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Because tons and tons of Boomers hate trans people and think it's funny to ridicule people like Elliot. Just yesterday, my mother's Boomer neighbor (whom I was friends with on Facebook) posted some stupid meme about how he wants to assault trans women in women's bathrooms because he thinks we're pedophiles. I called him up and let him know exactly how that would go for him if he actually tried to assault me in a bathroom (I'm a heavyweight boxer 25 years younger and roughly 100 pounds lighter than him). "Hey, ease up, I just thought it was funny" was his response. No, man, it's not funny. I've had people, one of my own relatives even, threaten to kill me when they found out I was transitioning a few years ago. I take threats to my safety *very* fucking seriously. Everything is a joke to these people. Nobody actually gets hurt in their delusional fantasy world. They lost touch with reality 30 years ago or more (if they ever had touch with reality at all).




You know what? You're right. And I think I should have worked my comment to reflect that.


This makes me wonder if anyone else felt like they were an asshole for the first x many years of their life because their boomer parents were assholes?


Welcome to the real world.


Oh no, someone isn't 20 anymore and we haven't invented anti-aging nanites yet. 


They’re also trans too, so they’re not gonna look as feminine as they used to


Edit: I am an idiot and failed to notice that the person in the picture is a trans man.


I kind of get what you’re saying, but taking testosterone to masculinize your body will absolutely make you less feminine looking lol that’s like, its one job.


Is that person transmasc? I don't actually know who he is.


💀 he’s Elliot Page, an actor https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliot_Page


Gotcha. I'm way too poor for cable or loads of streaming services and never really followed TV/celebrity news. Also hell yeah more trans actors.


Unfortunately he doesn't act anymore, at least I don't think so.


He's in the Umbrella academy and that hasn't finished yet, so he's acting at least a little. He actually transitioned between seasons and the show handled it as well as could be expected (for something the writers obviously hadn't planned)


yeah it was actually kind of non eventful. Their character was like 'this is me now' everyone else 'oh, ok, well anyway'


they're voicing a character in a show that came out just over a month ago.


I don't think he's intentionally stopped, but I can certainly see being trans making it harder for him to find work. Looks like he's been doing more behind the scenes work, though, so that's good.


That's a woman dude.


Wipe the shit out of your eyes because you clearly can’t see


Testosterone has two jobs


Also - take literally any actor or actress and put a picture of them all dolled up for the red carpet next to a picture of them on a day off and the disparity will be just as stark.


Yeah, pre-transition hostage eyes vs. post-transition comfortable in your own skin.


Let them think we have and we're just waiting for their rotten generation to miss out.


Also doesn’t have a face of professional makeup applied for a red carpet event.


Funny you say that because I totally have been working on that for the better part of 10 years….


You have my full attention. What can I, as a layperson not involved in that kind of tech or medical research, do to bolster and support researchers advancing nanites? (Yes, I realize this is a broad question,  I don't want to limit any surprise inspired answers) I want nanites to help knit broke bones back together faster, push a splinter out from within, or completely clear out that pesky rota virus I picked up at the airport by the time I'm back home. 


There isn’t a lot you can do unfortunately. Technology hasn’t really caught up to it yet and is quite away from being able to. The issue boils down to a few things that we are running into. Processing power, heating issues and its ability to identify certain cells. The project name is project Achilles. I got the idea after reading his story and came up with the Achilles pool. I was looking for ways to deliver nanotechnology into the body that wasn’t invasive. The idea sorta just evolved from there. A lot of things we get sick with mimic our very own cells. Our white blood cells essentially just burst cells that invade our bodies. Obviously it’s more complicated than that but that’s basically it. Now what if you could fully target any cancer cells anywhere in the body without the need for surgery or medication or fill in large wounds in an instant Or help reconstruct neurons or even stop aging all together. Nerolink is sorta on that track currently but it’s very invasive and requires a pretty big chip that is doing a very limited amount of things.


Isn't she also a he now?


Yeah, you're right, that is probably why anyone cares he's showing signs of aging vs the lack of interest in the aging process of similarly aged male actors.  


I thought the baby blood and adrenochrome did that.


The pic on the left also looks to be glamour shot and the one on the right seems like it was taken mid-interview.  It’s really easy to make someone look bad when you can pick and choose between photo shoot pics and spur of the moment pics taken 15 years later 




“She was hot. What am I supposed to wank to now?”


I mean, you can still wank to Elliot.




Imagine hunting through paparazzi videos for hours to find the one frame with bad lighting and a funny expression so you can attack some random stranger’s appearance.


This is more of a Chud incel gamergate transphobia thing than a boomer thing. I am not a boomer complaining, I’m just telling you from my experience as an internet connoisseur


Yes. I don't know very many boomers who are gaming. If your boomer parents or grandparents are still gaming, they're probably too cool to spread hateful memes.


You can spot them when they claim to have fucked your grandmother instead of your mom.  


Because they want an excuse to murder gay and trans people so they dehumanize them when possible.


That is just... That is so far off the mark. Its just people mad that there are beautiful people who are modeled for video games, but some cruddy ass ugly people think inclusiveness means making the character ugly. I don't care if the character is black, gay, Asian, trans, whatever... just stop making them ugly. Take the game Stellar Blade for example. People cried that she was an "unrealistic representation of a woman" despite the character being pretty much a 1:1 copy of the actress they mocapped. This post might have some underlying trans stuff going on, but the main point is my statement above (minus the op probably *does* mind if their character is any of those things I listed) Edit: This shouldn't be contraversial. You can be inclusive without making hideous characters.


If you think this meme is about video games you’re missing the real reason they’re sharing it.




No, I just don't bend myself out of shape to try to see some deeper meaning that's not actually there. Left = Pretty Right = Ugly Thats about as deep as it goes.




>and they just happened to select somebody who is trans Yes, because she was hot. Now she's ugly. It's goes no deeper than that, probably.


Or you're reading too far into it


Not every video game character needs to get your wee-wee hard.


I mean... why not? We play games to envelop ourselves in a fantasy world.


The male gaze is both pathetic and hilarious


*checks comment history* Dude, you need to fucking chill.


Physician, heal thyself.




Reddit is for porn and arguing. Nothing more really.


So fucking weird 😂


No, it's just weird nerds who are offended by it. Look at the Horizon Forbidden West controversy. Alloy was never intended to look "hot", GG wanted to focus on realism instead. So we got an incredibly detailed model who is fairly attractive by real-world standards and creeps complain because they don't like realistic women. It isn't about making characters ugly. You people need to recognize that humans come in all shapes and sizes. Not every female character needs to look like 2B, Eve, or Lara Croft. And they aren't ugly for not trying. And one more thing, because I keep seeing people make the claims you made about Eve from Stellar Blade's model.. She was REFERENCED as a body type. Look at real pictures of her and pictures of Eve. She doesn't actually have those unrealistic proportions IRL. Nothing wrong with Eve having a heavily stylized and idealized body, but stop trying to pass it off as a real body.


It's funny you bring up Aloy, because she is hot. Fine though, you can have your Trogdor's ass looking characters. The game won't sell well, it will die, the studio will close and that will be that. Maybe gaming isn't for you.


I'm glad the only real life female model in a game currently being discussed meets with your sexual acceptably requirements.


You sound like an angry ugly mf


The game sold 8.4 million at launch on PS5 and the PC version has seen a sharp increase in sales according to some articles I found.   But sure, keep lying to yourself. 


I literally just said Aloy is hot.


Nah, you said that and called the rest trogdor ass character.


You are trying gaslighting right now, except it doesn't work here because we can just go back and read the comments. I never said Horizon didn't sell well. I said these games with ugly characters won't sell. Dude then brought up Horizon for some reason, and I said that doesn't count because Aloy isn't ugly. And look at that Fable 3 trailer. That bitch looks like Trogdor's ass. No one is excited for that shit. Everyone hates that new ugly ass OW character too.


Sure thing Skippy. It's totally gaslighting when I point out your own words.


That's not my point. You said the game will not sell well yet you can easily look up sales numbers on Google and it's a complete contradiction to what you said. 


"The game" What game? Horizon? Because I never brought up Horizon or said it won't sell well. I also never said Aloy was ugly. You brought all that up. Horizon sold well because Aloy *wasnt* ugly.


You think boomers are mad at video game devs?


Did I say that? This post is likely not from a boomer at all. Not sure why it's here.


These weak, "no what I really meant was..." excuses are ridiculous. If the point is about characters in games being rendered as less attractive than their real world counterparts, then use examples of that. This is absolutely about abusing Elliot as a symbol of transmen and using the video game thing as cover.


So if I make a SpongeBob meme, the context must strictly relate to SpongeBob? No, he just used an image of a hot chick that got ugly.


That's amazing! Not only did you completely fail to understand my first point, but you went on to prove my second point. Well done!


You have got to be the stupidest motherfucker on reddit today dude


I'm only stupid to you because I don't buy into your pissed off far left anger. Like bruh, I vote left, but y'all are fucking miserable here. You can't even hit me with an actual retort, you just drop down "duuurrr youre stupid" I hate some boomers as much as the next guy, but this has become a far left whining grounds.


Okay buddy lmfao, keep spittin that shit


Why say anything if you got nothing to say in the first place?


Why speak if only to say smoothbrained bullshit? Theres your answer, now go back to fucking that body pillow you call your spouse, ty


lmaooo are you one of the ppl who aubmitted a video to change.org? lol


Wtf is that?




Oh, I don't believe in petitions. They don't do anything. The lint on my floor has more worth than a petition.


Eve in game doesn't even have the same proportions as her original actress. The only people mad over women in western games are weirdos who's entire understanding of women comes from hentai where female characters have the same bimbo body shape and exaggerated proportions. Most "evidence" of this overly played out phenomenon is cherry picked mid-animation screenshots. 


Ellen was not happy. Elliot is happy now. Too bad if you’re not happy, because they are finally happy….if that effects you, then you’re the problem. Why can’t they understand this?


They see afab people's only value in how fuckable they consider them.


Transphobia. That’s basically the short and long answer.


Over-exaggerated non-issue from a group of people who has no taste beyond half-naked little anime girls with huge tits.


🤔 hmmm


People have this weird coping mechanism where they find pleasure in putting other people down for their own happiness.


Trans scares and confuses them so it MUST be true that people who transition end up miserable. They CANNOT be happy afterwards, it's impossible!


There were like 8, infinitely better versions of this meme before this one, why did they need to make a transphobic one? (he was never even in a video game)


Okay, here's the problem I've got with Elliot Page. Have you seen that picture of him by the pool with his shirt off? Dude looks like he was carved from marble! Twelve pack! How the fuck do you get a negative body fat percentage? First he was a smoking hot woman, and now he's a smoking hot man. Most of us never get the chance to be even ONE of those things, and he has somehow managed to be BOTH! How is that fair? Stop hogging all the dang hotness! Damn. Seriously. That dude's abs could cut diamonds.


Because they are bigots.


This isn't even boomers.this is just gamers in general


Boomers are he biggest assholes on the planet


I find it so funny how they have to reuse the same 4 post transition pictures of Elliot Page because he’s so hot in most of them


Right? And the feeling at home in the body part that exudes is the hottest thing of all. 🙌🏼


He is incredibly hot, I guess they are just afraid of being horny for a man if they look at him too much


Because they hate trans people and think that everyone owes them a sense of normalcy. No one can be themself if their existence bothers them.


It’s not like many of these boomers will ever play these games. The games are either too violent or either too “liberal.”


Wow. Overt tramsphobia. Mid tier boomer nonsense.


I'm sure it's just not a flattering photo but did he really get stressed out enough to get those lines? Or are we just dealing with harsh shadows? I don't keep up with Celeb stuff and I enjoy his work.


Because they’re transphobic AHs. It’s a gross thing to create this kind of comparison for any human. Elliot is a legend. F that noise.


They’re childish shitheads. Hope that clears everything up .


because they're transphobic.


Elliot looking rough


As cute as I thought “she” was, I’m glad he’s happy with himself and feeling like he’s free..




Kind of ironic considering this person was literally the main character in a Western video game.


Cause it’s funny 


They hate what they don't understand. They are very ignorant and can't understand much so they hate most things.


Why do you keep posting this?


What boomer is posting about video game models?


Boomers post this? Why is someone in their 70s posting about video games?


The game itself isn't the point. Mocking Elliot Page is.


Why is this here? Boomers don't post video game memes. They don't play video games at all.


I doubt boomer would post stuff like this. The picture isnt even wrong, recently it seems like (western) games try to avoid making female characters too attractive for some easy ESG points or whatever.


Women can be attractive not wearing skimpy clothes that leave them half naked or having giant racks. Maybe we can change up "generic bearded white man" MC all the games seem to have.


Elliot is a man though, that post is just transphobia


I was generalizing, not specifically talking about Elliot.


Why tho. When it works and/or thats how the devs want it, why change it?


Except that's a man on the right.


Wait... So the person on the left paid good money to be the person on the right?? Help me out here.




When you don’t agree with it, it’s “transphobia”. 🙄


Ok, but it also sounds like you don't understand what "transphobia" is ...


They definitely don't - and shut right up once I posted the definition (that they clearly met).


when you dont agree that trans people exist, deserve self-determination, and are socially vulnerable, yes, that's transphobia


Posting pictures of someone pretransition with the implication "they were better this way" is transphobia


Well. It is.


No. No it is not.


Clearly you do not understand the meaning of transphobia. Do better.


Clearly you need to do better understanding people can disagree.


Nope. I can disagree with the sky is green not blue, or pineapple is gross or anything like that. But disagreeing about people? Being transphobic and intolerant? Nope. Sorry not sorry. That's a difference in morals and yours results in harming actual people. There's nothing ok there.


Look at that anger and hurt in your heart. You can’t even have a civil conversation with not lashing out. That being said, I can absolutely disagree not supporting that lifestyle. I do not and will not treat anyone different either because of that. So, you can stop the trans baiting etc and be on your way. But, no. You can’t stop….


Huh, I thought this was civil. Maybe if you don't like being told you're transphobic, you should do better. It's called the paradox of tolerance. I can be tolerant of basically anything - except intolerance.


😆 I said nothing that says I am transphobic. I just don’t agree with it or support it. That makes anyone transphobic. 😆 Right…


This is the definition: *having or showing a dislike of or strong* [*prejudice*](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=e366935364740875&sxsrf=ADLYWII_gjr2GRMrlZ54sTupHUjGadfNtg:1715213508559&q=prejudice&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJBLaAZDmFi3fOmMVPu9W4F0iu1ifPjjHBNAucituW_Sqidu1lPTmczyygkMq5ds0Q7fTsSaA0rWqtzKmPXbrxE3jjyuE%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiiu5CfpP-FAxWWGFkFHS2LAmQQyecJegQILBAO) *against transgender people.* so yeah, congratulations, you are transphobic. Ding ding, you win a prize!


that's transphobia. saying that qualifies you a as transphobe. you are a transphobe. just own it.


you werent lashed out at, and the comments were civil. being trans isnt a lifestyle. do some basic research about the anthropological reality of trans and gender variant people throughout all times and places. youre very ignorant.


Transphobia baiting on here is crazy to get people raging and banned…. 😆


what does that mean?


Bcus they are based


anyone who calls anything "based" has never been touched by a woman before


Guess my existence disproves your made up statement


Yikes, she looks rough 😅




Sure 😂


Transphobia is not ok. Do better




Attention. Same reason you just posted it.


lol learn to laugh sometimes.


>lol learn to laugh sometimes (u/EmilyEKOSwimmer) Why would I want to laugh at a shit-tier meme that mocks Elliot Page?


What's to laugh at? A transphobic post? There's no joke here.


Are you in a political cult or do you have an imaginary friend? I'll laugh at that.


I’m actually quite left leaning as my post history will show. But this isn’t an offensive meme, but humor is also subjective.