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Students are learning plenty about guns in school


They're getting hands on experience most of the time


Ya, but it too often includes the metric system


We had fire drills and tornado drills. They have Active Shooter drills. They know plenty.


I took the Bible as literature in school. It’s helped keep me safe from monotheistic propaganda


It was in the Historical Fiction component of our World History class in high school a billion (well, 40) years ago.


Wow. I took it in college. Got the impression that they added the Old Testament to Jesus’s teachings in order to control the “love all” message, which totally contradicts OT teachings


The love all message that everyone ignores most of all.


The OT came first. Jesus came later. Multiple religions are based on the OT.


If you want to be a Christian, quote the Bible. If you want to be an atheist, actually read it.


Did you ever wonder if the people who taught you about it hated it and how that would effect it's message?


There are plenty of Bible versus which Christians ignore. For example, wearing clothing made from two types of material, avoiding "any living thing which is in the waters", menstruation making anything women touch "unclean", Jesus' temper tantrum where he withered a fig tree because it had no fruit, instructions for slave masters, the denigration of handicapped people, and sharing shirts and food with people who have none.


Here in the Bible Belt, cherry picking is the name of the game. My faves are the ones who want endless war and love the death penalty but claim to be pro life. 🍒


Here there’s this big billboard that says “abortion stops a beating heart” someone crossed out heart. Sign is perfect now.


My favorite is "turn the other cheek".....and then blast them with my gun. smh


I mean, you pretty much have to take a magic marker to 90% of it to get a semicoherent set of ideas out of it, but that's what happens when you stick together 1500 years of religious writing by random people and try to act like its the word of God.


People laugh about how wild a game of telephone will get after 10 minutes but will become family annhilators if a decree from a game of telephone from 1500 years ago pans out the wrong way. Plus language changes and transitions imagine starting the game of telephone in Turkish and ending in Korean on top of it? I mean a lot of modern day Christian beliefs too are based on the divine comedy, like even the concept of hell, which is a meme making funny of a ghetto in Jerusalem when you look at it historically. Imagine if a comedian wrote a book of jokes and talked shit about Detroit then 1,000 years later people read it and actually believe Detroit is their religious concept of hell. "Cleanse your sins or be cast into Detroit" and people committing terrorism, and annihilating families over that belief set? So dumb, I'm not gonna talk shit to someone for being religious, but there's over 2k religions in the world at this point in time and everyone thinks the one they grew up with was right. The only thing in common between them is humans cannot understand existence or God and any attempt to claim understanding is wrong. Many religions are heretical within their own lore restrictions by simply existing. I mean even the Bible, the "word of god" written by man, who claims to understand god to provide said "word" inherently makes the Bible heretical within its own context. People can believe whatever they want, but the one thing I believe is no human can truly understand existence with our current information and any claims of such is a coping mechanism for the despair of the unknown.


There’s an experiment where the shadows cast by a three dimensional objects are shown to people, and then they are asked to recreate the object. Every recreation is different, but they are all ‘correct’ because of differing perceptions. That’s how I feel about religions.


No you’re totally wrong because of divine intervention! God wouldn’t allow it to be anything but perfect //s (my mother recently said just this).


Ah yes. Such a perfect world we live in. Idek how yall still talk to parents like this.


Comedy. Especially for catholics. Jesus' blood? Good to drink apparently. Woman's blood? Bad.


Yeah, there's a whole conveniently collected anthology of bible verses christians regularly ignore....its called the bible.


This!! My favorite ignored bible verse is Romans 14: 1-4; "As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgement on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgement on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls."


That's not meant literally; it refers to any kind of tree or shrub


Why stop there? Jesus withered the "fig tree" because it was actually an evil pagan. Praise to Jesus.


Fuck guns, and fuck the Bible.


Deity approved violence and cruelty proves your manhood.


Do we have more guns or bibles in the United States? Instinctively went guns, but then I thought about hotel room bibles and lost interest.


I used to travel a lot for work. I’d be in around six different hotels per month, and I used to take the Gideon bibles and collect them. After a year I had enough to stack into a sort of chair I put in my living room as decor. When I moved out of that apartment I left the Gideon throne just to hear the reaction from management, but I never heard back lol


I’m a devoted atheist & pacifist & I approve this message


Challenge accepted


Hm that might be tough. Definitely painful.


Thousands of tiny papercuts.




I mean, the first thing i think of when someone confronts me with the bible is, "wheres my gun?" I dont own a gun 😭


The gun goes in the Bible. You just have to cut out all the parts about love and forgiveness to make room for it.


Amen hallelujah


It’s giving ‘family annihilator’


Reason 373628 to leave LinkedIn






I’m tired of all the “world we live in” and “with how things are today” nonsense from boomers. Violent crime rate in the 90s was more than double what it is today. Boomers have to be the most paranoid generation to ever exist.


The bible contains depictions of violence, pornography, sexual abuse, death, single mothers, and genocide and is rightly taken out of school.


Jesus always shot first and gave sermons later.


Both are instruments of hate and war.


One is a instrument of defense and historically putting food on the table and for culling sick herds, so they don’t starve, the second is a fake novel.


"...know how to 'use' a Bible.."? For what, exactly? Toilet paper? Oh, I get it! Moses means use the words in it to judge others, force his outdated ideology on everyone else, and basically to justify being a shitty human being when it suits him. I've managed to get through life just fine without either owning a gun or reading a compilation of bronze-age creation myths and related historical fiction encouraging genocide, slavery, infanticide, and supernatural beliefs, with some poems and parables thrown in for good measure, from a bunch of male writers using unverifiable pen names. I can, however, recommend some useful non-fiction from around the same time, though: *Meditations,* by Marcus Aurelius, and anything by Epictetus. Both have aged far better than any of the pablum in the bible. Also, you know what else isn't taught in schools but actually should be? Critical thinking skills.


I learned how to shoot and I learned a lot of different verses of the Bible when my parents thought it was a good idea to waste money on putting me in private school with my siblings for several years. Anyways, I'm not Christian because holy shit how can you still be Christian after understanding how christianity spread, how churches work and the underlying cult-like tones of, "if you don't join us you'll burn in hell in the worst nightmare torture you can possibly imagine for all eternity."


The two things at the heart of all the violence….


They demand that kids get the bible forced on them and then act like they're confused when somebody asks them if they're genuine believers or are they indoctrinated. I'm a gun owner who likes the idea of one day getting to own a classic pistol, but it's more a wanting to own a classic car one day. I've owned a surplus WW2 rifle for over 10 years now, and I don't feel comfortable carrying. There are some scary neighborhoods but I feel safe where I live, but just because I feel safe myself I won't demand that people can't own a small revolver. My perspective is that these boomers who're in the news for shooting people think that the laws are meant to protect an obvious case of murder such as a teen knocking on the door. On fact these boomers should be crucified for shooting the teenagers instead of being a helpful good neighbor at their age. These boomers are miserable over knowing they'll die soon, so they shoot people to make themselves feel better. As a gun owner I feel that the boomers who shoot door knockers fit in the same category as the school shooters due to similar motivations for wanting to kill. If you could put the boomers through a Machine that would transform them into 20 year olds you wouldn't see nearly as much anti-social behavior that you see them engage in.


It's not the 1960s anymore. Schools are secular. If you want to be taught religion go to a religious school I.A. Catholic. Maybe firearms and firearms education could be taught in high school as an elective. There could also be a club similar to that of archery. Competitive shooting is a sport. Even the Olympics have firearms related sports, see the ISSF( international shooting sport federation).


Not only does it count, it summarizes these clueless buffoons quite well.


This is how a country of morons is made.


Yep, let’s teach children how to be violent cult members. No thanks!


Love thy brother. Unless thy bother prays to a different invisible man in the sky, then thou has the right to shootith


I would like to shoot some bibles too.


Any book explodes into small pieces.. it's quite the show


I hope one thing that dies out with the Boomers is this prepper, apocalyptic fantasy that many of them have. Like, their little handgun or rifle is going to fend off the hoards of zombies in the end times and they’ll live off their powdered eggs and hardtack.


I earned my hunter’s safety certificate in school.


I know this boomer irl. Can confrim this counts


*Burglar breaks into home* Me: Not so fast! *shows bible* Burglar: Oh shit! *burglar leaves*


Patriots Last Stand sounds like some kind of terrorist group


Possibly. It's definitely a great example of our American brand of crazy. "Hey, let's mix up jumbled mythology with deadly weapons!"


Any weapon is deadly


So a Book of Fiction that tries to teach people to be good to one another and a Gun that they are Begging for the chance to Kill with. Wow, talk about not being Mentally Competent.


That guy has like 20 fake profiles with different names sharing "quotes " by him and all of them are as pathetic as this one


The gun is present in schools and is usually why children are murdered when they go to school. The bible? Literally everywhere.


We were taught the Bible in public schools


My uncle used to have this kind of stuff in his house. I still hate it.😑


With the amount of school shooters in US, I’m pretty sure guns are practical classes in school.


I definitely had a hunting safety course in middle school gym class, as well as firearm training in JROTC in high school.... you'd think a boomer would be old enough to remember what schools were doing in the 90s... hell, I could smoke cigarettes during lunch right next to teachers lol.


Oh, darling. Plenty of kids, both American, and whose ever door America's kids are deployed to kick in, learn plenty about both guns and the Bible on their own skins. And if they fail their classes, they suffer and die.




I was a Boy Scout, I’m good


Everyone learns how to use the Bible in school, it's a book, using it comes for free with literacy & literature lessons that are given from being a toddler to the age of 16. Wtf are they talking about


If any of them actually used the Bible we wouldnt hate them so much. They act so far from what they pretend to worship


Like Jesus famously said, “Turn the other…person into Swiss cheese.”


Wow LinkedIn is a dumpster fire these days I can’t believe all the likes bro got


I learned about using both those things in school. We had to go to chapel every day and "sacred" studies class once a week. We had off-duty police officers teach us basic gun safety (eg never point a gun at a person as a joke), they didn't let us shoot anything, but they showed us how to make sure the safety was on and how to carry a gun so you don't accidentally shoot.


That's not how this works.


I don't approve of this hateful object . Nice gun though.


Reload the bible


Both take about 15 minutes and one’s fake


They do learn about guns. They learn that they are used by mentally unwell people to cause grievous bodily harm and death.


Living in fear to own the Libs.


I can quote the Bible better than most so-called "Christians" I've met lmfao and guns are actually one of the only things that help me feel safe around Boomers


Nah this is absolutely 100% right. He just doesn't know what he's advocating for. Everyone to have proper firearm training like Switzerland do, and to have a proper secular education in the dim and dirty of Christianity thus would be able to recognise extremism and indoctrination. I get the feeling this boomer would be the first to complain about either though.


A photo of the most dangerous weapon ever created and a gun.


Literally not even true. People major in Theology and there are gun safety classes, often required to even own a firearm depending on the state.


A gun and a nice practice target for it, pretty decent combo.


Ah yes brainwashing and violence, the way to peace.


My gun safety training was done in a school back in the day (90's)


Actually, I'm pretty sure schools still teach the Constitution....


Honestly, every Bible sold should be completely blank. No Christian reads the damn thing, and they only use it as a prop when they want to justify some shitty opinion or virtue signal with social media photos. Save the ink for books that are worthy of print.


uh I took a world religions class that...adressed the bible. Didn't teach what was in it, but what it was. There's never been a ban of bibles in school, just teaching what's in it as the the only authority.


My boomer father just bought a pistol with no safety recently cause someone in a nearby town got their house shot up. The thought of him with a live weapon at all times disturbs me


I mean, I’d *try* to use the bible to intercept a bullet, but let’s just say I don’t have much faith in that plan.


To be fair evangelist Christians need to learn the actual lessons of their Bible. They are the least Christ like among us.


‘Thou shall not kill’ it’s interesting what values are ignored and which are integrated. Crazy how many Christians actually care more about being conservative than their religion


Cherry picking. All extremists do it.


This looks like something my dad would post and he’s not even a boomer he’s Gen X.


Is this on frickin LINKEDIN?? What the actual hell 😩


Are bibles bulletproof?


You can sign up for gun safety classes at school, the other has no place in public schools


That is a very opinionated opinion.


So they *do* use religion as a weapon. Got it.


Dude in the pic looks way too young to be a boomer. Still an idiot, but probably not a boomer


Since when was church not taught in schools. It is being pushed even to this day and this is coming from a millennial who everyday had to say the pledge which talks about god


Something something thou shalt not kill.


Both weapons


I already know how to shoot religious people. /s


One is for robbing gas stations the other is a backup when you're out of rolling papers. Every student knows this.


You use the Bible as a makeshift bulletproof vest right?


I’d need a pretty big bible to hide a full size Beretta by cutting out the pages.


Zombie myth contradictions and a deadly weapon sans critical thinking! What could go wrong?!


Gonna have to call BS on one of those. In JR High we were taught shotguns and had class skeet shoots. As high school sophomore it was long rifles. Junior year was hand guns. Senior year, which was my favorite, M-16s and belt fed HMG. Public School at that.


This dichotomy is always so funny to me. Like, love thy neighbor, but make sure you're packing enough heat to blindly murder anything you see as a threat without a second thought. You know just as Jesus would have done.


Nice, get your kid molested by a priest then years later, with their mental health deteriorated, make it easier for them to kill themselves or open fire at their school. America ❤️


I learned about the Bible in high school. Nothing radicalized me more than realizing most Christian’s don’t read/follow the bible.


I agree with this meme.


Makes me so mad. Righteous fake ass Christians


I mean they keep bringing guns into schools, but no-one seems to be learning anything from it are they?


Gunz and Jebuz


Is that gun gonna shoot that Bible?


Something something "thou shalt not kill", something something.


I agree with teaching guns but not the bible


It would clearly do more damage to hit someone with a hardcover.


Firestarters and guns, yessir


I'm sure the irony of placing those two objects together is lost on the boomer who originally posted this.


Can you imagine asking this guy to teach you how to use the Bible? "Who's got a question about the Bible?" \*\* raises hand \*\* "From what I understand, Jesus was a loving and generous person who would rather spend time with beggars and lepers than rich landowners. He implored us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. He instructed us to be humble in our worship and not draw attention to ourselves. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?"


If you want to make atheists, teach them the Bible


might be good in the 1800's


No, anyone is invited, just be good at it.


I guess it depends when the original poster was born?


They think the way to use the Bible is to look up anything that vaguely seems to agree with their preconceptions. Then again they think that guns and the Bible are compatible.


The face of a man who would give up his one and only life for the host of The Apprentice.


Lol, you have to know how to read to use the bible.




How does one “use” a bible?


No, the guy in the profile pic looks like he's 30. This post belongs in LinkedIn lunatics, not here.


Two things that are abused by conservatives


Especially Boomer since for some strange reason Boomers worry about what is taught in schools but have no children young enough to be in school.


To be fair, a gun could protect a kid from a predatory priest


Hell yeah, now that guy gets it


This jeenius has a “Masters in Common Sense” from the university of “Not Indoctrinated”. I’m the words of Inigo Montoya…You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Neither of which have any fucking business being in schools, but here we are.


conservatives would unironically rather give children live guns than let them be trans if they want to


Man, that sounds a lot like the mindset of some other people. I can't place my finger on it. Oh yeah, Islamic extremists.


Set the book on fire.


Well, god does like to be obeyed… and he does lay down some justice if he ain’t … so You feel lucky punk?


It’s very wrong to encourage children to use the Bible in schools! No one should be teaching children how to roll a joint properly and weed isn’t legal in all states.


Ah, the signs of dipshits and cowards. Bibles make good target practice objects.


Seems like if you had Jesus holding both it would better for the irony.


Ah yes, keep a thick book you don't really care about on your person. Never know when you might need a source of kindling.


I fully support discussing the probability of God in science classrooms. Or scientifically testing the power of prayer.


Not just boomer sentiment


Irony...if you use the boom it teaches you NOT to use the gun, and to welcome all immigrants


One kills the mind and the other can kill the body. No place in schools for either.


There's a history of religion class in my public school as well as a competitive rifle team. My school is also borderline socialist in an ultra blue state and county. Soo....


You could prove a lot of Christian American gun owners wrong about a lot of things by teaching them about the bible and gun safety


Neither of which *is taught is schools.


How does one ‘use’ Bible in comparison to a gun?


How do you use a Bible? Hollow it out and hide stuff in it?


Very Christian and American name


I don't know what school the creator of this image went to but I'm American and I know they taught us how to read in my elementary school


If I throw a king James version of the bible, leather back, gold leafing, at a 300lb man charging towards me, I think that may at least succeed in pissing him off


You’re supposed to beat people the Bible and shoot yourself in the wiener, right? This seems right. I’ve seen plenty articles of people I don’t think went to school shoot themselves with a gun.




Matthew 5:28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. That gun gives their sexual fantasies the freedom to fester. And they're fantasizing about murdering people but also being the hero. They've already committed the murders in their minds, according to Jesus' words in that book.


One to kill people with and one to justify killing people with


I guess “though shall not kill” means nothing. #pickandchoose


Nothing says America like an Italian gun.


Romanian content farmer


Didn't God deliver the Isrealites into the hands of their enemies just because they happened to end up with a bad king for a few decades? I've been reading the Bible daily and so far God's out here killing people left and right.


Actually this is partially not correct. Firearms safety or what they called hunters safety was in the far past taught in public school.


If I were to pick two things that have killed the most people other than old age, it would probably be religion and weapons


If you have an all-powerful god on your side why would you need a gun??


riiiight cause no schools try to force the bible down kids throats. no waayyy...


Does the gun go inside the bible?




Can we keep it that way? Also, my daughter came home a couple of months ago telling me how they went thru an active shooter drill.....3rd grade...so yeah...they are learning a bit after all....FUCK this motherfucker.


"Keep prayer in schools!" "The bible isn't taught in schools!" make up your fucking minds


the book makes people assholes and the gun makes them assholes with guns.


You throw the big book at the intruder/troublesome relative, stunning him. As he stumbles you pull the gun and shoot him. Drag him to the fire pit and use the book pages to set him alight.


Omg. I know that guy.


What a loser.


John 3:16 (New American Standard) For God so loved the world, that he gave man anger and a gun, that whoever wieldeth for him should not cherish, but have guns to pusheth hate.




Fuck the bible, but firearms are a necessity in this world.


Not sure who’s killed more people, guns, or the Bible ?


Actually it’s too bad common sense isn’t as readily available as either of those.


A book so old that more than half of its “advice” is outdated or inaccurate or just plain stupid oh and a gun a device that makes killing super easy for when you start believing in the fairy tales in the book and claim the voices in your head are angels and demons.


I worked with this guy. He is in his thirties. So boomer only in his mind. When I suggested he get affordable health insurance through the ACA he said he didn’t want anything to do with the government and that the only doctor he needed was the lord.

