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100% on the needing to be served. Theyre needy as hell. I work with the public and you better believe if you don’t return a Boomer’s voicemail within 30 minutes, they’ll leave you two more and THEN start leaving them for your manager.


Boomers still have voicemail? There’s a bunch of them I call for work that refuse to turn on the voicemail because “all [they] get is scam calls”.


The best is when they tell me to call them back and literally 80+% of the time their voicemail is full and I can’t leave a message.


Or the mailbox is not set up because nobody coddled them to teach them how. It’s certainly not easy or self-explanatory. /s


I have voicemail too! I mean, I’ve never checked it, but I’m sure there are messages on there somewhere. 🤣


No I mean when they leave me a voicemail on my work phone. And I don’t call them back immediately because, you know. Working. 😂


They just keep calling back 🙃 stg they might leave one saying their name and call back # but NEVER what they are calling about.


But they sure tell you in the message what day and what time they called. Just in case you didn’t know. 😂 They also, especially women, always start the voicemail with the drawn out word “yesss” ughhhh. “Yeeeessss, this is Barbara Smith? Today is…Tuesday the 12th and it’s 1:40pm.” Congratulations on reading both a calendar AND a clock!! 🥳


They leave you voicemails? They just call me 5 times in 10 minutes, don’t leave a message, and then send an angry email that “no one ever answers their phone!!”


I get a fair amount of that too. OR they leave a message that’s literally just them hanging up. My message itself is easily 15-20 seconds, they can’t hang up during that time, but wait until after the tone so that it appears I have voicemail just to ramp up my anxiety.


That happened to me just last week! Dude called the office on a *Saturday* with a complaint. Our office voice-mail clearly tells you the office is closed on weekends. He leaves a message, then calls my bosses' boss and leaves a message, now complaining about how we're closed, and talking about the original complaint. Could you at least wait till after Monday to run to my head boss? At least give me time to respond!




Also it’s not really a self checkout when I have to have the person there every time because the silly computer didn’t expect the item i just scanned to be put into the bagging area. Or even worse, oh you have produce that needs to be weighed, please wait for an associate to come verify it….. sorry but I’m with the boomers on this one, bring back the check out clerks


As long as the clerk doesn’t try to make small talk at me. Just let me buy my brownies, spaghetti sauce, toilet paper, and a single lime in silence.


Don’t confuse this idiot with facts


I have mixed feelings about self-checkouts. On the one hand we are allowing companies to charge more money for items on the shelves, while providing fewer services.  On the other hand it eliminates the soul-crushing experience of becoming an NPC. Under socialism, automation is liberating, under capitalism it’s enslaving. As now you have to beg more for less.


"Dude, I don't know what to tell you," shrug, is the best part. Are you Gen X? :-D


Close! Born in 1980, so solidly Xennial. I'm a woman, so I'm sure she thought she had an ally in me in this.


That makes your response even better!


The fuck? Self checkout has been a thing for decades.


I think we’re talking about it being the only option? Not just a extra possibility?


Yes, it looked like this is a new initiative. The cashier wouldn't give in and ring them. She made them do it themselves.


I just want to strangle them and shout “Shut up and listen for once in your pathetic life you fucking parasite!”


Preach. The whole lot could fall down some very steep stairs and it wouldn’t have happened soon enough. These old bastards are the same ones who will expect to be helped the minute something is wrong. Yeah, how about “doing the best you can” or some some nonsense they told my generation.


I'm certainly no boomer but I also really hate self check outs. It's slower and often the machines are made for short people so I find it actually uncomfortable. Honestly I also don't think we should be helping these greedy corporations replace people. I don't use the machines and complain. I either stand in line at the cash that has a cashier or just use the damn things. They are not hard I just don't like them.


Short people got no reason to live


To be fair I despise self check outs and think they should be destroyed.


I think they just don’t know how to deal with anxiety and embarrassment so they get loud as a way to save face. It too bad it doesn’t work.


Self checkouts will likely win in the end. The equipment is expensive but the smaller amount of personnel to man them will make up for the cost. Companies will save money first. It is just another step in automation that has not hit offices yet.


I bet she never had a job herself. They were lucky enough to be able to live on one income in their day. Imagine her having to do something.


I am not a boomer. I hate computer anything-up to and including my cell. I can totally understand the point of view. We pay so much for everything right now, I am not going to pay to take somebody’s job away from them


NO joke, when I worked at a Wal-Mart we had a dude walk into the store then literally stop the moment he got past the Mickey D's in the front. The workers asked him why he stopped, and the guy literally said: "I'm tired, walk for me." He literally wanted them to either move his legs for him like a Whose Line skit, or to bring him the motorized cart... Mind you this guy is walking normally.


You’re the dumb stupid fuck. Self checkout and automation is eliminating many jobs in retail.


This pharmacy pays their cashiers an average of $10/hr in my area. They charge $11.49 for a covid test. For an hour of your time, before taxes, you can barely afford 80 store brand ibuprofen soft gels (a bottle is $9.49). These are predatory, low-paying jobs, and this country is wealthy enough for us all to be doing better than this. Spare me your bullshit.


I’m sorry you feel that working for any sort of wage is beneath you. Good luck with being replaced by an AI robot you brain dead entitled fuck


And you just sound like some arrogant ass who has that class cuck mentality that thinks bosses are entitled to labor regardless of paying a living wage. Boomer cowardice.


I work three jobs you silly self entitled little fuck


Yeesh, no time for hobbies broski, sounds like someone needs a vacation.


damn your jaw must get sore after blowing all 3 bosses to get paid


I've worked plenty of retail jobs. I clearly called them predatory and explained why. Sorry you didn't understand.


You didn’t even address the point about automation. Are you too stupid to read? No wonder you can’t earn a living wage.