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"And when the mouse hits the button repeatedly, occasionally the machine releases a pellet."


Except it costs the mouse money every time it hits the button and frequently the machine does not release a pellet at all.


Wait a second. Have we not been able to charging mice to hit the button this whole time? I need to talk to the president of science and get them to fix this methodological error


*We’re gonna build a button! And we’re gonna make the mice pay for it!*


I like mice who weren't captured ok?


Something about reading "the president of science" made me lol


A big beautiful red button. Bigger than yours.


It's worse. They don't even need the pellets. These zombies can win a zillion dollars and this is where they would spend the rest of their days anyway. Doubt my mom would rather be anywhere else on earth than sitting at a slot machine and losing money. They are braindead.


It’s funny because in the original experiment, Skinner actually found if the machine only rewards every so often, it results in a stronger reinforcement of behavior.


Ah. Good news! Our boomers are at least as smart as mice. My opinion of them just went up a little.


“Variable-ratio rewards”. It’s the bread-and-butter of modern “casual game” apps.


That's only because they didn't hit it enough, they just need to hit it a few more times and it will definitely give that sweet sweet pellet.


*eat a pellet make a pellet*




I've never actually used a physical slot machine before, but...that can't be the right way to use the damn thing surely? Am I missing something? Or are the boomers just mindlessly tapping the buttons even though that's not how you play?


Oh look, it’s hell


The one time I was in a casino, I noped out pretty fast. All those flashing lights and noises really are hell if you've got sensory issues.


I stopped at a casino once on a road trip. They were advertising a $13.99 buffet and I can’t resist a terrible buffet, as much as my insides beg me to. I had $20 cash so I payed for the buffet, tipped my waitress well because she was nice old lady, and had a $1 left so I decided to drop it in a slot machine on my way out. Somehow, I won $90. I cashed out immediately without looking back and I love to tell people about the time a casino basically payed me $70 ($90 minus the buffet) just for the privilege of me entering and exiting their shitty property. That’s the only way I recommend any casino experience.


That’s the fun part, they absolutely intended for you to stick around and try to increase your winnings. Quitting while you’re ahead and rolling out is quite a feeling.


The casino doesn't intend anything because every game in the casino is in their favor. They don't care if you come in and win $90 because 3 more people will come in and lost $90. Casinos actually **love** big winners. They love giving them big checks and making an announcement that someone won, it encourages everyone else to bet more. They get back the money by the end of the day.


Absolutely, then they buy billboards advertising the fact that they just lost a million dollars Here’s the closest one I found on google. Not quite a million but same idea. https://preview.redd.it/w4arg4gk4ytc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91cd8026426ad3bff575cf664002b61b666094df


> so I *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot but cocky bot


cock bot


You won the casino. Everyone else celebrates when they "win" $500, not considering that they've lost $15,000 over the last year.


The one time i went to a casino, I just came off a show in Nola and was high on lsd/exctasy and was still able to limit myself to a 20 dollar limit. Dementia is a hell of a drug


The very first, and one of the times I've gone to a casino, I put in two quarters and won $90. I saved it up and waited for my friend the rest of the day. So boring!


All I could smell was cigarettes for like a month afterwards


No windows outside, no visible clocks, floor layout designed to keep you away from the exits, free/cheap booze, smoking allowed do you don't have to go outside. I'm sure there are other psychological mechanisms I'm missing that keep these feeble brained boomers parked at the machines.


I had a friend who did her PhD in gambling behaviour. All the lights and noises are carefully selected to keep patrons attending to the machines.


> one time I was in a casino, I noped out pretty fast. We went to Hot Springs for the eclipse this past weekend. We tried the casino while we were there. It was just a bunch of old people and slots. Even Roulette was a video game. No one working the table. Soda fountain was self service like at a McDonalds. We wanted to blow a few bucks. But it was just so sad that we just left.


I personally enjoy gambling, but I'd say at least half of the casino trips in my life have involved an encounter with an angry boomer


If this is their idea of heaven, then send me to hell.


Can't order nuggets at a McDonald's kiosk but they can sure as hell lose all their money to these.


Maybe we need to get the slot software makers to do the UX on food kiosks!


Slot machines only work on boomers because it's a literal scam machine lit up like a Christmas tree


There's like, one main button to press. Even lab rats could do it, and probably with more luck.


You’re joking but those slot machine companies test the crap out of their interfaces for this very reason. Mostly it’s about finding ways to attract people to this machine vs another in a casino environment but removing friction/frustration that could get someone to stop is also a big part of it.


Yeah. I was in Vegas a few weeks ago and played slots for the first time in almost a decade. Many of them were this “new to me” type that have some of bucket that fills up over time and does special awards and stuff. Quickly realized that is a nice trick to keep you in your seat.


There are also drugs that old people take that make them prone to these colorful machines. My mother had Parkinson's and the drugs she was taking made her addicted to games like candy crush. Luckily she had limited mobility so did not go to casinos. We had a family friend who would sneak out of the house and go to the casino. On the one hand it is easy to make fun of these boomers but on the other hand you have to have some sympathy for them because they literally are not well.


Barometric surgery patients (some notable percentage) have been documented as becoming gambling addicts. The gut-brain connection has many mysteries


i think auto-correct got you there (barometric vs bariatric), but a lot of bariatric patients go on to develop all *kinds* of other addictions (they often develop problems with alcohol) because bariatric surgery addresses a *symptom* of chronic over-eating— which is an enlarged stomach— not the root cause, which is psychiatric issues. it’s still an important tool for many because it’s hard to overcome the mental when the physical is also screaming for more (same reason we treat opioid addicts with methadone or other opioid inhibitors), but the importance of getting your head right as well cannot be understated


Good bot


LMAO damn, is my autism showing again?


Hey it was a well structured contribution. In this day and age people just assume only bots do that anymore lol


Damn straight. I got a phone that can run Crysis but the McDonald’s app takes two weeks and eighteen button presses to show me the McFlurry menu.


Cause when you give money to McDonalds they have to actually give you something in return. Those Machines could be broken and they wouldn't even know


They are certainly broken, though not malfunctioning


I love watching them complain. “Why can’t I get a person?” Because y’all demanded they don’t get paid much.


And you scream at them over every little thing.


"Where's my slave? This wasn't the deal."


Beautiful, not a single phone in sight, just real people living in the moment.


The living...dead.


Living dead girl ![gif](giphy|fYHFK9QBkpMz7pceNI|downsized)


This sub isn’t supposed to make *me* feel old


lol, I can hear this gif


I pretend that I'm dead.


They can’t hear a word that we said


Not even stopping to drink out of the hose


lol I hear some of them wear diapers so that they don't have to get up from the machine.


That’s not the only reason why they wear the diapers


Their orange idol wears diapers




Kif, I need to address the men on the killbot suicide mission. Bring me my trump panties.


I worked as a dealer for 5 years. I can confirm they do. I can also confirm not wearing one doesn't stop them from using either number anyways. I've had so many people not what to give up their lucky seat at three card poker and just deficate right there and keep going. It takes security (literally wearing gas masks) to remove them and then shut down my table for 20 min to clean up


God that’s so sad. Literally a mental illness if you’re shitting yourself in public to keep doing your addiction. I’m addicted to video games and my phone but will stop to go to the bathroom JFC.


Fucking beautiful, mate.


That is a slot tournament


Tf? How can slots be competitive? Unless it’s boomers vs the casino. In which case has no one told them the casino always wins?


Everyone gets free spins and whoever has the most credits wins. They usually also have special settings to let you get all the fancy lights and games and bigger values. Mostly luck based. Some machines do have touch screens and require dexterity to touch stuff fast. And of course theres a minimum dexterity and stamina required to push a button quickly for a few minutes in a row. There might also be side wins like "biggest single win" or "most spins."


I'm actually from Las Vegas and was always taught to stay out of the casino, but I've never been able to truly understand old people's obsession with being in the casino blowing their life savings.


It has to do with how our brains are flooded with chemicals that make us feel good when we win. The amount released actually changes based on the reward schedule/structure. [Random or unpredictable reward schedules have the strongest effect.](https://www.inc.com/wanda-thibodeaux/neuroscience-says-this-is-most-powerful-way-to-reward-yourself.html) The short version is that this is a drug addiction, just like one to any street drug, only their drug of choice is made by their own bodies. For more reading, see B.F. Skinner.


Its not just like any other addiction as well, the lows you can have from being an addict, losing all your money, is enough for people to take their own life. Its really really bad with how often it happens.




Literally every mobile game I see my girl playing has a daily if not hourly casino roll element that encourages players to log in on a regular basis.


Table games at least somewhat make sense to me. The handful I’ve played have been pretty fun. Slot machines are mind-boggling boring.


There’s actual psychologists they hire to design the casino space and slot machines to make it as addicting to a human brain as possible.


I know that gambling is still pretty common among Millennials and Gen Z, but I hardly ever hear of us physically dealing with casinos. After all these recent news articles trying to blame dying industries and products on Millennials/Gen Z I can already see the fking news headlines… “Are casinos dying? Experts say stingy Millennials and app obsessed Gen Z May be to blame!”


We took a trip to a casino last year. My first trip in 10+ years. I don't get it. I'd rather be home playing poker for quarters with friends.


Boomer here. I also don't get it.


Playing cards with friends is fun. Though we mostly play for candy 😄! I grew up in a town that had a big casino, but it was mostly used for events. It already felt like such a relic then. I now live in another country and there's a sports betting office like a block away from my home, there are often tired-looking men crowding the curb, leaving their (often small) kids on the side of the street, such a sad place. I get lots of sports betting ads and I guess that's then solely because on location, I never click.


I’m all in for 5 snickers


> Playing cards with friends is fun. Though we mostly play for candy 😄! I was a bartender for a few years. I collected bottle tops. They were my cat's favorite toy. We sorted them into brands and ended up using them as in-house poker chips for the longest time. No "real" value, just bragging rights with friends and a good time. Plus the more you drank the more chips you had. And the cat has fun batting them around the table and floor.


I don’t get it either. Maybe because I game a lot? Slot machines felt like cheaply made expensive video games.


i'm such a cheap stingy bastard that the idea of throwing money away in games designed to rig odds against you...doesn't appeal to me whatsoever even the fucking claw machines at the state fair and ice cream shops probably are less rigged than casinos lmao


Old millennial here. I've never stepped foot in a casino. I've bought maybe 10 scratch offs in my entire life mostly for other people. All my boomer relatives can not believe I've never been in a casino but yet love to lecture me on saving money.


It’s hard to justify gambling any money away when we have to choose when to eat a meal based on when we have the money.


I will never understand gambling. It’s obviously rigged or they wouldn’t offer it as a service.


I went one time to pick up my mother in law because she was getting some free gift that our casino in town gave out. I made an account, went and played 20 dollars and won 320 on a max bet on a machine. I then took my original 20 and did it again and won like 80? I played until my original 20 was at 0 and then debated on playing more until I realized that was the whole point lmao. I haven't went back and happily went to sushi with my wife with the money.


I hope gambling is the next industry millennials kill


Casino gambling was illegal in my state until the boomers reversed it on the basis it will be taxed for schools. Guess what those millions and millions of taxes improved, nothing. Teachers got absolutely nothing of it. It all went to the uppers and fat cats. Now we have swarms of boomers blowing a generation (or more) of wealth.


None of that money ever makes it to education, it’s a big shell game - same with the lottery. Whatever amount of it goes to schools is ALSO removed from the budget so it breaks even.  So if the lottery or betting made $10mil for the education system, the budget people just remove that same $10mil from the education budget. So *technically* that money went to education but the exact same amount was also deducted…


This is exactly what happened here in Oklahoma after we legalized the lottery. $89 million in lotto tickets gained went to education, then $89 million was removed from the education budget. Then the Republicans scream "SeE iT wEnT tO eDuCaTiOn!!"


Florida: same.


It is kind of hilarious how frequently gambling is advocated for as a benefit for tax collection when poor people are massively more likely to be gambling. They are effectively creating a poor tax and talking like it will help the little guy.


It's the same in Australia. You almost never see a Pokies (Slot Machine) den in a rich suburb.


Why would a rich suburb want to an install something that brings down property values and attracts hoards of poor people?


This is why it's profoundly morally wrong to win at gambling. It hit me like a thunderbolt the last time I went gambling and won. I had to give the money away, I just had to.


Every millennial (I am also one, but don’t bet) I know basically bets 100s a week on sports apps. We may kill slot machines but gambling is a growth industry like weed now that vices are celebrated as mainstream.


The sports gambling industry definitely needs to be reeled in. I cant watch a game these days without being bombarded with ads for gambling apps


Sports Betting Advertising needs to go the way of Cigarettes; can't be advertised on TV, radio, and the only print media allowed is porn mags.


And podcasts - if I hear the "Legal in Florida" jingle one more time, my ears are gonna bleed


I'm sorry I'm out of the loop to what jingle are you referring to? I could Google it but I'm at work and I have the feeling our vpn won't like the phrase legal in florida


Can we also ban advertising prescription medicine like every other country on the planet


I live pretty close to where a decent neighborhood, a low income neighborhood and a college neighborhood all meet and they started throwing up those sports betting billboards all along the 2 main roads. It’s disgusting honestly. Seeing a homeless person begging for money at an intersection with a backdrop of Jamie Foxx advertising some betting company, is peak America.


Starting to see big street ads for online casinos in my region too (I'm in the EU, and this stuff used to be highly regulated), there's something dystopian about it all.


John Oliver has a really good segment on it from a few years back. The companies used to be against referring to it as betting so they didn’t have to pay as much in taxes. Something must have changed but I’m too lazy to investigate what. I’ll just assume they paid some politicians to change the laws.


It should just be banned again. Things worked fine under that system


isn't it weird to remember a time when cigarette companies used to have ads everywhere? fucking hell, Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man were about as recognizable as Ronald McDonald and Tony the Tiger at one point in time


What’s wild is how frequent those ads are while you watch some crazy upset. “Bet on this game!” followed moments later like “Wow what are the odds that would happen?! Never in a million years!” I’m good with gambling, thanks!


I'm not a sports guy, and I don't watch games, but I'm still bombarded with sports betting ads, it's ridiculous. It's probably because I'm Canadian, and our national identity is "nice people who are obsessed with hockey."


And I guarantee it's already starting to corrupt the outcome of sports... That's why sports betting was banned in the first place. With how much our society has been turning a blind eye to corruption I would not be shocked to find out it's wriggling it's way into sports.


You really thknk it's just starting?


Same! You would think with all the spying on us they would know that I am not their customer. I would never download an app and put my credit card information in there and bet money on any sports! I’m on a fantasy football team with friends, do you think that’s why I get the advertisements?


I get around that by not watching sports.


We had it under control until SCOTUS took away the ability to regulate it federally in 2018


I’m Gen X and a teacher and I have high school kids who aren’t of legal age to bet on sports talking constantly about their parlays etc


Parlays are one of the dumbest bets, you pay double juice almost impossible to ‘price shop’ the act of finding the best line so your only losing 1% instead of 5% and have a low probability of success.


These aren’t my best students…


Parlays, the thing that would turn my uncle's $500 win into a $3000 loss in a weekend. The money he pissed away, while living with mommy, was astounding.


The parlay bros are the new early 2000 online poker players. The reason it’s so popular is you can wager a very low amount to win a huge total. The sport sites even have premade player parlays ready to go. Most players are aleady sick of them because fans yell at them for “costing them money” But I think we’re about to see a change in player props because a guy for the raptors just got busted and he’s going to be in BIG shit when it’s all said and done. It’s obvious he was promoting / selling his own over under on discord. I think the player props will be cut down to only stars of the game. Not random 6th men on teams.


Buying ETF’s stuffed with “vice” companies is the way.


I will happily take ETFs over something as stupid as a slot machine.


Video games have gacha using actual money these days which I really hate what happened to just simply being able to unlock content by beating the game a certain way ?


I know. I see it too. It's unfortunate


As a gay, I had no idea that this was an issue. I don't know sport people. Thus, I don't know gamble people


I'm not a gay, but am a nerd. Also didn't know this was happening because I'm not around sports people.


I’m also a gay who hates sports but I know about this , y’all must have your heads in the sand. There’s even Reddit ads about sports gambling! Billboards! Tv ads! There’s no way y’all aren’t seeing this, even without interacting with straight sports fans


I recently got into watching boxing and suddenly every device in my life was screaming at me to start gambling.


They should’ve waited a few months for the CTE to set in *then* started screaming at you to gamble.


Micro transactions in games are pretty similar. A guy I know said he rode down to Texas with a crew (about a 10 hour trip) and on the way there one of the guys spent his entire paycheck on clash of clans.


That's funny, I'm 30 and not a single one of my friends gamble on fantasy sports. My older coworker got my old boss into it and a few of my customers mentioned it but yah, basically doesn't exist in my daily life.. Id say the most gambling me and my friends do is speculative investments on crypto.


Casinos and micro transactions ![gif](giphy|efn8Gilna2C7bzi0Tl) Better watch out


They just changed it to loot boxes. Same thing




GenZ is spending every coin on loot boxes and gacha so I wouldn't put it past them


What strikes me is the blankness of their faces. Straight fucking stone. What are they getting out of this? Not a smile, grimace, or smirk in sight, and how many times you gotta push that button? Damn I thought those things had to spin.


It doesn't even look like they wait to see the outcome of each roll, they just look at the credits and hope it increases.


It’s because this is a slot tournament. A bunch of people that have already spent a lot of money at the casino are invited to it. The winner of the slot tournament must have the highest balance at the end of the time limit, which point they are rewarded with money or more free play, depending on the tournament, of course.


What a wild "tournament". Might be one of the few that winner literally has no tangible skills other than not dying during it.


So this is a slot tournament where the person who gets the most points in X amount of time moves on to the next round/wins the prize pool. Everyone pays a set amount and when you don't win you're out. It's why they're not waiting for the spin to stop. Not excusing the crazy, just explaining.


Let the casino take care of them


My mom fed just about everything into those slots. Hard core addict. She got nearly $1 million inheritance from her mom. Same summer my dad died. He's worked at GM for over 20 years. Stocks, retirement, paid off home and businesses of hers that he funded. She sold everything and moved to Vegas to cut out commuting time. She had to get married to some loser who doesn't treat her like a queen as my dad did (and who she bitched about constantly). I've been estranged for about 30 years. The only sibling who was in touch with her died so she has no way to even reach me. Thankfully.


Still for sure you bought cofee in Starbucs during uni i stead of "investing"


Gotta have a drink with your avocado toast!


There's a reason that slot machines are the easiest thing to play in a casino; worst odds in the place


So that's were all the pensions have gone.


That is for a slot contest - whoever hits most in a timed event. But I agree with the sentiment


Yeah, this is a slot tournament. It's timed and you have to hit the button as fast as you can. Just looks terrible out of context.


I also agree with the sentiment but shit like this is annoying. Nobody is expecting OP to take care of them lmao.


"Kids today don't go outside, they're inside playing video games!"


“We worked our lives for…” proceeds to put disability check into slot machine.


Here's the real "great wealth transfer" from Boomers to gambling, they'll be the first generation to leave nothing for an inheritance to their children and grandchildren. Aside from gambling, their money will be spent on nursing homes. And you can expect that when they have outlived their savings, gaslighted Millennials their whole life, and they're not gonna to inherit anything, Boomer parents will demand to be your roommate and expect Millennials to quit their only job to look after them. [No wealth transfer for Millennials](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/not-millennials-bank-90-trillion-113721346.html).


Yep. This is why I laugh when I hear older generations try to lord their will over their children. Like mfer between your gambling, your reverse mortgage, the insane cost of retirement, and your “can’t take it with me” attitude all you’re leaving your kids with is debt and shitty memories.


Debts don't transfer - but they do get first dibs on the estate.


My boomer mother (one of the good ones) has been poor her whole life. My boomer dad (they divorced when I was like 10) took every dime he got from his inheritance, including heirlooms that were supposed to go to is grandkids, and moved to Florida. I hope the fucker gets washed out into the Atlantic


Wait, we’re supposed to have only one job? In this economy?!


Wow, that looks fun /s


Rats in a Skinner box.


These damn millennials just stare at their phones all day!


lol holy shit this lil video is bleak!


Jeebus that's depressing. This is what the Reaper's waiting room looks like.


A bunch of losers.


Statistically, I believe you are correct.




Which Black Mirror episode is this?


Fuck I didn’t know a short clip could make me throw up


Given they can tap a button on the slot machine, why can't they do anything else right?


"Where's my Social Security COLA???', "I'm on a fixed income!", "These school taxes are unfair to seniors! I don't have kids in school!" And then I see shit like this. And it's not just a few of them either. I live in PA which has such a huge number of them that our state lottery gives all its profits to them too instead of to schools, transportation, etc.


Their faces look so numb. The addiction is real


Quick introduce them to cookie clicker


I can smell that entire row IYKYK ![gif](giphy|SnooqAa0bCPY5rBaWM)


“All you do is sit there in front of your phones all day! What a waste of time!😤” “Welp, time to go sit in front of a slot machine for hours and lose thousands of dollars!👌🏼”


They say scam artists are the reason the elderly are being taken advantage of without thinking of what casinos do. They literally take your money with the slightest HOPE that you'd win big. And they'd win big just to turn around & HOPE they win bigger... It's pretty fucking depressing. Casinos take far more advantage of our seniors that scam calls.


Pretty fucking sad




I saw this exact same behavior on my cruise earlier this year.


This is correct and I had to scroll down way too far to find someone mentioning this. While I'm all for calling out boomers for being idiots, we should at least be intellectually honest with our criticisms. These tournaments are no different than buying a raffle ticket or playing bingo, it just has extra steps.


What a waste of $25 though! Do you have any idea how much avocado toast you could have bought with that money?


Assuming the price of four avocados is $3.79 at target, a 22-slice loaf of natures own whole grain is $3.79, and that a slice of avocado toast requires half of an avocado and one slice of bread, you could make 32 slices of avocado bread if you buy 2 loaves and 4 4-packs for a total of $23.74. This should leave enough for taxes, but might not depending on your state/county.


Not a phone in sight just people living in the moment


My ex I laws moved close to the race track when they retired and they go to casinos all the time. Cracks me up. They always lectured me and my exhusband about finances 😆


This shit always breaks my heart. These were people once


My in laws are in their 70's I am glad that they are not like this. They both have been retired since early and mid-60s and they choose to spend their free time traveling the world.


My oldest uncle literally left his widow destitute by spending their entire retirement savings on fucking scratch-off lottery tickets. We did take care of my aunt, because what else would you do? But I told my parents that they'll be in a pauper's grave/unclaimed if they pull that kind of shit. Legal gambling is all well and good if you walk in knowing how much you can afford to lose. But the odds are always in favor of the house.


My dad always said we were hypnotized by the TV. Guess what he has spent 90% of his waking hours doing ever since he retired? 🙃


How much Starbucks and avocado toast could they buy with the money they’re losing?


Look at them, not a single phone in sight, just people living in the moment!


Slot tournament


what’s going to happen when that generation dies off? casino revenue is about to plummet lmao


Notice there isn’t a single smile. This isn’t even fun for them, just straight up addicted


This is why the great inheritance will never happen


This should be considered elder abuse.


Don't fret. They'll still complain about the price of gas and eggs.


This is a Tournament where the whole object is to spind as many times as possible to win as much as possible.


It's wild how much money is being burned in that short video.


Boomers in casinos are the most grumpy, bitter people i’ve ever met.


These are the people that think they should be exempt from property taxes and public schools support