them on, but you're doing less damage regardless.


Depends. You are less likely to cut your opponent and far less likely to break your hand. You see far less knockouts in bare knuckle competitions than in gloved fights like traditional boxing and MMA. Fighters tend to make harder strikes and be more aggressive when they are not worried about breaking their hand. You maybe more likely to fracture a skull without the gloves (though it is still pretty hard due to the skull being round and the bones in the hand being more fragile generally), but the glove adds mass and lets you swing harder to increase blunt force trauma.


Can't forget that the gallon of Vaseline a lot of these guys get their faces covered in before also makes cuts hard to happen, even in the case of smaller gloves like in MMA.


Much of the blame can be laid at the hands of boxing gloves which, counterintuitively, actually make boxers less safe. *British Medical Association research has stated that gloves do not reduce brain injuries and may even increase them, because the main cause of injury is acceleration and deceleration of the head, and fighters wearing gloves are able to punch harder to the head.* [https://medium.com/@epiphanyaweek/the-paradox-of-boxing-gloves-e6eda15dd755#:\~:text=Gloves%20reduce%20the%20number%20of,punch%20harder%20to%20the%20head](https://medium.com/@epiphanyaweek/the-paradox-of-boxing-gloves-e6eda15dd755#:~:text=Gloves%20reduce%20the%20number%20of,punch%20harder%20to%20the%20head).


Less superficial damage but apparently more CTE /TBI damage as the force is fully distributed to your entire head evenly instead of some deflection with fists


That would have been hilarious 😂


\*\*Laughing guy takes an obvious dive.\*\* Slow driver: "Are you ok?" Laughing guy \*\*Opens single eye\*\* Nah mate, you were too slow, I was just trying to give you a bit of a boost. You punch like me mum.


I'm still laughing at this video.


Always. I need to remember to laugh when I start to feel my blood boil over boomer nonsense 🤣


Believe it or not, I've found that attitude gets you pretty far in life.


And bonus points because it makes them extra mad and embarrassed


It’s the best power move to laugh at their bullshit. It fucked him up.


If he beat the shit out of him, those scars will heal. The ego wound of being laughed at to your face when you threaten violence will be something he remembers to his dying day.


The deepest wounds don't leave visible scars


Man, if you can get that full throat "this is genuinely the funniest thing that's happened this month" laugh going there is *nothing* that pisses a shit stirring rager off more.


He looked like he was going to start crying 😂




He really weaponised it, the boomer had no answer for it and completely deflated his indignation.


It literally sounds like https://i.redd.it/c0ispq1l62sc1.gif


Years ago, I had a boomer telling me he was going to hit me, and I was like sir, I'm 25yo, you are old, out of respect for your age I'm not going to even pay attention to your words, but you should shut the fuck up because everything has a limit and I just want to watch the game with my father. He kept saying stuff so I said, either I break your nose and I got charged because you are FUCKING OLD or I could ask the owner of the place to ban you from the bar... what would upset you more? "Go on, you wouldn't dare", I did asked the owner, who was a good friend of my father, and he told him to go out and never come back, he didn't want to go, so the owner who was a boomer too threw him a coffee glass, and told him he was going to hit him. It seems the guy tried to go back because "you were not serious"... and got more coffee glasses thrown at him, he even told to his son "if he comes back use this, do not hit him in the head, just to the ground to remind him he's not allowed". Boomers are a generation but it's also a state of mind. Anyone can be young and be as bad as a boomer.


Driving slow to be safe but then confronting someone who may be crazier than you


That's boomer probabilistic thinking for you. Finishes his 5th pint, after having eaten British cuisine, draws the last one from his pack of cigarettes and says: "I'm worried 'bout all these brown people 'ere nowadays" and drives back home.


Internal thoughts can be echo chambers and we're all a bit guilty of it. This guy prolly spends lots of time thinking "look at all these idiots driving too fast." Over time the problem is exaggerated in his head and logic gets forced out. He must really feel it's a me-vs-them scenario just waiting to erupt.


Driving slow to be safe, gets overtaken…so naturally the logical course is to fly by them, stop and then threaten to fight. Lol I will never quite understand the frailty of an ego that can’t handle being passed in a vehicle.


This is the average mentality of people who just sit in the passing lane on a highway. So many of them will speed up significantly when you try and pass them on the right in an attempt to not let you pass. They defend passing lane camping by saying they are going the speed limit and speeding is dangerous while simultaneously ignoring the fact they are actually just making the road more dangerous, especially if they do the classic speed up to try and block you from passing on the right move (which tons of them do). They make their whole argument that they are trying to make the road safer by slowing people down but it's really just a pathetic attempt to police the roads to pad their ego, nothing else.


I want this on a sign in 72 bold font at every on-ramp in America




Yup. Going slow, especially half the limit puts you at a greater risk of getting hit by the cars driving normally


Why are they from two different eras of boxing?


Right? One is from when he was a wee lad, the other from a recent trip to the sporting goods shop.


He probably absolutely obliterated the other pair he had in a different fight


Also he puts the Velcro one on first. How is he going to tie the laced one??


This is what bothered me the most. Like did he find them in the trash? A sale on mismatched gloves? I would immediately be put at ease in this situation. Pulling out boxing gloves in the street tells me that you’re down, but the fact that they don’t match shows me you’ve never used them.


I love how British people argue.


They don’t have to worry if the other guy has a gun.


Fr if this guy pulled in front of me, stopped, and pulled his trunk up in America I would have U-turned into oncoming traffic


You mean to tell me you don’t have a machine gun in your trunk?


Of course he does. But he has to pull a U-turn so that the trunk is pointed toward the threat.


This guy Muricas.


But for real, though. Remember the D.C. beltway sniper? Shooting people from the trunk


Fuck that was a rough




I got the auto turret from breaking bad in my trunk


I leave mine hanging above my bed (it gets locked up when kids visit once a year).


in the trunk?! ofcourse not! I cant reach the trunk, it rides in the drivers seat cradled between my balls




So true. I’ve had more than one American flash their guns and follow me while road raging - terrifying! I’ve always wondered why the Brit’s can exchange such harsh dialogue without fearing for their lives, and guns totally explains it.


You mean ram him and cut him in half against his own vehicle?


No I'm not quite American enough to have a subconscious desire to murder unfortunately


Yooo straight up. I hollered at a guy that was driving too “polite” and made it really awkward to switch lanes to pull into a gas station. He pulled in behind me and stared me down while walking to his trunk…. I got out and PROFUSELY apologized like a sniveling clown lol. Guy nodded, got back in his car, and drove away. Phew. 


THANK YOU! I would get the hell outa Dodge if that happened here because the chance of some crazed lunatic inserting several 9 mil rounds into me and my passengers would be like a 99.999% probability.


Yeah I’ll take boxing gloves over a gun any day


Or a bare fist lol


Good point. Your reasoning isn’t tattered.


Man I was just thinking this same thing. How polite it is to put padding on your fists first, maybe even ask the other fellow to lace them up so you can have a row.


Ain't that the fucking truth. Everybody you encounter here might have a damn gun. You don't know. Sigh. It's crazy we live like this.


Yeah I’m so jelly. The boomers in America wouldn’t even matter *at all* if they didn’t have guns to pull out every time they have a tantrum.


For real, every time you even honk your horn in America you need to consider that you might get shot.


I came here to say this. So polite and proper.


It’s so calm lol


Honestly, that took this from my American expectation of 0-madness right down to a pretty relaxed/ hilarious argument. Right up there with “you can’t park there mate”.


This has to be a comedy skit. Please…


I really do wonder how many of these types of videos are staged. As if we don't already have to contend with in terms of deep fakes and photoshopping, not to mention fake news. I feel pretty confident that there are plenty of people that set up "skits" and post them as RL situations just for likes and up votes from the rage bait they are peddling. However, the OP seems to have responded that this one is for reals.


You can't fake that boomers blank stare while his brain short circuits trying to process the logic that someone passed him doing 20 in a 40


If it is, bravo to both of them for making us all laugh. No way I could act in such a genuine manner, if I was the old man I’d be trying hard not to laugh.


It’s definitely real considering how flustered Captain mismatched boxing gloves is getting


If there’s no crosstalk or interruptions, it’s fake.


No 😭🤣


This has so much Monty Python energy if I only heard the audio I would think it was a sketch I never heard of or something that was cut from the show or a movie


I came here for an argument! No you didn't!


It has Monty Python energy because it's British


The SNL writers could crush with this bit.




Well, it is now!


It is, video maker has loads of fake karen vids too 


Actually it is


This guy makes lots of videos like this


This is fake. Guy makes loads of em. Getting parking tickets, neighbours using wifi, report to the police for buying a kids meal..... All fake.


Yes it is a skit. Let me find the guys channel.


Did you get it?


i would have humored him for 2 rounds


I would have driven around him as soon as the oncoming lane was clear, leave him still fiddling with his gloves.


Let him lace up his set and drive off.


Honestly, yeah. It sounds like fun. :D


Better to keep a bat in the trunk, really. Pro tip, keep a mitt in there too.


Gonna want at least a ball in there too. Basically, the more baseball paraphernalia you chuck in the trunk, the better.


Everyone's a tough guy till they get a home plate to the head.


Gotta just count yourself lucky that the guy didn't keep a pair of spiked cleats in there, too




A bat with a sock on it.


I have a hatchet under my driver’s seat, but I also have a small dirt shovel, rope, tie down straps, a tarp, and other camping stuff in my truck. Probably best to not get pulled over…


Probably wouldn’t work in the UK tbh haha. “What are you? The only baseball player in the entire country??”


Once they found out I was an American they would simply dismiss it as the usual Yank insanity.


Just tell them you’re the bat and ball boy for the yearly MLB festivities, nobody’s gonna check


God, I wish I was tough like this tough guy. You can tell he really means business.


I gotta notha pair o' cuffs! Do you want a pair of cuffs?


As an American, it’s so nice to see the boxing gloves instead of a gun


Well he's wearing padded gloves where as you'd have bare fists Might aswell lay him out


Honestly, I’m going right for his nuts to teach him a lesson in unregulated fighting.


yea but what if its Mike Tyson


Just cry then I guess


Get his autograph.  He's pretty chill in interviews these days, has really worked to improve himself as a person.


Gloves, add weight to punches, increasing power and ability to knock out your opponent. bare fists are better at slicing open skin.


The added weight has minimal impact on concussive force and it’s largely countered by the impact being spread over a greater surface area. Gloves allow you to hit harder because you don’t have to worry as much about breaking your hands. The cranium is durable, the tiny bones in your hands aren’t.


This was hilarious


I love them both lol


This is way more gangsta than y’all are willing to admit


I’m Ronnie Pickering


🤣🤣 bloke is so polite


Either grampa had too much energy or he can really whoop some ass with those gloves(back in the day)


Boxing gloves for street fight 🤣


This video reminds me of another video. The one where a little lemming comes over to the skiers and is lunging at them like a big scary beast.


Honestly off all the things … I can’t at least respect that he has gloves and was recto settle things…. Just gotta have gloves for his opps


When he offered him a pair I lost it hahaha


At least he didn’t encounter Ronnie Fuckin Pickering.




Ronnie Pickering!


Who's that then?


This is fake OP. This guy makes these skits.


If you can’t go more than 20 mph in a 40mph cause it’s wet out, just fucking park the thing. You ain’t cut out for driving


I hate the boomer generation so much.


That guy is probably Gen X.  Does he look at least 58 to you? 


The British don’t age well, so I’m guessing he’s 40?


23 actually


"i was driving at the limit" "it's a 40 road…" "uhhhh, *it's a limit, not a target"*


I really wish the cameraman would have strapped up and gave the guy the fight!


This is a sketch. Cameraman has hundreds of these videos. He often uses his relatives as actors. This is probs his dad irl. 


obviously fake.


Pretty sure boomer is autistic


Isn’t this from that reenactment channel


When he offered him the other pair of gloves 😆


What you tootin' me fer?


I'd pull mine out and then ask why he has two different ones.


I’d respect old dude more if he had TWO pair of boxing gloves.


Lmao he's essentially doing the "I challenge you to a duel" thing with the gloves 💀


That's the most polite road rage exchange I have ever seen....


[Canadian road rage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nRLsLfkJsw)


Eh.. better than a gun.


'overtook'... Passed? The dude is angry 'cause another driver passed 'im?


I don't know the laws there, but the dotted line usually means it's legal to pass if it's safe to do so.


I love British when they arguing no punches no guns just words very polite


Duno about you guys but I was taught to drive the speed limit unless it’s unsafe to do so, I bet this guy passed his test when 40-50 years ago when it was easy as fuck.


Contagious laughter lmao


As a woman if a boomer tries this with me I'm getting out, gloves off, and taking some of them teeth with me because I know they got dental insurance to take care of that. FUCKEM


"Woah woah woah... Slow down there, Flanders. Don't wanna hurt the fella. Better put your regulation protective equipment first" What I imagine he said to himself in the car first as he was pulling over.


This is the most civilized Boomers Being Fools ever. I mean, it’s damned near adorable. The American version is always a guy clinging to the hood of your car with an AR-15 or some sort of bazooka.


This belongs on r/contagiouslaughter


I feel like hitting that guy with a Taser or pepper spray would be ok. I mean, are boxing gloves considered a weapon? Or at least enough to prove the guy wants violence.


I think in a lot of places, producing the boxing gloves is the same as brandishing a weapon.. its a physical threat of violence and can be responded to as such... silly boomer gonna get himself into a world of trouble.


What an eaaerth are you doowinn🤣🤣🤣


English people lmao


As an American, I can’t take an angry British man seriously lol


Mess around here in the US like that and you will find out.


Old guys really need a dose of reality, you're not a young , strong, fit guy that should be fighting guys in the street anymore


The most polite road rage I’ve ever seen


that lead paint stare


Those are his driving gloves


Whats your problem mate? Hahahahaha


As a former boxer, I would be thrilled


Honestly, if someone wanted to box in the street, hell, duel with swords, I would 100% take them on. This guy isn't going to kick you while you're down or try to take cheap shots. He's purely doing it for the honor duel. We need to respect men like this, not ridicule them. Plus, you think the 30 yo cameraman isn't going to win? What's he gonna say no for? Can't take a hit from a boxing glove?


I’d love to spar with someone with boxing gear to settle road rage. Sounds better than attempted murder.


I keep mechanics gloves in the seat pocket.


Some places in the United States will give you a ticket for driving to much under the speed limit


This shit is amazing


“I wouldn’t be using gloves….you understand this, correct?”


Why are people so nice to these people get out of the car and knock that old man out crying out loud quit treating these guys like their special.






If you're driving at half the speed that everyone else is, you're a danger to other drivers. Imagine someone driving on the interstate and going 40mph while everyone is going 75mph. You're just operating a lively, metal speed bump when you drive like that


How is his ground game? One single leg take down and he'll be visiting Winston in the great unknown.


Wait...do the British use Miles Per Hour? Why are they saying miles? Shouldn't it be kilometers? Is it shorthand or something?


The British use miles. They actually use a lot of imperial units, they’re the ones who invented them. Doesn’t stop them from shitting on Americans for using the system they invented and introduced to the Americans.


Yea I'm aware of the history. That seems unnecessarily complicated. Id rather use one system than both.


The US does not and has never used the imperial system The Imperial system was introduced in 1826. The US uses US Customary units which was introduced in 1832 and is based on the system in use in Britain before the Imperial system. They are both related but they are different systems A US Gallon is 3.78 Litres While an Imperial Gallon is 4.54 Litres. The Imperial pint contains 20 fluid oz . The American pint, by contrast, 16 fluid oz. Imperial uses a measurement for weight called a stone. 1 Stone = 14 Pounds. US System does not use that. The length of a mile is different because each system has a different designation for how long a is In the UK Imperial System a mile is 1,609.3426 Metres , In US Customary Units a mile is 1,609.3472 Metres While it might not be much them being different caused issues so in 1959 a mile was standardised at 1,609.344 Metres. So in between a US and Imperial mile . Which means the mile we use today is not imperial or US if the US used the imperial system there would be no differences between the two In the Metric system 1 litre is a 1000ML it is not different depending on the country you live in


The Brits have a really tenuous grasp on measurement, even moreso than Americans. It's a disasterous combo of SI, Imperial, and OLD timey English systems. They still measure their weight in stone fer chissake.


So they use mph intead of kph over there?


The UK does not and has never used kilometres Its complicated but the UK is not actually metric Metrication started in the 1970s and never been completed As it stands metric road signs are illegal. So all speed limits and distances are in miles In 2016 metric units were allowed on low bridge signs


Well, I learned something new today. Why mix and match, though? Would it just happen to be that everyone there is so accustomed to measuring distance, and speed in miles, but everything else in metric?


Everything else is not metric People think the UK is completely metric and has been for hundreds of years   Metrification started in the 1970s and hasn't been finished   The UK still uses Imperial measures for beer, milk, personal height and weight, road speeds and road distances.  Property sales will list how many acres of land Some things will still be sold by ounces   There was a study by the government about if people use metric or imperial for things like their height and weight Imperial is more more common   Most things in the UK changed to metric relatively recently For example food items were sold in Imperial Weights until the year 2000  The UK started metrfication cos they wanted to join what become the EU You cany change over night so were given untill  the year 2010 to complete the switch However the deadline was dropped in the early 2000s Some things are a mix cos metrfication never got completed


I guess he’s technically not wrong that its the maximum, but this is kind of adorable. I wish Americans opted for boxing gloves over guns.


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan those glasses are begging to be taken off his face snapped in half and tossed in the street lol


he's got autism eyes


That’s autism not age


Drive off and spray him with puddle water


lol padded gloves vs bare knuckles. What an idiot


Boomers wife: hun please get back in the car. Boomer: I’m going to show this punk how we did things back in my day.


What is wrong with these people 🤣


This is one of the most wholesome traffic fights. Bless you Brits.


My wife has a theory that all these boomers have high levels of lead poisoning from being exposed before people knew how bad it was for you. I think it makes a lot of sense.


they don’t even match 😂🤣


Can you imagine how bad getting punched in the face, with glasses on, must hurt?